Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 652: .Cumberland's Small Development

The gnome craftsmen were quiet for a while after the little girl spoke.

Then he clamored again and again until he got on the carriage, making the whole car noisy.

Kant glanced at the girl sitting in the front row and continued to talk to her: "What's your name? Is it their leader?"

"Well, my name is Vivian." the girl said timidly.

"Don't always talk to Xiao Weiweian," the dwarf sitting in the back interjected.

"Why?" the dwarf sitting next to him asked.

"Because she will be angry."

"I think she will just be angry with you."

"Wrong, you are wrong. She is a stubborn and strange guy."

"That's because you stirred her temper..."

The two gnomes quarreled, and the red hair on their heads seemed even redder. Like autumn maple leaves.

Kant shook his head, looked at Vivienne, and found that her face seemed to be always red, not sure whether it was because of tension or something.

Thinking that this team leader is quite special, he didn't take the initiative to say anything.

Arriving in Cumberland, the dwarf craftsmen crowded out of the car and startled the peasants who were resting in the field.

They are also the first time they have seen people other than Dekhrim on this occasion.

Kant took the party to the arranged residence and wanted them to take a short rest. Start working tomorrow.

However, after listening to his plan, all the dwarf craftsmen expressed their opposition with the leader as the representative.

"We want to start working immediately." Vivian said at the forefront of the team.

"Why? You just arrived here, you should still spend some time to become familiar with the water and soil environment here." Kant said his own consideration.

"Our country is about to move, and we need to go back quickly." Vivian explained.

"Moving? Are you going to move across the dwarf country?" Kant asked with a surprised expression.

"Yes, we move every half a century."

"Why? Is there any reason?" Kant wondered.

"No, I just don't want to stay in the same place for too long."

Kant recalled that he had heard such a habit of the dwarf race before. I was shocked when I knew it. After thinking for a while, Kant asked: "So you have to hurry back and help?"

Vivienne and the dwarf craftsmen behind her nodded in unison.

"Well, I'll get the drawings. You go to the construction site with people first." Kant said to everyone. Turned around and left here.

His subordinates led everyone to the site where they were originally surveyed.

When Kant reached the coast, Lao Yuan heard the collision of steel.

Then I saw a group of dwarf craftsmen using all kinds of tools to cut the basic material piled under the rain cloth into a whole shape.

"You started construction now?" Kant asked loudly.

"These are basic preparations. All of our projects start here." All the dwarf craftsmen were working hard, and only Vivienne, who was standing idle, answered Kant's question.

Kant stepped forward and handed her the drawings while asking, "Is Miss Vivian the commander in charge?"

"I didn't participate just because my hand was injured, and the hands of the gnome people are gifts from God. Without these hands, I can't complete a perfect work. How can I destroy everyone's efforts?" Wei Weian laughed Explained.

"It turns out that," Kant replied slightly apologetically: "I believe Vivienne should be excellent as a conductor, this project will trouble you."

"Thank you, leave it to us. Don't worry." Vivian received the drawings.

After Kant hesitated, he said goodbye.

Having heard the advice of the Foreign Secretary, it is said that when the Gnomes were building the project, they must not interfere on the way.

Now it seems that they do have such a habit.

I no longer worry about myself.

Hope to see the finished product intact in the end.

Two months later, the agriculture and animal husbandry advocated by Cumberland have achieved initial results. After being processed into a variety of finished products, the first batch of Cumberland's exports has been cataloged and stored.

The construction speed of the North Shore Seaport has also reached its peak, and it is estimated that it can be officially completed before August.

In these days, although the gnome craftsmen are always busy at the construction site early in the morning and late in the evening, they are also familiar with the people who take care of their diet.

After learning about it, Kant knew that the gnome people are not only excellent in craftsmanship, but also good at singing and dancing. In particular, they created their own dances, which are simply fun and beautiful. They both surprised Kant.

But Kant has only seen it once, because he has recently traveled between Elven and Cumberland because of the North Market. More time is spent in the carriage than in the bed.

But under such hard work, the market has not made any progress.

Because the nomads in the mountain did not listen to the official persuasion, it seemed that the elven's lazy nature penetrated into the bone marrow.

Not only that, but the key is that the Elf King initially said that he would fully support this project, but now when Kant proposes to use real power to make the refugees bow down. The attitude of the palace was unknown.

The vagueness does not give a final explanation, which really makes Condrow bothered.

On his third trip to the main city of the Elven Kingdom, Kant finally saw the Elven King.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, General Kant." The elf king said coldly.

"I always wanted to see you, but I didn't see it." Kant said.

"I heard the attendant say ~www.novelmtl.com~ You came here this time also for the people in the mountains?" The elven king avoided Kant's eyes and asked with a head.

"Yes, I want to ask Your Highness to assist me. Let the refugees in the mountains can agree to the planning of this market." Kant said bluntly.

"Of course, what I said, of course, will be practiced. It's just that General Kant, can't you think of any other way?" The Elven King hesitated.

"You must know the character of the people of the Elven nation better than I do. For people of other races, I really can't think of any other way." Kant said one by one.

The unsettled depression since today has been held in my heart, and the tone of speech is also more straightforward at this time.

"It's just, since I was in power. I have never made any decisions that affect people's livelihood. I don't know how effective this time...?"

"His Royal Highness did not try, and this result was of course not expected. It's just that I was worried that His Highness would live up to the blood and goodwill of the Foreign Secretary." Kant explained from another angle.

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