Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 62: Fragrant beauty tears

Lin Bie did not show a clear attitude in front of Zhao Qinmin, so he was sent to the hotel to rest, leaving Lin Mengde and Qin Chengzu behind.

Under the bright candle, the three continued to discuss the topic just now. Lin Mengde smacked his lips and said, "Zhecaoyin, most of them will be withheld by the various governments..."

"Zhecaoyin was originally going to go to Beijing, but now that Yanjing is besieged, all the prefectures have enough to eat, so they will hand over the Zhecaoyin to the county chief! It is the Zhecaoyin of Hailing and Huai'an. , we have to detain them, the Huaidong Army is not raised by the stepmother," Lin Fu said, "Every family can move their minds, that is, the two Huai salt and silver..."

"Mingli knows that the Lianghuai Salt and Silver is the Lianghuai Salt Iron Division and Zhang Yan," Lin Mengde said, "Master Gu is counting on us to use the convenience of controlling the Lianghuai Salt Area to influence the flow of the Lianghuai Salt and Silver!"

The matter of protecting grain with salt and silver has been temporarily suspended, and the Lianghuai salt area is just surrounded by Huaidong. Even if Huaidong is not greedy for Lianghuai salt and silver, its influence on the flow of Lianghuai salt and silver will not be under the Lianghuai Salt and Iron Division.

Wars are frequent, and the sales area of ​​salt merchants has dropped sharply. Even so, the Lianghuai salt silver is still maintained at more than 1,800,000 taels every year. Most importantly, unlike Zhecaoyin, which is paid twice in summer and autumn, Yanyin has income almost every month. In particular, the Jinhai Food Route has been suspended since February, and the Lianghuai Salt and Iron Division has intercepted nearly 500,000 taels of salt and silver.

As long as the Ning Wangfu, Jiangning princes, and Zhang Yan, the salt and iron envoy of the Huaihuai and Huaihe Rivers jointly decided to make a decision, the money could be divided immediately, and it would be almost 156,000 to 60,000 taels of silver every month in the future.

Zhao Qinmin's words were very vague, but Gu Wuchen's message through him was very clear: Huaidong would be the target of public criticism if Huaidong extended his hands to greedy the two Huai salt and silver.

Although Qingzhou and Huaidong share the same atmosphere and branch, and go out of the same line of Dongyang, Qingzhou is the frontier of the east road guarding Hehuai, and from Qingzhou northwards, it can also assist Yanji, and Huaidong supports the flow of salt and silver from the two Huaizhou to Qingzhou. Establishing a strong army in Qingzhou can stop the mouths of others in Jiangning.

Lin Fu looked at Qin Chengzu.

Qin Chengzu shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's too late for Qingzhou, Huaidong can get 60,000 elites today, which is the foundation that adults have gradually laid since King Qin of Yannan in the ninth year of Chongzhou. It is to give Qingzhou one million taels of silver, How much use can I get by hastily pulling out 30,000 to 50,000 troops? Rather than supporting Qingzhou, it is far better to invest this money in Huaisi..."

The Qingzhou Army mainly transported troops, mainly assisting in the transportation of the Laijiao River and other matters. There were no 20,000 horses and soldiers, and they lacked the necessary training; only Gu Siyuan's troops were called elites, only three or four thousand.

At this time, it was far too late to invest the money in Qingzhou.

As long as Liu Miaozhen can use it for her own use, the 30,000 soldiers and horses she retains are already elite soldiers. If they can make up for the army, armor and food in a short period of time, their combat power will be greatly improved, and since Liu Miaozhen and below, the Red Jacket Army can be recruited within the army. There are also many generals who are good at fighting, far more than Qingzhou can compare.

Furthermore, once the Liang family was unable to support the river, the plains, and Jinan, and the captives came across the river, Henan was already empty.

In addition to the east road, the front of the middle road is Huaixi. From Haosi and Shouzhou to the south to Luzhou and Dongyang, it is an empty space with empty troops.

The west road from Nanyang to Xiangyang, down the Han River to Jingzhou and Jiangxia, is a hollow area completely hollowed out by the Changle bandit army...

From the perspective of strategic balance, to defend the river and Huai, it is more urgent to strengthen the middle and west roads at this time.

In Qingzhou, considering that the Liang family could not support it, perhaps it is better to abandon the plain areas that are easy for cavalry to enter and exit, and temporarily withdraw the troops and horses into the hilly areas in central Shandong such as Yishan, Mengshan, and Taishan, with Huaisi behind them. , Yishu, guerrilla and tug-of-war with the Donghu people—through small-scale, long-term containment battles, while growing and strengthening themselves, it is appropriate to consume the strength of the Donghu people as much as possible, and then look for opportunities to counterattack.

Huaidong's overall concept of resisting the Donghu people is also a strategy of taking Huaisi as the main battlefield and containing them from the flanks.

Even if the lower reaches of the Yellow River were to be the main battlefield of the East Road, with Gu Siyuan's troops as the main body, they would not be able to support a heavy army group in a short period of time.

Qin Chengzu was flat and opposed to Huaidong's support for the flow of salt and silver from the two Huai provinces to Qingzhou.

Even if the salt and silver of the two Huaihe Rivers were all given to Yue Lengqiu, they would bring back Tao Chun's troops, and build a heavy army group with a scale of 50,000 to 60,000 people in Huaixi on the basis of the Changhuai Army. It is also better to stop the Donghu people from going southward than throwing money into Qingzhou.

Lin Mengde frowned and said, "At the beginning of the year, I was fighting for the prefect of Hailing, and there was a estrangement; I didn't know how to make a sound when I rushed to eastern Zhejiang; at this time, if I persuaded Master Gu to give up Qingzhou, I'm afraid it would be difficult to understand... "

Lin Bie waved his hand and said, "I'll think about this again, you go back to rest first!"

Lin Mengde and Qin Chengzu went back, Lin Bie sat in the quiet room for a moment, and then was about to leave the East Office. As soon as his front foot stepped out of the threshold, he said to Chen Hualian, the attendant, "I'm going to the city to drink tea..."

Chen Hualian looked up at the sky, the moon had already reached the mid-heaven, and the adults were in the mood to go to the city to meet their little lover, so they hurriedly sent people to the mountain to report back, don't make the three ladies wait - they took the guard Follow Lin Fu into the city from the west gate and go to Tingfeng Tea House.


Su Mei put on her clothes and went to the side hall. Seeing that Lin Fu was sitting on the couch and drinking tea slowly, she was angry and happy, and said, "I don't care what time it is, how can I come to drink tea on this day, and I'm not afraid. To be seen gossiping?"

"Don't care about other people's broken mouths!" Lin Bie said with a smile. With his current status, he is no longer afraid of other people's irresponsible remarks. He just doesn't want Su Mei to enter the house as a singer and wrong him. Seeing Xiaoman yawning and sticking his head out from behind, he asked with a smile. : "In the middle of the night, why are you here?"

"Ah!" Xiaoman covered his lips with his hand, sucked his bright red lips, and said with grievance, "Sister Yue'er asked me to avoid you for the past two days, so I can only hide and talk to my sister!"

Liu Yueer said that it was a gift for wives and concubines not to compete for favor. When Lin Fu first came back to Chongzhou, according to the ritual system, he could not have the same room with his concubines for the first three days.

Of course, Lin Bie doesn't care whether these are or not, but Liu Yue'er always pulls Xiao Man to avoid it. It's fine that Xiaoman doesn't meet Lin Bing, so can't he express his grievances at this moment?

Su Mei pinched Xiaoman to stop her from talking nonsense, and asked Lin Fu, "Could it be something to block the heart?" Knowing that even if Lin Fu was thinking about this, if it wasn't for something annoying On the first day of not going back to Chongzhou, I bumped into it in the middle of the night.

In May, the weather is getting warmer now, Xiaoman was originally a concubine, and Su Mei did not shy away from Lin Bie, and all dressed lightly. The two sisters looked at each other under the lamp, and they were very beautiful. Lin Fuchi looked at each other and said, "After drinking a sip of tea, there is nothing to worry about, so I want to talk to you for a while..."

Su Mei and Xiaoman sat down next to him.

Xiaoman just woke up from sleep, and dozed off against Lin Bing's shoulder. He wished that he would hug him all over. After struggling for a while, he curled up on the soft couch and slept on his thigh.

Lin Fu told Su Mei in detail what Dongya had just discussed.

"After all, this is a difficult thing to do, and I can't help you make up your mind," Su Mei said softly, "Jiangning hoped that the Cao family would send troops from Tongguan to restrict the Donghu people from Jinzhong to leave Hezhongfu and go south. If the Cao family is in a hurry Tu Chuandong, what should I do?"

"Alas," Lin Fu sighed softly, and said, "Benefits make you dizzy, and many people are not as thorough as you. Cao Yiqu is an ambitious person - he won't be able to pass through Sichuan and Chongqing, and he has no hope of being in the world. To reach out to Chuandong, you also have to be very patient!" Lin Fu said, his hand reached towards Xiaoman's chest unconsciously, holding a breast like a tender pigeon, playing with it. on. Xiaoman was very sleepy, and after struggling twice, he didn't struggle, so he moved his body and fell asleep in a more comfortable position.

Su Mei pretended not to see the small movements in Lin Fu's hand, and said: "Guanzhong has fallen since the previous dynasty. Cao Yiqu had the will to repair the canal in Guanzhong, but in Guanzhong, it is impossible to build a seawall in Huaidong - listen to Miss Song. , Shewenzhuang is not an impatient person, but because of Huaidong's strategy, the She family can only seize this opportunity! There is no Huaidong staring at the Cao family, maybe Donghu people will condone Cao Cao Go home and fetch Chuandong!"

The so-called stupid team members are not as good as pigs, so Huaidong considered the problem of carrying the Donghu people down on the East Road alone. The Cao family obviously neither trusts nor has confidence in Jiangning's side, but if Guanzhong is to block the westward road of the main force of the Donghu people, the Guanzhong area alone is obviously insufficient - the Cao family really wants to take it without telling Chuandong, the situation will only become more complicated...

Lin Fu didn't want to think about complicated things at this time, and asked, "It's not early, why don't I sleep here for a while and go to the East Yarn to act on official business before dawn?"

Su Meijiao blushed, pushed his shoulders and said, "Most of them know what Zhao Qinmin means to come to Chongzhou. If you don't go back tonight, what will Xunniang think? It's hard work in this world, but I don't know. It's not easy being a woman..."

Lin Bing thought about it too. He woke Xiaoman in his arms and asked her, "Are you staying here or going back to the mountain with me?"

Xiaoman naturally wanted to stay in Lin Bing's arms and not get up to be favored by him. Before she could answer, Su Mei pulled her over and said, "Let Xiaoman stay with me here, and go back to the mountain quickly. !"


Gu Junxun sat in the boudoir and stayed in the middle of the night, when Juaner came in and said that Lin Fudong had discussed matters and went to the city to drink tea. Looking at the crescent moon outside the west window, his heart was filled with panic. When Zhao Qinmin came to Chongzhou this time, he brought her a letter from home, asking her to persuade Lin Fu to support Qingzhou by the pillow.

Gu Junxun can somewhat understand that Huaidong is currently on the northern front mainly supporting Huaisi's red jacket army, and it is difficult to support Qingzhou. Being sandwiched between Huaidong and her father and brother, she is very difficult to be a person, and she resists and does not speak. This issue.

Gu Junxun sat absentmindedly in front of the window for a moment, ran over to take a look at the daughter who was in the same room with Cai'er, then went back to the room to undress and fell asleep. She felt more and more uncomfortable, tears rolled down her cheeks, and Lin Bie was silent. I didn't notice the sound coming in.

Lin Bie looked at the wet marks on Yuexia Junxun's fair cheeks, stretched out his fingers and gently wiped her face, and asked, "Why are you crying?" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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