Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 408: .An old passage through

Rolf led the order, immediately letting the elite desert robbers who came with him dismount, and began to build a temporary camp here, and was also ready to stay and wait.

After all, here is an important estuary that connects with the Sunwaya Mountains.

If something goes wrong.

That would be a huge problem that directly led to a crisis in the "Aaron" city!

Exposure is still second. Since Kant is planning to attack the Principality of the Lions, Aaron’s exposure is only a matter of time. After all, this important agricultural city in the mountains is to export all kinds of goods.

The identity of the city "Aaron" is the raw material supplier.

Ancient channels are channels.

Goods can be exported from 6 channels and water channels.

Take the underground city that was once a sanctuary of the gods, as a transit, directly reach this estuary, connect with the vast Resiston River, and then export the goods to the entire human nations, and even farther away.

The two products, table salt and date sugar, are fully qualified to let those merchants come crazy to chase profits.

This is the mainstay of trade!

Kant also intends to build a new village at this estuary.

Including that special building [Water Bandits Nest], within a short period of time, it formed a force that was difficult to suppress, and out of the imagination of many nobles in the East County, completely occupied the place.

At the rear is "Aaron", a city dominated by the Rhodoks who defend the city.

Just mobilize troops here.

With the strong 6-battle force, there is no problem guarding this place.

Not to mention that the nobles of the Eastern Junling, even if the Silver Plate Kingdom and the Dark Red Sect joined forces, it is estimated that there is no way to do this, especially in the ancient passages, as well as the intermediate node of the underground city.

The big deal is to retreat back to the dungeon to guard against death.

After all, the channel is so narrow.

A small number of troops are stationed here, and no amount of troops can be deployed.

This is exactly Kant's idea. Building a new village here is basically foolproof. Besides, there is the key recruiting building of the "Water Bandits' Lair's Nest", which is definitely even more powerful.

There were Rhodok's troops in 6 battles.

Water warfare offenses and defenses include the bandits from Nord.

As long as the rubble at the mouth of the estuary is cleared, all the falling obstacles are cleared, the small river in front is dug and widened, and it is completely connected with the Ristoniston River, Kant's idea can be declared successful.

Officially set foot in the sphere of influence of the Principality of Lions and embark on the stage of history!

"Keep your peace here."

Kant also paid special attention to inspecting the surrounding hills.

Looking at the gentle mountain surroundings and the slightly raised position of the ancient passageway, he cautiously told Rolf: "If someone comes here, you must definitely keep it and you must not give up easily."

Rolfe nodded solemnly: "We will stand firm."


Kant nodded with satisfaction.

Gently sway the horse's abdomen, and steer the horse into the ancient passage.

Behind him, the 1o lion knight and the 5o lion servant immediately followed, and with a cold and dim light, they completely returned to the ancient passageway, and moved forward with the slight glimmer of the stone statue on the wall.

But Rolf and the elite of the desert robbers did not keep up.

Instead, the tent was propped up.

Around this hill, temporary camps were established.

Including the remaining 1o lion knights, and the 1o Sarand rider who had lived with Borg for a long time and was more familiar with the Resiston River, staying behind to assist the garrison of Rolf and the desert robbers.

In the ancient passageway, rolling horseshoes hit the stone pavement, and even the sound of the river has been suppressed.

They traveled extremely far.

This neatly cut slate is ideal for trekking.

Just like the most sophisticated racetrack, although it is not a solid layer of soil, it can also alleviate the reaction force that is encountered when the horse is galloping. However, the advantage of smoothing alone is enough to solve any disadvantages.

The muddy roads of the Principality of the Lions are very bad for the war horses.

Zema moves forward.

Take a short break.

It took about 24 hours to reach the dungeon.

Just a day.

There is no hindrance, except for the roar in the ear caused by the galloping horses, there is only the sound of the river, but as the familiar environment prints into the eyes, it shows that their path is very correct.

In the vast underground space, it seems that stone buildings inherited from Henggu tower.

A large amount of shimmering moss and fluorescent mushrooms adorn it.

The gap between the square slabs of the feet.

On the edge of the stone.

The walls and the surface and corners of buildings.

There is also the top of the head, which is simply treated, but there are still a few stalactites hanging down like an inverted cone, all of which are light plants under the ground, providing a slight light, so that this space is not dark and invisible.

But at the end of the ruin-like city, several golden lights appeared, reflecting a brighter light source.

This may not be correct.

It should be called a beam of light.

Yes, it is a bright yellow golden beam of light, just like the sun's rays.

Together with those light plants, this underground city finally appeared bright. Although the dimness was the most serious rainy day, there was absolutely no problem with the basic sight, and it did not matter if there was no torch lighting.

Kant, who already possesses ordinary strength, and his lion knights also have very good eyesight.

Equivalent to low light vision.

Zema moves forward.

The entire underground city has been wiped out, and there are remnants of ashes in the corner.

The slight negative energy still exists in the dark, but the entire underground city is full of weak positive energy, which seems to be spread out by the light beams.

Of course, this is indeed the case.

"Temporarily take a break."

Kant gave orders.

Since coming to this underground city, the road to represent them will not be too far.

From here, it takes about half a day to reach the temple at the bottom of the "Aaron" city. This is already a very close distance, thanks to the stone road built from the ancient times.

Even if you walk on two legs, you can go back and forth in 1 day.

If you rely on ships, it will be faster.

This underground river is the source from the bottom of the "Aaron" city, all the way to the mouth of the hills of the Eastern County.

It is equivalent to going down the river, even if it is a merchant ship full of cargo, it can reach the estuary directly along the smooth current without the need to open sails, and the time required is estimated to be less than 1 day.

Even if you are going upstream and paddling with a paddle, you can move forward in this gentle current.

Not to mention the breeze.

It was the wind coming from the Resiston River.

The estuary of the hill is the corner of the big river. The flow of water caused the air to flow, which can be poured into the ancient passage through countless possibilities. In this closed and relatively gentle underground river space, a countercurrent wind has formed.

Of course, the specific reasons cannot be studied in detail.

But always.

As long as the oars and sails are matched, the vessel's degree is no less than downstream.

This is the advantage of the new village that will appear in the estuary in the future. It will be directly connected to the important city of "Aaron" to receive continuous nourishment and obtain a faster exhibition.

This will be faster than the "Aaron" that was exhibited alone.

Now Kant has the ability to do so.

The virtuous circle has begun.

Both ordinary supplies and war alert are fixed with the establishment of castles and cities, and new villages that are about to emerge, no matter what route they take, can get corresponding support.

Including early manpower and investment, as well as solutions to problems encountered during the exhibition.

Light a bonfire.

The slightly baked bread and dried meat fill the stomach.

By the way, the water bladder is heated in the ashes by the campfire, providing hot water for drinking and washing.

After a short rest in the stone house, Kant and they finally came out again. Zermatt galloped in the ancient passage along the once-familiar road and continued on.

About half a day passed.

Bright light appeared in front.

It was a torch swaying, and a low wall appeared at the end.

It was only after Kant and they walked in that it appeared that it was a low wall, clearly holding a spear, and the Rhodok spearman lined up in a phalanx of growth spears.

Obviously, the spearmen who were stationed in this temple at these times were very responsible.

An inexplicable roar appeared.

Organize immediately.

Not only is there a spearman in the front, but also in the rear, the crossbowman with the Rodoc crossbow, and the Reviston archers of the battle bow ~www.novelmtl.com~ are all ready to shoot.

Of course, this war has not been fought.

How could they attack their most respected Supreme Lord.

"grown ups!"

The soldiers stationed here saluted.

At the same time, quickly disband the formation, make way for Kant and the lion knights behind him.

Even in the temple, James, who was originally stationed here, came here with the elite Sergeant Roddock, Roddock sniper, and Reviston marksman.

They received the news that a strange cavalry was approaching, and they came only for fear of an accident.

"Master Kant!"

James quickly saluted.

When I saw the figure coming from Zema, I quickly walked over and was very surprised and said: "I really did not expect that it was you, did you arrive just across the ancient passage?"

"Yes." Kant nodded. "The road has been cleared."

"This is really great!" James sighed.

This is their idea.

Leave the temple.

They also came to the city on top of the mountain.

Kant left the cave tunnel and raised his head slightly, the stars in the sky were shining, and the moonlight was shining brightly on the earth. Obviously the time is now night, and the night is already deep.

"It is early morning."

James also reported the time.

"Well." Kant nodded. "It's so late."

"Please go to the City Hall to take a rest first, Lord Lord." James also said respectfully: "Now the exhibition in the city has reached a plateau, and after you rest tomorrow, you can see the city's perfection."

"Very good, I look forward to it."

Kant nodded.

But looking at the silhouette of the city in the night, his mouth also raised a smile.

The exhibition is very good.

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