Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 70: Changle King

At the southern foot of Tongbai Mountain in Suizhou, Qin Zitan broke his arm, wore a green shirt, and stood by the Baiyun Lake, overlooking the camp of Luo Xiancheng's refugee army.

After Liu An'er was booby-trapped in Xuzhou, Luo Xiancheng became the most powerful refugee army in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

Although they were forced to withdraw from Shouzhou and suffered some setbacks, they moved westward to occupy Nanyang and then fell into Xiangyang. This time they conquered Suizhou again. restored to its peak.

Luo Xiancheng couldn't wait to return to the Xiangyang base camp, so he couldn't wait to call himself the King of Changle in Suizhou, and he was divided into hundreds of officials.

Jinghu was in chaos, and troops were being dispatched from all over the country to encircle and suppress the bandits in Changle; the road was naturally more treacherous, and Qin Zitan, who was pretending to be a business traveler, went through hard work and sneaked to Suizhou. Sheep slaughtered.

Several horses came, trampling on the hot soil under the scorching sun, rushing to the front, the leader shouted and asked, "Which is Mr. Qin?"

Qin Zitan put one arm behind him and said, "This is Qin!"

"My king has an invitation to look for you for a long time, and you came here backwards." The leader said displeasedly.

"Why don't you come to Suizhou and not see Baiyun Lake? Don't blame the little general," Qin Zitan said with a smile, "I'll let you see the King of Changle!"

The leading equestrian school asked his subordinates to give up three horses to Qin Zitan and his squires, and together they drove to Luo Xiancheng's tent.

Luo Xiancheng was tall and strong, with a dark complexion and a beard, standing there like a black tower.

Luo Xiancheng was originally the head of the horse caravan. He walked through the various residences of Jinghu. He was a man of wealth and righteousness.

In the early years of Chongguan, the people in the Lianghu area continued to be in chaos, and Luo Xiancheng also rebelled. In the fifth year of Chongguan, Luo Xiancheng brought 27 poor porters, and he captured Luohe County, and became famous for a while. Then he recruited soldiers in Luohe County, and the army quickly expanded to thousands of people. Fighting with the officers and soldiers repeatedly, when the two lakes were in chaos in the ninth year of Chongguan, Luo Xiancheng's group, together with Gong Yucai and other groups, were called the "two lakes and five heroes", and there were more than ten thousand elite soldiers who could fight. Tower King.

Luo Xiancheng added his honorary title in Suizhou this time, naturally he thought the previous bandit name was too vulgar, and changed his name to the King of Changle.

"Now there are turmoil in various places, Mr. Qin came to Suizhou, the road is not easy." Luo Xiancheng looked rude, but he attended the county school when he was young, and his family was backward, so he worked as a porter to make a living. During the Fangshan Conference, Luo Xiancheng met Qin Zitan, which was an old one.

"There is no danger, but it is nothing to see King Changle," Qin Zitan said, "Qin came here this time to persuade Shuai Xian to lead his troops southward, and Jinghu is not a place where Shuai Xian can live for a long time. !"

"During the Fangshan Conference, you also persuaded us to go south, and now you come to persuade us to go south. After all, is it not for the extravagant family?" Luo Xiancheng said with a dark face, "I miss you as an old friend and will entertain you well; you If you tell me to be a stepping stone to the luxury family, don't blame me for not thinking about the old feelings!"

"Qin is a retainer of the She family, and he should plan for the She family. Persuading Xianshuai to move south is naturally beneficial to the She family, but Qin has no intention of slandering or harming Xianshuai!" Qin Zitan said, "Two years ago, I also persuaded An Shuai to do the same. As long as An Shuai can lead his troops south from Hao Si, the most soldiers in Dongyang will not be able to resist An Shuai's heroic division, and An Shuai can join my extravagant family in Jiangning. At that time, my extravagant family will lead the army. Going north, An Shuai can go west to the two lakes and claim the land as king. Check!"

"Liu An'er is just a profit for the traitor, and the death to be wronged is uncountable." Luo Xiancheng said disdainfully.

"Chen Zhihu led his troops to the south and won three victories one after another. If the red jacket woman can't resist, can Commander Xian be sure to defeat her sharpness and prevent her from advancing west?" Qin Zitan asked, "Do Commander Xian is sure to defend Nanyang?"

Luo Xiancheng sneered and didn't say a word. Qin Zitan didn't raise the Huai Army, and he already gave him a lot of face.

Chen Zhihu's department is known as the Tiger Army on the East Fujian battlefield. In the eighth year of Chongzhou, Chen Zhihu led the tiger army to cross the river from Jiangxi to Luzhou to Huaihe to the north. All the way to clear the bandits, all the way to bloody, all the bandits could only hide in the deep mountains and old forests of Tongbai Mountain, Dabie Mountain and Anhui Mountain. When Chen Zhihu arrived in southern Jin, he killed more than 20,000 people in Wu County, and his name was even more prominent. Donglu iron cavalry hundreds of thousands besieged Datong, and Chen Zhihu defended it alone.

Compared to the fact that the Huaidong Army had fortunately defeated the Donglu Iron Cavalry in Yannan Rao, the tiger army led by Chen Zhihu was regarded by everyone as an elite of a hundred battles who had truly come out of the blood. In Luo Xiancheng's view, the world is powerful, and the status of the tiger army under Chen Zhihu should be above the elite of Huaidong.

This time, the Qing bandits were transferred to the south. In two months, Chen Zhihu led his troops in the first battle at Yanling, the first battle at Luohe, and the first battle at Qingxiang. All three battles were victorious, and no prisoners were left under the sword. Lu Zhen panic. Except for the woman in red jacket, other refugee troops in Huaibei and Henan all fled and did not dare to fight with them.

Although Luo Xiancheng was far away from the battlefield, it was impossible not to be touched.

Don't say that it will set Chen Zhihuhu's edge, Luo Xiancheng also suffered a lot in the hands of Changhuai Army. If the officers and soldiers can really be organized, have sufficient food and pay, and have strong armour, their combat effectiveness will be much stronger than that of the refugee army. This is also the main reason why Luo Xiancheng is particularly eager to gain a firm foothold and develop the site in one place after many years of wandering around the world.

Don't look at the fact that there are 200,000 or 300,000 soldiers at this time, only 20 or 30 of the soldiers can really be pulled out to fight, and the others are miscellaneous soldiers. Don't talk about armor, most of the people don't even have a spear with an iron blade, and the sword and shield soldiers are considered elite in the long army.

However, Nanyang was too close to the site of the fourth battle in Henan. Luo Xiancheng had been on guard all day long for Chen Zhihu or Tao Chun to suddenly raid Nanyang. Although he proclaimed himself the King of Changle, he had no peace of mind for a day.

Qin Zitan saw Luo Xiancheng's black face and did not speak, and smiled in his heart: After the situation in Henan was settled, it was inevitable that the main force of officers and soldiers would move westward. How could Luo Xiancheng occupy Xiangyang, Nanyang, and Suizhou with peace of mind as his king of Changle?

"Commander Xian led his troops southward and joined forces with Zhejiang and Fujian to capture Jiangxi," Qin Zitan said, "I, the governor of Zhejiang and Fujian, just want to take the road from Jiangxi to Jiangning, and have no greed for the land of Jiangxi. At that time, Jianghuai’s officers and soldiers are all blocked by Zhejiang and Fujian, and it is better to give commanders to Nanyueling to take Guangnan, to go up the river, and to advance to southern Hunan. It is better than sitting here and waiting for death!

"Humph!" Luo Xiancheng snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Qin is easy to bully when I am a three-year-old child. The She family is confident that they can block the sharpness of Jianghuai officers and soldiers, and they should be able to take Jiangxi by themselves. Why do you need my assistance?"

"Now from eastern Zhejiang to western Zhejiang and then to Jiangxi, the front line stretches for more than a thousand miles. My family in Zhejiang and Fujian have to deal with the four families in Huaidong, northern Zhejiang, Huinan and Jiangxi alone. In the south, there is Yu Wangao's troops who are still breathing. If the Governor's Office of Zhejiang and Fujian wanted to concentrate its forces on Jiangxi, Huaidong, North Zhejiang, Huinan, and South Fujian would always attack. No matter how strong Zhejiang and Fujian were, they would be unable to cope, so they asked Xianshuai to send troops to the south for help. ," Qin Zitan said, "Xianshuai raises troops to advance south, as long as we break through Jiangxi together, our elites from Zhejiang and Fujian will go north through Jiangxi, and we will first be able to encircle Deng Yu's troops in southern Huinan, and the deadlock will naturally open. It is precisely because Xianshuai sent troops to the south that it was of great help to Zhejiang and Fujian, but the governor of my family agreed to leave Guangnan, Hunan and other places to Xianshuai to take. The armor and equipment can also be supplied by Zhejiang and Fujian. The twenty or thirty soldiers and horses under Xianshuai’s command would not be easy to become elites without the soldiers, armor, and equipment.”

Luo Xiancheng touched his chin with his hand. After Chen Zhihu led his troops to the south, although he won a great victory in Suizhou, he still had trouble sleeping and eating. Luo Xiancheng didn't have Liu An'er's tenacity to fight to the death with officers and soldiers. Although Luo Xiancheng did not believe that Qin Zitan would have any good intentions on behalf of the She family, but the situation was such that he secretly thought: this time may be a good time to take advantage of the situation to go south!

Luo Xiancheng felt his beard and thought for a moment, then said: "From Suizhou to the south to cross the river, there are still four or five hundred li tortuous roads. Along the way, the city is so deep that it cannot be destroyed by our department in a short period of time, even if it can reach the edge of the big river. There are so many horses, how to cross the river? I have the intention to send troops to the south to help the luxury family achieve great things, but I am unable to let go!"

"As long as Xian Shuai has the heart to go south, there is always a way to think about it!" Qin Zitan said, "Of course, it is very difficult for Xian Shuai to bring 200,000 to 300,000 soldiers and horses to the south, but Xian Shuai chooses 30,000 to 50,000 elites. , bypassing the strong city and dangerous land, but it is difficult. As long as Xian Shuai sends the elites to Qichun, Yang Xiong will lead his troops down the river to help Xian Shuai cross the river. As long as Xian Shuai has a firm foothold in Jiangxi, he is afraid of follow-up troops and horses. Can't you cross the river?"

"Yang Xiong will help me cross the river?" Luo Xiancheng frowned, stared at Qin Zitan suspiciously, and said, "Isn't that asking the luxury family to promise Yang Xiong the south of Hunan?" When he said this, his hands were on his waist. on the saber.

"Why is Xianshuai so angry?" Qin Zitan asked calmly, "Yang Xiong's soldiers are only a few thousand, and they are all navy soldiers. No matter how big his heart is, he can't compete with Xianshuai in southern Hunan, but when Xianshuai goes south After Jiangxi, you must be willing to give him the hat of a naval governor!"

Yang Xiong is a big robber who has crossed Dongting Lake in recent years, and is also one of the five heroes of the two lakes. Yang Xiong did not lead his troops north to participate in the Fangshan Conference that year, and stayed between the Xiangjiang River and Dongting Lake to toss, and the development of his forces was greatly restricted. Unlike Luo Xiancheng, Gong Yucai, and Liu An'er~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Although there are ups and downs, they all have the heyday and glory of having hundreds of thousands of troops.

Hearing Qin Zitan say that he had persuaded Yang Xiong to agree to join this side, Luo Xiancheng's face was gloomy and uncertain, but he was not reluctant to give the hat of the naval commander to others. Kind of believable.

Qin Zitan could see Luo Xiancheng's hesitation, but with the temptation of an elite navy master in vain, no one would give up easily, he said: "Yang Xiong has been unhappy in Xianghu for the past few years, oppressing the officers and soldiers to survive. The space is getting smaller and smaller. If Gong Yucai doesn't send troops from east Sichuan or you can't lead his troops south, Yang Xiong's troops may be wiped out at any time. Yang Xiong hopes that you can lead his troops south, I'm just running back and forth to be a lobbyist For the specific matter, Xian Shuai has to send someone he can trust to contact Yang Xiong, so that he can know if I have lied to you!"

"Okay, I'll send someone to contact Yang Xiong!" Luo Xiancheng finally persuaded Qin Zitan to move his heart, and Chuandong was occupied by Gong Yu, and he didn't have the courage to touch the iron nail of the Cao family. He didn't have much choice, and said, "In Jiangxi, it's better for the extravagant family to cause more trouble there to attract the attention of the officers and soldiers!"

"That's natural!" Qin Zitan was in a good mood and could persuade Luo Xiancheng to go south. No matter how bad it was, he could resolve the advantage of the defense line formed by the expansion of Jiangdong's troops. He said, "Everywhere is increasing taxes and donations, and the people are not poor. Talking about life is like a dry pyre that has been drenched in oil, only to be splashed with sparks!"

At the moment, Qin Zitan left a contact person in Luo Xiancheng's camp in Suizhou. Under the **** of his entourage, he disguised himself as a transit business traveler and sneaked into Jiangxi. When they arrived in Qichun, Qin Zitan received news from Jiangning's inner line that Huaidong would attack Daishan and Changguo in the autumn! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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