Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 24: Assassination

Apart from the main force of the Jinghai Second Water Battalion that intercepted the reinforcements from Hirado Island in the Matsuura Strait, Lin Tie was on the two flanks of the Qianyuan Yi landing. Taking advantage of the strength of the troops, he made the first battalion of the Infantry Division Zhongjun Army and the first battalion of the Danluo King Army. The armoured soldiers landed at the same time to fight.

While the defenders behind the stone embankment of the former plateau were firmly entangled, a team of cavalrymen circled to the shoal to the south of the former plateau. Flank, rout it.

After annihilating nearly 300 defenders in the former plateau, the first battalion of the Infantry Division Zhongjun Army and the first battalion of the Danluo Wang Army quickly advanced to the foot of Songpu City at noon.

At the same time, Ge Cunxin led the main force of the Jinghai Second Water Battalion to defeat the reinforcements who were trying to cross the Matsuura Strait, trapping the main force of the Saga clan on Hirado Island, and could not help Matsuura.

At this time, there were only more than a hundred samurai warriors and three hundred miscellaneous soldiers in Matsuura City.

The main force of the Saga family and the head of the family, Saga Raiyuan, were trapped on Hirado Island, waiting for the Saga family who stayed behind in the castle to negotiate the terms of borrowing troops with their opponents, such as the Hei clan and the Kingo clan, and come to aid Matsuura. After ten days and eight days.

The sails on the sea on the two flanks of the Matsuura Peninsula were like forests. Watching the Huaidong Army advancing to the foot soldiers under the city, watching the chariots, ladder cars and scorpion crossbows being assembled and erected one after another under the city, Nagasaki Hideo was filled with despair. mood.

Nagasaki Xiuxiang didn't know why the Huaidong Army suddenly attacked Matsuura on the eve of the battle with the Koreans on Danluo Island. Come to the reinforcements.

Sitting at the head of the city for a long time, Nagasaki Xiuxiang finally ordered the city gate to be opened, gave up resistance, and surrendered to the Huaidong Army.

Nagasaki Xiuxiang was brought to Lin Fu, and although he was a minister, he knelt down on the ground, but he still used his broken Chinese, and questioned with hatred: "The envoy came across the sea and wants to build a relationship between the two countries. Yesterday, he said The benefits of opening a business road, but I don’t know what our country has neglected, so that the envoy is so angry today that he started this fight, and made this killing in Fusang?”

Lin Fu asked people to bring up the bodies of the dead men who ran into the Jinhai ship last night. A total of twelve icy corpses were placed in front of Nagasaki Xiuxiang. Lin Fu said coldly: "This is near, except for Saga. Shi, who has such a big hand to send twelve 'scout warriors' to assassinate me at a time?"

Nagasaki Hideo was horrified. He really didn't know about the assassin, so he asked Lin Fu for a while, but he couldn't answer, but he knelt on the ground and still observed the corpses of the twelve dead men.

These twelve corpses were all short in stature, and although they were all dead, it could be seen from their faces and exposed limbs that they had been trained by stoic and cruel scouts for a long time. The face and body shape have the characteristics of Kyushu Islanders. The dark brown tight-fitting attire is still not dry, and the leather is covered with water, which are all special clothes only worn by the "scout samurai" of the Saga family.

At that time, there was no special "ninja" in Japan. The vassal countries studied the Central Plains, and selected outstanding children from the samurai family for special training since childhood to undertake intelligence reconnaissance and assassination tasks. They are called "scout samurai".

Due to the relatively small population that the Japanese vassal states can control, the "scout samurai" has a higher military value and is valued.

The selection and training of "scout warriors" have extremely strict standards. After a long period of brainwashing, they are almost absolutely loyal to the head of the family. Even if they fall into the enemy's hands, they will rarely reveal their secrets. Compared with the relatively loose warrior group, the number of "scout warriors" that can be controlled can more directly reflect the military strength of the vassal state.

There were about 2,000 samurai warriors in the relatively loose country of Chikushi, but there were only fifty or sixty scout samurai controlled by the ruling Saga clan. Twelve scout samurai were dispatched to assassinate Huaidong's envoys at one time, and to carry out such a mortal mission, even if it wasn't behind the instigation of Saga Raiyuan, it could only be done by the great vassal states of Kyushu or Honshu.

Lin Bie led the army to attack Fukue Island. Today is the third day. Last night was the second day. There were scouts and samurai who assassinated them. The Saga clan couldn't get rid of the suspicion!

Even if he couldn't get useful information from the mouths of the living scout warriors, Lin Fu sent troops to attack Matsuura, and even if the Saga clan wanted to complain, he couldn't justify himself.

"The envoy came across the sea and wants to open a trade route to benefit the two countries. It is too late for our country to welcome him. How could he send someone to assassinate the envoy?" The mouth is still arguing with strong words, and he can't admit the crime of assassination.

"Hmph, yes or no, you know it yourself!" Lin Fu couldn't be sure that last night's assassination was done by Saga Laiyuan, but Saga Laiyuan could not get rid of the suspicion. He didn't take the blame, who would? Then he said, "I will let you take six corpses to Hirado Island, and let Saga Raiyuan give me a convincing explanation in three days! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"


Nagasaki Xiuxiang boarded a sailboat with six bodies on Hirado Island, knelt down in front of Saga Raiyuan, and said, "Xiuxiang is incompetent and has no face to see the adults, so he should open his abdomen to apologize, but he does not dare to make mistakes. I'm here to send a letter, and then ask the adults to kill Xiuxiang!"

Seeing that Nagasaki Hideyo couldn't resist, the Huaidong Army easily took Matsuura Castle and cut off the back road here. Saga Laiyuan's nose was crooked, and he naturally wanted to kill Nagasaki Hideo. At this time, he just suppressed the anger in his stomach and listened to Nagasaki Hideo.

After hearing from Nagasaki Hideo that there were still six corpses of scout samurai left in Matsuura Castle, Yamashita Keigo took a deep breath and said, "Which one would use such a vicious death plan to harm the adults?"

Saga Raiyuan remained silent, his face uncertain.

Nagasaki Hideo saw the expressions of Saga Laiyuan and Yamashita Keigo, and confirmed that the assassination was not behind the scenes of the Saga government, and said angrily: "The Huaidong Army attacked Matsuura for an unprovable crime, which is really what the Chinese said. 'If you want to add a crime, there is no reason to worry about it'; after the lord kills Xiuxiang, please ask the lord for help from the lord Dazai, and join forces with the vassal states to kill the Huaidong Army!"

Saga Laiyuan is also too lazy to pursue the guilt of Nagasaki Hideo for abandoning Matsuura. Behind the words "If you want to add a crime, why don't you say anything" is absolute strength.

If the Huaidong Army did not capture Matsuura City and cut off the back road of Hirado Island, and directly sent the corpses of the twelve scout warriors to question them, he could have sent an articulate lobbyist to defend it.

Logically speaking, the Huaidong Army couldn't take out the bodies of the twelve scout warriors, so they believed that the assassination was the work of the Saga family.

Among the Fuso vassal states, although assassination methods are commonly used, the success rate of sneaking into the military camp to assassinate the main general is very low. The possibility of failure is too great, and the risk brought by failure is not something that Saga can take.

At this time, the Huaidong Army brazenly captured Matsuura Castle and cut off the back road of Hirado Island. Only then did they throw out the corpses of twelve scout warriors and questioned the guilt of the assassination. The Saga family wanted to defend themselves, but what did they use to defend themselves?

It's all just talking about strength!

"Prepare the boat and send me and Xiuxiang to Matsuura!" Saga Raiyuan said.

Nagasaki Hideo and the left and right samurai were all stunned, but they didn't expect that the ruler would surrender to the enemy's camp. Yamashita Jingwu also paled in horror, and persuaded: "Sir, it is absolutely impossible, Jingwu crosses the sea and goes to Matsuura to defend!"

"If I don't go, how can I prove Saga's innocence?" Saga Laiyuan said.

"The Huaidong Army used the unproven assassination case to play on the topic, how do they know that they are not hiding evil intentions?" Yamashita Keigo advised, "It is too dangerous for your lord to go there. Once your lord is detained by the Huaidong Army, the Saga family will fall apart. Ah!"

"If I don't go, Saga will really fall into the danger of the dead," Saga Laiyuan sighed, "The bodies of these twelve scout warriors cannot be faked, and I can't tell whether it is the Hei clan or the Kingo clan. However, you must understand that I am going to Matsuura not to prove my innocence to the Huaidong Army, but to prove the innocence of the Saga clan to the Fuso vassal states!"

Yamashita Keigo was stunned, and understood the thoughts of the ruling adults.

Even if the Huaidong Army could not clearly prove that the assassination was done by the Saga family, the Saga family still has the biggest suspicion.

Some people in other feudal kingdoms may think that the assassination was done by the Saga family; even if they are finally willing to take responsibility for the "assassination failure" of the Saga family, they will take the opportunity to propose harsh conditions to the Saga family. .

Even the people of Chikushi under the control of the Saga clan are likely to be deceived and hold grudges against the Saga clan for rashly taking risks and starting such a tragic war. the basis of domination.

The Huaidong Army and the Koreans were at war, and it was impossible to forge the "twelve scout samurai corpses" as an excuse to fight the Saga clan; it must be the enemy of the Saga clan, the two families of the Ping clan and the Jingo clan. One family, behind the scenes, planned this lame and clever assassination.

With the Ping clan and the Jinxiang clan playing tricks behind the scenes, even if the Huaidong army can be defeated and driven away in the end, the Saga clan will not be able to maintain their current status.

If the Huaidong Army didn't want to go to war on both sides, they were just furious at the Saga clan because of the assassination incident. It would be more convincing without Saga Laiyuan to come to Matsuura to defend himself, and it would be more able to prove the innocence of the Saga clan.

Even if the Huaidong Army hides its evil intentions, it uses the assassination incident to fight against the Saga clan, detaining or killing Saga Laiyuan. Under the auspices of Dazaifu, the vassal states will quickly join forces to fight against the Huaidong Army. The Hei clan and the Kingo clan had no excuse to annex the Saga clan after the war.

Although Saga Laiyuan is dead, there will be other people in the Saga family to take his place. The arrest or murder of Saga Laiyuan can arouse the indignation of the people, to fight against the Huaidong Army, and to maintain the rule of the Saga family in Zhuzi.

Yamashita Keigo can understand the painstaking self-sacrifice of the ruling adults, but this is too dangerous, he knelt down and hugged his thigh, and refused to let go.

Saga Laiyuan asked the left and right to drag Yamashita Jinggo away, and said with a stern expression: "If the Huaidong Army detains me, you must not surrender because they threaten my life..."

"Sir, please rest assured, we live and die together with the Hirado and the Saga family, and we will never fail the trust of the adults!" Yamashita Keigo and the left and right samurai leaders both knelt down and swore allegiance. Nagasaki Hideo was ashamed and wished he could not die heroically At the head of Matsuura Castle. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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