Lord of the House

Vol 8 Chapter 11: drop general

Since entering the twelfth lunar month, Chongzhou has experienced a lot of rain and snow, which is very good for farming, but it is a big trouble for construction.

The avenue between Jiangmen and Hecheng has long been trampled into mud.

The well-polished riding boots at the time of departure could not be seen for a long time, and the toe of the toe was cracked, muddy water mixed in, and the feet were numb from the cold. Lin Fu walked back to the side of the road, sat on the yoke in front of the carriage, took off his boots and socks, wrapped his feet with dry cloth, sat cross-legged, and talked to Han Caizhi and others: "I didn't expect it to be so hard, right?"

"I don't think it's bitter, but it's raining and snowing non-stop, the ground is rotten, the road is rotten, the sky is cold, and the ice is firm, the soil is difficult to dig, it is difficult to transport, things are done slowly, and I am afraid of disappointing the trust of adults!" Han Caizhi said.

The forces of all parties continue to stalemate, and no one has the ability to break the situation for a while. The scale and intensity of the war are much gentler than those in the spring and summer. Defending the sea embankment is the top priority of Chongzhou. For this reason, Lin Fu only transferred the infantry of the Fifth Battalion of the Infantry Division to the south to strengthen the Shengsi line of defense. Daishan and Changguo launched an offensive.

From Jiangmen to Hecheng, the Hanhai Embankment was built in four sections at the same time. Sun Jingtang, Ge Siyu and Wang Chengfu were in charge of the specific tasks. Lin Mengde, Qin Chengzu and others were also working on a larger scale in Chongcheng. Responsible for the coordination of materials and human resources.

Next, there is a section chief, Han Caizhi also leads one of them, Zhang Gou serves as his deputy, and another engineering officer is appointed as the chief technical officer. This construction official was none other than Zhu Ai, a Xinjin native who came from Yandu to build a **** in the northern section of Chongzhou.

Lin Fu also walked up to the embankment when he had time. The entire sea-defending embankment would involve the root of Huaidong, so how could Lin Fu not pay attention to it.

"We have to overcome difficulties, when we are fighting against the sky, we are fighting for profit with the land, but we can't be too anxious, we can't spend too much manpower, and we must be sympathetic to everyone's hard work," Lin Fie said with a smile, "now there are seven or eight thousand people pressing Here, everyone eats 10,000 to 20,000 catties of rice every day with their mouths open. You have a heavy burden on your shoulders, so you have to learn to adapt. It’s normal to be a little chaotic at first, as long as you can see improvement, it’s a good thing. Get through this period Time, in spring, will get better..."

Chen Hanzhi was a general under the red jacket girl before, and he only had four or five hundred soldiers and horses under his command, so he didn't need to worry about the supply of rations. When I first started working, I was supervising the construction of the embankment. Seven or eight thousand people had to dress and eat. They had to take care of everything. They were in a hurry for a while. In the past two months, I can't say that I have completely adapted to it, but it is not as embarrassing as it was at the beginning. People always have to work hard to adapt to grow.

Lin Fu looked at Zhang Gou, a subordinate of Sun Zhuang, the former pioneer of the exile army, and asked, "Is it still suitable for you to come to Chongzhou?"

"You don't have to be wandering anymore, it's always not bad, and I would like to thank the adults for your accomplishment." Zhang Gou replied.

It has been two months since he went south, and after arriving in Chongzhou, he entered the camp here, separated from Chen Zhe, and no longer contacted him. He was also afraid that Chongzhou would become suspicious and restrained not to contact him.

There are not many good things in the camps here, but they have enough food to eat, and there are families who are placed nearby, and an extra ration is given at the beginning of the month and the middle of the month.

Military attachés above the commander-in-chief are paid extra, which is not much, three to five hundred dollars a month, and they don't have many privileges in other respects. They eat and live with ordinary soldiers.

Although there are nearly 8,000 people in this section, about 80% are soldiers of the refugee army, but most of these military attaches are drawn from various departments of the Huaidong Military Department.

Although the salaries of military officers are not much, they are all given to those who have been promoted. home.

These military attachés were loyal to the Huaidong Army Division. Of course, there are also a small number of people below who have performed well and are promoted to military attachés. Although the number of people in this group is small, there is some hope for everyone.

Zhang Gou, as the deputy commander of the section, said that he was paid according to the battalion commander, and he could get 22 taels of silver every month. His family settled in Chongcheng, and he never went to see it once. Every month when he gets his salary, he asks someone to take it with him. He has no use for money here. He can read, and so can his wife, so he can write letters.

His family and Chen Zhe's family were settled in a courtyard, so Zhang Gou knew that Chen Zhe's situation in Hecheng was similar to his.

In the family, in addition to his money and money, the Huaidong Army Division also brought food, noodles and fish during the festival, and also sent money and cloth during the Great Cold Festival. The days were not bad. If you want, you can also send the dog to the school, but there is no requirement.

If it was possible, Zhang Gou didn't want to toss any more, but he knew what the old man was thinking when he surrendered to the Huaidong Army. In the future, when the old man fought with the Huaidong Army, he couldn't be sorry for his love.

People are determined, even if they are driven to the battlefield by the Huaidong Army Division, the family can be settled, and there is a future to run. The vast majority of people raise their flags to rebel, isn't that what they want?

For those who are ambitious and want to stand out, the Huai'an Military Division is not without a chance. Han Caizhi and Chen Kuili, the turtle sons, followed Tie Xin with the Huaidong Military Division.

Even if there were not so many military attaches dispatched by the Huaidong Military Division to hold him down, Zhang Gou would not have the confidence to pull out many people to cast the pole because he was able to take care of himself by serving as a soldier here.

There are seven or eight thousand people here, how many of them are born with enough food to eat?

Zhang Gou also didn't know how capable Huaidong Military Commander was, how rich his family was, and how high-quality japonica rice could allow everyone to open their stomachs and eat meat every three weeks.

There are 60,000 workers in the battalion, and they give food rations to children, family members go to the embankment, or participate in the reclamation of wasteland, and pay for food and work. Not to mention the rest, the Huaidong Army Division's labor camp, which supports 60,000 people, consumes an astonishing amount of rice and grain alone.

When they were in Huaisi, they fought with Jiangdong Zuo Army. They only knew that Jiangdong Zuo Army could fight and were very strong. However, why Jiangdong Zuo Army could fight and be so strong was completely blind and did not know the reason.

After coming to Chongzhou for two months, Zhang Gou had a vague understanding that the shovels and shovels in everyone's hands were all good irons that they had not dared to hope for before.

The shovels commonly used in labor camps are wear-resistant, have a hard edge, and the shovel body is not easy to break when digging hard soil. Two or three shovels can make a good horse-chopping sword with enough iron. Chongzhou is so extravagant. To use this good iron to hit the **** shovel.

Zhang Gou also thought about what the master of the pole said before he entered Huaisi, thinking about conquering Xuzhou, opening the furnace to make iron, striking 2,000 excellent horse-killing swords, and making up a horse-killing spirit. Ghosts kill ghosts.

Xuzhou was not defeated, An Shuai was killed by the three dog thieves Chen Han, and the dream of the master of 2,000 horse-killing swords and horse-killing fine soldiers was naturally shattered.

The previous extravagant hopes and dreams are so easy and accessible in Chongzhou.

Zhang Gou was filled with emotion, except for a few of him who were still thinking of the past love, other people would not even have the mind to resist Huaidong Army Division in the end, right?

Lin Fu ignored Zhang Gou's distraction. The red jacket girl and Luo Xiancheng were each other's horns in Huaixi, fighting against the Changhuai Army and Liang Chengchong's troops to the north. Sun Zhuang was in Suining for two or three months, and it was quite safe. As long as there is no trouble on Suining's side, this side will be stable, and most of the generals of the refugee army can still be drawn over, and the repair of the embankment is also a transformation.

Lin Fu looked at Zhu Ai, an engineer who was born in a cow herd, and asked him to come to the front to speak: "Liu Tingzhou's prefect also appreciates your talents, and you can do it well for me in Chongzhou..."

"The villain knows, it will definitely live up to the expectations of the adults." Zhu Ai replied excitedly.

Zhu Ai fought with people when he was a teenager. Half of his face was scarred and looked a little hideous, while the other half of his face was pretty. In Yandu Chongjin, people were called Zhu Lunzi, also known as Zhu Banyan. All of them are twenty-eight years old, and they have not even married a daughter-in-law.

There are sages in the countryside, but this can be applied to Zhu Ai. Zhu Ai made a living by herding cattle when he was young, but he learned to read by stealth. He practiced writing on the sand with a willow branch, and he was also good at writing.

Zhu Ai's knowledge of building sea ponds is far from simple experience and superficial understanding. After receiving praise for his suggestions to Liu Tingzhou that year, Zhu Ai dreamed of giving Liu Tingzhou a job as an official in the county, and even put his heart into building the seawall.

Over the past few years, taking advantage of cattle herding, Zhu Ai has traveled almost all over the seashores of Yandu and Sheyang, surveying quite accurate topographic maps and tidal maps along the coast of Yandu and Sheyang, and obtained a lot of first-hand information from fishermen and Yanhu. , and also wrote a lot of manuscripts - it's just that his behavior in the village will only attract more ridicule, he can't fill his stomach, but he wants to be an official, and he is so poor that he sleeps in a cowshed, and no girl will He was promised, but Liu Tingzhou never made him an official.

In order to defend the sea wall, Chongzhou selected talents from the coastal counties. Zhu Ai stole and sold the main family's cattle in exchange for entanglement. , was sent here to be a worker.

For Zhu Ai to steal cattle, Hu Dahai, the magistrate of Yandu County, also issued a sea arrest document, sent officials to Chongzhou to detain people, or Lin Fu wrote a letter to Liu Tingzhou to wipe out the matter.

After talking to Han Caizhi, Zhang Gou, Zhu Ai, and others, Lin Fu continued to walk south to Jiangmen; when he returned, he planned to leave Jiangmen to visit Shengsi.

In rainy and snowy weather, this section of the road is also rotten, and there is not enough charcoal slag, and the hardening of the road is a big problem.

Starting from Hecheng, heading south, a car broke its axle halfway, and there was only one carriage left in the horse team. Lin Fu lifted the curtain and got in. Song Jia just gave way to the side, and didn't mind riding with Lin Fu in the car. .

It was getting late, less than ten miles away from Jiangmen, and a sentry chasing after him, but it was an urgent report from Ge Changgen from Danluo Island across the sea.

Ge Changgen was instructed to build the Jeju port on the west coast of Danluo Island, and use it as Jeju to conduct military horses, copper and iron ore trade with Danluo Island and Kyushu to the southeast of Danluo Island. Goryeo's vigilance is also impossible.

Since August and September, Korea has put pressure on Danra to send troops directly to Danra Island. Ge Changgen had already informed Chongzhou of this situation. However, after November, the situation became more serious. The Korean navy directly went to the west coast to harass. There have been three conflicts, the latest one happened five days ago.

Although the Goryeo Navy was repelled, Ge Changgen served as the Goryeo National Assembly to organize a larger-scale offensive, which could not be dealt with by the existing forces of the Jeju Military Fortress, and sent a special ship to cross the sea to Chongju to rescue.

"Return to Chongcheng!" Lin Fu had to give up the plan to visit Shengsi and diverted back to Chongzhou. The Jeju Military Fortress on Danluo Island was an extremely important move, and he couldn't go wrong. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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