Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 628: .To convey the will to make

Bandak pondered for a while, and replied: "With the number of jackals and lizardmen nearly a million, it seems that their sergeant strength is far stronger than that of Dreiheim with only more than 200,000 troops. The death knight is obviously They are the masters of jackals and lizardmen. They spend so much effort to dig the lost city, they must have a plan, and they don’t want to be cut off when they are about to harvest. Therefore, I think the death knight’s intention, Perhaps it was to warn us that Dreichem should not act rashly."

Kant and generals and senior commanders listened to Bandak’s analysis and nodded in agreement. The jackals and lizardmen came from a long distance, and the light digging time lasted for three weeks. They spent a lot of manpower and material resources as The death knight they dominate, it is impossible to hope that something will happen at the last minute. There is only one city near Drechem, and the numerous armor among Drechem is indeed a huge threat.

What's more, the soldiers and horses in Drechem have already assembled, and just waiting for Kant's order, they will kill the north, give the jackals and lizardmen some cruel, and rob them of the lost city they have dug hard. .

"Do you have any different opinions?" Although Bandak's remarks are reasonable, this is ultimately speculation, and it cannot really be used as a fact to deal with, otherwise, if it is wrong, it will be in a very passive position.

At this time, Bestur spoke: "My lord, I think the army of jackals and lizardmen has completed the excavation of the lost city at this time, and may be looking at our Dreiheim. This death knight may be Come to spy on our Dreichem's strength. Just let him in, although this death knight may not be able to spy on us much information, but also need to guard against one hand. The best way is naturally to go to the gate of the city to communicate with the death knight , See what he wants to do in Dreichem."

Bestur attaches great importance to the collection of information, so his starting point is to analyze the purpose of the death knight in terms of information. His words are not without reason. The army of jackals and lizardmen was directly exposed in the desert, and no measures were taken to prevent others from spying. Their information was basically completely spied by Kant.

But the city of Drechem is deep and deep, and most of the soldiers are staying in the fortress. In the huge fortress, how much troops are there can not be seen from the outside alone.

Kant listened to Bestur's order and smiled, "When the death knight is summoned, he will blindfold him from secretly prying into the information in our Dreichem. As for letting us go to the city At the door, just a death knight, he has no such big face."

Bestur heard Kant's words, and there was a look of shame on his face. He analyzed it from a military perspective, but he forgot that if Kant went to the city gate to meet the death knight, it did not mean that he went out to meet him personally. Judging from Kant's imminent status as king and emperor, the other party's identity is obviously not worthy of Kant's doing so.

"Okay, you don't need to care about Bestur. You are not in position, you don't seek politics, and you are a general who thinks from your perspective. There is nothing wrong with it." Kant saw Bestur's look. Casually said.

"I don't know if you have any insights?" Kant glanced around. Many generals and senior commanders immediately thought hard, but couldn't think of anything for a moment. It's just that they are very inexplicable, just a death knight. Does their lord need to be so careful?

Kant smiled slightly and shook his head a little. He clapped his hands and said, "Okay, so be it. Mande, you took a few Swadia Royal guards to convey my summons. Well, blindfolded him!"

Mandell suddenly led his life away. Kant looked around his generals and commanders with a slight sigh in his heart. There are always two sides to things, good and bad. Generals and high-ranking commanders from the system, although they are always 100% loyal to themselves, will never betray him. But because of this, Kant's position in their minds was placed too high.

Like just now, Kant could feel that the question he raised was very disapproving in the minds of many generals and senior commanders, not even Kant himself.

Kant has already prepared to send troops. These wolf men and lizard men have not kept their army information secret. Kant can be regarded as knowing himself and others. Before sending troops, it is natural to analyze the strength of the enemy and the enemy. The strength of the entire Jackal and Lizardman army has been discussed by Kant and the generals and senior commanders, and finally it was concluded that as long as the strategy is appropriate, these army of Jackal and Lizardmen can be crushed.

However, even so, when Kant solemnly proposed that the death knight who came to visit alone would use a careful tone to ask many generals and senior commanders to analyze to determine different response plans, all generals and senior commanders The officials thought hard and meditated and acted exactly in accordance with Kant's wishes. None of them stood up and refuted Kant.

For example, they can in fact say that their Dreiham is not afraid of all the Jackal and Lizardmen troops. Wherever it is necessary to treat a death knight so carefully, whatever he does, just summon or blast away. Anyway, unless the opponent directly contributes the lost city, no matter what the death knight says, they will not change their willingness to attack the army of jackals and lizardmen.

It is a pity that neither a general nor a high-ranking commander made such an opinion. They almost completely cooperated with Kant's "nonsense". However, this is not all bad. At least it can guarantee his Kant's authority very firmly. In fact, he didn't have to worry about his too much influence on the soldiers' thoughts. In fact, as long as he Kant didn't bother to arbitrarily oblige to make decisions under his hands, these generals and senior commanders were very stable.

At this time, Mander led several Swadia knights out of the city of Dreiheim.

A death knight sat alone on a skeleton horse wrapped in a waistcoat, standing outside the gate of the Drechem fortress. On top of his head, there is a small thick black cloud that directly blocks the fierce sun, so that he and the skeleton horse under him are completely exposed to the dark clouds, and they are not exposed to the poisonous sunlight. Shine.

Mande threw the balaclava directly on the death knight, and said with a slightly disgusted tone: "I set my head up~www.novelmtl.com~ Next I will take you to see the honorable Lord Kant."

The death knight was furious, pulled out a bone sword and ripped it directly, and said in an insulted tone: "Damn servant, dare to neglect and insult me? Do you know my identity, I am noble The goddess of the sun god, here is to convey the will to your humble lord, let your humble lord offer the sun disk to me to open the lost city, this is the honor of your lord! Your lord dared to rebel I, don’t come to kneel to meet me personally, offer the sun disk, and dare to send servants such as Er to humiliate me. I will not be willing to give up, I want you to pay the price!"

The death knight's tone was very angry and angry, and he was very stern, and finally even directly threatened.

In the eyes of Mande and several Royal Guards of Swadia, all of them drew their long swords, and Mande pulled out the sword of the knight, while the Royal Guard of Swadia pulled out the sword of the infantry, and their eyes were full of Anger.

"Your abominable bone rack, dare to insult the honorable Lord Kant, you are looking for death! You, let us slaughter this bone rack that dares to speak out!"

PS: The latest update may not be stable... but you are used to what I know (cover your face)

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