Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 17: envoy

Hanyang Mansion is located on the north bank of the Han River, surrounded by hills, about 60 miles away from the seaside.

Located in the middle of the Goryeo Peninsula, this city is the capital of the Goryeo people.

Just after the first month of the first month, the mountains were covered by heavy snow, Qin Zitan looked at the silver clothes outside the window and was puzzled.

Qin Zitan, as the special envoy of the provincial governor's office of Zhejiang and Fujian, has traveled by sea and came to Hanyang via Haiyang for more than a month.

Zhen Feng finally slowed down when he attacked Danluo Island. Not only did they fail to capture Jeju Castle and the entire island of Danla, but they also suffered a fatal blow to Haiyang/Navy. Zhen Feng and more than 4,000 soldiers of Haiyang were also trapped on Danla Island, unable to return, and life and death were difficult. Measurement.

The whole country of Goryeo was shaken, and there were those who advocated the use of troops, those who advocated peace, and those who advocated asking for help. Mo Zhong is one, and they can't come up with a specific countermeasure.

Even if soldiers are to be used, there is no large-scale water camp in Korea, except for the disabled Haiyang/navy army. In recent months, the whole territory has been snowed heavily, and it is difficult to transfer troops from the land to Haiyang. Heavy. The key point is that from the southern end of Haiyang to Danluo Island, there is still a 150-60-mile sea route to cross. How can it be done without a navy?

In Qin Zitan's view, Zhen Feng was too indecisive.

If in mid-September, Zhen Feng had made up his mind to use a large number of troops on Danluo Island, he would never have fallen into the current predicament.

At that time, the main force of the Huaidong Military Division was still trapped in Huaisi, and the sea was also rough in September, so the possibility of sending reinforcements was extremely low.

Once Zhen Feng takes Danluo Island and occupies the two fortresses of Seogwipo and Jeju, the Huaidong Military Division will send a large army across the sea after that, and it will be repelled because of the lack of a landing base; the situation will not be So complicated.

To say that there is success now, is to successfully pull the Koreans into the war against the Huaidong Military Division. However, if the Koreans cannot concentrate their efforts on developing the navy, they will have very limited restraint on the Huaidong Military Division. At this time, Lin Fu couldn't be greedy and invade Goryeo's homeland.

The attitudes of the Fuso feudal states such as Osumi and Tsukushi were also very ambiguous. Under the circumstance that the Huaidong Military Division was under pressure, it was difficult to have an active attitude.

Qin Zitan beat Taiyangtang with a headache, unable to see the development of the situation for a while.

The rise of Lin Fu is too jaw-dropping. After four victories in Yannan, he quickly gained a firm foothold in Chongzhou. From Jiangdong Zuojun to Jinghai Metropolitan Commissioner, and now Huaidong Military Secretary, Lin Fu can It's counted as a prince.

During this period of time, the luxury family successfully connected southern Zhejiang and northern Fujian, and expanded their forces to southern Fujian and western Zhejiang, but a series of defeats in Changshan Island, Hecheng, and Daheng Island made Zhejiang and Fujian in the East China Sea. The strength of the army actually lags behind that of the Huaidong Military Division.

Qin Zitan has been out at sea for several months, but it is not difficult to get domestic news because there are ships coming and going.

After the Huaisi War, the Huaidong Army Division focused on consolidating Huaidong, and built the Sea-Handing Embankment regardless of money and grain investment. At this time, Lin Fu led his troops to cross the sea again.

If everything goes according to Lin Fu's wishes, even if the She family breaks through the northern Zhejiang defense line and invades Jiangdong, Huaidong will be a tough bone to crack.

However, the navy of the Huaidong Military Division defeated Haiyang/Navy and did not immediately launch an offensive against Zhenfeng's troops who had retreated to Seogwipo. In the eyes of the Koreans, the Huaidong Military Division also has the intention of showing weakness and negotiating peace.

But in Qin Zitan's view, even if Lin Fu and Gao Li made peace, it would be extremely detrimental to the luxury family.

Once the Huaidong Military Division and the Koryo people made peace, and the status of Danluo Island became independent, the influence of the luxury family on Koryo would be quickly marginalized.

Qin Zitan had various worries in his heart, but it was difficult to resolve them.

In the eyes of the Koreans, if it wasn't for the instigation of Qin Zitan's tongue sticking out the lotus flower, Zhen Feng, the governor of Haiyang County, would not have rashly used troops against Dan Luo, and Korea would not have fallen into such an embarrassing situation.

Qin Zitan was completely left out.

In the past few days, not to mention the ministers of the state and the ministers of the Ministry of Rites, Qin Zitan has not even seen an ordinary official of the Ministry of Rites of Korea.

He stayed in Hanyang, as if he was blindfolded and covered his ears. Every day, apart from sending people to teahouse restaurants in the city to inquire about some hearsay rumors, he could not get more accurate information, nor would he know what the current situation on Danluo Island was. .

Hanyang City is an imitation of Yanjing. Although it is not as large as Yanjing, it is also a rare hero city in the Central Plains.

The building of the official post house is exquisite, with blue tiles on the eaves, covered with white snow, and plum blossoms in the courtyard, but it does not reduce the meaning of desolation.

At this moment, the front yard was noisy, the horse's neck bell was ringing, and a horse team came into the post house, and there were still a lot of people. Qin Zitan secretly said: Which noble official from Korea came to Hanyang, and the ceremonial team is so large?

Qin Zitan called to his servants and ordered: "What's going on in the front yard, do you ask someone to ask?"

Qin Zitan usually let Hu Cong deliberately curry favor with the officials in the post house, and this time it played a role. Although it was forbidden to enter the front yard, the news came back from inquiries: "It's the envoy of the Donghu people who just moved in..."

"Donghu people!" Qin Zitan was slightly startled. The Donghu people's embassy came. He didn't get any news beforehand. It can be seen that he was no different from being blindfolded in Hanyang, but then he was overjoyed.

Donghu was the suzerain state of Goryeo, and Goryeo surrendered to Donghu's force, obeyed everything, and did not dare to resist.

In the decision-making of Danluo, the influence of Donghu envoys is incomparable to Qin Zitan.

"Take my greeting card and find a way to go to the front yard to meet the envoys of the Donghu people." Qin Zitan ordered.

Hu Cong returned a moment after leaving, and the Yi Cheng also followed, and said obliquely: "The Minister of Rites specially instructed that no one is allowed to disturb the rest of the East Hu, please forgive me..."

Qin Zitan secretly said that the Goryeo people were not stupid, and they were forbidden to contact the Donghu envoys, and I am afraid that they would block the news of Danluo Island from the Donghu envoys.

Although Goryeo was attached to Donghu, they would not sincerely want the Donghu people to point fingers at Goryeo's state affairs.

Qin Zitan looked outside the yard. The Koreans had sent a lot of sentries to strictly prevent contact with the Donghu envoys here. After a trip to Kyushu Island, there are maritime business exchanges between Zhejiang, Fujian and Kyushu. The influence of luxury families on the vassal states of Kyushu Island is much greater than that of Korea.

When it was getting dark, there was a sudden uproar outside the courtyard, and there was the sound of swords unsheathed. Qin Zitan didn't know what happened in the inn, but someone moved a knife and a gun.

Qin Zitan pushed open the window and saw a group of Donghu warriors pulling their knives to enter the yard here.

"What are they going to do?" Qin Zitan's squire turned pale in shock, and wanted to gather guards into the yard to prevent the Donghu people from rushing in.

"Come back!" Qin Zitan shouted back to his squire, and Donghu's envoy would never go to war and send someone to kill him in the inn.

"Dare to ask if Mr. Qin, the envoy of the Grand Governor's Office of Zhejiang and Fujian, is there?" A Donghu warrior led by him walked into the courtyard. He was young, about 20 years old, wearing fine armor, and he was the leader. With the knife back in its scabbard, he clasped his fist here and asked.

"That's me," Qin Zitan walked out of the room, stood in the corridor, looked at the Donghu warriors in the yard, and asked, "Dare to ask the ambassador of Donghu, why did you come to find Qin?"

"I'm Nahe Azige, the deputy envoy of Donghu," said Donghu warrior with his fists folded. "This time, the envoy Na Hexiong prayed to go to Korea. The envoy heard that Mr. Qin was here, and specially invited Mr. Qin to the front yard. Ju. I didn't expect that a few blind-eyed insects would dare to block the road, which alarmed Mr. Qin, and Azige is really sorry!"

"It turned out to be General Nahe!" Qin Zitan said with a smile, "I've admired the name for a long time, and Qin is thinking of visiting..." I was overjoyed and did not raise the issue of Li's official blocking.

Nahe Azige is not well-known, but Na Hexiongqi is an important general of the Donghu people and is widely known.

Qin Zitan knew that He Xiongqi was not because of anything else.

In the battle of Jinhai, He Xiongqi was the main general and defeated Lin Fu; in the battle of Yangxin, He Xiongqi was the deputy general and also defeated Lin Fu.

Anyone who studies the four battles of Jiangdong Zuojun in Yannan will not turn a blind eye to Na Hexiongqi.

Seriously speaking, He Xiongqi's use of troops is also considered an old man, and he is a rare general of Donghu's stable use of troops. That Hexiongqi was repeatedly defeated by Lin Fu's hands, there were various factors, which had a lot to do with the main attack direction of the non-Donghu people on the eastern front at that time.

That Hexiongqi was defeated twice, causing great damage to Donghu elites. Qin Zitan thought that Hexiongqi would be punished and will be given to the Donghu people, but he did not expect that the Donghu Khan king would use him as an envoy to Goryeo.

Two years ago, the Donghu people broke the border and invaded Yannan. Although they suffered a lot in the hands of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, they were on the whole a big victory.

The other generals of the Donghu people might not have paid much attention to the Huaidong Army Division, but He Xiongqi would definitely not despise the Huaidong Army Division.

As the most important vassal state of the Donghu people, Goryeo probably had some thoughts in it when King Donghu Khan sent Na Hexiongqi as an envoy to Goryeo.


Qin Zitan did not go back to the house to change his official uniform, so he followed Nahe Azig to the front yard to meet Nahe Xiongqi, the envoy of Donghu.

The Goryeo soldiers in the post house were afraid that the Donghu warriors would be rough. The post chief heard the news and rushed over, but did not dare to stop them.

Nahe Azige was not polite to Gaoli Yicheng. He went to the front yard and said coldly, "You can stop now!" Qin Zitan was invited to enter.

The officials of the inn really didn't dare to follow in and offend the envoys of Shangbang. They really couldn't bear it.

Qin Zitan followed Ajige in, and secretly speculated in his heart: when Hexiong Qi first came to Hanyang, he sent a deputy envoy to invite him. He must have noticed the rise of the Huaidong Military Division and the Shejia and Huaidong Military Division in the East China Sea. the battle above.

Not to mention, the Dayue Dynasty can be maintained, and the Jinhai food route supported by the Huaidong Military Division behind the scenes is a key factor for the Yanjing and Yanbei defense lines to not collapse.

The Donghu people did not have a navy, and even if they knew what the Jinhai grain route meant for the Yanbei line of defense, they could do nothing, but they could use the power of Gaoli to form a large-scale navy army to attack the Jinhai grain route.

Once the Jinhai grain route is interrupted, the Yanbei line of defense will be as fragile as paper in front of the iron hoofs of the Donghu people. Could it be that He Xiongqi's mission to Goryeo this time is thinking of this?

Qin Zitan thought of this, and his heart shivered. The things here are very complicated. It is not good for the luxury family to let the Donghu people enter the customs too early! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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