Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 20: Tiger Fighting Rabbit

In the west of Fukue Island, on Mount Naru, across from Kuga Island, there is snow-capped, black land, brown trees with dead leaves, and gray fortresses. On the hillside in front of the city wall, the snow was trampled and muddy, broken knives and halberds were everywhere, and arrows stuck on the ground and corpses were as dense as rice stubble that had just been harvested.

Hundreds of corpses were layered on top of each other, and the dark red blood flowed down and washed away the snow, leaving shocking traces.

The remnants of the pirates on Fukue Island retreated to the fortress.

The two battalions of the Danluo king's army were led by Li Ji, the son of the Danluo king, and gathered up in formation. The wounded and soldiers retreated to the rear, and there were special personnel on the battlefield to collect arrows, most of which could be reused.

After arranging the formation, the main force of the two battalions of the Danluo King's army continued to push towards the last Naru Mountain stronghold of the pirates on the island.

A battalion of infantrymen of the Huaidong Army was stationed on a low hill not far away. As a reserve team, they closely monitored the entire battle situation.

Farther away, in the harbor surrounded by Fukue Island and Kuga Island, dozens of huge warships, like giant sea beasts, are stationed there. They not only pay attention to the war on Fukue Island, but also closely monitor Kuga Island. And pirates flocking to watch the situation in the open sea.

The harbor surrounded by Fukue Island and Kuga Island is extremely good, surrounded by hills on the left and right, which can block the wind and waves. The interior is open, like a large lake on the island. The openings on the north and south sides are small, and a large catapult can be used to block it.

A deep-water channel that can be directly docked was found with a line weight, and the wreckage was towed away, and the Jinhai was directly moored against Yashi on the west bank of Fukue Island.

A trestle bridge was set up, more than a hundred guards came ashore, and an obstacle warning belt was set up along the coast.

Lin Bie was standing on the deck of the Jinhai, watching the battle on the island.

The remnants of the pirates retreated to the fortress, and the infantry stood firm on the island. Li Ji, the prince of Danluo, and the commander of the personal guard battalion who landed to assist in the battle, Ma Pohou, ran over and boarded the Jinhai to report the battle.

Ma Pohou looked at the sky and said, "There are only three hundred robbers left to retreat, but looking at the weather, we will have to wait until tomorrow to attack the stockade!"

"Perhaps someone should be sent to surrender!" said Li Ji, the king of Danluo.

Danluo Junchen officially accepted the canonization of the court, and according to the system, the Prince of Danluo was renamed the Prince of the Prince.

After the expansion of the Danluo King's Army, there were five battalions, and the Danluo royal family incorporated the original more than 700 guard troops into the first and second battalions. In addition, ten military attaches from the Huaidong Army Division were incorporated into these two battalions as military commanders, responsible for tactics and training. These two battalions of infantrymen naturally became the elite of King Danluo's army.

The combat effectiveness is guaranteed at a basic level. The Koreans are gathering troops in the southern cities of Haiyang County. The snowy weather makes the progress quite slow. It will take some time before they can pose a threat to Danluo Island. Pull out to fight pirates.

This gave the Danluo King's army the opportunity to train in actual combat, and also relieved the combat pressure of the personal guard battalion.


After the chaos of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Fusang Kingdom has been divided into dozens of vassal states. Kyushu Island has four major vassal states, and these vassal states have very weak control over the surrounding islands outside the mainland.

Pirates flourished, and these marginal islands naturally became strongholds for pirates.

Fujiang Island is located in the waters northwest of Kyushu Island. It is one of the five main islands of the Goto Islands. The pirate force entrenched on Fujiang Island is headed by Shen Heming, a native of Mingzhou Prefecture in eastern Zhejiang.

This group of pirates also committed evil in the coastal areas of Zhejiang and Zhejiang in the early years, and they are considered to be part of the East China Sea pirates. When the Shejia infiltrated the East Sea pirates in the early years, Shen Heming was unwilling to be included in the Shejia, so he retreated across the sea and developed Fukuang Island as the main base, mainly by collecting protection fees from passing merchant ships and plundering the coastal areas of Kyushu and Goryeo. Survive.

Zhenfeng, Haeyang County, Korea invaded Danluo Island in November, and Shen Heming bought it for Zhenfeng and sent troops to participate in the siege of Jeju Fortress.

Now Zhen Feng and Haiyang County soldiers are trapped in Seogwipo City, but Shen Heming escaped and returned to Fujiang Island.

Lin Fu originally intended to attack the pirate forces in the Haidong area and completely straighten out the trade route between Danluo Island and Kyushu Island. With such a good opportunity and excuse, how could he let it go?

Lin Futai controlled the situation on Danluo Island, completely blocked the soldiers of Haiyang County in Seogwipo City, and led his troops to attack Fujiang Island.

Fukuang Island is about 400 miles away from the east coast of Danluo Island. Along the edge of the northern coast of Kyushu Island, there is an ocean current that flows from west to east. Even if there is a light wind, it only takes a little more than a day to travel east from Jeju Port. .


Li Ji, the prince of Danluo, suggested to surrender, Lin Fu thought for a while, and said: "If this group of pirates is not completely disabled, I am afraid that they will not be easily surrendered. But it's better to give it a try, send someone to talk, don't think about recruiting security, From Shen Heming and below, all the leaders of the pirates on Fujiang Island surrendered their weapons and accepted the disposal of the Huaidong Military Division! If he surrenders, I will spare his life; if he does not surrender, after the sun rises tomorrow, you will take His head came to see me!"

Song Jia stared at the white snow on the island and the **** battlefield that was trampled in the vicinity, her eyebrows frowned slightly. She was a little uncomfortable with the blood, but she also stood beside Lin Bing and did not go back to the cabin. .

Seeing that Li Ji, the prince of Danluo, and Ma Pohou returned to the shore, and arranged for someone to go to surrender, Song Jia said: "Shen Heming didn't go to a luxury home at first, but this time he persuaded Qin Zitan to help Haiyang County go to Jeju City. Looking forward and looking back, wandering and uncertain, stealing chickens is not enough rice..."

"If you can look forward to everything, if you know the big picture, you don't need to be a pirate anymore," Lin Fu said with a slight smile, "When the luxury family infiltrated the East China Sea at the beginning, how could it have the momentum it has today? It's normal for Shen Heming not to invest in the luxury family. For those pirate leaders who invested in the luxury family in the early days, how many of them are really reused by the luxury family? Once the subordinates are exhausted, shouldn't they be kicked aside for the luxury family? Now the luxury family occupies eastern Zhejiang, and with Some weather, Shen Heming was originally from Mingzhou Prefecture, and at this time, he wanted to have a chance to return to Mingzhou Guangzong and honor his ancestors, so it is no wonder that he is moved..."

"The time is, the situation is, most people just follow the trend, and they can only follow the trend." Song Jia said with emotion.

"You said Qin Zitan was in Gaoli, what kind of monsters would he toss up?" Lin Fu asked.

After Lin Bie took control of the situation on Danluo Island, although Goryeo was ready to fight against Danluo Island, Goryeo's maritime merchants and those who were also merchants and bandits, driven by their interests, did not mind being the eyes and ears of the Huaidong Army.

It wasn't difficult for Lin Bie to get news from Korea on Danluo Island. He had already known that Qin Zitan was on behalf of the She family as an ambassador to Korea. Supervising Zhen Feng to be the guest of honor.

To say that Zhen Feng finally decided to fight Danluo Island, without Qin Zitan playing tricks in it, the ghost would not believe it.

"The luxury family has shifted its focus from the East China Sea to the land. No matter how hard Qin Zitan works, there is still a limit," Song Jia said with emotion, "but when the envoy of Donghu arrives at Hanyang Mansion, he is likely to persuade Qin Zitan. Now, Goryeo's determination to hit Danluo Island will not be small..."

"It just happened to give us a chance to help us," Ge Cunxin said. "Korean people have never had any backbone. If they don't beat them once, they will not behave well!"

Lin Bie shook his head slightly. He really had the intention to fight for support at this time, but after thinking about it, no matter whether the fight for support can achieve the expected victory, the real problem will come after this battle.

Ge Cunxin is an excellent general in the water camp, with sufficient tactical literacy, but he can think about the overall situation and think at the strategic level. There are only a few people in Huaidong.

Lin Fie would not blame Ge Cunxin for his lack of knowledge of the overall situation. The key is that he himself must have a comprehensive understanding and mastery of his generals. It is the commander's responsibility to put the general on the correct battlefield.

"As far as Qin Zitan is concerned, dragging Gao Li into the war against Huaidong is to help the luxury family," Song Jia continued to explain, "Even if this round of aid can defeat the Gao Li people, but Gao Li is a great helper. The vassal state of the Donghu people, the northern border is under the threat of the Donghu iron cavalry, and there is no possibility to conclude peace talks with Huaidong. Next, the military confrontation between Goryeo and Huaidong at sea will only intensify..."

Ge Cunxin seemed to have come to a realization and said, "Your Excellency supports Danluo Island. At this time, you came to fight Fukue Island, and then sent someone to contact the Saga family in Chikushi Kingdom on Kyushu Island. Are you worried that the military confrontation in the Haidong area will not be under control?"

"The She family is using strength to fight, and we should also use strength to achieve success. Otherwise, it is not a good thing to be trapped in three ways," Lin Jingzhong said, "I am afraid that the Saga family will not dare to stick out their heads."

"On Kyushu Island, Saga is not the only force that is struggling to survive. There are always other forces that want to come forward with opportunistic thoughts," Lin Fu nodded and said, "unless Li Bingbu obtains the key to the Donghu people in the north. Victory, otherwise it will be difficult for Goryeo to get rid of the control of the Donghu people, but the Goryeo people may not be willing to be controlled by the Donghu people. In addition, it is impossible for the Goryeo people to overwhelm the national fortune and fight against me in Huaidong..."

"If I were the king of Donghu Khan, I would order Korea to build a large water army and threaten the flanks of the Jinhai grain route. Once the Jinhai grain route was cut off, the Yanbei line of defense would be like a piece of paper in front of the Donghu cavalry," Song Jia said. "The Huaidong Army crossed the sea and landed on Danluo Island this time, which has actually given the Donghu people an excellent excuse to urge the Koreans to build a large naval army. It is also the high-ranking officials and nobles in Korea who are controlled by the Donghu people. An excellent means to divert domestic conflicts and sight..."

"I'm afraid it's right for you~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Fu said, "Your little mouth is really unpleasant! "

Song Jia's face blushed, and Ge Cunxin and Lin Jingzhong didn't say anything. The adults were like flirting with Miss Song, what could they say?

"The Donghu people used to have limited knowledge of the ocean, but they are not stupid," Lin Fu suddenly realized that there was something wrong with what he said, and continued, "On the contrary, the two generations of Donglu thief kings have extraordinary knowledge. I appointed Sun Dalu as an official in Huaidong, which caused a great uproar. You go and read the Recruitment Order of the East Captive Bandit King.' Anyone with a skill, whether old or young, literati, or Hu Han, who wishes to be used by Liaodong, can be selected as officials. ', this insight is extraordinary. You have to read it carefully, don't think that Liaodong is located in the wilderness, it is a savage, and the knowledge of the thief king in the east is far from the elm lumps above the temples. ."

Lin Jingzhong said with emotion: "Thirty or forty years ago, the Donghu people still fished and hunted for a living, and they didn't know how to smelt iron. In the Datong battle, the spears and spears of the Donghu people were already made of fine iron, and only those who were dead were not enlightened. People, they regard Donghu people as savage..."

Lin Bie looked at Mount Naru on Fukue Island, the top of which was covered with snow.

The Koreans were gathering their army in Haiyang, and he had to take advantage of this gap, from Kyushu Island, to be an ally for Dan Lola, in order to reduce Huaidong's military pressure in this area in the future confrontation.

The Saga clan, who ruled the Tsukuzi Kingdom, was considered the weakest of the four major vassal states in Kyushu.

There were only a thousand pirates under Shen Heming’s entourage on Fujiang Island. This time, the water battalion and the foot battalion that came with Lin Bie to suppress the pirates had five thousand elites.

Lin Fu put on the pose of a tiger fighting a rabbit, and he had many intentions, one of which was for the Saga clan to see. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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