Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 574: .Application of extraordinary power

As the two goshawks croaked, the crimson color of the goshawk's beak wrapped outside suddenly became deeper and deeper. At this moment, the force of the war rules of the goshawk outside was constructed. Suddenly converging towards the eagle's beak caused such a scene.

"When!" The "cursed arrow" formed by the rule's power and the goshawk hawk's beak formed by the rule's "spirit" made a huge noise of gold and iron when they collided. It seems that the two are really extremely hard objects.

The "cursed arrow" was pecked by the goshawk hawk's beak, and a huge deflection immediately occurred. It passed directly through the thunderbolt fence of "Thunder Prison" and disappeared in an extremely distant place.

Subsequently, Kant controlled the goshawk to fly towards the thunderbolt fence of "Thunder Prison", and the force of the huge war rules that had been condensed on the beak of the eagle suddenly walked to the front part of the goshawk outside the goshawk. In general, it seems that the two goshawks are coincident. Although the outside of the goshawk is all dark red, the dark red in the first half of the figure is many times thicker than the second half.



The two goshawks croaked again, and then hit the thunderbolt fence of "Thunder Prison" without hesitation.

"No, this goshawk is weird, it is actually carrying the power of Baron Kant's rules of war!" The Thunder Prison was built by Baron Victor. Isaiah Ino with his own power of rules. The goshawk pecked between the curses in an instant, and slammed into his thunderbolt, screaming involuntarily.

He has no way to increase the strength or size of the existing thunderbolt in the sky, unless another new stronger is made, and the larger thunderbolt will trap the goshawk again. However, it is clearly too late.



The lightning fence that formed the Thunder Prison was instantly hit by a goshawk into a huge hole. Those lightning fence rails that were broken by the goshawk were directly transformed into the power of fine thunder, and they directly escaped.

The power of the knight's peak level is not a joke. At a height of 100 meters, the speed of the goshawk is fast, and it instantly disappears into the sight of the five world barons. They were restrained by the "Dark Crown" and could not move, and their own rule power could only burst out at about 200 meters of their body. It was too long to want to leave the goshawk.

Speaking of that, the goshawk can get away, thanks to Kant’s application of the power of the rules of war, compared to Baron R. Isaiah Cameron and Victor Isaiah Baron. One level. Of course, at least on the surface, Kant did not specifically make a clear judgment as to whether the five world barons had hidden power.

For the application of extraordinary power, Kant currently knows that there are three levels.

The first level, which is the direct application of extraordinary power, directly blessed on one's body, weaponry, or burst out at a short distance to attack the enemy. This realm is called the "universal realm". When Kant was promoted by the system When he became a world nobility, he knew it naturally, including the latter two realms. This "universal" state is so named because of any method and state that can be used by any extraordinary force.

The second level, which is an advanced application of the power of the rules, that is, the five nobles of the world, just used it-using the power of the nobility to manifest or construct specific things, making the power of the rules not only more cohesive, And in addition to the attributes of the power of the rule itself, it will also have the attributes of the emerging things-the stab of the flame sword, the siege of the thunder prison, the shooting of the cursed arrow, and so on. This realm, called the "Condensate Realm", is only qualified to comprehend the strong who step into the extraordinary realm and have the power as powerful as the rules and the divine power.

The third level, further than the "condensation environment", is Kant's "spiritual environment" at this time. This state not only has the characteristics of the second state directly showing things, but the things it shows are directly creatures, and the living creatures that appear in the "spiritual realm" have simple autonomous behavior patterns, so they can be more flexible The use of their manifests their extraordinary power. This level is higher than the "Condensation Realm" level. Naturally, it also requires the level of extraordinary power to reach the level of rule power or divine power.

Kant also does not know whether there is a higher level of the use of the power of the rule, limited to being in the third level. He just knows these three levels of nature naturally. The source of these realms should come from the powerful functions of the system-it absorbs the **** of war, and then instills the realm of war gods' application of war power directly on Kant. It makes Kant's application of the power of the rules of war just like thousands of years of hard work and extreme proficiency.

In the Lion Fortress, the five nobles of the world looked helplessly at the goshawk controlled by Kant and disappeared into the sky. There was an extremely shocked look in their eyes.

"God, I can’t believe my eyes. What did I see? Baron Kant poured the power of the rules of war directly on a goshawk over a long distance, which is what the gods are qualified to do - They can infuse the spirit above the Holy Spirit, giving the Holy Spirit strength at will~www.novelmtl.com~Victor. Isaiah. Baron Ignor looked at his mine, because he was cut off by the Goshawk Rooted by the lightning fence, the whole body was moved with a start. From the places where the lightning fences were fenced, the whole lightning prison gradually collapsed into the power of lightning, and made his own judgment in horror.

This is, Baron Tyr. Isaiah Maud also spoke, and his tone was a little dignified: "Victor, you are only talking about one aspect. The goshawk can get out of trouble. The key is that Baron Kant uses the rules of war The power has reached an extremely superb state-the spirit state far above us. I am really very difficult to imagine, in just one year, how Baron Kant did so. Even me, there is no Reach this level!"

Baron Tyr. Isaiah Maud is the most powerful baron in the world, which also means that he has the longest survival time among the barons of the world, the strength of the world baron, and the length of his own survival time There is almost the most direct connection-each time they spend a disaster month, their real names will change slightly, and the power of the rules that they can call will be significantly enhanced.

It is for this reason that Ryan Isaiah Cameron’s father, who was able to break through the silver plate empire alone, is stronger than Baron Tyre Isaiah Maud, but inherits his real name Ryan. Sai. Baron, the strength is the penultimate of all nobles in the world.

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