Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 55: Zhejiang North Military Division

The summer solstice comes after the mango planting, and in a few days, it will fall into ambush, and the climate in Jiangning is already sultry.

During the overnight banquet, Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen went to the back garden to rest and talk, and they also accompanied Lin Tingli and Zhao Qinmin.

The world is chaotic and the Huanhai Sea is dangerous. It has been less than four years since Chongguan entered Jiangning in the winter of the eighth year, but so many things and changes have occurred, and everyone has a deep emotion.

Four years ago, the Dongyang Township Party was still insignificant in Jiangning City, so the Dongyang family also played a pivotal position in the court and the opposition.

"In addition to Chen Zhihu's transfer to the South, there is another major event that will be announced at tomorrow's meeting," Gu Wuchen sat at the stone table and asked Lin Fu, Lin Tingli, and Zhao Qinmin to all sit down, and said, "I also summoned Ning today. The palace, I only saw the secret order..."

"What's the matter?" Lin Bie sat down and asked.

"Given that Dong Yuan's military strength in northern Zhejiang is too weak to suppress the strength of the She family in eastern Zhejiang, the imperial court decided to abolish the two provincial divisions of Zhejiang, and set up an envoy division under the Jianghuai Governor's Office," Gu Wuchen said in advance that it would be official tomorrow. The secret decree announced, told Lin Fu and others in advance, saying, "However, the Pingjiang Prefecture will be placed under the jurisdiction of the northern Zhejiang system, and Dong Yuan will be the right servant of the Jiangning Military Department and lead the northern Zhejiang system, and Meng Yishan will be the deputy ambassador. …”

"This is definitely about to move the capital!" Lin Tingli took a breath and sighed.

Lin Fu secretly said in his heart: Before the Yanbei defense line was completely smashed, it was difficult for the imperial court to decide to move the capital, after all, it involved too much, and said: "Even if the imperial court does not have the intention to move the capital immediately, it knows that Jiangdong County will be firmly in its hands. The benefits here, as long as King Ning can manage Jiangdong well, the Dayue Dynasty will naturally have the opportunity to resuscitate.”

Although nearly two-thirds of the land in Zhejiang and Zhejiang has been lost to luxury families, the essence of Jia, Hangzhou and Lake is still preserved. This time, the two divisions of Zhejiang Province were cut and the envoys of the northern Zhejiang system were set up, which was to merge Jia, Hangzhou and Hu into Jiangdong Prefecture. In addition, the court clearly stipulated that the Henan system and the envoy should also be controlled by Jiangdong County, and Jiangdong County has added two major areas at once.

Jiangdong County was originally a large county with a population of over 10 million. Huaisi, Huaixi and other places were severely damaged by the war. Although the population loss was serious, the refugees mainly went to the east and south of Jiangdong County. In addition to the refugees who have gathered from Zhongzhou and Shandong in recent years, the population of Jiangdong County has not only not lost, but has also increased to a considerable extent. The addition of northern Zhejiang and Henan to Jiangdong County will increase the population by three or four million.

Above the temple, not all are incompetent. Even if Zhang Xie and Hao Zongcheng are very selfish, they still have the basic ability to judge. Dayue has to support it hard, and Jiangdong County is especially important.

King Ning sits in Jiangdong, and the symbolic meaning is even greater. Under the circumstance that the Cao family and the Liang family both had their own troops and the imperial court was uncontrollable, no one would want to see the power of Jiangdong County fall into the control of one person or a small group of people.

Between the governor's office, the county and the prefectures, the establishment of a wide range of envoys is also a choice for power balance.

In fact, this is also to meet the needs of the current war situation.

The scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, the area is getting wider and wider, and the time is getting longer and longer. The combat strength of the town army cannot stand the test.

Compared with guarding, the most fundamental difference is that it has the power to control all the troops and horses in the area under its jurisdiction, not only the town army, but also the government soldiers, county soldiers, swordsmen and archers, and even village soldiers and village soldiers. Set envoy moderation. In this way, the military resources within the jurisdiction can be fully mobilized and organized to quell the war.

Of course, the power of the envoys is much greater than that of the traditional guards and towns, which will cause the phenomenon that the tail cannot be lost. However, dividing a county's defense area into three to five envoys is always better than concentrating military power in the hands of the governor. The situation here is much better.

The above are all people in the court and the public can generally think of, but Lin Fu thinks more.

In later generations, as long as they have studied the history of junior high school and high school, almost no one does not know the history of the separatist rule of the towns in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.

The imperial court set up such a wide range of envoys and granted regional military and political power. Even if the Yuan clan could restore the rule of ZTE, it would not be able to avoid the outcome of the separation of the feudal towns.

On the surface, the control envoy only has the military and political power, and cannot interfere in civil and financial affairs, but as long as it has the authority to mobilize all troops and horses in the region and mobilize military forces, it wants to penetrate into the fields of civil and financial affairs. It's hard.

Whether it was Cao's family building a long canal in Guanzhong, or Lin Bie's building a seawall in Huaidong, it not only benefited people's livelihood, but also helped their general political influence penetrate into civil and financial affairs.

However, very few people can see the consequences.

The Liang family and the Cao family should be able to see it, and it is probably they who are behind it.

As long as the situation of separatism is formed, the Cao family and the Liang family can also openly and honestly occupy the West Qin and Shandong and other places.

It turned out that the Cao Liang family did not have the ambition to win the title. After all, the Yuan family had more than 200 roots in the Central Plains, and it was deeply ingrained. It is not an easy thing for other families to do the opposite.

Instead of raising troops to take a risk, it is likely to lead to the annihilation of the family and the family.

These people are all stupid, but it's a pity that they may be too smart.

Lin Fu sighed in his heart. Before he came to Jiangning, Chen Zhihu's transfer to Henan made him a surprise. He was even more surprised by the news that Dong Yuan was appointed as the Right Servant of the Jiangning Military Department and led the envoy of the Northern Zhejiang System when he set up the envoy of the Northern Zhejiang system and merged Pingjiang Prefecture into the northern Zhejiang.

Jiangdong County has now set up five envoys in Henan, Xuzhou, Huaidong, Huinan, and Zhejiang North. The sphere of influence of the management, whether or not the Huaixi system is set up, is of little significance. In addition, the remaining Dongyang, Weiyang, Danyang, and Jiangning are relatively independent.


"Dong Yuan should be on his way to Jiangning," Gu Wuchen said. "This time, the government and the military commander are summoned to Jiangning. In addition to the addition of an envoy for the northern Zhejiang system, and the discussion of the war arrangements between Huaisi and the two Zhejiang provinces, there is also a It is to discuss the matter of increasing taxes and grains and apportioning military resources, which is also the main..."

"...The longer you travel in officialdom, the more you can understand that silver is the foundation," Gu Wuchen continued, "Jiangdong County's summer tax and autumn grain supply has not increased since Emperor Gaozong. There are a total of 5.2 million shi, after deducting one fold of silver. After 1,200,000 taels, the local government can use only 3,200,000 shi in the summer tax and autumn. The summer tax and autumn tax that can be used are about 1.2 million stone. The 4.4 million stone grain is the total amount that can be used in the local area after Jiangdong County. Now the Dongyang army ration is self-raised, but the 4.4 million stone The food is not enough for the seven families of Henan, North Zhejiang, Huaidong, Xuzhou, Huinan, Changhuai Army, Jiangning Guard Army..."

"Summer tax and autumn grain levy are set from Emperor Gaozong's time. However, in addition to the positive levy, the additional extortionate and miscellaneous taxes levied from farmers' households are probably two or three times as much as the normal fu. Even if there is no more payment, the local There is also more energy to dig up," Lin Fu said, "Take the grain of grain as an example. After the grain is guaranteed by salt and silver, the three million stone grain of grain needed in Beijing will be started from Huaidong. 1,200,000 shi, plus the fee for the money, but only 1,200,000 taels. If the prefectures and counties were to organize the transportation of the grain to the warehouses in Gyeonggi, it would be impossible to do without 2,000,000 taels of silver. It is equivalent to saving 800,000 to 900,000 taels of silver to Jiangdong County every year. If the county secretary has the ability to collect this money from the prefecture and county, it can solve a considerable part of the problem..."

"Well, Zhang Xitong, Yue Lengqiu, Wang Tian and others also know about this," Gu Wuchen said, "If it weren't for this, the matter of maintaining food with salt and silver would not have been so smooth - it's just that the prefectures and counties reduced it. These silvers will not be handed over to the county chief honestly, and it will be difficult to collect them. Besides, in the meaning of Ning Wangfu and Yue Lengqiu, it is not enough for Jiangdong County to add one million taels of silver..."

"It's not bad to have an extra one million taels of silver," Lin Fu smiled and asked again, "What is the attitude of the other people?"

There are only a few people who can be summoned to Prince Ning's mansion in advance to discuss matters.

"Cheng Yuqian doesn't care, each army increases the salaries, and he can't lose his share. Wang Tian is also forced to jump over the wall, shouting all day long that he wants to return home. The newly established Department of Envoys in Northern Zhejiang, Pingjiang House is In the area where the Wu Party's power is most concentrated, Pingjiang Prefecture was placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Envoys of the Northern Zhejiang System. Wang Xueshan has a different voice..." Gu Wuchen said.

Lin Fu picked up the herbal tea in front of him, thinking in his heart that this military and political conference, more vividly, should be a conference to divide the spoils. The money that the commander can raise will ultimately be distributed among the five envoys and the Chang Huaidong and Jiangning garrison troops. Judging from the current situation, Dong Yuan's military commander in northern Zhejiang should take the most advantage. This time, Dong was very unfavorable.

Another point, Lin Bie must also consider now.

Huaidong built a defense line on the Shengsi Islands, and was supported by money and grain from the Chen family of Haiyu. After the entire Pingjiang Prefecture was assigned to the Northern Zhejiang Military Division, the soldiers in Haiyu County would all be controlled by Dong Yuan, and it was hard to say whether Huaidong could receive additional support from Haiyu's money and grain. This amount of money is not much, but it is not much. There are nearly 50,000 supplements every year, which is still extremely important for Huaidong's current financial difficulties.

"There is no unified opinion on how to levy this money and grain," Gu Wuchen said. "I guess Yue Lengqiu and Zhang Xitong will start work from the county below. Liu Tingzhou came to Jiangning the day before yesterday. Qiu, please go over to talk secretly, Huaian Mansion and Weiyang Mansion may be the first to recognize the number, and the next thing will be smoother..."

Lin Tingli smiled helplessly, and said, "Other prefectures and counties bowed their heads and recognized the number, and Dongyang Prefecture can only follow the crowd. In any case, Dongyang's military rations are self-funded, and the extra money that can be used is very limited."

Lin Fu is even more helpless. Although he is an envoy for the Huaidong system, he can't control the finances of the two Huaidong governments. The decision-making power is still in the hands of Liu Tingzhou and Liu Shidu. Depending on the situation, Liu Tingzhou has no intention of discussing with him at all; However, he is more concerned about how much benefit Huaidong Military Division can get this time. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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