Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 601: . The hidden half plane

Compared to making them cannon fodder yesterday to block the footsteps of the five world nobles, their combat effectiveness against the slightly weaker army was truly shown. Their strength is not superior to that of the Royal Swadian Knights and the Lion of the Lion Lion. Even if 100 Royal Knights of the Swadiya or 100 Lions of the Lion Lion fight the 100 spirits of war. The victory is definitely 100 Swadia Royal Knights and 100 Sarion Lion Knights. Because of the cooperation between them, the spirit of war is undoubtedly the worst among the three.

However, when talking about the efficiency of killing, these 100 war spirits will be able to rank first without any doubt, because their killing is extremely efficient and accurate like a group of killing machines.

Kant combined two days and one day, the performance of the war spirits in various battle situations, and gradually understood what kind of situations these war spirits can play the greatest role.

It didn't take long for 100 spirits of war to slaughter the archers above the towers and battlements, completely occupying the towers and battlements. This time, the spirit of war is not as casual as before. After all, the closer the bow and arrow, the harder it is to resist and evade, and the armor on the spirit of war is only the strength of the rules of war. After all, as more attacks are received, their defensive capabilities are gradually consumed. Yes, in the end, the armor defense of some war spirits dropped to a certain level, and they were shot directly by dozens of arrows.

The spirit of war is not invincible, which gives those archers who have been annihilated by the army some comfort before they die. After all, they have pulled at least a dozen terrifying enemies to bury them. However, if they knew that the war spirit they had shot and killed, it would only take another two hours before Kant could summon them again, would the corpse jump directly.

Because this means that the enemy forces eliminated them without any loss.

Without the threat of archers, 700 Royal Swadian Knights, 900 Lion Sion Lions, 750 Sergeant Rhodok, 800 Sergeant Swadia, 800 Sniper Shooter, Virgil 800 Archer, 800 Ravenston Rangers, and 1,000 Enfant Empire Masters, all slowly drove slowly into the Lion’s Castle from the Lion’s Gate.

Hundreds of infantry soldiers belonging to the lion's fortress were slain by the sergeant Rhodok who had been removed from the siege, and seemed to be acting as easily. Those infantrymen in the lion's fortress, who commanded the furious escape of the heaven and earth, had no courage to fight Sergeant Rodoc. However, their strength is very poor, just want to escape, it is difficult to escape completely in the crowded city gate hole, and eventually they will not be wiped out by Sergeant Roddock.

Kant stood on the goshawk, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up a nice arc.

The gate of the Lion Castle has been attacked. It is rare that the soldiers of the Lion Castle opened the gate for them. This makes the gate of the Lion Castle very intact and can be closed again. It still has a strong defense.

After all the soldiers had brought the heavy grain and grass into the Lion's Gate, Kant stood on the goshawk and ordered: "Close the gate!"

"Sergeant Roddock and Swadia each deployed 100 people to guard the gate! Hold the gate at the critical moment, don't let the enemy knock the sink gate open!"

"Rodok Sniper Shooter, Virgil Archer, and Livingston Ranger each took out 200 people and climbed to the tower and the battlements to stay! If there is a noble from the upper levels, shoot directly!"

Kant issued the order in a happy mood, and at this time the sturdy gate of the lion's fort became a powerful barrier for his army.

Subsequently, Kant's thoughts moved, Cang Ying Xiao Cang sent Kant down, Kant returned to the war horse. Then, like the other five goshawks, Xiao Cang flew high into the sky for Kant to detect the news. As long as Kant is willing, he can obtain the perspective of the six goshawks and discover the whereabouts of the enemy at any time.

For example, most of the upper class aristocrats in Nanjun County have just set off, slowly coming out of their castles, slowly marching on the road leading to the lion’s fort, and even the upper aristocracy that is closer to the lion’s fort is sending troops. The slower. Although they were forced to follow the orders of the Cameron family to force the Cameron family's terrible bloodline curse and send troops to assist the Lion Fortress, they could not rush to catch up. Wouldn’t it be better if other upper-class nobles could be pioneers?

All the intelligence was seen by Kant through the six goshawks.

"At the speed of the upper class nobles at this time, it will take them at least three hours to reach the Lion Fortress."

"Three hours is enough to wipe out the entire Lion Fortress! If the army displayed in the Lion Fortress is their full strength at this time! However, after a battle, the loss of my army is probably not small. . After all, it’s a little underestimated the details of these world nobles!"

Above the Lion’s Square, the other side is already occupied by the army of Baron Isaiah Cameron, but this side is occupied by the army of Baron Kant. When the city gate was opened, Baron Russell Cameron did not send troops to recapture the city gate. With the elite level of Kant’s arms he observed, it was just sending troops to die in the past~www.novelmtl.com ~ Therefore, when the Kant male jazz soldiers entered the lion fort, he also sent orders to his men to let them send out all the combatable soldiers in his half-land enclosure.

Baron Isaiah Cameron has a half plane, and his army is very large.

At this time, in the entire Lion Fortress, there were no less than 20,000 soldiers belonging to Baron Ryan Isaiah Cameron, and they were all arms above the official knight level. Thanks to the unique environment in the half plane, the ordinary people in it have reached the adult level, and the power is close to the official knight level in this main plane.

Among them, the black knight is the strongest force in the hands of Ryan Isaiah Cameron, with a total of 1500. The equipment of these black knights is extremely good. With the sharpness of the equipment, they are only slightly inferior to the Svaldia Royal Knights and the Selion Lion Knights.

In addition, there are 2,000 heavy cavalry-level heavy cavalry regiments. Although their equipment is not powerful equipment with the addition of the abyss magic iron, but they are also very sophisticated. It can be said that they can also compete with Kant’s fifth-level cavalry. The equipment is comparable. It is a pity that almost all of these 2,000 knights are the strength of the first knight and the middle of the knight.

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