Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 662: .Medical soldiers who appeared unexpectedly

It turned out that when the scouts infiltrated the watchtower on the first day, Dehrim's imminent invasion of the undead was already discovered.

In the previous battlefield, the undead tribe was seriously injured by the army of other countries.

A considerable number of soldiers are unable to participate in the war.

So when Dekhrim's army attacked the gate, the undead soldiers did not show up. They are waiting for the rescue of the lizards.

As for what conditions the Undead Clan has given the Lizard Clan, they are willing to come to the Naron Desert to help the Undead Clan siege Dekhrim. The captured scouts are not clear.

"Where are the wounded Undead Warriors? Where are they?" Bandak asked after he heard Angelo's statement.

"We don't know this either. It may be in the palace, or it may be taken away by the Lizardmen's ship." Angelo said helplessly.

They were imprisoned in the darkroom by the soldiers of the Undead clan on the first day of their infiltration. It was not clear at all how the Undead clan moved.

"You gave them the signal flare?" Bandak said.

"After they found the flare from us, they planned to lead you near the palace." Angelo lowered his head and said sorry to Bandak: "We..."

"Forget it." Bandak glanced at the other scouts and waved his hand. "This will wait for us to return to Dehrim, and you will explain to your chief in detail."

After saying this, Bandak said to the other soldiers who were sitting and resting: "You guys, there may be other undead soldiers in the palace. We are still at a disadvantage. We cannot relax our vigilance."

After a small victory, everyone's physical strength has reached the limit.

At this time, the search should be started in the palace, but in order to maintain the final fighting power of the soldiers, Bandak ordered to rest in place.

Bandak and several familiar subordinates sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to discuss how to make the Lizardmen defeat.

"How many troops are there in our hands now?" Bandak asked.

A subordinate officer raised his right hand and replied: "There are 1,500 people in front of the palace."

"The lizardmen's ranks are almost the same as ours, but they are really good at melee combat. And in terms of the terrain outside the gate of the palace, they are also dominant." Another officer continued.

"Would you like to lead them to the palace?" the officer just thought after proposing.

Bandak raised his head, looked at him, and asked, "Is there any way?"

"Well, I think we can pretend we have surrendered. Let an undead soldier introduce the lizard tribe." The officer said cautiously.

"Undead soldiers? Where are the undead soldiers from us, even if there are still a group of dead soldiers who were beaten down. With their consciousness, they can't understand what we are talking about. They won't help us." An officer questioned.

When he finished speaking, everyone else was quiet.

The soldier who made the suggestion seemed a little embarrassed, but he did not expect what to do.

Bandak felt that his current situation gave him a headache and rubbed his temples with his hands. The fluorescence from the healing stone in his hand is getting brighter and brighter. Bandak immediately felt a warm current flow into his brain.

An idea also manifested in his mind.

"Frez, help me find a medical soldier from Elven Country. I have something to ask him." Bandak said.

The subordinate officer known as Fraez did not know what his commander was thinking, and inexplicably stood up and recruited a medical soldier from the elven kingdom to bring it to Bandak.

Bandak looked at the elf and confirmed that it was the one before, and said, "What's your name?"

"Komori." the elf said carefully.

Bandak took out the little stone just now and continued to ask, "You gave me this medicine stone, right? How did you make such a medicine stone?"

Komori explained cautiously: "In the elf country, quarries that produce very conductive stones, we will use magic to refine such a one-off medicinal stone."

Bandak nodded and continued, "I have seen many fighters from your country. Their spells are indeed amazing. But they have their own strengths. Your medical soldiers have always been backing up. What spells are you good at? "

"The selection criteria for our medical soldiers is to allow only spirit elves to participate in the registration. Everyone also operates some magic spells of the spirit department," Komori replied.

At this time, Bandak's heart was already full of surprises.

Turned around and said to other subordinate officers: "The "Dead Warrior" who found and understood our words."

Hearing this sentence, there are still some people who are puzzled, but most people have probably figured out the tactics that Bandak planned in his heart.

An officer hesitated and said, "Commander, do you want the elves to pretend to be undead warriors?"

Bandak nodded when he heard that, and said nothing more.

In his mind, there is now something more urgent to confirm.

Faced with Komori, Bandak said, "So can you show me? To what extent have your spiritual spells reached?" He looked forward silently in his heart, based on the accumulation of previous experience: Can learn People with spiritual spells will have their own consciousness several times stronger than others. The result of this is that most of them can naturally manipulate the consciousness and senses of others.

This type of blinded illusion, although other types of casters can also learn some fur, thus designing some scams.

But for those who really refine their spirits from an early age, it is really a little whimper.

"The degree?" Komori's face was foggy~www.novelmtl.com~ He didn't understand much from the beginning: "It is possible to do some recovery treatment and the like."

"Don't you learn spells like manipulating consciousness?" Bandak asked.

Komori nodded: "I have learned, but we are only used to help patients relieve pain and promote nerve recovery."

"Then you come and try to cover your consciousness with my consciousness. Let me see what you want me to see." Bandak said solemnly.

"Huh?" Komori was a little surprised, watching Bandak had closed his eyes. He also silently thought of Bandak as an ordinary patient.

When Bandak opened his eyes and looked at him again, the dark palace had become a colorful sea of ​​flowers.

What I heard, what I heard was consistent with the scene.

Bandak, who knew that he was in a phantom, could not help but nodded approvingly.


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