Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 599: .Blood battle at the gate of the castle

They did not roar, nor roared, but silently, like a crimson ghost, quickly moved over the square in the lion’s fort, but the momentum exuded was no more than a knight who shouted and roared. The weakened army came to the top.

In silence, sometimes the sense of power revealed is even more dire.

In particular, at this time, the spirit of war was under a dense arrow rain, no one was killed or injured, and the speed was not affected by half. It also made the soldiers in the lion's fort frightened by this army.

The most frightening thing is the hundreds of soldiers in the city gate cave.

They had no retreat at all, they had no place to escape, and they watched the horrible heavy cavalry regiment that was silent but exuding the monstrous flames. They aimed at them with a clear charge, and they felt a sense of hopelessness in their hearts.

"Why charge at us? We are the city gate hole here!" Some soldiers roared in fright as they tried hard against the violently violent city gate.

"You will also die yourself! You just killed us all, you will also hit the city gate, and you will be killed!" Some soldiers frantically faced the approaching war The spirit roared loudly.

"Stop, stop now! You lunatics! The cheap lives of our infantry are not worth your life in exchange!" Another soldier in the gate cave cursed loudly and persuaded the war spirit to want them Stop charging.

Responding to them was the silent silence of the spirit of war. They were accelerating and charging as before. Even as they said to the enemy, they charged into the gate of the city. Eventually, under the huge speed of the war horse, they might be killed in the city. On the door, they did not hesitate at all, and never appeared at all.

They are not ordinary armies, but Kant's summons. Apart from the killing skills, they do not have their own ideas at all, and everything follows Kant's command.

"Don't you **** archers come from the Grand Duke's enclosure? Don't you look down on us local soldiers? Now why are you so garbage, even an enemy cavalry can't shoot? You gang of waste, garbage, debris !"

The horror of death is getting closer and closer, and some soldiers immediately collapsed because of fear. Tears of fear flowed on his face, but on his mouth was an archer cursing the same camp as them on the towers and battlements. They are the army of the lion's fortress itself, and they are not the elites that have been deployed from Baron Ryan Isaiah Cameron's territory and have endured countless wars.

More than ten years of peaceful time have eroded their will to war and made them weak and afraid of death.

boom! boom! boom!

The war horses of one hundred spirits of war stepped on the bluestone slabs of the Lion's Fort Square neatly and steadily, making a neat and consistent sound. The sound was loud and orderly, like a drumstick and a heavy mallet, and struck fiercely. In the heart of the infantrymen in the city gate cave, the fear and despair in their hearts grew wild.

"Ah~~, I can't stand it anymore! I can't stand it anymore! I'm going to open the city gate, I'm going to escape, I'm going to escape!" This intense pressure quickly made many infantrymen afraid and Dominated by despair, the instinct to survive motivated them to do all crazy behaviors.

Peaceful time really eroded them completely, even thinking of opening the city gate at this critical moment to escape. Is it safe outside the city gate?

The Spirit of War quickly crossed a large distance, and officially charged into the city gate hole. Some soldiers on the outermost side were killed by the fast-paced horses because they had nowhere to dodge. The chest directly collapsed. Before the interim, they uttered a terrible wailing, which stimulated even more infantry soldiers who were close to the city gate and against the city gate.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Lift the gate valve!" A soldier yelled wildly, and dozens of soldiers lifted up the heavy gate valve.

"Ah! Great! Great! The door is lifted! We are saved, we can escape!" The soldier wept with joy, and he will open the castle gate with the other soldiers.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, two huge roars passed from the castle gate, and the castle gate that had lifted the gate valve naturally could not stop the impact of the siege wood. At this moment, the siege wood directly pushed the gate to the top, and the soldiers who were close to the gate of the castle before the gate were the first to bear the brunt.

In an instant, they were shocked by the huge force transmitted from above the city gate, and then they were hit by the rapidly blasting gate, which was no better than the impact of the charged horse. They instantly spit out blood with visceral debris, and uttered a terrible and screaming sound, full of regret and despair.

The door outside the door bombarded the castle door for half an hour, making them think that the force outside the door was nothing more than that. As everyone knows, although these soldiers have suffered a violent shock and some strength for the castle gate. But most of the strength was still blocked by the heavy gate valve of the city gate.

They removed the gate valve by themselves, it was really looking for their own way.

"The city gate was opened by themselves? How could the soldiers of the Lion Fortress have such a quality?" Kant looked up and looked at hundreds of thousands of objects that were thrown from the towers and battlements to the Lion Square for clearance. Out of the place for the bodies of other archers~www.novelmtl.com~ Can't help but be strange: "These fierce archers, and those who are timid and dizzy, can't see the situation at all, are really Is it the same noble army? How could the gap be so large?"

Unexpressed by the surprise in his heart, Kant said to himself: "Also, I had thought of using a death of 100 war spirits in exchange for the earlier opening of the gate of the lion's fort, but I did not expect it to be necessary at this time! "

Kant's thoughts moved at this moment, and he was violently charging. The former servants followed the nearly suicide shock in the city gate cave. The 100 war spirits suddenly disappeared without warning.

Kant would not be willing to use the life of the war spirit in exchange for the lives of the infantry who looked more like a mixed army than a regular army, which is really worthless.

Viscount Ryan Isai Cameron, who retreated deep into the castle, looked at Viscount Carl Cameron indifferently: "This is the elite infantry you trained to prepare to capture the city of Lion Heart?"

Viscount Carl Cameron blushed and dared not refute. The authority of the parents was so arrogant that he couldn't allow him to refute a bit. And in the face of iron-like facts, he did not have the confidence to refute.

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