Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 576: .Moving the natural favor

If it is a human being, with such a shout, Kant can express his strong desire for change as a counterpart, and express a determination to strengthen himself.

However, this goshawk cannot be interpreted from a human perspective.

Kant just transformed the idea of ​​the goshawk into human writing to facilitate his own understanding. In fact, the meaning expressed by the goshawk through the mind is very accurate and straightforward.

It is not a determination to become stronger, nor to express its desire for Kant. Rather, he reminded Kant clearly that he would become stronger soon, just as he did when he had extraordinary power.

Kant suddenly thought, when he didn't turn on the natural favor special effects just now, he seemed to have a vaguely conceptual connection with this goshawk, but because he did not integrate into nature, he could not really be like this now. Unhindered communication.

"So, can I turn this goshawk into my eye and become my extended hand without opening the natural favor? Just like opening the natural favor?" Kant couldn't help it. 'S diverged his thinking and made his own inferences from the previous situation.

"It's okay to give it a try!" Kant thought: "If you succeed, you can save a lot of things."

Kant did not intend to refuse this simple and straightforward request. Because he had some hunches, if he could not meet the requirements of this goshawk, then this goshawk that had just submitted to him would immediately betray him. It comes for strength itself, and willing to submit to Kant wholeheartedly for strength, just like the Holy Spirit among human beings.

"Nature's favor, shut down!" Kant's thoughts moved in his thoughts. The special effect of "glory. Serene shelter" was shut down by him. The feeling of integration into nature immediately dissipated, like a man soaking in the water. Suddenly came out of the water and returned to the air, then he immediately lost the feeling of blending in the water with the milk of the water around his body. This is just a metaphor. In fact, compared with Kant's retreat from the state of being integrated into nature, this difference is still far away.

Kant's adaptability is very strong, he has experienced this feeling once, so he quickly fully adapted to this most common state. Subsequently, Kant's idea moved, and it was able to extend the idea to the side of the goshawk out of thin air, and vaguely felt the idea of ​​the goshawk. Because I have already communicated with Goshawk just now, Goshawk’s idea is simple and stubborn, just like a repeater, repeating the idea of ​​“I want to become stronger” to Kant again and again. He can vaguely feel the idea of ​​Goshawk, but he can also understand that he is still saying "I want to become stronger".

Of course, Kant’s idea can reach the goshawk over a distance of 100 meters, but it is only limited to the goshawk. If his idea deviates a little, he will be immediately pressed around his body by a magical force. This conclusion was drawn by Kant through personal experiments.

Through experiments, Kant was a little shocked: "That great force that oppressed my thoughts back was actually the world will of this Isaiah world? However, the world will that I felt that infused me with information seemed to be a little bit Different. Although the two breaths are exactly the same, according to the information revealed by the two, the world will instill the information to me, like a wise creature with self-thinking. And the world will that oppressed my thoughts just now seems It’s just a huge rule, although it is expressed by the will of the world, but the will of the world gives me the feeling that it is full of rigidity and machinery, like a set program."

The level of the world's will, even if it reveals a hint of breath, makes Kant, who is already a baron of the world, feel magnificent, but he is very small. This level is far from him now. Kant just pressed his doubts to the bottom of his heart and continued to do his own thing.

"The power of the rules of war, mobilize!" Same as the idea that you can feel the gossip vaguely, Kant feels that he can also infuse the power of the rules of war into this and the same as when he opened the natural favor of special effects. The different goshawks.

As the power of the rules of war infused, the goshawk breath quickly became stronger.

Soon, the eagle's breath reached the point where the Grand Knight was at the beginning. The feeling of infusing the rules of war into the goshawks will make Kangde's sense of bravery appear again in Kant's heart, which let Kant know that this level is already the limit.

The first stage of the big knight!

There is a huge gap with the previous peak of the big knight.


The goose's cheerful voice became very loud, and its speed was much faster than before. Even if it is just the strength of the first knight, it is much greater than the power of the goshawk itself. Looking at Goshawk like this, I'm afraid I don't even know my current strength~www.novelmtl.com~ is much weaker than when I was in the sky above the Lion Fortress.

But Kant, at this time, can feel that there is a connection line between himself and the goshawk that is invisible and intangible, but there is a real existence. With the establishment of this connecting line, Kant can clearly feel that his connection with the goshawk has become closer-just like Kant opened the special effects that nature favors before.

"It's so powerful... I'm happy, I'm going to catch a tiger to eat..." The Goshawk's idea can be easily interpreted by Kant again. Kant can also directly control the Goshawk's body with his thoughts. At the same time, Kant found that, Now I can continue to instill the power of the rules of war towards the goshawk.

Kant once again mobilized the power of the rules of war, pouring into the body of the goshawk, and soon the goshawk reached the limit of strength-the peak of the great knight. However, the extraordinary power possessed by the Goshawk still belongs to Kant. These extraordinary powers have improved the strength of the Goshawk, but they can be recovered by Kant at any time, and the Goshawk is re-falled into a peak similar to the official knight's strength. Common birds.

"Isai Lance Nestoria!" Kant's thoughts surging, his heart recitation of his real name, the crimson complex lines began to sink and deep in Kant's eyes. At this time, Kant was the first ability to comprehend after using the real name into the bloodline-the conversion rule perspective.

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