Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 1: Lin Zhengjun

September 18, this is an ordinary day, but the people of Chongzhou are quite festive. First, today is the full moon day for the eldest daughter of Huaidong's envoy, and second, the day when the first super-large seagoing ship in Guanyintan Shipyard was launched for trial.

In this world, sons are more important than daughters, sons are like treasures, daughters are grass, and it is irrelevant to the people of Chongzhou whether the eldest daughter of the envoy is born or not.

On the other hand, there were some idle people in the streets and alleys, who gathered in the tea shop to help the governor to worry about the family affairs: "The lady of the Gu family looks frail, and she doesn't look like a fertile woman. After being married for so long, it is hard to conceive The first child was born, but she gave birth to a daughter. Luckily, Liu Shi gave birth to the eldest son, I think, after this, the family affairs will be troublesome! "

"No, I heard that the little lady is also a powerful master."

"That is, the little lady is from a prostitute, how can it be a fuel-efficient lamp?"

"I think you are really busy and heartbroken. The adults are at their peak in the spring and autumn. I don't know how many years later this family business is being fought. Besides, Miss Gu is the first child to be born, so hurry up and give birth to a son. Family background, the Gu family is a prime minister's family, and Master Gu may take over the phase one day and become the prime minister of the court, how can Liu Shi and the little lady have the right to compete with Miss Gu family?"

This tea shop is called Tingfeng Building. It is unremarkable in Chongzhou City. The two-story brick building facing the street has a carved door face. It has only been opened for half a month. Upstairs there is a tea pavilion, and there is good tea; downstairs, there is a miscellaneous table, a large-mouth pot made of tea foam, and two coppers can drink half of it. Two more scallion pancakes or rice **** stuffed with cabbage and meat will cost less than ten copper coins. The merchants and pawns and even the villagers who entered the city like to come in and rest.

If there is any special place, it is the downstairs lobby with scattered tables, the northwest corner is separated by a separate piece, forming an independent small tea pavilion. It's just that I can't see the gate from the lobby, so if I want to enter this small tea house, I have to go around from the backyard.

The wing building in the backyard is the host's residence. How can ordinary guests come into the backyard? Even if the owner of the teahouse has honored guests, why should there be such a small private room in the busy lobby?

It's really weird!

Of course, what hobbies the owner of the tea owner has, the tea guests are not easy to discuss. Some good people asked the guy in the store, and they just said that it was the utility room. In the past few days, no one paid attention to it anymore.

In the lobby, the merchants and pawns were talking eloquently, but in this special private room, someone gritted their teeth and scolded in a low voice: "I'm really full, I've had a very comfortable life, and I have time to go to the teahouse to chew my tongue! People tear their mouths apart!"

Xiaoman is very taboo about others mentioning her origin, listening to the peddler of the peddler talking openly in the teahouse, he can't bear this anger, and he can't wait to jump out and pull out the two tongue-tied people and beat the Thirty Army sticks to relieve his hatred.

Lin Fu sipped the fragrant tea slowly, ignoring Xiaoman's anger, and said with a smile, "This peddler has worked hard all day, so he just goesssip and market gossip is the best way to relieve fatigue. I said that you don't need to accompany you to drink tea. , you want to come over, and you are sulking when you come, why bother to come?"

"It's just that you have a good temper," Su Meiyan, the owner of Tingfeng Teahouse, smiled and poured tea for Lin Bie. "In other places, where would you possibly condone such gossip by the merchants and pawns?"

"During the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, there was a capital court, and a county department set up an inspector's office, but they wanted to observe the people's sentiments and correct evils. Things are officials, officials are guarding each other, and it is a stubborn disease that can be escaped through the ages. It may be effective at first, but over time, the interests are deeply entangled, so why not join forces to fool the top?" Lin Fu said.

"Do you have any good strategies to break the deadlock between the officials and guards?" Xiaoman asked, she was still angry at the discussions outside.

Song Jia, who accompanied Lin Fu over to drink tea, also looked sideways at him, wondering what Lin Fu had in mind besides the inspection system.

"How can this thousand-year-old chronic disease be solved so easily?" Lin Fu smiled and said, "If it can be easily solved, I will take you to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to drink tea, which is always quieter than here!"

The supervision system of later generations is established on a certain material basis, and Lin Fu will not have a headache for these things at this time.

When Su Mei came to Chongzhou, some old people who had served her for many years also followed. Su Mei built this small building in Xicheng and started running a teahouse, so she didn't have to be bored in Beishan Yaju all day long.

Lin Fu asked Su Mei to separate out a separate pavilion in the corner of the lobby of the tea house, so that he would occasionally come over to sit and drink tea and hear the street chatter among the vendors and soldiers, so that he could more truly grasp the rule of Huaidong. of people's sentiments.

The street talk of the peddler and the peddler is naturally vulgar, and Xiaoman is so angry that he swears that he will never come to look for anger with Lin Fu, but Lin Fu feels kind. As for the difference between direct descendants discussed outside, Lin Fu didn't take it to heart at all.

At this moment, the guard officer Chen Hualian knocked on the door and came in and announced, "Sir, it's time to go to Nanya Pier!"

"Okay!" Lin Fu drank the tea in his arms and stood up. Xiaoman was used to spending time on Sumei's side, so Lin Fu and Song Jia, surrounded by guards, took a carriage from the backyard alley and headed for Nanya Pier.

More than a hundred years ago, when shipping was prosperous, Longjiang Shipyard once built a huge ship of 10,000 stones on a large scale, and even had a record of building a huge ship with a load of 30,000 stones.

After the ban on the sea and water, coastal areas such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangzhou have been invaded by pirates in recent decades, and the shipyards in the southeastern counties have never recorded the construction of giant ships.

It was only after the rise of the Jinhai Food Route in Jiangdong County that large-scale construction of thousands of stone ships began in the past three or four years.

The larger the load of the sea-going ship, the more efficient it can be, and the more it can save transportation costs. Of course, the advantages of large warships at sea are also very obvious.

Lin Fu has always asked Guanyintan Shipyard to try to build larger and faster sailing ships. After two years of technical accumulation, Chongzhou's first super-large ship with a load of over 10,000 stone and an actual load of 18,000 stone. The ship was finally completed and launched for sea trials today. This is a big deal for Huaidong.

Lin Fu walked to Nanya Pier and took a boat to Guanyin Beach Boat Yard on Xisha Island.

Sun Jingxuan, Hu Zhiyong, Ge Siyu, Ge Fu and others had been waiting there for a long time. There were many crowds watching the lively inside and outside the special dock of the shipyard. When they saw the messenger coming, they cheered; There were still dense stubble standing full of people, waiting to see the big boat launch.

If the carrying capacity is converted to the displacement of later generations, a sea-going ship of 18,000 stone has a displacement of about 2,000 tons. If it is considered a super ship in this world, it will be quite inconspicuous in future generations.

Of course, there is an upper limit on the carrying capacity of a wooden sailboat, and perhaps 30,000 stone is a hard limit to break through. If you want to build a ship with a larger load capacity, you need to use a lot of steel to strengthen the structural strength of the hull, and you will almost enter the age of steam and steel.

Lin Bing looked at the sky, and did not know when he would be able to see the steam-steel battleship running rampant between the four seas, how spectacular and magnificent it would be! Of course, the broadside also needs to be equipped with artillery.

It is a pity that the gunpowder technology has not flourished due to the great discrepancy between the history of the present and the history remembered by Lin Fu after the Five Husbands and Chaos Period. In Taoism, there is a recipe called Liuhuang Fuhuo Dan, which was passed down. The three kinds of pills were mixed with Liuhuang, Yao Nier and Ma Shuling. Court jugglers often used this formula to please the royal relatives, celebrities and ladies. It is not a top secret.

The price of the medicine in the world is higher than that of silver; and due to the purity of the medicine, the power of Liuhuang Fuhuo Dan is relatively limited, more like a kind of firelight that can emit colorful smoke, and no one in the world has seen the military in it. value.

It is possible to scrape some wall salt from the base of the century-old house, but purification is a problem; once it is purchased from the private sector on a large scale, there is no effective means to distinguish wall salt from other white powdery salts.

Of course, until the formula is further improved, Liuhuang Fuhuo Dan also has little military value. The more important point is to find a stable saltpeter mine that can produce a lot of it.

If the cost of a shot would be dozens of taels, it would be better to use a scorpion crossbow honestly.

Saltpeter is very soluble in water, and the climate in Huaidong is humid. Even if the roots of the walls of a century-old house grow in saltpeter, it is not easy. Lin Bing does not expect to find natural saltpeter mines in Huaidong.

Lin Fu looked up at the sky and thought about it, others just thought he was thinking about something else.

Song Jia stood beside Lin Bie, but was carefully observing the sea ship standing on the giant ship's rails.

Compared with the ordinary Jinhai-class sea-going ships, the whole ship is particularly narrow and long, with a total length of nearly 27 or 80 feet, and the bow is concave - this design is to obtain higher speed.

Although this type of boat has been trial-produced several times on small-capacity seagoing ships for the final shape, Lin Bing required a substantial increase in both the carrying capacity and the speed at the same time. The Guanyinshan Shipyard craftsmen were still under great pressure. Excited and nervous.

At this time, the boat has not yet launched, they are standing on the dock, the side of the boat will be four feet high from the ground, and people standing on the dock are like ants.

The seaworthiness period of the East China Sea is only more than eight months. If you want to increase the transportation volume during the same time, firstly, you need to build a bigger ship, and secondly, you need to make the ship run faster! Lin Bie knows that the long and narrow hull and the concave design of the hull are more conducive to breaking waves, but how to improve the stability of the long and narrow hull in the waves is the work of the master craftsmen in the shipyard.

"Isn't there a name for it?" Lin Bie saw that the bow and broadside of the ship were still blank, and he did not write the name of the ship.

Sun Jingxuan also served as the ship administrator, and he was also quite nervous as he rubbed his hands together. The ship was built in half a year, but it is still unknown whether it can go far to sea.

To prevent corrosion, the entire ship's draft is covered with copper. Not to mention the extensive use of iron nails, in order to enhance the structural strength, many parts of the entire ship are cast with refined iron.

Chongzhou only produces more than 50,000 catties of refined iron per month, and this ship alone uses more than 70,000 catties of refined iron. If he couldn't go to the far sea in the end, Sun Jingxuan would slap himself a few times in hatred.

Sun Jingxuan thought so in his heart, and he pretended to be relaxed and said, "It's not like we have to follow the old rules, wait for you to give me a name."

"You still have to think about it?" Lin Fu said, looking up at the Zilang Mountain on the north bank. Others only thought that he would take the name of "Zilang Hao", Lin Fu said, "Then it's called 'Little Boy'. Princess' how?"

Sun Jingxuan, Hu Zhiyong and others were all stunned for a while, unable to keep up with Lin Bing's thoughts for a while, and they didn't know whether to say yes or no. Regardless of whether it is good or not, it is somewhat taboo to use this as the name of the ship.

"Will it provoke others to gossip?" Hu Zhiyong said beside him.

"Oh, yes," Lin Bie scratched his forehead and asked, "what is it called?"

Song Jia thought to herself: When Lin Fu thought of the little princess as the name of the ship, did he think of his eldest daughter who had just turned full moon, or the princess Yuanyan who was adopted by Emperor Chongguan as his righteous daughter after meeting him in Yannan?

Song Jia was thinking wildly, and Lin Fu opened his mouth and said, "That's called Lin Zhengjun!"

Sun Jingxuan and Hu Zhiyong looked at each other meaningfully, and said in unison, "This name is very good!"

The name of the girl's boudoir is kept secret, but Sun Jingxuan, Hu Zhiyong and others of course know that Lin Fu's first daughter's name is Lin Zhengjun, and when they think of Lin Fu's desire to name the ship the Little Princess, it is not enough for them to associate gracefully. ?

Lin Fu didn't expect too much, how many fathers in later generations do not raise their daughters as little princesses? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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