Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 548: .Fertile land acquired

[Ding...Your subordinates wiped out 30,000 enemy troops with the loss of 43 soldiers, and obtained a fertile land. 】

[Obtained: Epic victory. 】

[Get reputation x 1000 points. 】

[Honours × 2 points. 】

Located in the barracks at the south gate of the Lion Heart City, Kant suddenly received such a system prompt.

"It seems that Rolf wiped out all the rebel groups that had abandoned the covenant."

Fatis captured the Selya Fort and reported to him through crystal ball communication. That battle was not evaluated by the system-unless it is a battle required by the system mission, only a battle that has reached an epic victory or more , The system will give an evaluation.

"Dear Lord Lord, General Fatiz has sent a message. He proposed to let General Rolf visit the South County leader, and he returned to the North County leader to clean up the North County leader nobles, in order to put the North County leader under your control. ."

A mage came over and reported the news to Kant.


"Also, tell Fatiz that Baron Dylan can also be cleaned up!"

Kant thought a little and agreed with Fatiz's proposal.

The mage continued:

"Adult, according to the spies, the original target was the knighthood of the sect of various nationalities in the fortress of the Sargos in the East County, and they changed their routes and positioned their target in the city of Lion Heart."

Kant looked at the gradual subsidence of the rainstorm and said little by little:

"Unsurprisingly! I appeared in the Lion Heart City, and did not hide it deliberately. With the power of those denominations, it is not difficult to get this news."

"Is there any news?"

The mage shook his head and replied:

"Sir, no more!"

Kant glanced out at the sunny weather outside and said:

"Then withdraw!"

After the mage who was responsible for the communication of various channels retreated, Kant said to a Swadian royal knight standing beside him:

"Go to Bestur and let him come to see me to discuss the attack on the Temple of War."

The Temple of War is located in the west district of Lion Heart City, south of the West Gate.

As the sect that the entire Lion Principality believes in-the first temple of the God of War in the Lion Principality, the structure of the Temple of War in the Lion Heart City is like a small city, directly occupying a large piece of land directly in the Western District.

Overall, the Temple of War is against the west wall of the Lion Heart City, with the gate facing east.

Within the high courtyard walls, the seven halls are closely arranged.

The most central is the main hall of the Temple of War, which sits west to the east, enshrines the statue of the God of War, and is also the residence of the God of War on the ground-the sacrifice of war.

On the north and south sides of the main hall of the Temple of War, there are two partial halls, a total of four partial halls, all of which are named War Knight Halls.

These four partial halls are prepared for the strongest armed force of the War Temple, the War Knights. The four partial halls can accommodate eight war knights, that is, eight thousand people.

However, there are actually only five war knights in the temple of war, and four of them have been wiped out by Kant yesterday. At this time, only one war knight is left.

After the main hall of the Temple of War, on the west side, a hall was built against the west wall of the Lion Heart City. This hall is the most mysterious building in the Temple of War. It is said that the most devout believers of the God of War are eligible to enter it.

In the east of the main hall of the battle array shrine, it is a smaller temple than the war knight hall. It sits west and east like the main hall.

This hall is the gateway to the Temple of War. It is called the Temple of War guards, and 1,000 powerful infantry, the Temple of War guards, are stationed in it. The north and south sides of this hall are directly connected to the high courtyard walls. People want to enter the temple of war to worship, they must pass through the corridor of the first floor of the temple of war.

At this time, in the main hall of the Temple of War, 300 war sacrifices were gathered here. They prayed piously, offered the purest faith, and forged a bridge of communication with the power of faith, so that the sacrifice can communicate with God. .

After a long time, the exchange of high sacrifices and gods was completed.

The big sacrifice, Su Rong Shen Sheng said:

"Oracle: Baron Kant is about to strike, I will wait, fight!"

Many sacrifices turned pale even before they were in front of the **** of war.

Just like yesterday's oracle, they don't understand, today's oracle, they also don't understand.

Why, do they have to die with Baron Kant?

Baron Kant was so powerful. The 200 sacrifices that fought in the war yesterday reminded me of the one-sided massacre in the heavy rain yesterday.

However, as sacrifices to the gods of war with firm beliefs, they will never question the gods they believe in.

They firmly believe that everything in the oracle is justified. If they do not understand it, then it must be because of their own problems.

God, you can't go wrong!

At this time, there are very few soldiers available in the Temple of War.

There are only 1,000 war knights, 1,000 war temple guards, 300 war sacrifices, and 200 alternate war sacrifices. This kind of power is worse than the strength of the four knights yesterday.


In the main hall of the Temple of War, the priest took the initiative to sound the horn of war.

All the soldiers and priests gathered in the guard hall of the Temple of War, waiting for the attack of Baron Kant.

The War Temple Guard Hall is the gateway to the War Temple and the defensive barrier of the War Temple.

There is no archer in the Temple of War, but the long-range destructive magic of the war priests cannot be underestimated.

It was not long before the Temple of War took the initiative to prepare for the battle, Kant had already led the army.

Before the Temple of War, there was a wide square, but no believers had gathered here at this time.

Kant’s army is arranged on this square~www.novelmtl.com~Sergeant Roddock is holding a broad shield at the front, followed by Rodoc sniper shooter, mage, mage apprentice, **** Virgil Archer, Livingston Ranger.

The cavalrymen are distributed on two wings. If the knights of the war temple dare to rush out of the war temple, these knights will again brutally kill them.

"Sir, it seems that the Temple of War is ready!"

Bestur rode a war horse and followed Kant. He looked at the war temple opposite him and said to Kant.

"It's okay, just dying!"

"They have too few troops!"

Before Kant looked at the closed gate of the Temple of War guard, 1,000 war guards replied.

These 1,000 war guards were directly put outside the guard hall of the temple of war to serve as their first barrier against the gate of the temple of war.

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