Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 13: 7 inch spit letter

On the east bank of the Taizi River in Liaoyang, in the Royal Garden of Beigong, the cold snow covers the sky, the winter willows are slender and the branches are lying on the frost and snow.

Under the Wangyue Pavilion, there is a dark furnace to burn charcoal, and the pavilion is as warm as spring.

As soon as the horse came, it did not slow down when it came near, and the guards outside the imperial garden were all alert.

When the horse galloped near, the black-clothed rider on horseback dismounted as if rolling, and shouted, "Songshan Express..." There will be three or four urgent letters from Songshan sent directly to King Chenghan, the guards. They are also used to taking letters sealed in lacquer boxes, checking the imprints, and sending them to Wangyue Pavilion.

The jade concubine Na Heshi opened the lacquer box with a silver knife, took out the letter and handed it to the Khan King Yezier. Ye Zier read the letter and smiled: "Li Zhuo is an old fox finally willing to move. It's so cold and icy, it's really not easy for this soldier of the Great Yue Dynasty!"

Na Hexiongqi sat at the bottom, and waited for Prince Yu Ye Jiluorong and Prince Mu Ye Jiyingge to read the letter first, only then did they know that the expedition army led by Li Zhuo had lingered on the front line of Ningjin for nearly ten days before they pulled out and moved north again. .

"Do you want the third brother to withdraw his troops?" Ye Jiying asked.

"No," Yezier categorically rejected the proposal to withdraw troops from Datong, and said, "Datong is going to fight, press it up and fight..." Seeing the doubts on the faces of everyone present, Yezier explained, "Just as Li Zhuo led his troops out of western Liaoning and wanted to make our main force on the western front withdraw from Datong; the third child had to fight more attentively in Datong, forming a situation where I wanted to break through on the western front and forced Li Zhuo to lead his troops to retreat..."

"Well, they have to bite the bait deeper!" Ye Ji Luorong said, he took a sip of tea and swallowed the habitual tea in his mouth.

Na Hexiongqi frowned slightly. He could understand King Khan's intentions, but he was worried about whether he would be able to support a large-scale siege battle on the western front while defending Li Zhuo's army against Liaoyang.

Since the attack on the periphery of Datong was very deep in the past two years, this time, 100,000 soldiers and horses were gathered to the periphery of Datong, and the supply range was two to three times deeper than the last time, in order to meet the daily consumption.

However, once the troops are gathered under the Datong City, to fight the siege battle, on the one hand, the number of troops and horses directly used for siege and siege will increase, and on the other hand, the number of troops and horses that can be used to roam the city will decrease, and only rely on the plundering and yanking on the periphery of the front line. The support of the Western Huhus was no longer enough to support the war on the Western Front.

"The three princes pressed the soldiers and horses under Datong City, I'm afraid it will be enough to supply some food and grass from here," Na Hexiongqi expressed his worries, "Liaoyang has to lure Li Zhuo in, the pressure is on. It's going to be huge!"

"Since the founding of the country, in every battle with the Southern Dynasty and the surrounding forces, which time have we not let go?" Ye Jiluorong was not worried about the huge pressure he was about to face, and said, "There is no need to go to this time. Instead, they shrank their hands and tails! To say that it is difficult, Nanchao is more difficult than us at this time, and we must not let them relax!"

Compared with the siege and attack that lasted more than half a year along the Datong line in the previous year, this time the siege of Datong will only need to continue for another two or three months. If the situation here is not clear after the spring of next year, there is no need to drag on the war on the Western Front. As long as two or three months of centralized supply to the western front are needed, it should be able to carry it through gritted teeth.

"Not everyone in the Southern Dynasties is not clear - Li Zhuo refused to go north because he wanted to delay the situation until after next spring, but the fighting in Datong was so fierce that he had to spit out the letter, and sent him from the west of Liaoning. Liaoyang remains a threat," Ye Zier said. "You must see that Li Zhuo is nominally the commander-in-chief of the North Army, but many things are not up to him. He doesn't want to go north, but not everyone has his patience. ——Looking at the current situation, we have to follow Li Zhuo's wishes and send troops from Songshan to fight to delay his northward march, and Liaodong needs to be more fully mobilized!"

"The old minister asked to guard Tashan!" said He Xiongqi.

"Li Zhuo led 60,000 soldiers out of the customs, and this poisonous snake just spit out the letter, and if there is a slight disturbance, it will retract back," Ye Jier frowned, not intending to send Na Hexiongqi, who was good at defending the city, to the front line of Songshan , said, "We can hardly even see his seven-inch vitals, we have to let him in deeper..."

"Let him come in from Songshan?" Ye Jiluorong is known for his daring to fight dangerous battles and is the number one brave general of the East Hu. Hearing that Ye Jier intends to let Songshankouzi out, he is also very puzzled and said, "Rokai over Songshan Once the opening is made, Liaoyang's side will be directly exposed to its troops. Li Zhuo has been training in Jibei for more than two years, and he dares to choose to send troops in the bitter and cold season. Mouth, I'm afraid of some adventures."

"If Li Zhuo occupies Songshan and doesn't move forward, it will be a headache!" He Xiongqi never thought that King Khan would give up Songshan as bait, and said, "We can't destroy Songshan City before Li Zhuo seizes the city! Once Li Zhuo survives the thawing of the sea ice next year, things will be even more troublesome!"

After the sea ice is thawed, the sea-going ships in the Jinhai Sea can directly sail to the bottom of Liaodong Bay. The performance of the Koryo navy was not satisfactory. If the Huaidong warships went north, even if they sent troops to cut into western Liaoning, it would be difficult to completely seal Li Zhuo's troops on the front line of Songshan.

"Looking ahead and taking no risks, it's always not possible," Ye Zier smiled confidently, "You are worried that Nanchao will eat the bait without biting the hook, but if you want Nanchao to bite the hook, you must be willing to put it first. The incense bait is thrown out... Besides, I just said that many things are not up to Li Zhuo to call the shots! Find a middle person to work in Yanjing, let the wind out, and say that as long as the Southern Dynasty is willing to give 500,000 taels of silver, it can be In exchange for Datong's withdrawal from the encirclement - let's see how the Southern Dynasty will react. In addition, Nahe will stay in Liaoyang, and the fourth will go to Songshan..."

There are not many generals guarding the city in Donghushan, and Hexiongqi is one of them. Since he intends to lead Li Zhuo to Liaoyang for a battle, then He Xiongqi should stay in Liaoyang to help organize the defense; attacking from Songshan is more about harassing, delaying and exhausting the expedition of the North Army, confusing the judgment of the North Army. Ye Jiying's past is just right.

There were so many people in Wangyue Pavilion waiting, but they were not afraid that Li Zhuo would take the opportunity to delay, nor did they expect many actions to hide from Li Zhuo's eyes, but more wanted to disturb Yanjing's line of sight--passed from inside Yanjing After the news came back, Emperor Chongguan became more and more impatient with Li Zhuo's delay.


On October 26, Zhang Gou returned to the Shengsi Islands to rest with the southern raiding fleet. Along with them, there were representatives of the resistance forces in southern Zhejiang, Liu Wenzhong and Zuo Guangying, who had come from Yueqing to request support.

Since Zhejiang and Fujian shrank their heads as turtles on the eastern front, they never saw the possibility of a battle in the East China Sea. Under the circumstance that the Eastern Zhejiang Navy and the Nantai Island Navy still maintain a complete establishment, the southern raiding fleet is more likely to harass the coastal areas of eastern Fujian and southern Zhejiang, and cannot forcibly enter the water systems such as the Minjiang River, Qianjiang River, and Yongjiang River. Attacked the hinterland of eastern Fujian and eastern Zhejiang.

The boat entered the inner port of Qingxi Bay. Liu Wenzhong, Zuo Guangying and other representatives of the resistance forces in southern Zhejiang, Daheng Island arranged for them to receive them and go to rest for a while; Zhang Gou, along with Zhao Qingshan, Han Caizhi and others, went to the official hall of the city to see Lin first. bound.

Fu Qinghe, Zhou Tong, Zhang Jiheng and others were also present and listened to their detailed reports on the results of the southern attack.

Returning from the southern route, after sailing at sea for nearly three days, Zhao Qingshan, Han Caizhi, Zhang Gou and others had summed up the victory and loss of the battles in the south, and they returned to the official hall to report the results of the battle.

"It's not surprising that the luxury family can't avoid fighting..." Lin Bie frowned slightly. This was his habitual expression when thinking about problems, not because he was dissatisfied with the results of the southern attack.

The capture of Yongjia and Yueqing cities, and the complete crippling of Pingtan Island, Dong'an Island and Sansha Bay, has already exceeded the established goal. In addition, nearly 1,000 craftsmen and squires from Zhejiang and Fujian who have close ties with the luxury family were captured. There is nothing unsatisfactory about such a victory.

If there is such a victory every time, and it lasts for more than half a year, the luxury family will be able to directly obtain resources from eastern Fujian and southern Zhejiang to support the war on the western front, reducing by more than 30%.

Lin Fu looked up at the people and said, "...But the more this is the case, the more careful you have to be, and you have to be careful to prevent them from hitting them out of nowhere, and give us a ruthless one - Shewenzhuang can use half a county's Dixiong has been standing in Dongmin for more than ten years, and he is not someone who is easy to be deceived."

"Next, I think I still need to adjust the deployment. First, insert the fight between Changguo and Mingzhou!" Fu Qinghe said.

Lin Bie thought for a moment, then nodded, agreeing with Fu Qinghe's suggestion.

The narrow sea area sandwiched between Daishan, Changguo Islands and Mingzhou Prefecture merges with the relatively open lower reaches of the Qianjiang River, approaching the interior line of the defense of the East Zhejiang Navy, and just south of the Shengsi line of defense.

The Jinghai battalion warships wedged into this sea area, and even entered westward from the mouth of Qianjiang River, harassing Mingzhou and Kuaiji—the two most important prefectures in the newly expanded land of the luxury family, and also the defense of the Eastern Zhejiang Navy. The key point - the Zhedong Navy will inevitably use the shore terrain to resist.

Although the shoal battle is not good for the Jinghai Division to take advantage of the warships~www.wuxiamtl.com~ But if the generals of the water camp who have won the battle can maintain enough vigilance, they cannot be allowed to fight with the wind all the time. It is always good to enter Qianjiang and touch a nail. It is also necessary to use the low-intensity near-beach battles and river battles to continuously consume the strength of the Zhedong Navy.

Although the loss of the south attack was not large, it was still necessary to rest. In particular, the generals of the water camp have not disembarked for nearly a month, and they all eat and sleep in narrow cabins.

Zhang Gou thought that the luxury family would definitely adjust their deployment in eastern Zhejiang. After the reconnaissance is clear, a detailed harassment plan will be formulated. I am afraid that after a month, I just don’t know how far the Huaisi war has progressed, and I don’t know the red Had the jacket girl resisted Chen Zhihu's attack in Huaiyang, and she didn't even know what the master was thinking...

Zhang Gou returned to Huaidong, and he had no intention of repeating himself long ago, but many of his colleagues who were born and died in the past were still in the Red Jacket Army, so he could not ignore it.

In his current status, it is inconvenient to contact Sun Zhuang or other former colleagues who have not yet joined Huaidong. He wants to return to Daheng Island, and from the many ponds and letters, he can know some of the real situation of Huaisi. .

"..." Zhang Gou was distracted, realizing that Lin Fu had called out to him, and hurriedly replied, "The end is here!"

"You go there yourself and invite people from southern Zhejiang!"

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