Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 540: . Charges that start instantly

After the army was completed, Kant pulled out the sword of the king and pointed towards the west, ordering loudly:


The sound of the extraordinary power blessed by Kant passed through the cavalry ranks.

250 Swadia Royal Knights, 240 Saryon Lion Knights, and 500 Mamluks held the 4-meter-long knight lance obliquely hung on the warhorse at the same time, pointing diagonally toward the sky, and shouted together:




The sound was violently thundering, and the tiles on the dense houses in the heart of the heart of the lion heart city jumped up and down.

This majestic voice spread directly throughout the whole Lion Heart City.

The legion's momentum suddenly rose, shaking the dark clouds in the sky.

990 iron riders started slowly, and the speed gradually increased!

The fifth-level cavalry from the system, and the more powerful sixth-level knights, have the most top-level riding, and the control of the war horse is like an arm, and it is fascinating.




The sound of uniform horseshoes is no longer the sound of gathering together. It is like a huge iron hammer, beating the ground regularly, so that the whole central area of ​​the Lion Heart City can feel the regular vibration.

The Royal Swadian Knight, the Lion Sion Lion, and Mamluk are all wearing full-cover metal heavy armor. The Royal Knight Svadia and the Lion Lion Saryon are plate armor with different styles, while Mamluk, Is wearing a heavy Sarande chain mail.

These equipment comes from the system, and the excellent forging and powerful defense capabilities do not need to be said.

Under the gloomy sky at this time, they should have been shining armor in silver. At this time, they looked like a silver-gray. The 990 knights running up, like a torrent of silver-gray, rushed toward the west.

Ooo... Ooo... Ooo...

Kant was in the middle of the cavalry team. He took the horn of the "Power of Command" from his waist and blew hard.

With the sound of the "Power of Command" sounded, within 500 meters of Kant-just including all the cavalrymen, the morale began to rise continuously, and at the same time, the cavalrymen began to enter the "excited" state.

The Royal Swadian Knights, the Lion Knights of Sarion, and the Mamluks, their blood rushing to speed up, and at this time their eyes exuded a fanatical gesture, and they couldn't help shouting:

"Kill! For the glory of Kant!"

"Kill! For the glory of Kant!"

"Kill! For the glory of Kant!"

The sound went through clouds and cracks. Many civilians hiding in the center of the city in the heart of the Lion's Heart couldn't help but shivering, frightened, and even many people could not control it. They were scared and incontinent.

In just a few moments, the morale of the 990 cavalry has reached its peak.

Originally draped behind Kant, it has always been slowly fluttering-even the strong wind can't make it more violently shake the "glory. Bright red movement" cloak, then began to dance fiercely.

"Glory. Bright Red Movement" is a battlefield equipment. At this time, the two armies have started to confront each other. The East and West Avenue of Lion Heart City has become a battlefield.

The passive special effect of "Glorious. Bright Red Movement" "Red Bright Movement" is triggered directly, and a circle of light, hazy, thin red halo suddenly spreads from the fierce flying cloak behind Kant.

This light red halo, covering a kilometer, completely covered the 990 knights led by Kant.

Enveloped in this shallow red halo, 990 cavalrymen suddenly rose up.

The strength of all cavalry, at the same time, directly increased by 50%.

Immediately, Kant launched the active special effect "Blood Desire" of "Glory. Bright Red Movement" without hesitation, and the strength of 990 cavalry was again increased by 100%.

This is an extremely horrible promotion.

Their strength at this time is completely able to deal with the three before themselves!

Although the "blood craving" will reduce the soldiers' defensive power, but under the hedge of two cavalry who enter the charge stance at the same time, the defensive power has little effect.

Originally, the morale lifted to the peak by the horn of the "Power of Command" could have been maintained for only ten minutes, and it would fall, but now, in the light red halo, their morale will always be in the highest state. Don't change it!

This is also the terrible passive effect of the battlefield equipment "Glorious. Bright Red Movement".

Just as Kant's cavalry unit started, the Knights of the Temple of War, opposite West Avenue, also launched a charge.

"Charge, for the glory of the God of War Edmund!"

"Charge, for the glory of the God of War Edmund!"

"Charge, for the glory of the **** of war Edmund!"

Four thousand knights, including four hundred knights, shouted loudly together, and the sound was no less than that of the 990 cavalry led by Kant whose individual strength exceeded them.

Although the entire Lionstown residents could not see them, they could fully understand that two extremely powerful heavy cavalry would be dueling in Lionstown.

Because, the voices of the two heavy cavalry regiments spread all over the city, even making them bloody.

Four war temple knights, four thousand knights wearing blood red armour, they launched a charge, like a still **** river, and suddenly roared.

This **** river gradually accelerated in speed and swept toward the east.

Because the arrangement is conducive to the lineup of the charge, the distance between the two armies is only 4 miles.

But such a long distance is enough for two powerful heavy cavalry teams, all of which have entered the charge posture.

Above the East-West Avenue, a silver-gray torrent flows from east to west, and a **** river sweeps from west to east.

Their speed is extremely fast.

Soon, the two armies are handing over!


An electric light flashed suddenly, shining very brightly between heaven and earth in an instant.


A huge thunder sound sounded, as if to turn the whole Lion Heart City into town.

At the moment of the handover of the two armies ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ between heaven and earth, it was pouring downpour.

This is a downpour!

The rain fell into a line, and the raindrops were as big as beans.

The rain hit the faces of the two heavy cavalry generals who charged at high speed, and it hurt.

The dense rain line made the sight of the shocking cavalry dim.

However, there is no way to extinguish the fighting heart they have reached to the top.

In the first row, the Swadia Royal Knight confronted the first row of knights of the **** of war at the moment of lightning, the moment of thunder, and the moment of heavy rain.

This is an instant confrontation!

PS: Recommend the new book "The Master of Summoning"

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