Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 559: . Guests arriving at the castle

One day after Kant’s quiet development for a year, the Lions’ Fortress in the South County of the Lion Principality welcomed four distinguished guests. They were the four top nobles of the Lion Principality, Earl Cody Mode, Simon Earl of Plan, Earl of Rowan Rees, Earl of Seth Inow.

As we all know, the four top nobles are all vassals of Grand Duke Cameron, but they do not follow the orders of Grand Duke Cameron very much.

In the eyes of all the nobles of the Principality of the Lions, the families of the four top nobles are enough to compete with the powerful family of the Cameron, the Duke of Lions, Cameron. In fact, it is true. Neither the strengths revealed by the four major families, nor the strength they truly possess, are not inferior to the Cameron family.

If it is not the true "enclave" of their family that is located in the Principality of the Lions, they may not become the top nobles of the Principality of the Lions, but it may be possible to establish a Principality by themselves. They have such power.

The Lion Fortress is a large fortress with no less than 5,000 elite heavy cavalry stationed in it, but it is strange that almost all of the five thousand elite heavy cavalry are full cavalry cavalry. Five, each commanding a formal knighthood, that is, 1,000 people.

Such a situation is of course quite strange, that is, among the upper class aristocrats, general viscounts, and slightly stronger baron families in the southern county, there will not be only five big knights. As the recognized first castle among the lords of the South County, Lion Fortress has only 5 big knights, which is too shabby and weird.

"Count Count, Count Plan, Count Reese, Count Ino, please come in soon!" A look is similar to Kant, with long blond hair but blue eye pupils, and he is as good as the top four of the Cavaliers. The young men of the top nobles in the Principality of the Lions stood upright and greeted the four top nobles in the Principality of the Lions.

Obviously, this was not a sudden visit, but an official visit that had already greeted the owner of Lion's Castle in advance.

"Karl, you have a good brother!" Count Cody Mod said with a hint of smile, but the smile did not have any temperature.

Carl Cameron, the eldest son of Grand Duke Cameron, Duke of the Lions, at this time he is taking care of the entire Lion Fort.

At this moment, Carl heard Earl Cody Mode's words, a glint flashed in his eyes, but he was a qualified noble, and his emotions were quickly hidden.

At the same time, he smiled back to Earl Cody Maud with this smile: "Thank you for your compliment, Earl Maud, if Kant knows that you praise him so, he will certainly be very happy, maybe he will thank you personally. ."

"Well, I can't afford Baron Kant's gratitude. When I saw him, he didn't force me to call him Master, I'll be content!" Baron Cody Maud said a little unpleasantly.

"Okay, Maud! Don't delay the time, Carl takes us in. Did Master Cameron leave the matter to you?"

"Yes, Earl Inno!"


Lion Heart City is the only territory in Kant that has not made much changes. It is still regarded as a large trading city by Kant. The port of Lion Heart City is full of commodities every day. The carriage crammed the wide road. It's just that more than half of these carriages belong to Kant's people, from the population of the world. They continue to transport all kinds of goods from Drechem, Aaron, Viruja, and Djerkara among these cities in exchange for Jincancan’s Golden Eagle, and then use the Golden Eagle to find Baron Kant’s caravan in exchange for cuteness Dinar.

In Shixin City, the original population of this world is not excluded, they can obtain the qualification to live. Kant in the four major urban areas has not changed. Those upper class nobles who settled in the city of Lion Heart still live in peace in the east of Lion City. Even because of the prosperity of Kant's territory, the prosperity of Lion Heart City has been promoted. The current population of Lion Heart City is one third more than before, and it has a scale of 200,000.

In the main mansion of the central city of the Lion Heart City, Kant stood in a side hall where the sand table of the entire male lion was placed. He was thinking about how to start the war.

He now has several options, one of them, he can choose to complete the main task, completely conquer the lion principality, and become the lion's sole master. On the other hand, he was also able to choose to explore the world's will to grant him to become the world's noble-Kant. Isaiah Cameron Baron obtained the land.

Instilled in him the message according to the will of the world, once he explored and successfully cultivated his own fiefdom-according to the message given by the will of the world, it was a huge half-plane-the divine kingdom of ancient gods that fell to the ground It is formed by mounting on the earth above this main world.

However, Kant still prefers to complete the main task of the system at this time.

Kant used to go alone to the coordinates given to him by the will of the world in the Naron Desert, and opened a portal through the power of war to enter the half plane. The half plane was actually formed after the stars of the sun god's **** kingdom fell from the sky and mounted on the main plane of this Isaiah world.

It was not peaceful in that half plane because it was running like a complete world. Its area is as huge as the ten lion principalities, and there are also humans in it, and there are a lot of them-Kant sneaked into their library to check the materials, knowing that these people are descendants of the former Sun God. For thousands of years, they have forgotten their glory, but the bloodline of the gods still gave them powerful strength. It is much more difficult to conquer that half plane than to conquer the male lion.

The descendant of the sun **** on the main plane, Kant remembers that he was the pope of the sun god, and all the sorrows were packaged and sacrificed to the plane of the undead, wanting to exchange for the power of eternal life, and finally became a sad half witch Demon.

Now, Kant's strength is already very powerful, at least for the male lion on the bright side, it is completely crushing.

Of course, if the five world nobles in the Principality of the Lions, they will hide in their own fiefdoms-similar to the strength in the half plane obtained by Kant, if they all come out to compete with Kant, Kant is still not completely sure. , But not too afraid.

If the five world nobles unite against Kant, then this battle is naturally extremely difficult. But if they do not unite against him, his main mission will become extremely easy. After all, Kant did not intend to occupy the half plane of the five world nobles mounted on the main plane of the Isaiah world, even though the coordinates of their half planes were mounted on the South Principality of the Duchy of the Lions.

There is no need to do this. Those half planes are not as good as possible. Owning them does not simply mean adding land. It also represents the need to resist the invasion of demons in the half plane. At this time, the half-plane formed by the sun god's divine kingdom showed no signs of demonic invasion, which is probably because Kant has not really "reclaimed" him.

After he occupied the half-plane, he became a veritable "land". At that time, under the impetus of the will of the world of Isaiah, the random space channel created when the endless abyss invaded the upper plane was connected. If the game world, it is possible that the world will of Isaiah world will transfer the space channel to his "enclosure".

To avoid becoming a demon, even if he had a system, he had to help the Isaiah world resist the invasion of the demon until the space channel was closed, or he forced to close the space channel himself.

Kant thought about the situation of the Principality of the Lions, and then said to himself: "It is easy to change first, then difficult, and take the East County leader completely. Then start to fight the South County leader!"

In fact, as the denominations of the various countries jointly proclaimed that Kant was not a surrender to the devil, but a noble noble, many nobles of the East County wanted to resurrender to Kant, and even many upper-level nobles of the South County. , All secretly sent messengers to contact Kant, expressing their intention to be effective.

Only Kant rejected it completely.

Has he already developed, do they need the effectiveness of these nobles?

No need at all, his overall strategy has changed.

Before, he was a little worried. If he really occupied all the territories above the earth, in order to form the pure riding empire in his heart, would he really want to kill all human beings? But the existence of the half-plane enclosures of the world's nobles helped him solve this problem that plagued him.

At that time, he only had to drive the population of the land he occupied, and he had to drive away. When he really occupied all the territories on the earth, he could also drive those populations to the nobles of the world's nobles. After all, Kant did not intend to conquer the seizure idea even with those nobles of the world. That's a big trouble.

Although Kant thought he had a cold and determined heart, but he chose to slaughter all humans in this world by his instinct. So that when the plan was made, some places were left for the nobles and civilians of these worlds. But now it is not necessary.

"Ville, subpoena to Bestur, let him begin to capture the entire East County, and empty the whole East County! Those who are willing to leave, expel them, and if they don't, let them bury their homeland for a long time!"

Kant calmly issued this war order destined to trigger a **** storm.

Vail is the magistrate in charge of Kant's intelligence transmission. After he obeyed Kant's order, he led away.

"Mande, you are leading 200 Royal Swadian Knights, 200 Lion Sion Lions, and 200 Masters to support Bestur! Bring the flag of deterrence, and the Horn of Commanding Power!" Wait until Master Weir leaves After that, Kant issued an order to a Royal Swadian knight around him, and Mand was his name.

All of Kant’s troops have gradually become senior soldiers of the fourth and fifth ranks, namely the 6th-level Cavalier of Swadia, the Lion of the Lion of Lyon, and the Mage of the Empire of Enfas, each with 1,000. The huge Kaladea empire-this is the name Kant is going to give his empire-has gradually taken shape, and a prosperous economy is enough to support Kant's huge high-ranking army.

However, level 6 arms are already the upper limit, and the system seems to have no way to upgrade the arms to a real transcendent realm.

Kant’s current dinar deposits are growing rapidly every week. The experience gained in the continuous war has been used up by Kant, and all the arms have been upgraded to the highest level that can be reached.

The huge population base makes Kant no longer have to worry too much about the number of soldiers.

After giving the order, Kant placed his gaze on the only half of the southern county leader left on the sand table.

The half of the southern county is led by manors and castles. This part of the land is the richest land in the entire Southern County and the richest land in the Principality of the Lions, because it is next to the Ristniston River.

The best land is naturally occupied by the strongest nobles. These manors and castles belong to the upper nobles of the Principality of the Lion. In fact, the lion Principality has 10% strength, and these upper nobles can occupy 80%.

The last half of the Southern County leader, even without the involvement of the five world nobles, is a hard bone.

With Kant’s current forces and military strength, it is inevitable to crush them, but it is estimated that the military losses will not be small.

At this moment, a Royal Swadian Knight came over and respectfully reported to Kant: "Adult, Earl Cody Maud, Earl Simon Pram, Earl Rowan Rees, Seth Yi. Earl Noir and Viscount Carl Cameron begged to see."

Kant raised his head: "Is the four top nobles in the Principality of the Lions, and my elder brother whom I have never met?"

What's the matter with them coming to me? These five guys, standing behind, are the five real nobles of the Principality of the Lion. The upper class nobles of the mighty lion duke are not even qualified to know their existence.

"You take them to the main hall, and I will come afterwards!" Kant remembered the words before Edmund, the **** of war, said: "I'm afraid these five guys, the comers are not good!"

Among the halls of the main palace of Lion Heart City, Count Cody. Count, Count Simon. Plane, Count Rowan. Reese, Count Seth. Inno~www.novelmtl.com~ and Viscount Carl Cameron, these five The most powerful man in the Principality of the Lions was brought to the hall of the main palace by the Royal Knights of Swadia. The attendants served delicious and sweet drinks in time.

But this delicious and sweet drink, the five people tasted like Tong Jue wax.

"Karl, your brother is such a big shelf! How dare you let us wait for him?" Earl Simon Pulan said dissatisfiedly. Among the five, I am afraid that apart from Carl Cameron, he is the most dissatisfied with Kant. When Kant captured the Lion Heart City one year ago, among the four gates of the Lion Heart City, he lost the city guards he sent. The tragedy is almost annihilated by the whole army, and 3000 troops are not a small number.

"Count Earl, please be patient. I will replace you with my brother Baron Kant and accompany you. He has not received orthodox noble education after all. It is inevitable that there are some flaws in the noble etiquette." Carl Cameron voice Gentlely speaking, only the shadow in his eyes flashed away. For Kant, Carl is jealous, and this has never been in his eyes, even if he has never been a brother, at this time, he has already climbed on his head.

What he was thinking about was how to persecute Kant.

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