Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 74: Secret Covenant (1)

Back in Chongzhou, Chen Mingzhe was already a censor from the sixth-grade inspection school, wearing a lake-blue official robe, standing on the bow of the boat with his uncle Chen Huawen, looking at the majestic military mountain in the middle of the river.

This censor of the school was newly established, and it was under the jurisdiction of the two capitals. It was mainly used to control the newly established government officials in various places, and to prevent the system from making the authority too large and dividing the region.

The censors of the six southeastern counties were issued by the Jiangning Metropolitan Inspectorate, which also officially indicated the court's decision to "go out of Jiangning for all political affairs in the southeast". It's just that it's hard to say how much role this censor can play.

The censors of the schools in Huaixi and Huinan were scrambled by everyone; for the post of censors in Xuzhou, everyone avoided ghosts, and finally used Liu Yefei, who had lived in Jiangning for two years.

When Liu Yefei was in the position of inspector in Shandong, Tang Haoxin and Lin Fu joined forces to bring down the Qingzhou soldiers; and the reason for the Qingzhou mutiny, the Sun clan of the Xihe Society is now the core force in Huaidong - Chen Ming Zhe really couldn't guess how Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen thought about Liu Ye's return.

The censor of Huaidong was the former censor of the Jianghuai capital, Uncle Tang En. When the refugee army raided Yunti Pass by surprise, Uncle Tang En was lucky enough to save his life, so he must stay in Chongzhou. The Jinhai Grain Road was controlled by Huaidong and Dongyang, and the presence of Tang Enshu and other officials only allowed the court to have a more accurate grasp of the situation of the Jinhai Grain Road.

The relationship between Uncle Tang and Huaidong is also quite complicated.

Uncle Tang En can save his life and official position without the help of the Huaidong Military Division, but Uncle Tang's favorite concubine who stayed in Yunti Pass gave Sun Zhuang, who later joined the Huaidong Military Division and served as the commander of the Huaidong Army Division's Infantry Division. Occupy, he has been sending people to ask for it, but he has not paid any attention to it - nor did Lin Fu say anything about it.

Uncle Tang En was alone in Chongzhou. It was hard to imagine that he could save Lin Funeng. During the Jiangning military meeting, Lin Fu promised that the Ning Wangfu's inner government department had collected taxes on two additional river banks in Chongzhou, but the Ning Wangfu took the initiative to forget about this matter.

Among Huaidong officials, the only person who really restricted Lin Fu was Liu Tingzhou, the prefect of Huai'an and the commander-in-chief of the Huaidong Army.

Chen Mingzhe served as the censor of the Northern Zhejiang Prosecution School, and it was also the result of the checks and balances of various forces.

Chen Mingzhe knew that Dong Yuan was extremely powerful. At this time, he did not expect to intervene in the affairs of the three houses of Jiahang and Lake. The main focus was still on Pingjiang House, restricting Dong Yuan's penetration into Pingjiang House, and trying his best to achieve Pingjiang House. Taxes and salaries are used by the local military in Pingjiang Prefecture.

It's a pity that the local military armaments of Pingjiang Prefecture, including Haiyu Township Camp, Bainao Army, etc., have no strong confidence to cut off Pingjiang Prefecture's taxes and salaries for their own use.

Chen Mingzhe went to Chongzhou with Chen Huawen this time, firstly to discuss the matter of attacking Daishan and Changguo after the autumn, secondly, he wanted to use Huaidong to strengthen the local military armament of Pingjiang Prefecture, and thirdly, he wanted to strengthen the commercial exchanges between Pingjiang and Huaidong .

Looking at the verdant Junshan Mountain, Chen Mingzhe remembered what his mentor Chen Xiyan warned in Jiyang: Dong Yuan and Li Zhuo had a teacher-student friendship, and Lin Fu was secretly promoted by Li Zhuo, so he had such a position. The two are inseparable in appearance, and the Wu Party forces can only be independent if they deal with them.

After the construction of Jinghaihai City, Junshan, Zilang Mountain and Xinchongcheng were integrated with stone dams. Dock berth.

Chen Mingzhe, Chen Huawen and others could not see the whole picture of the newly built Jinghai City, but when crossing the river, they could see the water gate, breakwater, flat wave platform, wharf, lighthouse, city wall, It is not difficult to imagine the majesty of Jinghai City with buildings such as enemy towers.

Chen Mingzhe and Chen Huawen couldn't get a glimpse of the whole picture of Zilang Mountain City, but they saw that the streets and alleys of the city at the east gate of Chongcheng were sloping and stretched for several miles. The foundation is much firmer.

The officials in Chongzhou who were in charge of welcoming them to the wharf were headed by Li Shuyi, the county magistrate of Chongzhou and the secretary of the Huaidong Army's Dianshu History. Lin Fu was also a messenger of the magistrate of Chongzhou. In fact, he had no energy to manage the affairs of Chongzhou. Li Shuyi was the nameless but real magistrate of Chongzhou.

Chen Mingzhe saw that Li Shuyi was thirty-one or two years old, with a short stature and thin cheeks, making him look very capable. One of the characteristics of the officials of the Huaidong Military Division was that they could hardly find those with fat heads and big ears.

"The envoy will be able to return to Chongzhou until late tomorrow at the earliest. The two adults, Zuo Changshi and You Sima, are also temporarily going to Hecheng. If they can come back at night, let me and the two of you come back. I apologize!" Li Shuyi said, asking Chen Mingzhe and Chen Huawen to drive with him into the city.

Lin Tie was banned from sedan chairs in Chongzhou, and officials traveled either by car or on foot. Chen Mingzhe knew about this, so he didn't feel that they were being neglected here.

After entering the city, Chen Mingzhe, Chen Huawen and others first arranged to enter the post house to rest first, but how could Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew rest in peace? Although it was bumpy on the road for a day, it was all in the boat, and there was no hard work.

"Uncle, when you entered the city, did you notice that the number of urban households in the east gate of Chongzhou is very large, I think there are no less than six or seven thousand households," Chen Mingche went back to the house and washed his face, and came to talk to him. Chen Huawen discussed the matter and mentioned some special things he saw after landing to Chen Huayi, saying, "Before Lin Fu entered Chongzhou, there were only more than 1,000 households in Chongzhou. In three years, it has increased six or seven times..."

"I'm afraid there are more urban households on Guanyin Beach," Chen Huawen said. "The price of rice in Jiangdong County has also skyrocketed in the past two years, from three or four dollars to the current six and seven dollars. Pingjiang, In Haiyu City, most households rely on craftsmanship for a living. In recent years, the price of silk and cotton has dropped sharply, but the price of iron has not risen. The households in Pingjiang and Haiyu cannot live on their previous wages. Going down, rushing to Chongzhou to recruit craftsmen everywhere, they all rushed to Chongzhou together, and the number of urban households in Chongzhou increased, so it is not surprising."

"Lin Bie took great pains to open up the trade route in Haidong, and his vision is far higher than that of others!" Chen Mingche sighed slightly, "But I don't know how much Chongzhou can open up about this matter!"

The price of silk has dropped so sharply that the Chen family is in deep pain.

The reason why the Chen family can become the richest man in Pingjiang Prefecture is not for anything else, but because the Chen family is the most powerful silk merchant in Pingjiang Prefecture and even the entire Dayue Dynasty. In Haiyu, the Chen family's mulberry garden is nearly 2,000 hectares, and there are tens of thousands of tenant farmers in the mulberry garden.

Compared with the price of rice, the price of raw silk has actually dropped by more than 70% in recent years. If it weren't for the strong foundation, the Chen family would not be able to withstand such a blow.

Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew came here. In addition to military cooperation, they also hoped to transport the raw silk and silk of the Chen family to Haidong for sale through the maritime trade route controlled by Huaidong.

Haiyu County is right next to the sea, so it is natural to know the price of raw silk in Haidong area. In the past, the East China Sea bandits were flourishing, and the sea route was interrupted. Now, those who can contact Haidong, except Huaidong, are luxury homes occupying Zhejiang and Fujian.

Why did Huaidong bother to find Daishan and Changguo? Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe’s uncle and nephew also had their understanding: after the Daishan and Changguo were conquered, it would be much more difficult for the luxury ships to go to sea from Mingzhou, and the merchant ships from Jin’an would also be greatly affected. After all, Huaidong still wanted to monopolize the trade routes of Haidong.

It was getting late, and Li Shuyi came over to accompany Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew to a dinner party.

At the end of the dinner, Lin Mengde and Qin Chengzu returned to Chongcheng.

It was getting late, but Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew knew that there were many things that needed to be done urgently. When Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou, he just made up his mind. The specific details still have to be discussed with Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu, Sun Jingxuan and others.

Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew didn't want to drag it on for a moment, and proposed to Li Shuyi that they hoped to have an interview with Lin Mengde and Qin Chengzu at night, and when Lin Bie returned tomorrow, many things could be settled.


In early August, the weather is getting cooler, at least the night is not so hard.

Lin Mengde and Qin Chengzu only returned to the East Ya to take a sigh of relief, and they didn't even bother to go home for a meal. Li Shuyi sent someone over to say that Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew hoped to start talking about things tonight.

Qin Chengzu rubbed his face with his hand and asked the person sent by Li Shuyi, "Has Su Pinxiao come over?"

Su Pinxiao was the leader of the Bainao Army in Taihu Lake.

After the Ninghai Town Shui Camp defected to the extravagant family, part of the jurisdiction was placed under the Jinghai Sea Camp, and part of the jurisdiction was placed under the Jiangning Shui Camp, but the Taihu Lake Basin, whether it was Pingjiang Prefecture or Danyang Prefecture, all entered the Jinghai Sea Camp and Jiangning Shui Camp. On the contrary, it allowed the Bainao Army of Taihu Water Village to gain room for development and become the most important rural army above Taihu Lake.

During the early years when the East China Sea pirates swept Taihu Lake, Lin Fu maintained a good relationship with the Taihu Water Village forces headed by the Bainao Army. Not only did they unite against the East China Sea pirates, but during Lin Fu's establishment of Chongzhou and Xisha Island, a large amount of materials needed, such as coal, iron, lime, rice grain, bamboo and wood in the southwest of Taihu Lake, were transported through the areas under the control of the Bainao Army. Sell ​​it.

With the help of Wu Party bosses such as Chen Xiyan and Yu Xinyuan, the Bai Nao Army, which has close ties with the Wu Party and has the same origin and roots, was also officially merged into the Haiyu Army, which was officially recognized by the court in July, and its leader Su Pinxiao served as Haiyu. The lieutenant general ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Huaidong has not been able to cross the border to incorporate the Bainao army. Compared with Dong Yuan, the Bainao army is merged into the Haiyu army. Huaidong is more willing to see such a result.

Compared with the Haiyu Chen family, Huaidong paid more attention to the Bai Nao army.

"Come on, I'm in the inn with Mr. Chen and Mr. Chen, and Li Xiancheng is with him." The person sent by Li Shuyi replied.

"See you then?" Qin Chengzu asked Lin Mengde inquiringly.

"I see, but it can't be delayed. We've negotiated the matter in general, and when the adults come back, I'll have an idea," Lin Mengde said, "Anyway, if the war can be delayed, it can be delayed, and other matters should be dealt with first. All right!"

"At the end of the Huaisi War, why did the imperial court generously give up Huaidong?" Qin Chengzu sighed and said, "Isn't it possible to see that the eleven counties of the two prefectures and eleven counties in Huaidong are not good places?"

"As usual, it's not wrong for them to look at Huaidong like this," Lin Mengde smiled and said, "But Huaidong will soon have a chance to make them stunned!"

Although the eleven counties of the two prefectures in Huaidong can be regarded as a land of fish and rice, most of the areas are low-lying lake-dangling areas with low yields.

Not to mention coal, iron, and wood for shipbuilding, Huaidong is seriously lacking even lime; the most prosperous salt industry is also controlled by the Lianghuai Salt and Iron Division of Weiyang.

In the eyes of many people, although Lin Fu and the Huaidong Army are arrogant and domineering, they are still not worried about what kind of climate Lin Fu can control in Huaidong.

Qin Chengzu smiled lightly and said, "Send someone to ask if Jingxuan and Zhiyong are free. It's best to meet the people from Pingjiang Mansion together..." What does the Chen family lack, what can the Chen family provide to Huaidong? Yes, Qin Chengzu and the others all know a general idea, so they also know who to bring out to talk to the Chen family. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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