Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 689: . Censorship to the military camp

Durandel’s coal mine resources are constantly being transported to Dehrim. The processing is carried out by a state-owned factory on the outskirts of Dekhrem.

Of course, this is under the condition of maintaining Durandel Coal Plant's own coal storage capacity.

The clean coal processed by the factory was sent to military camps and other places, and it showed its excellent quality.

In Durandel's letter, Derek mentioned the cooperation intention proposed by the organization of Elven State to Durandel Coal Plant.

This really surprised Kant a little, and did not expect that the Elves would first propose such cooperation.

However, deciding whether to cooperate requires careful consideration.

After all, this may affect international relations between the two countries.

Kant was still quite distressed about the matter.

One evening, after finishing today's document.

Kant decided to take a look at the barracks during this free time.

Abdul's army has ended his vacation and returned to the queue. I don't know what the training status is.

With this in mind, Kant took the bodyguard and went to the training ground of the barracks without notifying anyone in advance.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the stone road of the palace. Kant, sitting in the carriage, couldn't help lifting the curtains, looking at the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Will they just be resting?" Kant asked the guard who served as the driver casually.

"It shouldn't be. It's quite early at the end of the training at this time." The guard answered.

These bodyguards are all elites from the army, and they can say very clearly about the life of the army.

Kant heard this and nodded.

After arriving at the military camp, Kant stepped off the carriage and walked to the vicinity of the training ground.

In the barracks, no one is allowed to ride instead of walking. So Kant followed the rules of the army in a low-key manner, even if it was not necessary.

Just walked near the front of the training ground. Kant heard the hot voices in the field.

"Lord." When Kant walked into the training sing with a group of guards, Adonis had noticed their traces, crossed most of the venue, and came forward to say hello.

"Well. How are the soldiers under your training? I heard: This training mode was only implemented in the army after you went to Durandall." Kant asked Adonis.

"Yes. Soon after the soldiers started training in this mode, everyone felt quite new. But the plan discussed by Bandak and other officers was really good, and most of the soldiers were already proficient in this. "Adunis replied.

"Well, it looks really good." Kant glanced at the soldiers lined up in the distance and said.

"Lord." I don't know when, Bandak had also approached Kant's body. Say good deeds at this moment.

"Bandak commander, I asked you to sort out the list of soldiers who went to Durandel the other day. You haven't given it to me yet." Kant reminded him when he noticed Bandak.

"Excuse me, lord. I will give you the list tomorrow," Bandak said awkwardly.

"It's hard to integrate the opinions of the soldiers," Kant continued.

"The soldiers did say some of their own ideas. But mainly because of the different family conditions. It took some time to understand each one." Bandak replied hesitantly.

"Well. Then you have to sort it out and give it to me. Don't worry about the time." Kant responded after thinking for a while.

"Thank you lord." Bandak let out a sigh of relief.

Kant, led by Bandak and Adonis, toured every array of soldiers. After the end of the tour, it was time for the training to disband in the afternoon.

Before Bandak came to power, he asked Kant: Do you want to speak to the soldiers of the army? Kant shook his head, denying the proposal.

"Lord, it's dinner time now. Are you going back to the palace?" The soldiers were bustling and Bandak stepped down and asked Kant.

"Well, it's time for dinner." Kant said: "Then we three will eat together."

After pointing, he pointed to Adunis.

"I should be eating with you for the first time, right?" Kant asked Adonis.

Adonis was a little surprised by Kant's proposal, and nodded to Kant's question.

"So, are we going to...?" Bandak said hesitantly, with a look on his face.

"Dine with the soldiers. Just like you usually do." Kant replied.

Kant dismissed the guards around him, and asked them to find his familiar comrade-in-arms in the army.

On the open field of the training ground, only Kant, Bandak and Adunis were left.

"Where is the barracks restaurant?" Kant asked. His eyes turned to Bandak.

After Bandak and Kant met each other, they walked up to Kant in anxiety and said, "Lord, let me lead the way."

"it is good."

The decoration of the barracks restaurant is still good. After Kant walked in, he nodded in satisfaction.

The soldiers lined up in front of the windows of various dishes, and many people who rushed to the front had already sat in their seats and started to dine.

The room was filled with the sound of soldiers talking and the collision of knives, forks and dishes.

Bandak took the other two to sit down in an empty seat at the corner.

"Lord, please wait." Bandak said. After making a glance to Adonis, he walked to the kitchen chef.

Kant nodded as a response, and waited quietly in his place.

Adonis was asked by Bandak to stay with the lord~www.novelmtl.com~ and he was a little restless about the situation that was unfamiliar at the moment.

Kant looked around the entire restaurant and pointed to the long line in the corner on his right and asked, "What are those soldiers doing in line?"

Adonis followed Kant's hand and looked up. After seeing the situation clearly, he replied: "There is a place for beer. It is quite popular among the soldiers."

"Beer?" Kant questioned.

"Yes. Beer made from fresh wheat shipped from Cumberland. It was only offered in the barracks a few months ago." Adonis explained.

"Sounds great. Could you please help me get a drink?" Kant asked.

"Of course." Adonis listened to the lord and immediately stood up to follow the long line.

Kant's body seemed to be surrounded by a strong aura, even during the free time of the meal.

Adonis walked behind the queued soldiers and secretly took a breath.

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