Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 589: . Call of the sky

Now, although the gray curse has disappeared, the knight-level "heavy cavalry" of the Lion Fortress is still attacking the Svaldia Royal Knights and the Lions of Saarion, regardless of life and death, delaying the time, just like Kant The spirit of war against them is the same, the purpose is only to delay time. There are also 500 black armor knights that are only slightly less sophisticated than the Svaldia Royal Knights and the Lion Sionion Knights, constantly harassing Kant's knight troops.

In the eyes of the five world nobles, the situation on the battlefield was of great benefit to them, and they could immediately wipe out the spirit of war summoned by Kant, and then work together to kill Baron Kant, as for the promise to Baron Isaiah Cameron In the live catch, the four world nobles thought that the threat of Baron Kant was large enough to make them give up 20 kilograms of the abyss magic iron.

After a short time of recitation of the spell, all 1,000 mages completed their spells. They saw that they pointed their staff at the location of the five nobles of the world, and they all said, "Call of nature!"

Suddenly, a shadow appeared in mid-air. It was that 5000 stone golems appeared across the space and suddenly appeared in this world, crashing into five world barons.

The momentum is so great that in the eyes of the five world barons, it is simply covering the sky.

Even as world nobility, they were stunned by such a grand magic call. Then he was smashed by the stone golem that fell from the sky. The sky seemed to be raining stones, and one after another stone golems fell from the sky. Even Kant’s remaining war spirits, which were not destroyed by the five world nobles, were directly bombarded by the stone golems that fell from the sky. Dissipated.

Of course, although the stone golems are heavy, they hit the ground from a very low height after all. If the height is too high, even if the stone golems are made of a pile of hard stones, they will fall into a rotten, so they summoned The height must not be too high.

Such a bombardment is almost a disaster for the war spirit of the top knight, but for the five world barons, it is nothing. The power of the rules has improved their physical quality by dozens of times, plus They are wearing knight body armor and full-cover helmets made entirely of abyssal magic iron. These stone golems that have fallen from the sky have not caused any harm to them. The war horses under them can also be protected by them. Next, safe and sound.

Speaking of their horses, they can also infuse them with the power of rules like Kang's conquered eagles-this only requires all their loyalty on the animal line, which is quite simple, but it really makes the animals reach this This kind of state is still very difficult. That is, as they have fought many years of dangerous horses, they can do this.

At this time, even if their war horses do not need the power of the five world nobles to infuse the rules, their strength is the peak level of the proper knight.

This situation applies to all similar animals. This is because as the power of the nobility infiltrates for a long time, the power of the rules will passively improve the body of the animals, so that they can naturally withstand the extraordinary power, and then a part of the power of the rules will be assimilated by the body of the animal and become Their own extraordinary power. If the time is long enough, the strength of the animals will eventually rise to the peak level of the Grand Knight Point. As for the higher layer, the rules designed to the world cannot be achieved simply by accumulating the extraordinary power of exercise.

If Kant realized this, he would not have to worry too much about forming an air force for himself. When the Goshawk itself produced extraordinary power, the extraordinary power Kant needed to provide them would naturally decrease, and in the end even no longer needed. The special effect of "Glory. Peaceful Shelter" is naturally favored by the continuous source of Kant Air Force, so the road of Kant's air force formation is also promising.

However, all of this will take time, and you can only wait until you realize this.

However, it is said that in the center of the battlefield, 5,000 stone golems were summoned by the mages, and five world nobles were surrounded by dense mahjong. Even if they wanted to break out quickly with their strength, it was definitely not a simple matter.

The fierce and cruel look flashed through Baron Kant's eyes. He himself is the Baron of the World, and naturally knows how many pounds the Baron of the World has, so he is very sure that the Baron of the World is caught in such a siege, which is extremely dangerous. If you want to break out quickly, unless there is help from the army, the stone golem will be washed away, but the five world nobles obviously can't count on the army. Another method is that as long as they can fly, the barons of the world can easily get away from the stone golem. Unfortunately, although the world baron is powerful, he still can't fly. These five world barons, like Kant, do not control some birds.

If Kant falls into such a situation and can rely on the Goshawk to take him to the sky to get out of trouble, but the five world barons have no such means.

Therefore, when surrounded by 5,000 stone golems, they wanted to break out, only one word-kill! Kill a road.

Clark Isaiah Baron waved a force of icy rules~www.novelmtl.com~ directly frozen the three stone golems, then swept the black sword with both hands and swept it hard, three The stone golem was wiped out by Baron Clark Isaiplan, turned into a pile of rubble, and then disappeared into yellow light directly. However, Baron Clark Isaiah Plann had just wiped out the three stone golems, and immediately there were three new stone golems crowded in. Although the stone golems were puppets, they were controlled by the wizards.

"These stone men have very high defensive power. If you want to break them, the consumption speed of the rule power will be much faster than the recovery speed of the rule power! Just these 5,000 stone people can kill us. "Victory!" Victor Isaiah Baron's voice revealed a hint of anxiety, purple thunder leaping and flying above his black sword. His attack speed was the fastest among the five, with his hands in his hands. The big sword was danced by him with a purple light and shadow, crackling, and it was easy to cut five or six stone golems into a pile of rotten stones.

"Abandon the horse!" Baron Isaiah Cameron said indifferently in a cold voice.

When the four world barons heard it, they immediately understood the meaning of Baron Isaiah Cameron's words. As long as they are willing to abandon the horse, they can immediately step on the heads of these stones and quickly break away from the siege.

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