Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 81: Bing 2 way

(Alas, some people complain about breaking updates. Sometimes they are really tired. They just hate that they are too slow to type words - they have no face to ask for a red ticket)

In the past few months, the Donghu people have been monitoring the periphery with heavy troops, cutting off the outer screens one by one, and advancing layer by layer until early June. Three rivers and two small towns.

After Li Zhuo's death to Cijiuyao, although Li Zhuo cooperated and left several suicide notes, one of them exhorted Chen Zhihu to be loyal to the Yuan clan with all his heart. Emperor Chongguan did not dare to use Chen Zhihu to **** him to break through, and even did not want to hand over the suicide note to Chen Zhihu. On the eve of breaking through the siege, Chen Zhihu was transferred to the north to strengthen the defense of Sanhe.

On the night of June 15, when the rain was about to stop, Wang Jiyuan, the left servant of the Ministry of War, led more than 20,000 prison guards from the Beijing camp to leave the city from Taihe Gate and enter the Taihu Camp, forty miles southeast of Yanjing City. However, at this time, he still refused to reveal to the generals that Zhou Zongxian, the Minister of War, who presided over the Taihu Camp, also knew the overall plan after seeing the secret decree brought by Wang Jiyuan.

The advance troops led by Wang Jiyuan informed Zhou Zongxian and others that the court had decided on the deployment: Zhang Xie was appointed as the envoy to stay in Yanjing, and the main force of the Xuanfu Army and the Jingying Army formed the troops and horses to **** Emperor Chongguan to break out of the siege.

Including Chen Xinbo, Hao Zongcheng, King Lu, King Jin and other princes and ministers, as well as concubines and concubines in the harem, the mule and horse convoy that needs to be escorted by the army will leave the city in the early morning of the 16th and arrive at Taihu Camp.

After resting for half a day at the Taihu Camp, the troops will be divided into two groups on the afternoon of the 16th.

After receiving the secret order, Zhou Zongxian was trembling with anger.

Obviously, Emperor Chongguan was worried that the early disclosure of the breakout plan would shake the hearts of the army. He was worried that there would be generals and officials who would not retreat south and would secretly communicate with the Donghu people and leak the breakout plan. Therefore, the entire breakout plan was formulated without the knowledge of the vast majority of courtiers.

Even if Zhou Zong, a minister of the Ministry of War in Xiantangtang, just left Yanjing City forty miles to preside over military affairs in Taihu Camp, he didn't know the plan to break through the encirclement until the last moment. Suspected to such an extent, he was so angry that he wanted to call the "Supervisor Commander" on the spot. I hand over the silver seal of the minister" and the sword of Shang Fang.

Li Zhuo is dead, and there is no general in the imperial court who can make a breakthrough plan calmly, and he hides his military secretary to the end, how can Zhou Zongxian not be angry, how can he not be chilled?

No matter whether he is angry or chilled, Zhou Zongxian can only swallow his grievances and take the decree, and use the "relaxed" time left by the emperor for him. The envoy Wang Qishan arranged the entire breakout operation.

The soldiers and horses that broke through the siege were divided into two groups, one was positive and the other was odd. The secret edict did not even tell Zhou Zongxian clearly which way the emperor would break out of the siege.

Breaking through the encirclement in the direction of Jinhai is a natural move. From Taihu Daying to Jinhai, it is only more than 200 miles away. There is a relatively complete gallop. The terrain is also along the trend of the river, and it will not be hindered by large rivers. pass.

Heading south to Taihu Camp, across Yannan to Pingyuan or Yangxin, the straight-line distance is more than 500 miles. Along the way, it will be hindered by many large rivers that flow from east to west.

Generally speaking, it is relatively easy to travel a two-hundred-mile road in two days on flat terrain, and the stamina is sufficient when you just hit the road. Most of the well-trained town troops can do this. If an army can travel five hundred miles in five days and cross several rivers in succession, it will definitely be considered a first-class elite division.

Between the Jinhai and Taihu camps, the Donghu people formed a camp in the Xianghe River, and there were more than 20,000 cavalrymen stationed there to watch. Moreover, the Jizhou camp of the Donghu people was dispatched to chase quickly. If the soldiers and horses heading for the siege were a little slower on the road, they would probably be crushed by the main force of the chasing Donghu cavalry.

At this time, the Donghu people still have tens of thousands of troops to attack Jinhai. After the soldiers and horses who are heading for the siege arrive at Jinhai, they have to fight against the Donghu people who are attacking the periphery of Jinhai City. Enter the city.

Going east to Jinhai looks like a lot of resistance, but it is the biggest opportunity.

The Jingying army was weak, but the more than 20,000 Xuanfu army elites still had the strength to fight in the field, and the eastward journey to Jinhai was the shortest, so they could abandon the baggage, advance at the fastest speed, and fight lightly.

Back then, it took more than three days for the main force of 30,000 to 40,000 cavalry of the Donghu people to completely devour the more than 20,000 Jin Zhongjun troops in the wild.

Suddenly surrounded by Xianghe, facing the Donghu people's Xianghe camp in the east, they have an advantage in military strength. When the main force of the Donghu people's cavalry in Jizhou is believed to catch up, at least it will be a day later. Along the way, the intercepting force with broken arms to save lives can be sent to ensure that the main force of the breakout will reach the periphery of Jinhai without being pursued by the Donghu people.

Jinhai City has elites from the Jin navy who are attacking from both inside and out. They dare not expect to defeat the Donghu people who are besieging the city unexpectedly, open a gap, and avoid the main force into Jinhai City. It is not a big problem.

To the south, the Donghu people almost controlled more than 20 counties in Yannan, but the Donghu people's blocking force in Yannan was less than 40,000 cavalry, which was very limited. And Donghu's 40,000 cavalry in Yannan still had to allocate a considerable amount of troops to guard against Liang Chengchong's troops and Tao Chun's troops in the south, so he couldn't draw much troops from Yannan to intercept the troops and horses that were breaking out to the south.

However, it took too long to break out of the encirclement to the south, five hundred miles away, considering the small-scale harassment of the Donghu cavalry, the breakout troops and horses went all the way to avoid Pingyuan City or Yangxin City, which would take ten days at least. Ten days was enough for the main cavalry of the Donghu people to chase out of Jizhou and run back and forth within a thousand-mile radius in the south of Yanan.

More importantly, the secret decree only gave Zhou Zongxian one day of preparation time. Obviously, the emperor will follow the army to the siege. But even if you throw away all your baggage and travel light, the preparation time for one day is too short and too rushed.

Zhou Zongxian did not know Li Zhuo's last words before his death. He just followed normal speculation and secretly arranged the breakout matters according to the secret edict. First, the military attache above the military commander of the Xuanfu army summoned the secret edict. If it was as Zhou Zongxian expected, there would be an uproar. .

The homes of the generals of the Xuanfu army were mostly in Xuanzhen. Everyone knows that once the south is withdrawn, it means that the imperial court will no longer be able to clean up the situation in the north in a short period of time.

However, when Wang Jiyuan led 20,000 Jingying troops to the Taihu Camp, although the generals were in an uproar over the breakout, they failed to make a fuss.

Chen Xinbo finally chose to break through with Emperor Chongguan, but left his family in Yanjing City.

Zhang Xie is the envoy to stay in Yanjing, so the emperor can't let him stay in Yanjing anymore. If he wants to struggle, make the emperor suspicious and Zhang Xie want to kill. If he doesn't wait for the Donghu people to break the city, he will lead to the extermination of the clan. disaster.

The relationship between Li Zhuo and Huaidong is not very clear to others, but Chen Xinbo knows better than others.

Even if Chen Dingbang and Lu Xiong died in the chaos, if Wang Qishan and others fled to Jiangning, they would reveal the cause of Li Zhuo's death.

Li Zhuo was killed by the emperor, but it was the wine glass that Chen Xinbo personally handed. Huaidong wanted to win over Li Zhuo's old clan, and it was impossible to make him comfortable. He was in his seventies and eighties, and his life was hopeless. Rather than being bullied by others in Jiangning, he might as well die on the way in the name of loyalty and bravery.

Chen Xinbo sat in the carriage in a desolate mood. He heard a horse galloping from behind. He lifted the gauze curtain and saw that the guards of the Longevity Palace were riding over.

"You go and report back to the Queen Mother, the old minister will go over here." Chen Xinbo said.

Although Chen Xinbo had no power, he was old in qualifications, and staggered into the car that the Queen Mother was riding. Yuan Yan, the princess of Yangxin, waited by the Queen Mother's side, and now she was fleeing, and she didn't pay much attention to the light clothes and simple cars.

"Are you sure that the emperor will go to Jinhai?" Mr. Liang asked.

"It should be like this. The soldiers and horses going south are only used to attract the attention of the Donghu people in Hejian and other cities." Chen Xinbo said.

"Lin Fu this son, his ambition is not small, the emperor is willing to give Huaidong the great merit of escorting?" Liang asked.

"In the current situation, the emperor can only give Huaidong the great merit of escorting." Chen Xinbo said.

Although the 60,000 troops of the Jingying Army and the Xuanfu Army will eventually be mobilized to break through the siege in two ways, even if Emperor Chongguan can finally escape to Jiangning smoothly, there will be few soldiers and horses who can directly be loyal to him. In the end, everyone in Jiangning gave up their efforts to rescue Yanjing. Who wouldn't worry that Emperor Chongguan would settle this account when he regained imperial power?

It is more likely that the people in Jiangning unite with King Ning to force him to abdicate, and when the end comes, let King Ning ascend the throne and he becomes the supreme emperor is a harmless ending.

For Emperor Chongguan, only when he arrived in Jiangning with the support of such powerful forces as Liang Clan or Huaidong could he continue to sit on his dragon chair.

The Liang family was too far away from Jiangning, so Huaidong was the best choice to block Jiangning's periphery. Not to mention that Gu Wuchen in Jiangning also controls the Jiangning Water Camp and the Dongyang Army controlled by Lin Tingli is on the flank of Jiangning.

As long as Huaidong supports Emperor Chongguan, other forces in Jiangning, including King Ning, have no other choice.

Of course, Huaidong will get more benefits because of the escort, and may negotiate terms with each other in Jinhai. Gu Wuchen surpassed others as prime minister, and the Dongyang clan had the power to do so, it was almost inevitable.

"Then what did Li Zhuo's last words mean? Li Zhuo doesn't want to see Huaidong sitting on the throne?" Mr. Liang asked.

"The emperor's intention to break through the siege of Jinhai is very obvious. How could King Hu have no arrangements? In fact, this trip to Jinhai is very dangerous and unusual!" Chen Xinbo said, "Li Zhuo only suggested to go directly south to Shandong after seeing through this."

"According to Aiqing's opinion, is Aijia going to Jinhai or Shandong?" Mrs. Liang asked.

"The old minister accompanies the Queen Mother to Shandong." Chen Xinbo said, he knew that if Li Zhuo did not die and arrange this matter calmly, he would have a chance of life if he went south and directly broke through to Shandong. Dead Jedi.

When Liang's question was asked, Chen Xinbo always wanted to answer. Liang's heart just wanted to go south, and Chen Xinbo just said what she wanted.

Hearing what Chen Xinbo said, Yuan Yan didn't think too much about it. She only knew that she would not pass through Jinhai and Huaidong.

Before Riyu, the car and driver avoided the Taihu Camp. Emperor Chongguan summoned the generals and officials in the humble palace of the Taihu Camp, officially announced the intention of moving the capital to the south, and immediately reorganized the army.

The city of Taihu Camp was small and had little grain storage. Once Emperor Chongguan moved to Taihu, he had to break out of the encirclement immediately. Otherwise, if the cavalry of the Donghu people were trusted to encircle them, they would fall into death where they could neither walk nor defend. .

The seemingly rigorous breakout plan formulated by Emperor Chongguan himself was actually full of loopholes.

About two hours after the two groups of troops and horses left the Taihu Camp, the main cavalry of the Donghu people in Jizhou arrived at the west of Xianghe City, like a sharp knife, pulled out of its sheath, revealing a dazzling light.

Ye Jiluorong was wearing black armor and riding a jujube red horse. He stared sharply at the front field, which was shrouded in faint darkness, waiting for the scouts on the outside to further understand the movement of the two troops and horses that spread out from Taihu to the two flanks of the Southern Dynasties. .

"If King Khan expected, the troops of the Southern Dynasty would break through the siege in two ways - the emperor of the Southern Dynasty should go to Jinhai, and this will belong to you. Outside, if the cavalry in Hejian has to seal the gap, they cannot be called out!" said He Xiongqi.

"No, you don't move, you keep an eye on Chen Zhihu for me, and be sure to keep him in the north," Ye Jiluorong said, "I will intersperse with the south first, and I will defeat all the way to the south. It won't be too strong, it's easy to be defeated. If you turn around again, you will have the strength to join forces with King Khan and flee to the east—this time it will be a complete package!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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