Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 372: .People's Heart of Hard Rock Pass

It has become a little more popular to clean the canyon.

Compared with the original blockade, the mercenaries are still rare, but they can also give people a sense of security. At least not like the original lifelessness, no one has arrived in the past ten years.

Occasionally, several courageous hunters can be seen passing by, holding short spears and hunting bows for self-defense. The quiver in the waist is also bulging, and it is obtained by hunting in the hills on both sides of the canyon. The antelope or pheasant looked at Kant who was passing by on the Xiongjun horse, and his eyes were full of awe and envy.

The soldiers of the Jianshi Pass are the elite armed militia recruited from these hunters.

Ordinary farmers are just cannon fodder.

These hunters are good archers for their longbows.

Kant didn't think much about them. In his eyes, these hunters were actually just begging civilians. Although they lived better than the humblest serfs, they were not much better.

The lives of civilians in this world are severely exploited, even if you want to live a better life.

Various tax subjects.

There are dozens of taxes waiting for them for hunting.

For example, the Sunwaya Mountains, hunting desert antelopes and hares and pheasants will be charged by the lord for the entry fee, hunting license fee, four-hoof tax, two-hoof tax, feather tax, injury tax, compassion tax, spring, summer, autumn and winter four seasons tax, etc. wait wait wait.

In the end, it will be a good day to feed the whole family.

The hunters are also grateful for this.

Farmers are more exploited!

Not only the tax of the landlord and the tax of the lord, but also the tax of the principality.

With bad luck, he had to take the rough weapons distributed by the lord and go directly to the battlefield as cannon fodder, or the kind of melee, from a farmer who only knew the arable land, to a moving target to be harvested by the knights.

All in all, as long as it is not a noble, it is a miserable life.

Kant understands this.

Standard feudal lord rule mode.

The miserable people under the rule are even more miserable than that of a larger unified dictatorship.

Even if there is no war, the friction between the daily lords and all kinds of taxes must absorb the wealth of the people at the bottom. In the end, only the food that can be wrapped in the belly will be left. Groups of people went bankrupt.

This also led to the fact that, in addition to the nobility and sense of belonging, ordinary civilians did not care much about who was the lord.

Of course, what matters most is the tax policy of the new lord.

Taxation is about livelihood.

As for the Hard Rock Pass, where Kant has already controlled, it is much better because of tax relief.

Fatis abolished some of the harsh taxes on miscellaneous donations, which was allowed after Kant and he negotiated. In particular, all kinds of miscellaneous taxes on hunters and farmers have been reduced, which is considered a very strong benevolence.

As long as two or three years, it is estimated that the civilian class here can be completely taken care of.

The same is true of small landlords, small businessmen, and small squires.

Only those landlords, merchants and nobles who are considered to be large-scale will have a kind of resistance to Kant. If it is not for Fatiz and those elite troops stationed here, they will firmly control the stone pass, it is estimated that it has long been In series, they attempted a rebellion and restored the rule of the Principality of the Lion.

If you think about this, you can understand that once the Jianshi Pass is taken by them, then the credit is absolutely great, whether it is the vassal of Wayne, the lord of the North County, or Kevin with the background of the Duke, can get great interest.

In the Northern Territory, Viscount Wayne is not alone.

In order to check and balance the northern county.

The Viscount Kevin, inserted by the Cameron, is also highly weighted!

The details of these two people are much better in the eyes of the nobles in the Hard Rock Pass than in Baron Kant, who came out of the Naron Desert and may be fortunate to have received some help!

Even if the title of Baron Kant is rumored to be raised, it is only rumored.

Look at the face of the salt mine.

Once Baron Kant’s salt mines in the depths of the Naron Desert were seized by other nobles, it is estimated that the one who waited for the baron would not only have not improved his rank, but may have died even more miserable.

It's really too easy to deal with a little baron in the princely lion.

This is also thinking inertia.

The Principality of Lions with martial arts and cavalry as the main item is not weak.

This can be known in the war with the Silver Plate Kingdom. Even the Silver Plate Kingdom with at least 7 counties has failed to crush only 3 counties. The Northern County is still a barren land. The Southern County and the North County are still The Principality of the Lions in the Cold War state.

With Kant and his friends, perhaps taking advantage of a short period of time is fine.

It's been a long time.

Will be crushed by the nobles who united together!

It was only half a year since Kant's rise to the present, and those nobles and ordinary people did not react.

What's more, the most important thing is that Kant's secrecy work is really good, no matter whether it is a spy or a spy in the Principality of the Lions, there is no way to detect his true and false.

It is inevitable to look down on Kant only by thinking inertia.

Come to the gate.

It is still the city walls and gates built by thick mountains and thick logs.

However, the Svadia infantry wearing chain mail, linen robes, and heavy military spears were stationed in the gates. The team of 20 was a team, and they were in front of the gates. They were very powerful and powerful.

At the top of the gate and the walls on both sides, there were also Swadia infantry standing guard with military spears.

Obviously guarded carefully.

After all, here is not his real power.

It still belongs to the occupied area. If you are not careful, it is estimated that there will be a mess.

The Swadia infantry in the city apparently found Kant and quickly greeted them, and they all controlled the city gate, dispelled the mercenaries and hunters who were still in and out, and specifically left a passage for people to enter and leave.

The mercenaries around them also stood beside them, daring not to put their hands on the handle of the weapon.

The Swadia infantry were watching them coldly.

His eyes are extremely penetrating.

If the situation is not right, these infantry soldiers will not be merciful, even if they misunderstand, they are not responsible.

No one should relax their vigilance regarding the safety of Supreme Lord Kant. Besides, they have not completely conquered the area, and they have many spy agents. Perhaps there are even assassins waiting for the opportunity.

Some nobles were unhappy with the rise of Baron Kant.

For example, the group of people who assassinated Princess Sofia.

Kant Zema moves forward.

Thirty lion knights surrounded the guards, ensuring safety.

The wide-faced fan-shaped shield was firmly placed on the left arm, and the lion knights swept the surroundings cautiously. All corners and shadows were carefully examined. Very careful to ensure the safety of the Supreme Lord.

On both sides and front and rear, there are 20 Swadia infantry open and separate the crowd.

But the situation is okay.

Most people stared blankly at Kant.

Both the civilians and the poor looked at Kant and the Lion Knight in envy and awe.

At the same time, there was also an eagerness for the fine linen robe and the well-built armor. After all, in their eyes, Kant, the lord master and the knight master, was even more shining than Baron Dylan and the knight masters. bright!

In particular, the hip-horse horse is awesome.

Dark corners.

Many people wearing regular black hoods are standing.

Sensing the indifferent gaze that swept over, they all chose to stand on the spot and did not act lightly.

It was a double look at the Swadia infantry and the lion knights. Even if they were wearing linen hoods and robes that ordinary people like to wear, they were still standing on street corners and shadows at this time, still attracting the attention of scrutiny.

They are not afraid, after all, the quality of their hearts is here, and they will turn around and flee.

The basic literacy of spies and spies is still particularly important.

Just like the trained ones.

Since they can be sent to the Jianshi Pass, it means that they are indeed elites.

The most important thing is that they did not mean to assassinate Kant. Of course, they did not receive orders from their superiors. If they really want to come over and carry out the assassination, then the military heavy crossbow or longbow is definitely the most superior weapon of choice.

It would be whimsical to want to assassinate with a dagger.

Not to mention that the guard will let it go.

Even if it is past, the disturbed and alert target will not let them easily assassinate.

Even if the target was assassinated, the target wearing a full set of armor would certainly not be able to pierce it in a while, it is estimated that it was a minor injury and some shock, and there was no worry of life at all.

Moving on, there was little change at the Jianshi Pass, but the pedestrians were hurriedly walking, and his face became more serious.

Although Baron Dylan said to the outside that he invited Baron Kant’s troops to be guests.

But actually.

Many people guessed.

Even if you can’t guess, you can see that Jianshi Pass is now changing.

At the very least, the arrogant knights who used to be arrogant, now they are honestly shrunk in the den, and even the soldiers who patrol the streets in the past are led by three infantry who look like knights.

A patrol consisting of 3 Swadia infantry and 10 Hard Rock Pass pikemen.

Mixed forces.

Fatiz's strategy here.

Basically, the financial and military powers of the Hard Rock Pass have now been controlled. www.novelmtl.com Hard Rock Pass, holding Baron Dylan, they still chose silence and obedience.

Without their resistance, they will not easily set off a rebellion that is enough to lose their heads.

They are also waiting by default.

Or wait and see.

Whoever can win the final victory will get their allegiance.

Whether they are Baron Kant, Viscount Wayne, or Viscount Kevin, even Cameron, the Grand Duke of the Lions, or the Countess of Agatha, the Lord of the East, are the objects of their allegiance.

The barren northern county, the barren rocky pass, is now an important node in the salt trade.

You can enjoy everything here.

So they are at ease.

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