Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 624: .Worries of the Elven Kingdom

Above their kingdom, a splendid green light with a strong breath of life was like the tide of the sea, wave after wave impacting the sky of death, making the sky of death inaccessible and intercepted in midair.

Under the junction of the death sky and the green sea, countless elves are fighting in blood, but their opponents are their huge number of skeletons, skeleton shooters, skeleton mages, and death knights who are masters. Every death knight is an orthodox sun god. They returned from the endless darkness more than a year ago, awakening on this familiar and strange land.

The once prosperous empire collapsed, and the most prosperous place was turned into the Nalun Desert. What made them unbearable was that the land near the storm that was not turned into a desert was actually occupied by a despicable alien. Even the servants who were once their slaves could not compare with the aliens. With great anger, they turned the anger that had been betrayed by the Pope of the Sun God into a butcher's knife, and fell to the three kingdoms on the coast of Mannheim.

But obviously, the first two opponents were as fragile as they expected, and they were wiped out by them. Most of the time, they are waiting for the awakening of their siblings. For every sibling awakened, the sky of death will be thicker. At this time, all the sun gods have awakened, and the sky of death has reached its strongest. Gesture.

However, they were still blocked by the Elven Republic, which made the proud Sun Goddess very angry. Under the canopy of death, the army of skeletons seemed to hit the elf's defense line like a tide. These skeletons have humans who were once ruled by them, and more are tall jackals and lizards. Under the control of the death knight, they attacked the elves frantically.

The elves of the Elven Republic are long-lived races. Under normal circumstances, an elf has a life expectancy of tens of thousands of years. However, in this world, everything has two sides. As the elves of the long-lived race, corresponding to their long life span is their terribly low fertility rate. It is often a bunch of elves and couples that can spawn an elf for thousands of years. The population of the entire elven country is very scarce, and the total population is only more than 300,000.

The bows and arrows that the elves are best at, when dealing with the skeleton shelf, the power is mediocre. Therefore, although the Elven Republic has more than ten trees of life together releasing the light of life to resist the death sky released by the death knights, the elves themselves cannot resist the advancement of the skeleton army.

The tree of life is very tall and majestic. Compared with ordinary trees, it is like the difference between an elephant and an ant. On each tree of life, an elven city was built. The Elven Court is directly built on the tallest tree of life.

At this time, in the court of the elven king, the elven queen summoned all consuls to discuss countermeasures against the descendants of the invading sun god. However, at this time, all the elves face was extremely silent. Obviously, in the face of the impact of a large number of skeleton soldiers, neither the elf queen nor the consul had a very good way.

"Dear Your Majesty, I think the best way to deal with those skeletons is to use cavalry shocks, and once again, the infantry is hard. Using archers to fight the enemy is the most inferior method."

An elf consul took the lead to speak and put forward his views.

Another elf immediately pointedly said: "Dear Your Majesty, Caspar Brown Bear is talking nonsense. We have only 500 cavalry in the entire Elven Republic, and they are also bow cavalry, and our elven physique is weak. It is not suitable to be an infantry. Our elves are good at archery and spells. I propose to gather all elf mages together to form a wizard wizard group, and use spells to deal with those skeletons, which will be more effective than archers archery."

The elf queen heard the elf aristocrat’s words, and her eyes dimmed immediately: "Dear Arode Huiyue, your statement is very reasonable, but we can’t transfer the mages to form an army. Going forward. If not all mages work together to help the tree of life, relying solely on the tree of life itself may not be able to deal with the enemy's sky of death. If the enemy's sky of death spreads, the consequences will be unimaginable."

As soon as the elf queen spoke, the elf consul named Arroyd Hizuki said immediately: "Your Majesty, you are thoughtful."

The elf consuls knew that once the death sky was attacked, the elves could not resist the invasion of the death sky, and they would be stripped of flesh and blood and turned into a skeleton frame. Even if the Skeleton Army has the absolute upper hand in the face of the Elven Army, it can't go any further, because the light of life released by the tree of life resists the sky of death. If the skeletons dare to step into the scope of the light of life, they will become as if they are cursed by terror, and they will become weak and weak, and can be easily killed by the elves.

After a short speech, all the elves fell silent again. The power of the elven republic is only so much. In fact, the elven empire can be said to be very good at this time~www.novelmtl.com~The three countries almost divided the coast of Mannheim. From this point, we can see that three The strength between the countries is not much different. Both the Grey Mane Kingdom and the Lizardman Kingdom have been easily destroyed by the Legion of Death, and the Elven Republic can always support it, indicating that the targeted measures taken by the Elven Republic are really good. The reason why they are out of favor is entirely the gap in sergeant strength.

At this time, a consul said, "Your Majesty, I crossed the Nalun Desert hundreds of years ago. On the other side of the Nalun Desert, there are many powerful human kingdoms. I think we can ask the human kingdom. Support. I think it is possible to persuade the human kingdom to send troops to support us."

The elf queen heard the words of the consul, and couldn't help but be interested: "Oh? Chris, are you talking about the truth? Humans are greedy and despicable races. How can they cross the sinister desert of Naren to support us? ?"

The consul named Chris said: "Humans are indeed greedy and mean, but humans are also very clever. If they know the terrible death sky, then they know that the person in charge of the terrible death sky is the sun they have betrayed. The word of God’s Goddess, they will realize that if our Elven Republic is destroyed, they will be the next one to suffer, so I am sure to persuade the human kingdom to send troops to support."

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