Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 29: do not kill

"A few days ago, I asked all the officials of Hailing House to report to Chongzhou before the fifth day of the first lunar month, but I couldn't get away from it.

Lin Bie picked up a porcelain chess piece, flipped it on the head of the black dragon, and blocked Li Wei's chess position - Li Wei frowned and thought about chess, as if he didn't hear Lin Bie's self-deprecating words. Liang Wenzhan sat on the side and said, "It's difficult for the company, and the adults are running around non-stop. Which of the officials of Hailing Mansion is not fond of?"

"You don't need to comfort me, I still have some self-knowledge," Lin Fu said with a smile, "Has Liu Tingzhou stopped for a while today?"

"I haven't seen anyone until now!" Liang Wenzhan said, "The 12th battalion of the Huaidong Infantry Division Bei Army was given to him, and he is still not satisfied? Liu Yefei and Gao Yi, I'm afraid they are against Liu Ting. The state has become suspicious! Besides, although the two cities of Suining and Suyu have been lost, the situation has not collapsed as expected. he!"

What Liang Wenzhan said is also true. The policy towards the refugee army is to suppress or appease, and the court and the opposition have always been controversial.

Even the officials who are in charge of suppression usually cannot accept Chen Zhihu's brutal prohibition methods.

Not to mention the people in Huaidong, Liu Tingzhou, Li Wei and others are essentially moderate officials who are regarded as monarchs and herdsmen.

It's just that Chen Zhihu has won all battles, which makes the situation in Henan seem to be improving. With the support of Ning Wangfu and Yue Lengqiu, Liu Tingzhou, Li Wei and other people's opposition has been suppressed.

Li Wei turned a deaf ear to the conversation between Lin Fu and Liang Wenzhan, and answered one piece attentively. Lin Fu took another piece from the chess box, and asked Li Wei, "Master Li really made up his mind not to do it again. Are you working?"

"No," Li Wei shook his head and said, "I lost Suiningcheng twice, so I won't be so embarrassed to see my colleagues and old friends again!"

"There is a naughty boy in my family who is almost at the age of literacy. How about asking Mr. Li to condescend to be a Mr. Xixi?" Lin Fu asked.

"Your Excellency is a master of miscellaneous learning, and Li Wei is a pedantic person in the district. How can you get the eyes of an adult?" Li Wei said calmly, "I'm afraid it will delay the little son's studies."

"That kid in my family makes him happy for two or three years before he can enter school. Master Li doesn't have to be busy rejecting me. Now you and I are good chess friends..." Lin Fie made a move and asked again, "I won't even bother Chess friends can't do it, right?"

Li Wei didn't say a word, but just stretched out his hand to take the pieces from the chess box, which was a practical answer to Lin Bie's question. A piece was held in his hand for a long time without falling, and finally raised his head and asked Lin Bie, "Huaidong cavalry also crossed. Huaibei went up, and General Xiao also defended Shuyang. The robbers could not cross the Huaihe River for the time being, and they could not cross the Yishui River if they moved eastward. Chen Hansan blocked them in the north, but the counties of Suining and Suyu had 8,000 households and 40,000 people. After finally returning home and settling down, the adults really watch them fall into trouble again?"

After the Huaisi War, no one was willing to go to Suyu and Suining to serve as officials. Li Wei knew both counties and selected officials from the county residents to work hard to appease the refugees. The two counties were extremely sleepy, lacked agricultural tools, had no animal power, and had very limited grain reserves. Even under this circumstance, Li Wei has been recruiting 40,000 people to return to their hometowns during this period of time, which is extremely impressive.

400,000 to 500,000 hungry people poured into Suining and Suyu counties, and everyone knew what the consequences would be. The biggest possibility is that the scale of the hungry will increase by another 40,000 to 50,000 people.

If the north, south, east and west cannot be blocked, 400,000 or 500,000 hungry people will be like locust swarms, plundering the border. Even if it is blocked, the 40,000 to 50,000 people will eventually survive, not more than 20%.

Lin Bie stretched his hand into the chess box and played with the pieces, but with a wry smile on his face, he said, "I'm going to send someone to comfort me at this time, and Chen Zhihu has the heart to swallow me..."

"Could it be that the adults put 400,000 to 500,000 people in and have nothing to do?" Li Wei asked.

Lin Bie was startled, and he stretched his hand into the chess box and forgot to pull it back for a while; Liang Wenzhan was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that a magistrate in Liwei District could see clearly with his eyes. Maybe he could see more clearly after being in Suining for a long time. .

"The king does not support the people, the people support themselves, the heaven and earth are big, and life is the greatest - also complaining about not being plundered by bandits, and changing children to eat when hungry, who cares about etiquette, honor, loyalty and filial piety?" Li Wei continued. said.

Li Wei's remarks made Liang Wenzhan secretly moved. Although he also had a firm heart to follow Huaidong, he couldn't say such words without a ruler, no father, and outrageous rebelliousness. He secretly said: This old man has been stimulated a lot in Huaisi in recent years.

The last time the city of Suining was broken, Li Wei couldn't bear to kill his daughter and wanted to hang himself. After the war, Suining stayed for so long, and it would be strange if his thinking had not changed! Lin Fu finally came back to his senses, took out his hand from the chess box, eased his face, and said, "Lord Li's words, I will pretend that you didn't say it in front of me..."

Li Wei was not moved by Lin Bing's words, and continued: "If your lord wants to appease, Li Wei will fight this old bone and run to Suining for your lord..."

Lin Fu shook his head and said, "Chen Zhihu doesn't talk about him, Jiang Ning can't pass that level!"

Song Jia said from the side, "Zhang Gou and Chen Zhuo seem to have been kneeling outside for quite a while!"

"Let them continue to kneel!" Lin Fu said impatiently, "Who here wants to see them?"

Li Wei said: "The past is over, the adults don't need to avoid anything for the old man!"

Lin Bie raised his head and opened his eyes to look at Li Wei, and said with a joking smile, "Is the cheap grandpa also doing it?"

Li Wei couldn't put his face down, and he blushed with shame when he said this to Lin Fu; even Song Jia, who was standing on the side, couldn't hear it, and secretly kicked Lin Bie, asking him to accept it when he saw it.

Li Wei can say these words here, even if he is on the pirate ship of Huaidong, he will never be able to jump off again.

Li Wei, who was an official, was always clean and capable, and was very popular in Huaisi, so after the refugee army broke the Huaisi cities, they wanted to recruit him. Li Wei insisted not to be a thief. After Suining recovered, he was released from prison and insisted on staying in Suining to do the work of recruiting and appeasement, and his reputation was even greater. In the Qingliu of Scholars, Li Wei also has beautiful transcriptions. He was determined to be attached to Huaidong, and for Huaidong, it was a good wedge.

Only then did Liang Wenzhan confirm that the rumors that Chen Zhuo had taken Li Wei's daughter as his wife and gave birth to a son were true.

Lin Fu then sat up straight and instructed the guards outside the pavilion: "For the sake of Duke Li, bring those two people in!"

After a while, Li Wei's face returned to normal, and he watched the guards lead Zhang Gou and Chen Zhuo in.

Zhang Gou and Chen Zui walked into the courtyard and knelt down outside the pavilion. When Chen Zui saw that Li Wei was also in the pavilion, he was slightly startled and buried his head in silence. Seeing Lin Fu and Li Wei playing chess, Zhang Gou said, "I will have something to report at the end..."

"If you have anything to say, don't bother us to play chess." Lin Bie said impatiently.

Song Jia explained from the side: "Li Gong is not an outsider. If Zhang Canjun has something to say, just say it!"

Zhang Gou hesitated, wondering when Li Wei, the magistrate of Suining County, was no longer an outsider? What is the relationship between Shanyang magistrate and Huaidong?

Although Zhang Gou has been in command of the military intelligence department for some time, he usually has access to the most confidential military information in Huaidong, but it is limited to this. Zhang Gou was completely unaware of Huaidong's overall strategy for the Huaisi area. Even within Huaidong, only a limited number of people really knew about it.

Zhang Gou bit his head and said: "The general will discuss with Chen Zhuo, Liu Miaozhen, Ma Lantou and other thieves may be able to comfort Huaidong, please sir Xu Mo will come to Suining!"

Lin Fu threw the chess piece in his hand into the chess box, and turned to look at Zhang Gou, who was kneeling on the ground: "Do you think that this can save Sun Zhuang's life and fulfill the righteousness of your brothers?"

"The last general is only thinking of Huaidong, and has no other thoughts!" Zhang Gou said with a kowtow.

"I've learned to say nice words," Lin Fu sneered. "It's Liu Miaozhen and Ma Lantou who are willing to accept Huaidong's consolation, so let me ask you, is it possible for Huaidong to convince them? Yue Lengqiu, Chen Zhihu, Chen Hansan After spending so much effort to encircle and suppress them, Sun Zhuang lost two cities, opened a hole, let them breathe a sigh of relief, and now they accept Huaidong's consolation, how do outsiders view Huaidong?"

"...I don't know at the end." Zhang Gou replied bravely.

"Liu Miaozhen is still guarding in Huaiyang, and 400,000 or 500,000 hungry people flock to the west of the Bianhe River like a swarm of locusts. You can comfortably say a word of comfort. How can these 400,000 or 500,000 starving people be comforted?" Lin Fu asked again.

Zhang Gou was stunned again, he still couldn't answer this question.

After the Huaisi War, Huaidong accepted about 160,000 prisoners plus their families. In order to support these people, the Huaidong labor camp was expanded to 70,000 people, and they bravely repaired and defended the seawall, just to support so many people.

Not to mention the huge investment in building and defending the seawall, the four villages in Hecheng and Jiangmen were the most invested in order to resettle the families of workers, battalions, and soldiers. For these people to reach the level of self-sufficiency, the scale of land reclamation must be increased to at least 400,000 mu.

To feed 400,000 to 500,000 hungry people, even if there is enough land for reclamation, how much rice should be put into it in two or three years?

If appeasement is an easy task, how could Jiang Ning condone Chen Zhihu's ban and kill all in Henan?

"Get up," Lin Fu waved his hand and said, "you **** Duke Li to the north and tell Liu Miaozhen and Ma Lantou that Huaidong lends them 40,000 stone grains every month. You must make it clear to them. , 40,000 stone grains are lent to them every month, and one day, I will ask them for it back. Also, they are not allowed to fortify the north side of Siyang and the west bank of Yishui—other things, Huaidong will not grant it Ignore it!" Seeing Chen Zhe, he also stood up with Zhang Gou, and said with a stern face, "You give Duke Li three bangs before you get up..."

Chen Zhe knelt for a day, and his mind was confused. Hearing what Lin Fu said, he didn't ask anything, so he kowtowed three times at Li Wei. Li Wei's body was stiff, and he didn't say he was polite or disrespectful. Even though he guessed that Lin Fu had a backer, he was still shocked when he heard that Lin Fu Zhangkou secretly borrowed 40,000 stone grains from the Red Jacket Army every month: 40,000 stone grains a month, 500,000 stone grains a year The tax and grain that the eleven counties of the two prefectures and eleven counties in Huaidong handed over to the prefectures last year is only this amount.

Huaidong has this ability, and it is no wonder that Jiangning is no longer in his eyes. At this time, I don't want to directly appease, maybe I don't want to tear the last layer of face, maybe I want to use Liu Miaozhen's power to attack Chen Hansan - after all, once Liu Miaozhen accepts the care, there is no name for Chen Hansan~www.wuxiamtl .com~ As for Sun Zhuang, as a general in the Huaidong army, he was a promiscuous rogue and could not be punished with impunity. All the eleven members who came to prison with him were all stripped of their positions and placed first in the Chongzhou Infantry Battalion. Camp soldiers. Those who have less than ten first credits and less than one hundred grades will not be promoted! Lin Bie stared at Chen Zhuo, "If you dare to sacrifice the law behind my back, be careful that I will take off the armor on your body!" "

"Don't dare!" Chen Zhuang just wanted to save Sun Zhuang and the others' lives, and he hurriedly thanked Sun Zhuang.

"Go to Suining and bring their family to Huaidong," Lin Fu told Zhang Gou again, "Go and tell Sun Zhuang that his kindness to Liu An'er will be repaid from today on. Don't play the trick with me that you are in Cao Ying and your heart is in Han..."

Zhang Gou and Chen Zui both knelt down and kowtowed to express their gratitude: "Your Excellency is as gracious to him as a mountain. No matter how ignorant he is, I will never forgive him!"

Lin Fu sighed secretly, killing people in this world is a common thing, but he can't lose his kindness, loyalty and filial piety. From Cao Zi'ang and Qin Chengzu, to Zhou Pu and Ning Zechen, all of them must protect Sun Zhuang from death, and more importantly, protect the eleven members who came to prison with Sun Zhuang from death.

In the eyes of the world, Sun Zhuang abandoned the two cities and trapped the people of the two cities in water and fire. Just like Guan Yu letting Cao Cao go on Huarong Road, no one would think there was anything wrong; only Chen Hansan's behavior of selling the old master clean and black to death can be cast aside by the world for thousands of years - this is the case. It's the morality of this world!

If you think about it, people like Fu Qinghe, Qin Chengzu, Cao Zi'ang, etc. would rather betray the imperial court than betray the Su clan, and don't they insist on loyalty and righteousness?

Lin Fu took the blank letter that Song Jia handed him, signed the order, and threw it to Chen Zhe: "Go down and lead someone, don't be an eyesore here." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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