Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 414: . Announce the end of the battle

The Rhodoks delved into the spears, but reached the point where they got caught.

This is no wonder.

After all, right next to it is the Kingdom of Swadia, dominated by cavalry.

Only by relying on the complex geographical location of the Rhodok Mountains can the heavy cavalry of the Kingdom of Swadia be hindered, but if you want to defeat your former sovereign, you must develop troops that can restrain the heavy cavalry.

The heavy armor spear infantry is the route chosen by these Rhodoks.

It turns out to be extremely useful.

They continued the Rhodoks' defensive character.

Dense troops form a solid mountain-like defense line, with sharp spears, layered against the enemy's queue, not greedy, and sometimes crossbowmen with heavy crossbows fight back, and the fighting power is extremely terrifying.

At least in this formation, many kingdoms across the entire continent of Caladea are helpless.

It's like a porcupine made of rocks.


Does not bite badly.

There are many sharp thorns.

If it is a close investigation, it is even more miserable.

Just like the dark-sect pikemen who stabbed in the past with their spears, they could only bear on the tower shield, but with the spear in the crack of the tower shield shaking, I don’t know where I can pierce a cold light. .

The sharp Hanmang is extremely deadly, stabs at the throat and chest, and the thighs with weaker defenses.

Just a short moment.

Dozens of spearmen of the dark red sect fell to the ground in wailing.

Then, the infantry behind the tower shield advanced step by step, pressed lively, and squeezed out a space, and came to the pikemen who were injured and fell to the ground, and were hit by one-handed warhammers.

The brain burst, and the seven qiaos that were smashed directly bleed, and the dead can't die anymore.

Means cruel.

Don't leave a lively appearance at all!

This makes the spearmen of the dark sect even more terrified.

They were all feared by the dark sect pikemen. In fact, they were still Viscount Gibran. The pikemen trained in Avilesburg were only transferred to the Death Penalty Hill and became secret sect soldiers.

It is not the elite armies of the Crimson sect, but the Hu Cong troops who are guarding the periphery of the Death Penalty Mountain.

They do not need to sell their lives for the dark red sect.

So I can't keep going back.

Moreover, they knew that right behind them, two ballistas were waiting.

There are more than 200 strong archers, which can completely let the ballistas form, and the strong archers cover the shots, making these amazing defensive forces, but the slow moving speed of the heavy armored pikemen into a tortoise!

In the end, the commanders of the dark sect pikemen thought the same way.

There was a hint of scarlet in his eyes.

The devil's breath is flowing.

He is a superior from Death Penalty Hill, a demon in the dark red sect. Because the demon lord has given him strong power, he, who was a farmer, can now control this army.

He is an absolute diehard for the Dark Red Sect.

Therefore, he will lead the troops in person.

As long as he slaughtered the cavalry that once hit the Viscount Gibran in Avilesburg, he would gain more power when he returned, and he could not help but tremble at the thought of it, it was excitement and enthusiasm.

As his order was issued, the pikemen in the front could not help but retreat, spread out, and let out the ballistas in the rear.

The spear as a weapon has been placed on two ballistas.

Just launch.

The powerful spear will sprint out like a crossbow.

Even if the thick tower shield could not be blocked, it would be pierced directly with the human body behind it, and the heavy armored pikemen who looked like Yaowuyangwei were nailed to the ground, and they died slowly with miserable wailing.

This is a siege weapon, and its power in the field is comparable to the ancient version of artillery!

But he hasn't waited for the ballista to fire.

Inside the cave, hordes of crossbowmen rushed out quickly.

They are all the senior crossbowmen of Rodoc, and they are holding the most sophisticated heavy crossbows. As they move quickly, they come to the side of the cave and form a formation. They pulled the trigger in a very short time.

"Whooshing" sounds endlessly, the steel crossbow shrieking through the air.

And it is within 100 meters.

The ballista that was in an absolutely safe position was attacked by Yang.

The steel crossbow is like a heavy rain, and it is instantly nailed over, so that the operation hands that have not yet responded are suddenly pierced through the steel crossbow, and the leather armor on his body can not be blocked, and the painful backwards and paralysis On the ground, then there is no interest, and the dead can no longer die.

As for the survivors who survived behind the ballistas, they all looked at it in horror, and threw down their tools and fled towards the back.

Faced with such a precise shooting, no one dared to continue to wait here.

They don't have to sell their lives.

Behind, the dark red sect supervising team in black robe appeared on their escape route.

The gloomy commander waved his hand, and the long sword in the hands of the war squad slashed down, immediately letting the heads and necks of these operators separate, beheaded on the spot, and deterred the soldiers who had shaken around.

The rule of the Dark Red Sect itself is based on terror.

This method is normal.

However, even if there is a war team, there is still no way to save the morale that has fallen.

Because the heavy armored pikemen with tower shields had already been pushed forward, so that the dark red pikemen could not help but retreat, they had no idea of ​​resistance at all, and they had no means of resistance.

The best equipped among them are wearing chain mail~www.novelmtl.com~Most people are inlaid with leather armor.

But for the presence of the elite infantry in front of them, what do they use to resist?

Totally impossible!

And right at the hole.

More troops appeared one after another.

It was the archers with the war bows, and they climbed up the top of the hill one after another, and then the continuous rain of arrows like a heavy rain covered them.

But when the strong archers of the dark red sect wanted to fight back, they were immediately scattered by steel crossbows and fled.

They completely lost their ability to play!

Morale is extremely low.

What's more, on the periphery, there are more than 200 light cavalry who are still harassing them.

From time to time, short javelins were thrown over, and if someone dared to place an order, they turned into a group very fiercely. They pulled out their scimitars, rushed past with their spears, and slaughtered the orderly dark red soldiers.

"what happened…"

The commander of the dark red sect appeared madness and despair.

This should have been his victory, but I didn't expect that there were so many infantry soldiers as reinforcements in the hole that came with a strange feeling of disgust. He didn't believe that there would be so many troops hidden inside.

Perhaps the hole is actually an underground passage!

His guess is correct.

It's useless.

Right at the hole, Kant had led many cavalry rushing out.

With the roar of the war horse, more and more desert robbers rushed out towards the empty plain beside them, which was also mixed with well-equipped Sarand riders and Mamluk with all his armor. !

This battle, which has lasted for several days and has not ended, can now be declared over now. ()

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