Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 561: .The conspiracy of the nobles

Kant easily noticed the strangeness in their words. A drop of his blood can make a great knight, Kant himself is also clear, the system mentioned for Kant when he analyzed his power of war.

The strange thing is that, since they came to let Kant compensate them for their losses, how could they voluntarily reduce the compensation requirements for him, and the degree of reduction is too great. One way is to ask him to compensate 1,200 forces equivalent to the Grand Knight level-for Kant, this means 1,200 Royal Swadian Knights, Lion Sionion Knights or the Enfant Mage. On the surface, this far exceeds the value of Kant's 500 drops of blood.

500 drops of blood can only create 500 knights, and they must provide their own knight-level soldiers.

This is really weird. Judging by their attitude of fixing Kant, they have absolutely no need to do so. According to their statement, the 120 **** stones provided to them by the **** of war in a year are equivalent to the effect of 1200 drops of blood of his Kant. If 1200 drops of blood are lost at one time, there are indeed too many. 500 drops are really not too much just right.

However, they can choose to let him pay 500 drops first, and the rest will pay them monthly like the **** of war Edmund. If they succeed in extortion this time, Kant believes that this group of guys will not give up on him. As a fat sheep like Edmund comes to raise regular wool.

But this is clearly not the case. They just mentioned that Kant should pay for their loss for one year, and they did not mention it for the future. Perhaps in their eyes, Kant did not later.

In one year, it was exactly the time when Kant’s real name completely sank into the blood, which meant that Kant’s blood could already inherit his real name. If Kant had a descendant and Kant died again, his descendants would be able to reawaken the real name "Lanni Stoglia", continue to control the rules of war through the real name, and be promoted to a new world nobility and become another "to I. Lannister Tolia".

Some ideas appeared in Kant's mind.

The four top counts of the Principality of the Lions and the Viscount Carl Cameron are all closely watching Kant, wanting to know Kant's choice of their two compensation schemes.

There are 5 nobles in the world-including the most powerful baron, Tyr. Isaiah Maud, who is standing behind them. They do not have much doubts about whether Kant will agree to their compensation plan. Some worry is Kant's choice. However, in order to ensure that Kant will choose to use their own blood to make compensation, they have given a huge "discount", so this worry is equally weak.

Kant, who was sitting on the main seat of the hall, suddenly sipped the sweet and delicious drinks in the fine pottery cup in his right hand. He stared carefully at the four top counts and the Viscount Carl Cameron, and suddenly said aloud : "I'm curious. Is 500 drops of blood enough for one person to exchange blood?"

With the sound of Kant's words, the four top counts and the viscount Carl Cameron all flickered in a panic.

"It's impossible. How could Baron Kant know our plan!" Count Cody Mord roared deep inside. At the same time, he cast a suspicious look at Viscount Carl Cameron.

The same is true of the other three counts.

Viscount Carl Cameron shook his head slightly, saying that he didn't know what was going on. The four top counts would naturally not believe Viscount Carl Cameron at this time. In their eyes, the interaction between Viscount Carl Cameron and Kant just now appears to be a deliberate performance, deliberately showing a brother's ruthless play code, used to elicited the suspicion of betrayal by Viscount Carl Cameron- -Of course, this is what the four top counts thought so.

They will not doubt Grand Duke Cameron, although Grand Duke Cameron is Kant’s biological father, but he has signed an agreement with the four world nobles of the top earl family, signed with his full real name - Although after signing his name, his real name had disappeared on the parchment of the agreement and could not be seen at all, but the rule of air that burst out from the pen when Duke Cameron signed the name at that time can fully prove that Duke Cameron is true. Signed his real name.

The agreement signed by Cameron's real name shows that he really wants his own son Kant, who has already achieved the world's nobility, to die. Otherwise, the backlash from the real name is definitely not a joke.

But no matter what, Kant has the blood of the Cameron family flowing. From the perspective of the four top counts, perhaps Viscount Carl Cameron has a different idea from his father-the four top counts agree to think so. At this time Kant's words undoubtedly showed that he already knew their plan-to use Kant's blood to create a new world nobility. In the eyes of the four top counts, this is undoubtedly caused by the betrayal of Carl Cameron-in fact they don’t really believe that Carl Cameron will betray, but this time their action is doomed to failure, I have to find someone to bear the blame?

There was a coldness in Kant's eyes, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, but the smile was not warm at all. Kant said to the four top counts and Viscount Carl Cameron: "In this way, the nobles of the world among the five lion princes must kill me Kant!"

At this time, Kant, although already having 90% certainty, affirmed his conjecture is true-the five world nobles of the Principality of the Lions want him to die, and at the same time want to use his blood to have another world long ago. noble.

"My quiet time this year is because they are waiting for my real name to sink completely into the bloodstream, so that my blood can awaken from the bloodstream after my death. The real name that originally belonged to me?" Kant thought so. The curse words before the **** of war disappeared echoed in his ears.

"You, you shouldn't give me a year's time!" Kant felt sorry for the five nobles of the Principality of the Lion Principality. They missed the best time to deal with him. At this time Kant's eyes reflected a coldness, he suddenly raised his head, the complex crimson lines deep in his eyes slowly emerged, the world's perspective suddenly changed into a regular perspective - after the real name was completely sunk in the blood, Kant Have the ability to condense the real name in your eyes and take the initiative to enter the world of this regular perspective.

At this time, the world of rules perspective is not the same as when he just became the world nobility. Because at this time, there are countless different colors of regular chains, no one stands on it, and no **** appears in it, penetrated by the regular chains-then when he became the world nobility that day, all the world nobles and gods were together Gathering, is it a special opinion that he has become a world noble?

The real name of the deep red complex lines deep in the corners of Kant's eyes completely faded away, and the perspective reverted from the regular perspective to the ordinary perspective. As Kant expected, the four top counts and Viscount Carl Cameron did not answer Kant's very straightforward question at all. But from their horrified eyes, Kant still got the answers he wanted-some answers, especially when they want to confirm an answer, do not necessarily have to get a clear and clear answer to determine.

"Hard, drop off!" Kant stood up from the seat above the main hall of the city's main palace, and said to the Royal Knight of Swadia standing beside him. When he had finished speaking, he walked out of the hall, and he would go to the main hall of the city's main palace to re-evaluate the form of war. The enemy suddenly became a lot stronger-he had confirmed that he undoubtedly needed to insert the flags representing the five noble worlds of the Principality of the Principality of the Lions on the sand table above their only model of a castle in the southern county!

"Baron Kant...you... won't you kill us?" Cody Maud said incredulously in his voice. As a qualified nobleman, it is necessary to be ruthless. At this time Kant already knew the information of the five male lions in the Principality of the Principality of the Lions who wanted to kill him. If they were in Kant’s position, they would have killed all five of them-this can weaken the enemy’s power. But the five peak knights, and also the helmsmen of the top five families, killing them can hit the morale of the five families fiercely.

Kant stopped walking and turned to look at the four top counts and Viscount Carl Cameron.

The four top counts and the Viscount Carl Cameron saw Kant suddenly stopped, his heart suddenly tightened, and his heart could not help complaining to Count Cody Mod-you will die if you don’t talk much? But complaining at this time is no use, they quickly look at Kant's look, after all, they are now on Kant's territory, facing Kant, a man who has become a world nobility, their fate can be said to depend entirely on Kant's in a moment.

However, Kant's eyes they saw were indifferently high, which made them feel more intense than when Kant was sitting at the top of the main hall of the main palace just now.

"Kill you? I have this need?" Kant said flatly: "It's just five stronger bugs!"

After Kant had finished speaking, he turned around and left. He completely ignored the humiliated face of his words, and the endless anger spewed out of his eyes. It can be said that in addition to the world nobles, he stood at the peak of the Principality of the Lion, and regarded the five nobles with noble status.

"Four guests, please!" Swadia's royal knight Hard made an invitation gesture with a standard knightly salute. But this only shows that his own literacy is excellent, and it does not really respect the five guys who Kant considers to be "strong bugs". From his words, it is clear that this no one is no longer regarded as a guest, without any honorific title. Baron Kant was the only distinguished person in the eyes of these soldiers who came out of the system. Since Baron Kant had expressed contempt for nobody, the Royal Knight of Swadia naturally followed quickly and immediately reflected in his words. .

"Baron Kant...you don’t kill us today, I swear I will make you regret it! I Cody Maud swear, I will let you kneel in front of me in the future, when I will see you Baron Kant still Dare to be so high today!" Cody Maud shouted loudly towards Kant's fading back.

Harder heard Cody Maud dare to claim that noble Kant was kneeling in front of him. A golden light suddenly appeared in his hand, and he punched **** Cody Maud's face with a punch: " Dare you disrespect Master Kant, even a worm?"

Cody Maud, the descendant of the most powerful baron of the world nobles, Tyr. Isaiah Maud, even Grand Duke Cameron, who had not awakened his real name and became the world noble, did not pay much attention to it. Seeing himself as the most noble person in the Principality of the Lions, today Kant despised, and when he was officially filled with anger, when he saw a little bodyguard of Kant's men, he dared to anger himself, and suddenly a black flashed above his fist. The light of the color hit the fist of the Svaldia Royal Knight Had fiercely.

"I'm a great knight at the peak level, and the attribute of extraordinary power is my ancestor Tyr. Isaiah Mode's control of the destructive power. How could it be that you are a guard around Kant?" Cody Maud showed his full strength directly.

"Count Maude, keep your men!" the three top counts and Viscount Carl Cameron cried out in unison: "Now we are still on the site of Baron Kant, you must not take it easy!"

However, they reminded that it was too late. At this time, Had's fist with the power of the golden king had collided with Cody Maud's fist with the power of black destruction.


The whole city's main palace shook a bit~www.novelmtl.com~ crunch!

The blue stone slabs at their feet suddenly made a sound. The three top counts and the Viscount Carl Cameron who heard the sounds looked down at their feet, and they couldn't help but feel very shocked. - This is the degree of hardness and its amazing "grindstone tile slate", which is the same kind of blue stone slab that can be rolled on the east-west avenue of Shixin City and can withstand the crushing of four or five tons of cargo wagons. Directly stamped out dense cracks with his feet.

However, what surprised them more than this was that the guard, who looked very heroic, was able to block the punch of the complete destruction of Count Cody Modet intact-they did not Rarely dressed like this guard.

You know, the force value of Earl Cody Mod is ranked first among the five of them, and the top knights of the five major families who can directly face Kant, Earl of Cody Mode, are no more than one hand. Those Most of the pinnacle knights who can contend with him can resist the earl of Cody Mode by more advanced combat skills, and none of the pinnacle knights who can contend with the head of cody mord.

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