Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 67: The plan to take a knife

In terms of geographical location, if you go eastward and pass Pi County, you will find Tancheng. On the deserted plain, there is a team of chariots and horses winding their way. Two carts and a team of more than 100 riders dragged along for miles long.

The low hill covered by peach trees on the front half of the **** is an outpost of the Tancheng Refugee Army. Several cavalry galloped down from the low hill and pressed towards the chariot team.

There were also several cavalry on the side, shouting: "I am waiting for the order of the governor of Jianghuai to come to Tancheng to meet the Tianpu Zuohu army and discuss the matter of ending the battle. Are you the outpost sent by General Chen to greet you? "

Just as Liu An'er wanted to set up the four provinces of Huaisi for independence, Yue Lengqiu insisted that Chen Hansan lead his troops to withdraw from Tancheng before discussing the matter of recruiting security.

Liu Aner was based in Xuzhou, Yue Lengqiu led the Changhuai Army to retreat to the east bank of Sishui to form a camp, while Pi County and Tancheng in the east were occupied by Chen Hansan. Yue Lengqiu was actually in a situation of attacking Liu Aner and Chen Hansan. .

Yue Lengqiu ordered Chen Hansan to lead his troops to withdraw from Tancheng and Pi County first, which was not too much.

The refugee army fighting in Huaisi was headed by Liu An'er, but it was actually divided into two groups, one was Liu An'er's direct descendant, and the other was Ge Ping's Tianao army. Chen Hansan initially invested in Liu An'er, and he had to lead his army to the east alone, and became the left guard of the Tianbao Army, with a special status.

Tancheng, Shuyang, and Pi County were all places Liu An'er wanted to take. Even if Tancheng and Shuyang cannot come, Pi County, as the shield of the east wing of Xuzhou, is a must.

Liu An'er plans to station troops and horses of the direct line in Pi County in the future. He doesn't want to occupy it for Chen Hansan. He thinks that in the future, he will carve out one or two counties in the north for Chen Hansan to guard, but this cannot be said now.

Yue Lengqiu proposed that Chen Hansan should lead his troops to withdraw from Tancheng and Pi County first, but Liu Aner did not firmly object, but asked Yue Lengqiu to send a special person to negotiate with Chen Hansan, which is why such a team of carriages and horses appeared on the western border of Tancheng.

"Who's taking the lead?" The refugee army general reined in his horse, spun around on the overgrown official road, and looked at the carriage and horse team.

"This officer is the governor of Jianghuai, who joins the military and royal affairs in front of the tent. Dare to ask the general's name?" An official wearing a lake-blue official robe lifted the curtain and leaned out half of his body.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, what is your name?" The general of the refugee army laughed, arrogantly and rudely not reporting his surname, pointed at Wang Zheng with his horse tip, and said, "It seems that You are the leader, you are allowed to bring two followers with us, and everyone else will stay here..."

"What! Presumptuous!" Seeing how rude the bandit leader was, the cavalry captain in charge of the accompanying **** withdrew his waist knife into his hands and glared angrily, "My lord is here to recruit you and give you a way to survive. Tired of living, dare to be rude to my family? Do you believe that my family will return to Pi County immediately and lead the army to pacify the bandits waiting for you in Tancheng?"

"Adults eat with their swords and guns. You have the ability to suppress them. Even if you lead a large army to suppress them, we are waiting here. Grandpa frowns is the grandson of the turtle." , said, "But I'm sorry today, only three of you are allowed to go there, otherwise please come back."

"You..." The guard riding school was so angry that he ascended to heaven, scolding but not scolding.

"What about me?" The refugee army general turned his nose up and dismissed the officers and soldiers.

"Okay, let's just go over there three people, and I'll bother the general to send a coachman over to help us drive the car." Wang Zheng said loudly from the carriage behind him, and lifted the curtain of the car so that the generals of the refugee army could see that besides him, there were still people sitting in the carriage. with two people.

"The thieves are capricious, adults must not take risks lightly!" said the guard riding school anxiously.

"We have our own measure," Wang Zheng said. "When we enter Tancheng, the Rebel Army will take care of you. There is no difference between a hundred more of you and a hundred of you less!"

The guards of the brigade stopped at the west of the low hill and waited. More than a hundred refugee army cavalry rushed out from the back of the low hill, surrounded by the carriage carrying the peace talks envoys from the Jianghuai Governor's Mansion and entered Tancheng.


Since talking about Zhao'an, Chen Hansan has withdrawn from the Zhaiqiao camp and gathered troops in Tancheng.

Chen Hansan didn't want to express any sincerity, but he was more wary.

Lin Fu opened the blockade of Sishui, and released Sun Zhuang's generals Chen Zui and Zhang Gou to cross Sishui to Siyang, but continued to block Chen Han's three troops on the east bank.

Chen Hansan would not fail to see that his troops were actually alone on the east bank of the Sishui River. He divided his troops in several places in the east of Sishui, and the Zhaiqiao camp was under the attack of Shuyang and Shukou.

If the move is a trap, this situation is dangerous.

Therefore, Chen Hansan gave up the Zhaiqiao camp, and the main force was concentrated in Tancheng, except for the division to guard Pi County all the way.

If anything goes wrong, the soldiers and horses are in their own hands, and it is easy to escape.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather became cooler. Chen Hansan rarely took off his armor, put on a long robe, and stood in front of a rockery made of lake stones in the back garden.

This is Duting Station in Tancheng. When King Ning went to Jiangning, he settled here. This is not the most luxurious mansion in Tancheng, but because King Ning stayed here, he felt that it was very meaningful. Chen Hansan specially made this place as his residence.

The counselor Ma Zhen hurriedly walked through the moon gate and came in to report: "The messenger sent by Yue Lengqiu has entered the city, and the leader is the governor's palace to participate in the military and royal administration. Make things difficult for them?"

"I had dismounted horse power before, but I couldn't drive them away. It seems that I had the sincerity of talking, but I couldn't really drive them away." Chen Hansan said, "I will personally pick them up and bring them to the house. The generals at home are free. Yes, come to accompany the banquet. You carefully instruct everyone to keep their mouths clean and not to spray feces outside when drinking. Whoever wants to ruin my good deeds, I will be the first to forgive him. When drinking, you Talk to Wang Zheng's two entourage more, and find out what Wang Zheng is good at, and give him everything that Tancheng can have.

"The left guard is wise." Ma Zhen said.

Ma Zhen turned around and went out to run errands, and Chen Hansan brought his squires to Changjie in person to greet the envoy sent by Yue Lengqiu.

At night, they set up a banquet in the back garden of the Xingyuan, and let the generals accompany them.

Cups and cups came and went, and there were songs and dances during the banquet. The envoy Wang Zheng and the two squires quickly forgot their unhappiness before entering Tancheng. .

In the middle of the night, before the banquet in the garden was over, Wang Zheng and the two squires put their minds on the charming dancer with a light skirt in their arms. Restless, impatient. It's just that there are only a limited number of dancers during the banquet, and besides, these dancers are originally Chen Hansan's ban, and they can take out the banquet guests, but their generals must know the proportions.

The banquet seemed to be delayed indefinitely, but Chen Hansan couldn't hold his breath for a while, and was anxious in his heart, and gave Ma Zhen a wink.

Ma Zhen understood and said to Wang Zheng, the envoy of Zhao'an: "The Governor of Yue is in Pi County, and it is very urgent to urge our army to withdraw from Tancheng, but seeing Mr. Wang coming, it seems that it is not urgent, and Ma Zhen is a little puzzled..."

"No hurry, no hurry," Wang Zheng was in his early thirties, with a short mustache, and the official robe was stained with soup, but he didn't mind, he hugged the dancer's waist in his arms and touched the delicate waist, feeling the tenderness of his skin After listening to Ma Zhen's words, he was distracted and responded, "The Zuo Hujun is so kind, he has invited so many generals to accompany him, and he is accompanied by beautiful women. It is only appropriate to talk about the wind and the moon. It is too unpleasant to talk about official affairs. Talking about it for two more days won't get in the way."

Chen Hansan understood, this Wang Zheng thought that there were too many people here and he was too busy, so he asked the generals to disperse first, leaving only Ma Zhen and two cronies to accompany him during the banquet.

At this time, a middle-aged squire who followed Wang Zheng into Tancheng pushed the dancer in his arms away and stared at Chen Hansan: "Is it someone who can be trusted by the Zuo Hujun if you stay here?"

Chen Hansan asked the dancers to step back and glanced at Wang Zheng's squire. At first, he didn't pay much attention to him, but when he saw him talking, he felt that he had an extraordinary bearing and a familiar face, and said, "It's all My brother who was born and died with me, is there any secret that I can't hear? Dare to ask the name of this gentleman, have we met before?"

"Zuo Hujun has been fighting with my commander-in-chief for so long, but they haven't found out what my family's commander-in-chief looks like?" Wang Zheng laughed beside him.

"What!" Chen Hansan's expression changed in shock. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com subconsciously pulled out the saber from his waist and placed it in front of him. The horses attacked, and their expressions collapsed.

Yue Lengqiu calmly picked up the lightweight jade cup on the table, slowly drank the wine inside, and said, "I have admired Zuo Hujun for a long time, and I came to Tancheng to meet Zuo Hujun in the name of peace talks. Seeing the army at first sight. It’s better to see it once you hear it, Zuo Hujun is a real hero, a real hero…”

Chen Hansan realized that he was overreacting, returned the knife to the sheath, squinted at Yue Lengqiu's face, and made a detailed analysis. The middle-aged man in front of him is really the same as the rumored appearance of Yue Lengqiu, the governor of Jianghuai.

Chen Hansan didn't blame Ma Zhen for not finding out his identity earlier. Who would have thought that Yue Lengqiu, the governor of Jianghuai, would enter Tancheng as his squire? Even if someone saw the doubts about the appearance earlier, I'm afraid they would be the first to deny this possibility.

Yue Lengqiu spoke beautifully, but Chen Hansan was shocked and suspicious. He was not a three-year-old child, so how could he believe that Yue Lengqiu entered Tancheng as a squire of an official in order to meet him.

"Although Tancheng is not a dragon pool and a tiger's den, Du Yue is a true hero and a hero if he can come here in person," Chen Hansan laughed, trying to cover up his gaffe, "but Du Yue also knows Han San's temperament, and perhaps it is the same as Yue Du. There is a gap between the real heroes and the real heroes in the eyes of the Governor, isn't the Governor Yue afraid that it is easy to get in but difficult to get out?"

"I'm here to save your life, and I'll give you a rich and noble way to go, why did the Zuo Hujun make it difficult for me?" Yue Lengqiu asked back.

"Yue Du's words are nice," Chen Hansan said, "I have lived for all these years, and I only know that my life is earned by myself, and wealth cannot be forced. I don't know how Yue Du can save my life, and how can he give me a path to wealth? "My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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