Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 520: .Mage cleaning the barracks

"Slay in! Don't keep alive!"

Bestur issued a ruthless military order.

Sergeant Roddock was ahead, holding a broad shield to cover the entire body and burst into the barracks.

In the barracks, the garrison army at the south gate of the Lion Heart City were all trembling with fear.

Some of them haven't put their equipment on neatly until now.

Even, there is simply no idea of ​​wearing armor and taking on weapons.

They were naive in this room, waiting for the enemy to let them surrender.

However, they waited for only the ruthless Sergeant Roddock and the fifth-level bow master or crossbow master.

The strong army from the mainland of Caladea is gradually advancing in the barracks at the south gate of the Lion Heart City.

A row of barracks, a row of barracks rolled over.

Ruthlessly, kill everything.

After half an hour, the southern gate of the city of Lionheart fell into the hands of the Bestur army.

More than 2,400 soldiers in the Nanchengmen Barracks were all mercilessly killed.

Bestur assembled the army.

"Herald: Sergeant Roddock Squadron No. 1, Virgil Archer Squad No. 1, Ravenston Ranger Squad No. 1, Sergeant Roddock Squad No. 1, stationed at the south gate of Lionheart."

Following the order of Bestur, the above team was separated from the large forces.

Each squad is composed of 50 people, and Bestur left only 200 people to guard the South Gate.

Although there are only 200 people, they are all elite level 5 arms.

Each one has the strength to surpass the world's peak knight, only slightly less than the big knight.

"Herring: Archers and crossbowmen, go up to the tower and stay!"

"Herald: Sergeant Roddock, under the castle tower, in the arched cave, guard the gate!"

"Except for our army and the troops led by Kant's crown, anyone who dares to approach the south gate will be killed!"

150 masters of bows and arrows.

Occupying a towering and advantageous terrain, their defensive ability is unquestionable.

Fifty Sergeants of Rodoc, guarding 3 gates, are absolutely foolproof.

After Bestur's investigation of the distribution of the military power of the Lion Heart City, he was very clear that the guard army of the South Gate of the Lion Heart City had been eliminated.

If you want to recapture the south gate of the Lion Heart City from the hands of these 200 horrible soldiers, at least 3,000 elite legions are possible, excluding the impact of life and death.

"The remaining army listens!"

"Follow me at night to attack the north gate of Lion Heart City!"

Bestur's choice to continue to attack the North Gate at night was a decision made after careful consideration of the strength of the Lion Heart City.

The east gate of Shixin City needs to pass through the noble area in the east of Shixin City.

There are a large number of aristocratic private troops in the aristocracy. At this time, the news of the fall of the Nancheng Gate must have spread to the aristocracy. Those nobles may be ready to face the battle, and it is not easy to capture at night.

Moreover, the aristocratic area is the sphere of influence of Duke Cameron, the Duke of the Lions, in the Lion Heart City, and the power he laid out in it cannot be underestimated.

In addition, the Masters Association is also in the aristocracy of the Eastern District. These extraordinary power controllers, Bestur intends to hand them over to the Masters of the side to deal with.

The west gate of Lion Heart City has the same similar problems.

The First Temple of the God of War is located in the Western District. Among them are the sacrificial group and the Knights of the Temple. This is also a hard bone and should be handled with care.

Only the north gate of the Lion Heart City, like the south gate, has only 3,000 garrison troops stationed, without dealing with additional troops.

After fighting with the South Gate Guards, Bestur already knew what the guard forces of these four gates were.

Not to mention the sneak attack at night, it is a formal attack. With the elite situation of the army in his hand, he can easily capture it.


Kant led the bandits, quietly lurking near the Lion's City Water Barracks on the quiet River Preston.

When the sky suddenly turned red near the south gate of Lionheart City, Kant directly ordered:

"Herald: The First Squad of Mage Apprentices, cast magic bullets, and destroy all the soldiers above the sentry tower!"

The redness that Kant saw was caused by Bestur ordering the whole army to raise fire, and more than 3,000 torches illuminate the sky above them.

This is the signal that Bestur's official attack started.

It was also the timing of the offense Kant had been waiting for.

With the order of Kant, 50 master apprentices of the first team of master apprentices also exhibited magic bullets, and 50 magic bullets exuding bright white shining into the air.

These magic bullets look very soft, but the power is not underestimated.

With a range of 100 meters, the power is no less than the arrows shot by the fourth-order shooter arms.

Arrows are penetration attacks, while magic bullets are burst attacks.

In the naval barracks, a 200-meter-long and 30-meter-wide water bay extends into the Reniston River.

There are 5 outposts on each side of the bank at the junction of Shuiwan and the Ristoniston River ~www.novelmtl.com~.

In each of the sentry towers, there are 10 soldiers on guard.

Of course, they are all dozing off, and no one is sincere, and they are carefully looking at the surface of the Reniston River with their eyes.

Each of the magic missiles fired by the apprentices of the mages aimed at a soldier who sent his post on the sentry tower.

Fifty magic missiles exuding white brilliance split into two paths and flew in the east-west direction.


Nearly at the same time, fifty bright white magic missiles hit the dozing sentinel soldiers fiercely and directly bombarded them with serious wounds.

The sentinel soldier who was hit by the magic missile to his head, without any response, was directly blown away by the magic missile and half of his head was killed.

Those sentinel soldiers who were bombarded by magical missiles on other body parts directly exploded into a large hole, and blood spewed out like spring water.

The severe pain awakened them from drowsiness, and immediately issued a terrible cry.

This shout was spread far away, awakening most of the soldiers in the naval barracks.

Although these sailors are not elite, they always attack every week and drive the bandits up and down the Reniston River. Therefore, their response to the mutation is better than that of the soldiers at the South Gate who were far better than their elite. Too much.

After hearing the screams of the sentries, these sailors realized that something must have happened.

They quickly put on their equipped weapons, and then they left the barracks together to see what happened.

Kant's place had to destroy the sentinels first because he didn't want these sentinels to stand on top of the cold arrows while waiting for the battle. ()

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