Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 49: war situation

The red and bright sunset, lying on the west side of the mountain, is about to sink. Covered with gold and silver, the river water is mighty and golden...

Xiao Baiming, who had just led his troops out from the Haining Estuary, had no intention of admiring the evening scene of the Qianjiang River under the setting sun. He looked at the Huaidong warships that covered the sky and covered the sun on the south side of the river. The sail masts were like walls, covering the south bank of the river in the twilight. , fell powerlessly on the bow of the boat, and a desperate thought filled his heart: there would be no reinforcements coming, and with the few broken ships behind him, he couldn't get out at all.

They are the navy troops that Su Tingzhan sent to harass the hinterland of northern Zhejiang, more than 3,000 people. They have used the dense river network of Haining and Haiyan for several days to divide and attack, burning, killing, looting, wanton rape/prostitution. Thinking that such good things will come to an end on the 24th?

Who would have thought that the warships of the Huaidong navy would rush in like a crucian carp crossing the river, cutting their way back.

The more they fought, the denser the Huaidong warships. The defenders in Haining City saw reinforcements coming, and they rushed out as if they had taken a tonic, and shot them along the shore with bows and crossbows. After finally rushing out from the territory of Haining County, they discovered that on the Qianjiang River, the Huaidong Navy's fleet was like a net, wrapping the mouth of the Haining River inside, leaving them with no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the ground.


Xiao Baiming looked back and saw that it was the old cow who had followed him since Ninghai Town and called him his official position in Ninghai Town. There were two broken arrows stuck in the shoulders of the old cow. The shafts of the arrows had been cut off with large scissors, but the arrows were deeply inserted into the meat. Blood flowed from his shoulders, dyeing the blue-black military uniform into purple-black. After fighting for a long time, he could not smell the blood. There was no bravery and cruelty of the past in his cloudy eyes. He was pessimistic and desperate. Not so unfamiliar expectations...

"Old Niu's life can't be saved, but the brothers can't just fight it all out! Superintendent, keep the green hills, don't be afraid of running out of firewood!" Lao Niu's voice was hoarse, and his words affected Xiao Baiming and the people around him. The thoughts that were pressed in my heart that I dared not speak out came out.

Everyone turned to look at Xiao Baiming, waiting for him to make a decision, but no one noticed that Chen Qianhu walked behind the boat with a short spear, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he slammed in from the back of the old cow. .

At this point in the fight, Chen Qianhu had lost his mind, and the blood-red copper bell glared fiercely, shouting in a deep voice: "When the commander died, everyone was determined to take revenge, how can they surrender to Huaidong? Who dares to have this in their hearts? Thoughts, this is an example!"

Lao Niu turned his head to look at Chen Qianhu in disbelief, and his body collapsed, completely losing his vitality. Chen Qianhu stepped on the corpse of the old cow and pulled out his short spear. Perhaps too much blood had flowed out, and only a little bright red blood seeped out from the armor...

Xiao Baiming sighed in his heart, then cheered up and said in a loud voice: "Huidong will never leave us a way of life, and falling into their hands will only make life worse than death. Go out to fight, eat wine, eat meat and play girls, Baiming, please Brothers are happy for half a month; if you can't kill them, you will still be a hero after 20 years, don't let people look down on you!"

Ge Cunxiong did not know that the few remnants of the ships that rushed out from the mouth of the Haining River were the remnants of the Ninghai Town Navy who had defected to the luxury family back then. Xiao Baiming, Chen Qianhu and others on the ships were also Huaidong's old enemies. Seeing that the enemy ship had no intention of surrendering, he had no patience to wait any longer. He ordered six warships on each flank to attack to destroy the remnant army in eastern Zhejiang before the night came and end the battle at the mouth of the Haining River!

Unable to wait for the end of the war here, Ge Cunxiong dispatched part of the fighting force from the Third Water Camp to go back to Jiangxi, and block the Cao'e River estuary between Kuaiji and Shangyu before nightfall.


The news that the remnants of the Zhedong Naval Division that had entered Haining to harassed the Third Water Battalion were all wiped out, and it was already the time when the stars were scarce in the moonlight.

In the Zhaikou Village, the temporary use of the Nanzheng Xingyuan, dozens of giant candles illuminate the official hall as bright as day.

Qin Chengzu was in charge of specific military affairs in the main hall. The generals and officials of the Xingyuan and the Military Intelligence Department were busy around him, walking in and out.

Lin Bie would not be distracted by the tedious military affairs. After he landed in the village at noon, he stayed in the side hall for most of the day, studying the war on the map hanging on the north wall for a long time - the latest situation of the enemy and the enemy. The development and evolution will be assisted by Song Jia, who will be clearly and timely marked on the map.

The map shows that since the advance troops of the Huaidong Army launched a raid in the early morning to the present, there have been as many as 17 battles in eastern Zhejiang and Haining, Haiyan and other places on the north bank of the Qianjiang River. , Jintang, Chongshou, Xiapu and other seven villages on the northeast coast of Mingzhou Prefecture, and captured three dock ports and two shipyards such as Laotangshan, Meishan and Xietang.

The lower waterway of the Qian (Tang) River is a standard bell mouth topography. The south bank starts from Chongshou Village in the northeast corner of Mingzhou Prefecture, and the north bank starts from Xitang Bridge Village in Jiaxing Prefecture. If it is considered as the dividing line between the Qianjiang River and the East China Sea, here The river is more than 60 miles wide, and the waterway is deep, which is suitable for the warships of the Jinghai Sea Battalion. However, when the Jiangdao entered the south of Haining County, it suddenly shrunk to less than five or six miles wide, and the silt water was shallow, and there were sand ridges hidden at the bottom of the river, which was not conducive to the deep draft of the Jinghai Sea Battalion warships entering the battle.

After the opening of the war in eastern Zhejiang, Zhao Qingshan led the main force of the first water battalion, and after advancing westward along the Qianjiang River, they mainly deployed defenses in the section of the river between the west of the Cao'e River mouth and the Dingqiao in Haining, responsible for intercepting the eastern Zhejiang at this time in Fuyang. The main force of the navy went down the river. After the cover infantry battalion landed, the second water battalion merged with the third water battalion, and was responsible for finding and destroying the forces of the Eastern Zhejiang Navy who stayed behind in Mingzhou or harassed the north bank in the waters east of the Cao'e River estuary.

Song Jia, who was wearing a Confucian shirt and had been accompanying Lin Fu since she entered Jinhai from the north, hadn't closed her eyes to rest from last night until now, and she was exhausted in her bones. She raised her head from the pile of snow-like newspapers and saw Lin Fu lying on the map, personally drawing the route of the third water battalion to the mouth of Cao'e River, and said lazily: "The main force of the Eastern Zhejiang Navy is here at this time. If it is not taken down from the upstream, it will probably not come out in a short time!"

"Strategically, you need to be bold, but when it comes to implementing specific tactics, you have to be careful and careful," Lin Fu made the sign, moved away from the map, re-examined the latest situation of the enemy and us in eastern Zhejiang, looked back at Song Jia, and said, "Only after Ao Canghai conquers Shangyu and the third water battalion completely controls the Cao'e River, can the main force of the first water battalion be withdrawn and used elsewhere! And we will have more time to attack the Mingzhou city."

Chen Mingzhe and Chen Xiyan, as guest ministers, were also invited to stay in the side hall to keep an eye on the development of the situation in eastern Zhejiang. They all saw that Song Jia was disguised as a man.

It is most taboo to have women in the military camp. Chen Xiyan and Chen Mingzhe told Song Jia that Song Jia stayed in the side hall and pointed out the war. Their brows were furrowed, but they were helpless. Lin Fu even compiled a female camp in Chongzhou to supplement his cronies. Lack of troops.

There were too many deviant things that happened to Lin Fu, but it seemed normal that there was a female official who was disguised as a man in the side hall.

The lamp candle projected Lin Bie's figure on the map, as if a huge shadow covered the land of eastern Zhejiang.

In addition to the water camp, Ao Canghai led the main force of the Changshan camp to land at Chongshou and Xietang in the northeast and north of Mingzhou Prefecture at the same time at noon. After capturing Chongshou and Xietang villages, the Changshan battalion quickly moved towards Cixi and Shangyu in two directions, forming two huge arrows on the map advancing from the coast to the inland.

Before nightfall, the right wing of Changshan Camp successfully captured Cixi City with less than 600 defenders, while the left wing formed a siege of Shangyu City, cutting the connection between Shangyu and Ximian Kuaiji. The plan was to attack Shangyu overnight, but there was no new battle report. return.

At the same time, Lin Fu also asked Ge Cunxiong to lead the main force of the third water battalion to the west to enter the lower and middle reaches of the Cao'e River after clearing the remnants of the Zhedong Navy that harassed Haining and Haiyan. Ting Zhan and She Feixiong led reinforcements eastward to prepare for Mingzhou.

Due to the military deployment of the She family in eastern Zhejiang, with Kuaiji as the center, Su Tingzhan led the troops of eastern Zhejiang to attack Fuyang, and there were still 3,000 defenders in the city of Kuaiji. At the same time, the distance between Kuaiji and Fuyang is also close, the straight-line distance is only more than 100 miles. She Feixiong and Su Tingzhan led their troops to return to Kuaiji from Fuyang. In the first stage of the war in eastern Zhejiang, Lin Fu did not attack Kuaiji. It is obviously unrealistic to plan to attack Kuaiji with surprise troops.

In addition to Kuaiji, the soldiers and horses of the She family who stayed behind in Mingzhou were obviously mainly to prevent small-scale harassment from the sea. Including the defense lines established by the She family on Daishan and Changguo Islands, Mingzhou Prefecture has more than 13,000 Shui Infantry troops left behind, and about 4,000 soldiers and horses are stationed at Daishan and Changguo Islands without major changes. More than 8,000 soldiers and horses were not only stationed in various defensive villages and cities along the coast of Mingzhou Prefecture, but also divided a navy to harass Haiyan, Haining, Jiaxing and other places on the other side.

This created a very favorable fighter opportunity for the Huaidong Army to attack quickly, divide and then concentrate its forces to make breakthroughs.

Lin Fu has a very clear idea for the development of the first stage of the war in eastern Zhejiang, that is to first disperse the troops, seize the outer cities and defensive villages of Mingzhou Prefecture, and form an interception line of defense against the reinforcements from southern Zhejiang and western Zhejiang. , and then shrink the force to attack the inner city of Mingzhou, and strive for the first stage to recover the whole of Mingzhou!

In addition to Ao Canghai leading a section of Changshan Battalion to attack Shangyu County first to prepare for reinforcements in western Zhejiang, Zhou Tong led the main force of Chongcheng Infantry Battalion, under the cover of some warships of the Second Water Battalion, and directly advanced to Xiangshan Mountain, south of Mingzhou Prefecture. In the bay, land from the iron port, and advance westward to seize Shengzhou first.

It was Shengzhou, Lin tied on the map and drew a big red circle on the map of Shengzhou with a charcoal pen with red red as the core.

If She Feihu leads his troops from southern Zhejiang to help Mingzhou Prefecture, Shengzhou is the place he must go.

After Zhou Tong and his team landed from the iron port, they had to cross the southern hills of the Siming Mountains before entering the territory of Shengzhou, which was two days earlier than Shefeihu at the earliest.

In the absence of siege equipment, the Chongcheng Infantry Camp can successfully capture Shengzhou City in two days.

Although more than 21,000 infantrymen, including Changshan Battalion, Chongcheng Infantry Battalion, and Hailing House Army, have been transferred to the battlefield in eastern Zhejiang, considering that they are likely to face the battle from southern Zhejiang and western Zhejiang in eastern Zhejiang. After the big counterattack and the nearly 4,000 remnants of Zhedong on Changguo Island, Lin Fu still felt that the troops at hand were not enough.

The first stage of the war in eastern Zhejiang is to capture Mingzhou Prefecture's Zhuchengchi and defense villages by means of a rush attack. Next, it is necessary to defeat the luxury family's counterattack and defend the Mingzhou Prefecture. victory.

"The remnants of the Zhedong navy that entered Haining were largely annihilated," Qin Chengzu took a battle report himself and walked in with joy, "The preliminary estimate is that the number of annihilated enemies is around 1,900, more than 300 were captured, and Ninghai was captured alive. The traitor Xiao Baiming is on his way here..."

"Okay!" Lin Fu excitedly squeezed the charcoal pen in his hand and waved it forcefully in front of his eyes, and said, "Immediately send an order to Chongzhou, and the merchants and civilian ships will carry reserve soldiers from Jiangmen to support this side!"

Up to now, the Huaidong Navy has almost wiped out the main force of the Zhedong Navy in the west of the Haining Waterway, about 3,000 people. As long as Zhao Qingshan leads the main force of the first water battalion, the main force of the Zhedong Navy assembled in Fuyang will be blocked in Haining. If they could not come down from the west, in the waters surrounded by Mingzhou Prefecture, Changguo and Daishan Islands, there was no naval force that could threaten the Huaidong Army. At this time, using merchant ships to transport reserve troops to the south, naturally there is not much danger.

"As for Xiao Baiming..." When mentioning this name, the past events came to mind, Lin Bing pondered for a while, and said, "Let him meet Xiao Changze and reward them both with a corpse!" He asked Chen Xiyan, " Old Chen Ge thinks it's good to deal with it like this?"

Chen Xiyan smiled bitterly. Lin Fu had the power to kill one or two prisoners. Why should I ask their opinions?

But when it comes to Xiao Baiming, Chen Xiyan has also seen it.

The navy generals in Ninghai Town led their troops to defect to the extravagant family, which caused great harm to the Wu Party and Pingjiang Prefecture. When they captured Laotangshan Port, they killed Xiao Taoyuan's second son Xiao Changhui on the spot, and captured Xiao Taoyuan's eldest son. Xiao Changze and Lin Fu decided to execute Xiao Changze and Xiao Baiming at the same time, how could Chen Xiyan object? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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