Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 20: Pigs and mice

"A victory in Songshan seems to be a real danger, but the state is only difficult. The temples and temples should be ten thousand times more cautious, which is the blessing of the society..."

"What's the danger? There are only 150,000 or 60,000 Hu Dings in Yandong, and most of the elites are trapped in Yanxi, and only 50,000 or 60,000 are left behind in western Liaoning; There are only 50,000 or 60,000 weak soldiers. In the battle of Songshan, 10,000 elites were killed, and the remaining 40,000 or 50,000 were even more old and weak, and they had to defend the cities separately. This is a good opportunity for our dynasty to restore the homeland of Liaodong! It is serious to gather troops to attack the royal court, and to complete the work in one battle."

"The Hu Dingzhuang of Yandong is 150,000 to 60,000. However, in the past ten years, the Hus of Gaoli and Yanxi have all surrendered to the east and west, and they have captured nearly one million Dingzhuang. They are completely different. Although there were more than 100,000 cavalry in Yanxi, they were unable to return. However, before the country was in a desperate situation, all the troops were dispatched in the territory, and more than 200,000 soldiers were recruited, which was not difficult. It is the root of the real disaster!”

"I miss you, Zhao Shuhan, who is also a scholar in the Scholar Forest. I didn't expect you to be so shameless and shameless! In the nine years of Chongguan, the prisoners invaded the border and invaded, and it is true that they took 300,000 people away. However, the people of Da Yue are all Being taught by etiquette and deeply cherishing the grace of the court, when Master Wang arrives and saves him from fire and water, he must be cheered. Zhao Shuhan, you said today that they would help the Zhou Dynasty, what kind of motives are you hiding?"

"Zhao's heart can learn from the sun and the moon. I wish the court was good, so I came to discuss it with you. Songshan's victory is too easy, so I have to be more careful."

"After all the words, you actually claim that the loss of Songshan was a trap set by the Eastern captives? It's a big laugh! Songshan is in Liaoyang, like Linyu in Yanjing. , will you deliberately give up the key point of the portal? Do you really think that the mind of the captive king is like yours?"

"Bah, the affairs of the state are all bad and you are arrogant and arrogant. If you don't check it today, it's too late to regret it!" At this point, Zhao Shuhan was also full of anger, and he didn't care about his identity as a master craftsman. I want to wake up these delusional and frivolous scholars.

"Haha..." Yu Bijiang burst out laughing, looked around and said, "Wait, please see Brother Zhao's frantic state, is there any slap in the face? Master Wang has just won a great victory, and the whole world is celebrating, but he is so unlucky to talk about it, What do you think he is thinking? Could it be that he was not benefited by the Donglu?"

This is the entrance hall of the Fanlou. It was originally a small stage built for Kabuki performances. At this time, it was becoming a debate stage for Zhao Shuhan and Yu Bijiang to debate the northern affairs in public. The front of the stage was crowded with wine drinkers, but with the current atmosphere, Zhao Shuhan completely suppressed Yu Pijiang.

Every time Yu Bijiang spoke, the audience applauded, and every time Zhao Shuhan talked, the audience cheered, and occasionally there was cynicism.

"You!" Zhao Shuhan saw Yu Bijiang spit blood, he was so angry that he wanted to spit blood, and he opened his mouth to argue, and suddenly a black shadow flashed from the diagonal. I was stunned for a moment, but I heard someone in the hall sneer: "Get out of here, you dog who has grown up with other people's ambitions!"

Inside the pavilion, the hall was full of laughter and loud noises, and scholars and drinkers rushed up to drive Zhao Shuhan down.

Zhao Shuhan was so angry that he coughed and the phlegm was streaked with blood. At this moment, two strong men dressed as entourages came from the inside, squeezed in and protected Zhao Shuhan, who was about to lose his mind, and whispered in his ear: "Master Gu is inside, please don't pay attention to this, Mr. Zhao. Crazy boy!"

Hearing that Gu Wuchen was in the room, Zhao Shuhan calmed down a little bit. He took care of his robes and clothes, but he didn't care about the stains on his body, and walked to the wine pavilion inside.

Seeing Zhao Shuhan walking away in a state of confusion, Yu Pijiang was even more triumphant, and said with a loud voice, "What kind of person is Li Bingbu? Ah? I persuade Brother Zhao, don't come out and be embarrassed again!"

With resentment in his heart, Zhao Shuhan walked away in a hurry, entered the wine pavilion, closed the door, and could still hear the laughter outside.

But it was Gu Wuchen and the grandfather Zeng Mingxin drinking here, accompanied by Zhao Qinmin and Sun Wenbing and others. Zeng Mingxin saw that Zhao Shuhan was still angry, so he comforted him with words: "My heart is like a stubborn stone, if it doesn't change, it doesn't change, Zhao Why bother arguing with them, sir? If they are useful, why has the state of affairs been reduced to such a level?" Zhao Shuhan was invited to take a seat.

Zhao Shuhan was in a slightly better mood after the old man said this. He bowed to Zeng Mingxin and Gu Wuchen and sat down, but he was still worried and said, "If the court can't see the situation clearly, urge Li Bingbu to advance the military attack from the Songshan warehouse. Liaoyang, the situation is dangerous!"

Gu Wuchen was also reluctant to tell Zhao Shuhan about more confidential matters, he just said: "All the princes in the imperial court have a plan, and they will make plans and then move, so we don't need to worry too much..." Then he said to Sun Wenbing, "You accompany Mr. Zhao Sit here for a while, don't let Mr. Zhao argue with those frivolous scholars outside."

"Yes." Sun Wenbing nodded.

Gu Wuchen and Zeng Mingxin had been drinking for a long time, and there was a glass of wine on the table.

Zhao Shuhan and Yu Bijiang were discussing, and they also heard it from the beginning to the end. In any case, Zhao Shuhan is a master figure who was raised by Lin Bie in Jiangning and admired the art of miscellaneous arts. Gu Wuchen couldn't let those ignorant people insult him like this. Seeing that the scene was going out of control, he asked Zhao Shuhan to invite him. Come in.

Gu Wuchen bowed his hands to Zeng Mingxin and said, "My lord, Wuchen has other affairs to worry about..." Zeng Mingxin is the same generation as Tang Haoxin, and the lord shows it again. A gift for the younger generation.

"It's easy to say that the country's affairs are difficult, and you can't delay your time," Zeng Mingxin said. "I have nothing to do, so I will stay here to pass the time..."

Gu Wuchen and Zhao Qinmin left, surrounded by their entourage, and Zeng Mingxin asked people to remove the rest of the seats and bring new wine.

Without Gu Wuchen present, Zhao Shuhan spoke casually and asked Sun Wenbing, "How does Huaidong view the Songshan victory?"

Although Sun Wenbing did not hold a formal official position, he was Huaidong's representative in Jiangning, so he was qualified to accompany Zeng Mingxin and Gu Wuchen, and naturally he knew the secrets.

Sun Wenbing shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "Yu Pijiang is a famous person in Jiangning, he is the son of Yu Xinyuan, and he also serves as an officer in the Jiangning Metropolitan Inspection Institute. Looking at the Songshan Victory? Now I can only hope that Li Bingbu can withstand the pressure in western Liaoning, and hold the Songshan City until the thaw of Liaodong Bay after next spring, which is a real victory!"

Hearing what Sun Wenbing said, Zhao Shuhan looked at Zeng Mingxin.

Zeng Ming's new and old face shook his head sadly. He was no longer pessimistic, but desperate.

"'The commander is out, and the emperor's orders are not granted.' As long as the Li Bingbu can understand the situation and stick to Songshan until next spring, why is the grandfather still so pessimistic?" Zhao Shuhan asked anxiously.

Zeng Mingxin waved his entourage to guard him outside, and then said, "The gentleman is wise and his ministers are virtuous. There is a beautiful talk of 'the general will be outside, and the emperor's life will not be granted'. Now the first person who wants to fight is the one in the palace, Li How can Zhuo 'the emperor's life is not granted'? Li Zhuo is so lonely that the building will collapse!"

In terms of influence on the Jibei Army, Hao Zongcheng, who has been the long-term military envoy and military leader, is not under Li Zhuo - with Emperor Chongguan's suspicious temperament, how could it be possible to let Li Zhuo alone in charge of the Jibei Army? Li Zhuo can't control the Jibei Army independently, so what is "the emperor's order not granted"?

"President Zhang Xie, Chen Xinbo, etc., be careful in planning for the society. They should not be rash people; Hao Zongcheng is also not a rash person!" Zhao Shuhan said.

"There is a type of person who is as cowardly as a mouse in defeat, frivolous and stupid like a pig in victory, has no self-knowledge, and even more ignorance of the enemy," Zeng Mingxin said, "Shu Han, do you think you can place your hopes on such a person? "

Zeng Mingxin took a cold look at Dayuechao, who was over 100 years old, as the Duke and Shijue of the country. What filth in the officialdom could he not see through?

Hearing that Zeng Mingxin was so pessimistic, Zhao Shuhan felt cold all over!

At this moment, there was another uproar in the outside world, Sun Wenbing walked over and opened the doors and windows a little, and heard Yu Bijiang generously discussing state affairs outside: "At this moment, the imperial court should order the Datong defenders to hold back the enemy of Yanxi at all costs; The teacher learned the technique of Huaidong invasion, ran to Liaodong, and smashed into the enemy's rear; then ordered the deputy commander to lead the elite stationed in Linyu to join forces with Li Bingbu, who had invaded Songshan, to kill the captured soldiers Wangting Liaoyang - or to surround them without Attack, wait for the Yanxi captives to return to help, wait for work and rout them - the rule of Dayue Zhongxing can be expected today!" The deputy commander's choice.

"Deputy commander?" Sun Wenbing and Zeng Mingxin looked at each other, unexpectedly, Yu Bijiang and others already had the idea of ​​finding someone to replace Li Zhuo. At this moment, inside and outside the wine pavilion, the hot and cold are so distinct!


On the long street in the cold night, Yang Pusui followed the hussars with the carriage. Zhao Qinmin accompanied Gu Wuchen to sit in the spacious and luxurious carriage. The curtain was opened to let the light from the horse lantern carried at the corner of the carriage.

"The situation in western Liaoning is unclear. Will Huaidong be too eager to seek the post of prefect of Hailing?" Zhao Qinmin asked softly.

What Zhao Qinmin said at this time was that Lin Fu wrote a letter to discuss with Gu Wuchen about seeking the seat of the prefect of Hailing.

Gu Wuchen fell into silence. He had been in exile for ten years and knew a lot about the Huhus in Yandong, but he was still very uncertain about the king's use of Songshan City as bait.

Songshan is to Liaoyang what Linyu is to Yanjing. If it is said that the Great Yue Dynasty wants to lure the enemy into the depths, who would dare to use the dangerous land of Linyu as bait?

If the victory of the Songshan Victory is finally preserved, this battle will severely damage the vitality of the East, and the northern front will be relieved, and the court will be able to send a large number of elites from the northern front to the south.

At this time, Lin Fu also used the Jinhai grain road to force the position of the prefect of Hailing. When the northern line slowed down, the imperial court was afraid that the imperial court would be the first to cut the military power of Huaidong? It was self-defeating then!

In Zhao Qinmin's view, the situation is unclear, and Huaidong should not endlessly test the bottom line of the court.

Seeing that Gu Wuchen had been silent for a long time, Zhao Qinmin knew that he was also conflicted, so he said, "How about I go to Chongzhou?"

"Okay!" Gu Wuchen was really hard to decide, and he wanted Zhao Qinmin to go there. It would be best to persuade Lin Fu to temporarily give up the idea of ​​seeking the prefect of Hailing; Lin Fu is still young and has the opportunity to honor the prime minister, so he shouldn't be in a hurry. for a while. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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