Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 692: .Meeting the Elves

"Sorry, it's a little late." The Elven King said to Kant with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, the banquet was originally set for your highness." Kant got up and responded.

The elven king shook his head and sat down in his place.

Kant glanced at the attendant next to him, and sat down with the elven king.

"Dear ministers, the banquet has begun." After receiving Kant's prompt, the bodyguard preached to the ministers of the two countries under his seat.

The ministers sitting and whispering in the guest room murmured.

"Today is to greet the feast set by the guests of the Elven Kingdom. I hope you will not be cautious. Have more exchanges with each other. Improve the mutual understanding between the two countries. Here, I will first address the Royal Highness King and other ministers of the Elven Kingdom. Toast a glass of wine to fulfill the friendship of the landlord." Kant picked up the glass of wine in front of the desk and gestured to the elven king, and sipped out the wine.

"Hehe." His Highness the Elf King smiled happily: "Thank you Lord Lord Kant. Then I also represent the Elf Kingdom, and I would like to return to you a cup. I hope that the future of the Kaladea Empire is similar and the cooperation between the two countries can be more harmonious."

After seeing the toast of the elven king, the courtier also raised his wine glass and drank the wine in the glass.

The orchestra began to play court music under the direction of the attendants.

During the banquet, the ministers sitting on the throne all talked to each other, whether they were elven or human races, the interest was very high.

Before Kant tried the food, he raised his wine glass to His Royal Highness and asked, "I don't know if His Highness would be willing to spend a few more days in Caladea?"

The elf king's cheeks were already flushed with alcohol, and he waved his hand at the moment: "Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your kind invitation. But our group will probably be returning home tomorrow afternoon."

"Tomorrow afternoon? The weather in the desert is bad. When we set off in the afternoon, we have to find a place to camp in order to avoid wind and sand. Why not stay in Dekhrem for a few days and set off in the morning after adjusting to the state?" Kant put The wine glass was raised to his mouth and he took a sip. Then said to the elven king.

"There are still many things that need to be arranged in the country of the Elves. I have shared my affairs with the ministers of the DPRK and China this time abroad. But I am still not very relieved." The Elf King explained.

"Well, there is such a heavy business for His Royal Highness, and he can take the time to come to Caladea in person. It is indeed an honour." Kant nodded and said no more.

"You can make your Highness Kant say this. It's really embarrassing." The Elven King responded with a smile.

In the second half of the banquet, the ministers under the seat had fallen asleep on the desk because they drank too much wine. And some people danced in spirit.

Kant couldn't help frowning when he saw this messy scene: It seems that he still wants to reduce the amount of drinking in the future. Some ministers are too rude to drink.

Thinking of this, Kant smiled embarrassedly at the elf king on the side.

The Elven King knew what he meant, and waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care much.

At the end of the banquet, Kant asked the guards to call the housekeepers in the respective palaces of the ministers of Caladea, and took their owners back.

The minister of the elven kingdom also fell, but most of them slept soundly and returned to the resting place with the help of their companions and attendants in the palace.

Kant personally sent the Elven King to the carriage. After watching the carriage go away, he also returned to the palace where he was sleeping.

Because he had paid too much wine, Kant's posture when he walked became shaky.

After seeing Kant's return, the attendants outside the palace door immediately sent people to the chef to make a sobering soup.

When the sobering soup came to Kant, Kant was sitting at the round table in the main hall, holding his forehead drowsy.

"His Royal Highness, after drinking this bowl of hangover soup, go bathing again." The bodyguard reminded carefully.

After Kant opened his eyes dimly, his eyes were on the steaming soup, still sitting for a while, and slowly scooped up the soup and drank it.

"Isn't it hot?" the attendant whispered tangledly.

It wasn't until I saw that Kant had completely consumed the hangover soup before he hurried forward to remove the soup bowl. Call someone to serve Kant's bathing and dressing.

Kant was lying on the bed in a confused gown.

I remembered the plight of the elven king today about what he said to be a dwarf kingdom. Until I fell into a deep sleep, my brows were still frowned.

Early the next morning, Kant got up early according to the usual biological clock.

Yesterday I drank a lot of alcohol, but because someone helped to take care of it, it didn’t make much difference after getting up this morning.

After breakfast, Kant walked to the front of the Senate Hall.

The desktop is already filled with information sent by the Elven Kingdom.

Kant picked up a stack of them and looked at it. This look was an entire morning.

In this morning, Kant had completed the history of the gnome country.

The Elven Kingdom also sent them to search for the new address of the dwarf kingdom and gave a preliminary judgment.

After reading all the materials, Kant almost had a bottom in his heart.

The new residence of the Gnomish Kingdom is a cave located near the volcano, where the artisans of the Gnomish Kingdom built a community suitable for their residence. However, those buildings now only have broken walls. No one in the gnome country was seen.

After dispatching personnel from the Elven Kingdom, no traces of fighting were found on the scene, but weapons commonly used by goblins were found.

Now it seems that ~www.novelmtl.com~ the goblin is probably the culprit that made the gnome disappear.

But where did the goblins take the gnome. But it trapped the process of the Elven kingdom investigation.

Kant sent the captain responsible for training the guards, ready to discuss with him what Caladia should do next.

"Good lord." The captain walked into the palace and saluted Kant.

"Well." Kant nodded and described the situation he had summarized.

"Cameron volcano?" The captain said hesitantly, his expression on his face seemed to be a bit distressed: "Among our soldiers, the training for such severe terrain has not been implemented yet."

"It doesn't matter if you are unfamiliar, the main task entrusted to you is to find soldiers with qualities and potential in this area." Kant shook his head and replied: "The dispatching troops of the Elven Kingdom will work with you to provide their previous experience. Cooperation Strong ability is also an important selection criterion."

"Well, I get it. Then I'll go to the army to select it now." The captain replied after hearing Kant's request.

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