Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 392: . Handling of villagers after the war

The blood mist was extremely fast, almost lightning fast, and disappeared in an instant.

Kant reached out his hand, beckoning not to chase, and after glancing at the blood mist that disappeared on the horizon, he turned to look at the **** figure that had remained in place and was completely trapped by the 30 lion knights.

With the departure of Viscount Gibran, the strange effect of Blood Mist gradually disappeared.

The madness in the eyes of those dozens of figures gradually faded.

They are rational.

The provocation of the weak to the strong is undoubtedly death.

Even in the midst of madness and tyranny, faced with the siege of the 30 great knights, these **** figures from Avilesburg still did not lay down their weapons and were ready to capture.

Kant naturally does not care whether they surrender or not.

Wave your hands forward.

Casually commanded: "Solve them."

"Yes!" Beside, the lion knights who had already been ready immediately responded.

With a passion for fighting on his face, carrying steel shields and knight swords one by one, striding into the encircling circle and striding in, step by step, watching the **** silhouettes that gradually receded, back to back, eyes ridiculed and ridicule.

There are 12 goals left, and for 30 of them, the number is at a disadvantage.

What's more, yes.

These guys hurt everyone!

There are even people with 1-3 short javelins on their bodies.

Obviously, during the previous charge, the short javelin thrown by the elite desert robbers directly shot through the body, even if they did not encounter the vital point and died, it was also hit hard.

The movement is stiff and slow, and it is not an opponent of the lion knights in full condition!

Between several interlaces.

In the field.

There are only 4 people in the **** figure that can stand.

However, only a few people were injured on the outside of the Lions of the Lions of Lyon, which did not affect the minor injuries of the battle.

As for the **** fog that was still faintly condensed on the field, Kant had no intention of shooting again. These knights from Avilesburg were already breathless and unable to support them.

Bertrim was also in it, his legs trembling, his hands clenching his knight sword, but he felt weak and weak.

Strong, strong, very strong.

This is the concept of the lion knight in his mind.

He was short of breath, and the madness in his eyes had disappeared. Instead of fearing and fighting, it was rationality. That's right, now he has recovered his rationality.

As the most wise disciple once praised by Viscount Gibran, he now understands the situation.

Also understand that you are the disadvantaged party.

Bertlem turned his head.

Next to him were his three fellow men, who were also panting, but in a better state than him.

After all, it is a great knight. There is still a faint blood mist attached to the whole body. The red awns in his eyes have not completely faded, but as the wound on his body flows out of the purple blood, there is more fear and panic in his eyes.

After the temptation and inheritance of Viscount Gibran, these three knights have completed their depravity.

They already have blood of demons in their bodies.

Will not change.

Even if he left Viscount Gibran in the future, the blood of the demons in his body could not be hidden. Instead, they would be mutated as if they were monsters. Eventually, they would either become humanoid demons or be killed by the authorities due to slaughter and madness.

Just like the demonized creature, it is only demonized now, but the great knight in humanity!

Fallen Knight.

Kant understood this.

The Lion Lions of Saarion from the Pander continent know better.

After all, in their world, although in the age of the last law, the supernatural power still exists, so there is a little void gap between the underworld and the Pande continent, which can penetrate the power of the underworld.

And in the hands of some people with ulterior motives, this force has become their own dependence.

The fallen knights that rampaged across Pander's continent also came from this.

Even in practice.

Underworld invaders are also human beings that have been eroded excessively by the underworld forces and eventually turned into demons. After all, the mad warriors, avengers and riders among these invaders are actually humanoid.

It is said that certain cult ceremonies can transform the fallen devils into demons.

The truth is interlinked.

Now look at it.

The Viscount Gibran turned into a demon on this supposedly peaceful night, and it was not unobtrusive.

It was demonicized ten years ago, and the family of Avilesburg was accumulated. It is estimated that it was because of the power of the devil. As for the supreme lord of the **** demon, the lord of sin, the whiplasher, Ph.D. Lenzas reminded Kant of the demon in the ancient passage.

Amon was shy, and was sealed, eventually Kant used human tactics, hacked to death, and eventually even the corpses were burned directly to a pile of useless ashes.

And the rune-broken sword became Kant's victory.

Sell ​​a good price.

It's just that Kant doesn't know about the abyss demon appearing in the Eastern County, the so-called Franz.

Slightly raised his head and looked at the four guys who still insisted.

The blood mist has completely dispersed.

In addition to the three guys with purple and black skin and red eyes in their eyes, they are still a little crazy like a wreck.

The only young man left, with sensible and clear eyes, although breathless seemed to be forced into desperation, it is still the standard to make traditional knight's defensive methods.

After a moment of contemplation, he already had a decision and waved: "Leave that young man."


The lion knights nodded suddenly.

As the figure was approaching, the necks of the three big knights were cut off instantly.

A pouting sound appeared, and there was only one figure standing intact. As for the three big knights beside him, their heads were gone, and purple blood had spewed from their necks, and they knelt in the field.

The original cultivated field was covered with corpses and a strong **** smell.

Blood flows into rivers!

As for the knights and servants who were still watching the battle, they had already fled the place.

They have discovered that the situation is wrong. Although on weekdays, they have been aware of the power held by Viscount Gibran, but now that they have clearly seen the power of the devil, how can they not be afraid.

One by one, he fled faster than the rabbit, and he had no intention of continuing to fight hard.

And at this time.

Bertlem, who remained in place, was also taken to the temporary camp.

Tied with a thick rope, there are 10 lion knights directly in charge of it. Obviously, although the fear of the outbreak of the previous demon powers is one by one, they are also afraid of some accidents.

This is not an ordinary guy, if there is really a means of outbreak, threatening Lord Kant is not good.

They are very considerate.

To ensure safety.

While checking the battle results and dealing with the battlefield, Rolf also specially allocated 200 desert robbers to come elite and stand behind those 5th-level cavalry, the lion servants of Sarion, to assist the vigilance.

There is also the village next to it, Nari Village, a subordinate of Avilesburg.

It was also guarded by elite 300 other desert robbers.

The previous battle was not killed.

There were only a few unlucky ghosts who could not dodge and were scratched. It was fortunate that it was not a fatal wound. Sprinkled with herbal medicine made by Dr. James, and wrapped in two rounds of linen, it was almost intact.

It's no problem to continue riding and trekking, just not to be too violent.

The village of Nari is surrounded.

The old village head, the fat financial officer, and the strong sheriff are now ashamed.

The remaining armed militiamen have also given up their resistance, throwing their weapons on the streets, each bringing their families together near the village home, which looks like a lamb waiting for slaughter.

In the previous battle, more than 50 armed militiamen have been killed in battle.

Everyone was injured.

Low morale.

Even the Viscount Gibran of Avilesburg and the old knights were defeated.

With these little militiamen, even if they can kill the enemy, the final result is not that the whole village is slaughtered. Now it is more appropriate to give up resistance and hand over all silver coins symbolically.

At least some of the villagers who were slaughtered will not be slaughtered.

But there is no massacre.

Although Rolf wanted to slaughter the village.

But considering the current situation and Lord Kant’s future strategic plan to lay out the East County Lord, he abandoned this plan.

The slaughter is easy, the elite desert robbers are the gangsters who don't blink.

But in the long run, it is not worth the loss.

Will arouse the indignation of the leader of the East County.


The nobles and gentlemen of the East County, as well as the landlord merchants, and the civilians, will be separated by this.

If some people with ulterior motives respond ~www.novelmtl.com~, it is estimated that the entire East County leader will reject Kant. After all, this county leader was once closed. If all the political and business are closed to Kant, it would be a total rejection of Kant.

This also has a profound impact on his erosion strategy of boiling frogs in warm water.

Then it will be difficult.

Want to break.

Then it can only be opened with absolute force.

But the rebound brought by force will also make the rejection even more violent.

Even if Kant, who has occupied the entire East County leader, has left a notorious reputation, it is estimated that it will not be stable in a few years, unless he kills the whole East County leader, but this is obviously unrealistic.

He occupied the land and won the people, more because of the pursuit of dumping places and dumpers.

Used to earn Golden Eagle.

Then ride the cut world in exchange for the dinar.

This is the purpose of Kant. The so-called siege strategy is just a general concept.

Rolf was not a willful general, and after a few words, he drove all the villagers into the house, and then did not continue to offend. He just sent people to guard him firmly and prevented them from moving around.

Others cleaned the battlefield and sent patrol cavalry to investigate the surroundings.

This place should not stay long.

The broken cavalier will definitely return to Avilesburg.

If it attracted troops from the East Jun, it would be troublesome to surround them with human tactics.

The reason why this battle was so fast and the loss ratio was so low was also because Viscount Gibran underestimated the enemy. Unexpectedly, Kant led 30 full knights.

If you know this, the military capabilities of Viscount Gibran will definitely bring a long bow team of hundreds of people.

Although the Grand Knight is invincible in close combat.

But also afraid of arrow rain.

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