Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 59: aid the siege

The scorching sun has just fallen, but it is the hottest time of the day, and people are like being burned by fire.

But at this time, Xiao Kuian felt a little more comfortable.

In this ghastly hot weather, one would sweat profusely after walking a few dozen steps, not to mention breaking through obstacles with a shield and a knife to fight.

The refugee army couldn't bear the hot weather either, so they retreated to rest their hands temporarily, and the Duhuai army who were stuck in the dirt enclosure could also take a breath.

Xiao Kuian was so tired that he seemed to be half paralyzed. He sat down in the shadow of the dirt, the wind was blowing, and his pores were comfortable. The squire handed over the water bag, he took it and took a sip. It is said that she is extremely thirsty, but she is almost out of strength in the fierce battle, and she is sweating like a pulp.

Seeing Liu Tingzhou coming, Xiao Kuian wanted to stand up and salute.

Liu Tingzhou pressed his shoulders and said, "Take a break, I don't know when the bandits will attack again..." Regardless of his manners, he sat on the ground against the cool adobe wall.

A small school next to him crawled over on his knees and asked Liu Tingzhou in a low voice: "Master Liu, when will the reinforcements of the commander's brigade come over, only four or five hundred cavalry are hanging the bandits far from the periphery, and we can't explain it like this. The pressure. Shouldn't the control envoy put us together?"

"Eat the rations, hold on to the knife in your hand, and kill a few more thieves is serious," Xiao Kuian glared at Xiao Xiao and reprimanded, "What can you say? Are you supposed to ask?"

Liu Tingzhou smiled slightly, and didn't mind what the small school asked him, and said, "The envoy is a person who keeps his word and will do what he says. The Jiangdong Zuo army attacked the east captives in the north and captured the Fujian bandits in the south. To send a cavalry to advance first is to strengthen our belief in waiting for help. Of course, we also need to take into account the large number of bandits in the Si, Yi and Shu rivers. I can only come over in a few days, and tell everyone, you must not lose your confidence at this time..."

Xiao Kuian raised his head and looked at the top of the elm tree in the distance. Through the dense and dense leaves, the scorching sun shone brightly. The anxiety in his heart was hard to disappear. He glanced at Liu Tingzhou and saw that his face had regained its solemnity, thinking that he felt the same in his heart. I'm afraid he didn't have a clue about what he said to Xiao Xiao just now, right?

The cavalry of the Jiangdong Left Army has appeared on the periphery, but the number is too small to shake the bandit army on the periphery. Although the appearance of these four or five hundred cavalrymen has given hope to the four or five thousand people trapped in the earthen enclosure, how can they know that this is not a perfunctory matter of Lin Fu, who used it to block the mouths of the world?

Since the last time, a messenger from Jiangdong Zuojun pretended to be a bandit and rushed in to report the news, the bandit has been more cautious and the blockade has become more strict.

Xiao Kuian and the others were trapped in the earthen enclosure for many days, and they never got any news from the outside world, and they didn't know how the fight was going on outside.

In their opinion, the Jiangdong Left Army should have landed from Sishui in the east or Huai River in the north. After these days, only four or five hundred cavalry of the Jiangdong Left Army appeared on the periphery. No wonder they were suspicious.

Jiangdong Zuojun came from Shukou, no matter how difficult it was, it would be impossible for six or seven days to pass without seeing the shadow of the main force!

Over the past few days, Teng Xingyuan, the magistrate of Shanyang County, died of serious injuries, and Tao Chun was also severely injured. The nearly 6,000 people who were evacuated from Weizilai at first lost more than one third of their injuries. There was no medicine and no medical treatment for the wounded and sick, lying in the courtyard of the ancestral hall moaning and wailing waiting to die; the weather was hot, and the air was filled with the smell of rotting corpses, if it wasn't for the four or five hundred cavalry of the Jiangdong Left Army who appeared on the periphery three days ago, the generals I'm afraid it's already broken.

At this time, there was a commotion in the surrounding, and the battle was like this. I was afraid that someone below would not be able to hold on and collapse first. Xiao Kuian and Liu Tingzhou jumped up as if they had pressed the machine, and looked into the stockade, not knowing what happened. .

I saw Liu Tingzhou's old family Liu An stumbled over to him, kowtowed, kowtowed to the dust, and mourned for mercy: "Sir, since you came to Beijing to take the exam, Daqing'er has been by your side, bearing hardships and standing hard, from No complaints. From Feixiaji to Siyang, it was Daqing'er who took two arrows for you. You can't be ungrateful and let someone kill Daqing'er. This old slave has lived for sixty years, and he has lived enough. There are dozens of kilograms of old meat, sir, you can cut my flesh and spare Daqing’er’s life. When you want to break out, you have to rely on Daqing’er for a ride…”

"Bring Da Qing'er here." Liu Tingzhou said.

Others brought a bony old horse, and the green trees and grass in the stockade were cooked as military food. Naturally, the animals had no fodder. It was a miracle that they survived these days.

Liu Tingzhou came over and touched the neck of the horse. The old horse, who had been with him for ten years, came over and rubbed his forehead. Liu Tingzhou was in tears. Liu Tingzhou's trembling hand did not have much strength. He couldn't cut the throat without cutting it, and blood spurted out from the horse's neck. The old horse didn't struggle, fell down, exhaled from his nose like a fan, and the turbid horse/eyes were staring at Liu Tingzhou.

Xiao Kuian came over, took the knife in Liu Tingzhou's hand, and cut off the horse's throat so that the old horse would not suffer any more. This is already the last horse, and it is only enough for everyone to fill in the gaps between the teeth. Jiangdong Zuojun has not come to help. Is it really like Liu An said, is it going to start eating human flesh?

As soon as the dead horse was carried down, the watchtower on the top of the small watchtower in the stockade shouted excitedly below: "Reinforcement, reinforcement, in the north! Reinforcement is coming from the north."

Liu Tingzhou didn't care about the blood on his body, and looked at Xiao Kuian, unable to believe the news: How could there be reinforcements coming from the north?

No matter what happened to Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian, the generals in the stockade were as excited as if they had eaten a thousand-year-old ginseng tonic. Come from the north.

Liu Tingzhou and Xiao Kuian hurriedly boarded the watchtower and looked north.

Several groups of soldiers and horses were entangled together and rushed south, like a mighty flood that swept across the wasteland, wading through hills, ditches, and surrounded by woods. There was no edge at all, nor how many people there were.

Between several troops and horses, arrows shot at the edge, horses rushed and people rushed, and the battle was still endless. Although he was still far away, he couldn't see the flag clearly, but if there were no reinforcements from the Jiangdong Zuo Army in this group, Liu Tingzhou thought he would kill himself.

At this time, the bandits surrounding the stockade also moved quickly. They did not organize manpower to attack the stronghold, and quickly formed a formation along a small ditch in the north, obviously to guard against the enemy from the north.

"It's reinforcements!" Xiao Kuian said, "I didn't expect it to come from the north!"


From Suining to Siyang Village near the mouth of Sishui River, there is a straight road for 110 miles along the south bank of Sishui River.

After the Sishui River leaves Xuzhou, it flows southeast at an angle of almost 45 degrees.

Liu Tingzhou led the Huai army to land at Feixiaji. After a successful plan, he broke through the encirclement in the northwest direction, and was finally trapped in a stockade thirty kilometers northwest of Siyang. The actual distance from the straight road to Suining was only more than eighty kilometers. .

Not only did Liu Miaozhen lead 6,000 elite soldiers to chase and bite him, but soon after Lin Bie left Suining, Sun Zhuang led nearly 5,000 elite soldiers to fight out from Suyu.

There are a large number of refugee troops and few elite soldiers, but with such a large base, 300,000 to 50,000 elites can still be assembled. Otherwise, it is impossible to trap Yue Lengqiu's Changhuai Army in Xuzhou City. Come.

From Suining, the Jiangdong Left Army attracted tens of thousands of the main elite of the refugee army, including a large number of cavalry, and the pressure was enormous. In order to avoid too many casualties, Lin Fu was forced to choose a place to form a formation during the day, and chose to detour south at night.

For the distance of more than 80 miles, Lin Bie led Changshan Camp and Fengli Camp to walk for three days and three nights.

Lin Bie rode into the dilapidated stockade. There were black and smelly bloodstains everywhere inside and outside the stockade, and the broken arm and stump were not cleaned up in time, which was extra shocking. The stubble stubble on the adobe wall was full of arrows, but Lin Fu was happy to see it, and said to Zhou Pu, who followed him into the stockade: "I have shot all the arrows along the way, so I'm still worried about what to do, these are just enough to add... "

Xiao Kuian waited for Liu Tingzhou to change his official robes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com heard Lin Bie talk about the arrow, he also looked up. In the past few days, the crossbows and bowstrings in their hands have collapsed, and arrows have been shot in and inserted into the earth wall, and they cannot use them.

Liu Tingzhou's official robe was splattered with horse blood, he found a clean blue shirt, and changed it out to see Lin Bie, bowing and bowing: "The prefect of Huai'an, Liu Tingzhou, the general envoy of the Huai'an Army, visited the envoy of the Zhizhi, thank the envoy of the Zhizhi for not resigning. In all difficulties, lead troops to help…”

"I am the envoy of the Huaidong system, and you are my officers and sons. How can I see death?" Lin Fu stood on a mound to accept Liu Tingzhou's salutation. He did not expect to save Liu Tingzhou. If he goes back, he can be grateful and forget his court, his lord. Lin Fuchao, the generals of the Duhuai Army who surrounded the stockade, raised their hands and said, "You generals, you are suffering here, I want to ask more, have you ever been worried, you are trapped here, Jiangdong Zuojun But like a tortoise with its head shrinking, dare not come to help?"




The following responses were one after the other.

Lin Fu smiled lightly, waved his hand, and said, "Whether you have been worried or never, I can tell you today that you can rest assured from today, I, Lin Fu, will not see death to you. Help, let it go!"

Lin Fu gave a speech in a eloquent manner, which aroused the morale of the remnants of the Huaihuai Army. He completely forgot that although the Jiangdong Zuo Army rushed in, it also increased the number of refugee troops on the periphery to nearly 30,000.

Although Liu Tingzhou was grateful to Lin Fu for leading his troops to come to the aid, after seeing Lin Fu enter the stockade, he did not forget to win over the generals of the Duhuai Army, and he became more and more sure that if the situation continued to develop, no one would be able to stop the arrogant ambition of Lin Fu. . My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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