Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 396: . The capital of the Eastern County

The next day, at dawn.

The village of Nali is still quiet, and the villagers all shrink into the village, looking desperately waiting.

The desert robbers outside the elite have evacuated, but these people still fear in their hearts, but after a night of waiting, this fear finally disappeared a lot, and became a desperate suffocation, and a downcast on life and death.

The old village head was abnormally ruddy, still sitting on the dining table of his own home and enjoying delicious food.

The family is neat and neatly dressed in the best clothes.


This is true throughout the Nari village.

They knew that this time it was difficult to resist a terrorist enemy, even if it was evasive.

It’s better to enjoy it so that you don’t see the gods of your faith after you die, and you will cry out that you are hungry. At the very least, you have to eat and drink the best ingredients and enjoy the hard-won peace time.

In the sky outside the village, the sound of birds singing occasionally sounded.

Countless birds flapping their wings.

Looking out the window.

There are so many scavenging birds, and the black crows are quacking, adding even more despair.

If unsurprisingly, the farmland outside the village has already become a paradise for scavengers, enjoying this breakfast as much as they are, enjoying the big meal time.

But as time passed, the sun had risen completely, and the expected massacre had not arrived.

Even outside the street, the cavalry who had patrolled the horse from time to time disappeared.

"village head!"

At this time, the sheriff and finance officer suddenly broke in.

With an unstoppable surprise on his face, regardless of the village head's family who was still having breakfast in tears, he said quickly: "They are gone, they are gone, is Baron Kant, he really let us go!"


The head of the village raised his head in surprise.

Together with the sons and daughters-in-law beside him, and the grandchildren who were just seven or eight years old, there were surprises on their faces.

The thought of the mortal ending ended in such a peaceful way, which really surprised them, especially the association with the reputation of kindness left by Baron Kant, which caused them to burst into tears with excitement.

"Thank you Baron Kant!"

They kept mumbling softly, just like praying.

No one objected to this statement.

They all knew that the fierce fighting tonight was caused by themselves.

As they waited for death at night, they all associate a lot, including early accusation of each other, despair in the middle stage, and indifferent life and death in the later stage. They said goodbye to each other, and they all had certain psychological preparations.

Now I find myself able to survive, with great joy and great sorrow, my emotions become extremely weird and excited.

And to Kant, my heart is also full of gratitude.

Stockholm syndrome.

This group of villagers, even if they have a family killed as a militia, are extremely grateful.

Originally thought to be massacred, but survived, this Stockholm syndrome has been magnified many times, so that everyone tried to attack Kant on themselves, and there was a feeling of shame and guilt.

But what about these villagers is nothing to Kant.

He has already taken people out of Nari Village.

The temporary camp has completely disappeared on the grain drying ground, and they continue to go deep into the Eastern County.

But instead of going to the Death Penalty Mountain following the planned plan, he bypassed that place, traveled to the East County from other places, and finally reached the bank of the Restiston River, looking for the gap of the ancient passage, and then returned to his sphere of influence .

This is the "Aaron" city located in the Sunwaya Mountains!

This is how the current itinerary is arranged.

But by no means.

Among them, there is also a caravan going to Borg to see how his dark chess is.

At the same time, the thieves of the Resiston River must also be contacted. After all, there is also the old department of Princess Sophia. Having mastered this banditized naval force will also help Kant to control the river.

Although episodes occurred in Avilésborg and Death Penalty Hill, it did not affect the general plan.

Only the details must be handled with care.

At least Kant's identity has been exposed, so be careful in planning your itinerary.

If it is entangled by the cult cultists of the Dark Red Sect, and it is hunted down by the Countess Agatha, who is already very poor, it is really trouble. The mouth of the Don River left.

Also bear the danger that this secret passage may be exposed at any time.

After all, this is the main road leading directly to the north side of the Sunwaya Mountains.

But Kant was not worried.

What could be revealed, the troops of the Kingdom of Rodok, the infantry tactics were invincible when receiving the battle.

Armed with a long-handled sword like an axe, side by side, wearing the strongest thick chain armor, holding a heavy broad shield that can cover most of the body, it is completely a land tank. In the narrow ancient passage, there is no army at all. opponent.

Unless a siege weapon such as a crossbow or a ballista can be used to defeat the phalanx formed by this group of heavily armed soldiers.

To know.

On the frontal battlefield.

Even the strongest Svadia knight, he did not dare to charge the front of the phalanx formed by Sergeant Rodok.

Not to mention that in the phalanx, there must be a Rhodok sniper shooter with a siege crossbow and a killing ability across 500 meters. Even if a bed crossbow or a crossbow artillery appears, it is necessary to worry about whether these sniper crossbowmen will be one. Kill the operating personnel.

In frontal confrontation, the Rhodoks are not afraid of anyone!

This is of course the worst result.

Kant glanced at Bertlem next to him.

This is the guide he is currently hiring. After going to the east county, he is also his own microphone.

In the future, Kant will deal with some problems for him as a signal person in the East County, and he will be able to take hold of Bertlem and let him submit to his feet.

Kant is also confident that he does not value the loyalty of Bertlem.

The key point is whether it can be used.

Can be used.

That's talent. Kant's kindness can give any reward that he can give.

Can't use it, give Kant a stumbling block, then there is nothing to say, and finally send someone to kill it.

Kant, who possesses high-end extraordinary powers, may have difficulty in assassinating dignitaries, but assassination of the little knights in this area is really not too simple. It can also give a little deterrence to those newly-missing traitors.

Kant does not care about the matter in this world.

Therefore, silver coins and wealth roads can be let go.

Even the region is the same.

Only riding the world is his dependence. This world is equal to a colony except for his systematic village.

Whoever manages the colony, he does not care about it, and whoever does the prestige and blessings in the colony, he does not care about it, but whoever makes him uncomfortable, and moves his fundamental interests, security, that is his enemy.

If he can live comfortably, Kant can shrink in the desert.

But many people in this world do not let him live comfortably.

Then you can only open a killing ring!

Leaving the village of Nari, Kant led the troops directly to the east county leader.

Along the way, with Bert Lime as a guide, he walked fast and did not meet anyone.

Even if they occasionally encounter caravans, they pass by calmly, without saying hello to each other. It is for this reason that all the way is safe.

Soon the death penalty mountain was bypassed, and the road was even smoother.

No one hindered.

After all, it will take 3-5 days to wait for the news to spread.

This time was enough for Kant to travel to the East County, find Borg and disguise a little, and finally disappeared among the countless merchant ships on the Resiston River through the cover of the caravan.

Compared to Kant's coming to the East County, Viscount Gibran turned into a demon and attracted more attention.

He is a famous general in the Principality of Lions.

Pillar of the Eastern County.

Now, when he meets Kant, he reveals his identity.

It will be the biggest blow to the East County leader, not to mention the Countess Agatha, even the lion Grand Duke Cameron, and those top nobles, will hang Gibran.

This is the most evil creature in mythology!

There can be no mercy.

Absolutely even the Temple of God of War will be involved.

As the state religion of the Principality of the Lion, it is also a sanctuary of gods. The **** of war Emund belongs to the **** of justice.

Although in the mythology, the war is mastered, but there is absolutely no mercy for evil. In many mythological stories, there are many examples of the **** of war Emund breaking the evil **** of destruction and leading the army to save the world.

Now encountering the real evil, the demon corrupted by the power of the abyss, it is to lead by example~www.novelmtl.com~ even in pursuit of a more just silver plate kingdom.

That bright Holy See.

If you hear this, you will send a pastor directly.

For this kind of evil, no deity can be indifferent.

There are demonized creatures in this world. After research, scholars all agree that this is an animal that is corroded by the power of the abyss. It is a strong and fierce lion, a cunning mobile wolf, and a thick-skinned black bear. representative.

This is scary enough.

Now there are wise human beings, naturally more threatening!

For Kant to sneak into the East County leader, especially with 30 big knights as the bottom card.

Those nobles who have insufficient backgrounds and dare not to rashly cut off Kant’s face will definitely not act rashly. Although it is impossible to take the initiative to make a good relationship, it is very possible to provide help in secret or to ignore it.

Even if some nobles are dizzy and want to test Kant's strength, it really doesn't matter.

Kant's troops are not vegetarian.

Even light cavalry.

But 30 big knights, 50 knights, and 500 light cavalry are enough to hit any enemy force.

After all, there are high-end extraordinary arms, just like 30 modern advanced tanks, with 50 heavy tanks, 500 light tanks, to destroy the inferior troops without advanced tanks, only a few heavy tanks and most infantry.

In other words, those nobles are not stupid, correspond to each other, and understand that they are in decline.

Even the great strength of Viscount Gibran lost.

Not to mention them!

Therefore, Kant went all the way and encountered little trouble.

Finally, on the evening of the third day, the city wall of the East County came into view and appeared on the horizon in the distance. ()

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