Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 27: Camp

(The third, rare, ask for a red ticket)

The refugee army collapsed, and Sun Zhuang fled north.

The moon will be hidden in the sky, the sky is full of thin clouds, and Sun Zhuang has no way to gather the scattered soldiers. The four cronies who followed him across the river, two died, one was scattered, and one was left by his side.

Fortunately, the soldiers and horses on the east bank of the Shushui River were intact, but they were blocked by the Shushui River, and the war on the west bank was beyond their reach, so they raised their torches and launched them along the coast. Sun Zhuang fled north for nearly ten li, and when he saw the pursuers recovered, he took off his armor and swam across the shore, where he joined the elites on the east bank. The chasing troops retreated, and there were torches on the east bank, and the skirmishers on the west bank gradually calmed down. Sun Zhuang sent people over and led them to continue retreating north.

Sun Zhuang was depressed in this battle, and all the elites of his troops were blocked on the east bank. Except for the more than 200 troops sent by Chen Hansan, which were still elites, the rest were miscellaneous soldiers from four places to raise food.

In the end, he was killed, which made Sun Zhuang especially dissatisfied.

Officers and soldiers entered the Shushui River with sentry boats to search. There were not a large number of ferries or pontoon bridges. Sun Zhuang could not lead two thousand cavalry to cross the river under the supervision of the officers and soldiers.

It's just that the mouth of the river is too wide, and with the river beach, it is five or six miles away from standing on the water's edge. You can only vaguely see some blurred shadows under the torches, and it's hard to know what's going on on the other side.

Sun Zhuang and his 2,000-foot cavalry continued to retreat northward. The Shushui River in the north had a relatively narrow channel, which was convenient for crossing the river. The siege of Shuyang City, cannot let this new group of officers and soldiers disturb the good news of the siege of Muyang City.

In the dark and holding the fire, I went north for more than ten miles, and came to the narrow bridge. The Shushui River here is only 300 paces wide. In the early years, there was a wooden bridge on it, but it was washed away by the flood, and there were two half-rotted bridges. The stakes stand on the beach...

Arrived at the narrow bridge, the fire on the other side was like daytime, thousands of people camped on the other side, and when I asked the sentry who came to contact me, only then did I know that Chen Hansan led his troops to this place, and when he heard the news that the intercepted troops and horses had been defeated, he was there. Stop here.

Sun Zhuang's stomach turned over Chen Hansan and his blind mother 10,000 times. He thought that he had sent 200 elites to the shore to intercept him. It's too slow to catch up. If Chen Hansun believed that he would directly draw 1,000 cavalry to block the coast, and then send 1,000 or 2,000 infantry to follow, it would not be a big problem to stop this group of officers and soldiers and prevent them from landing on the north shore.

There are also more than a dozen small boats in the river, which are connected together to seal the river. Sun Zhuang was born in a water village. Knowing that such a boat formation can only stop the officers and soldiers from rushing upstream at night, press Chen Hansan. Dissatisfied, he crossed the river to meet Chen Hansan, the canal commander of the Zuo Hujun.

"More dark piles should be built in front of the boat formation. If it wasn't for fear of trouble in the future, I would sink a few more boats and fill up the abyss. It is best to have a long iron chain, which can directly seal the river!" Sun Zhuang was also straight-minded. When Chen Hansan arrived, he directly talked about the ship formation. He resisted and did not complain about his delay in dispatching troops. After a while, he smacked his lips and said, "The officers and soldiers of this group of **** are hard to eat. If you don't drive them ashore, I'm afraid it won't be easy to encircle Shuyang! The food from Yunti Pass will also be difficult to transport to Suyu!"

"If Jiangdong Zuojun is easy to gnaw, there will be no place in the world where your grandson can't go!" Chen Hansan's face was as red as a jujube under the light of the campfire, and he could not tell what emotion he had when he said this.

Sun Zhuang was slightly startled, and it took him a long time to realize that he was fighting against the famous Jiangdong Zuojun. He was not afraid. The beachhead still had a chance to suppress the beach-grabbing soldiers. Soldiers are not strong.

Sun Zhuang raised his head and stared at Chen Hansan's face. He smiled and didn't hide it. He thought to himself: I said that you procrastinated and gathered thousands of talents to go south, but you were terrified by the name of Jiangdong Zuojun. .

Seeing that the disdain in Sun Zhuang's eyes was so obvious, Chen Hansan was also sullen and a little embarrassed. After all, no matter how strong Jiangdong Zuojun is, it is still a rumor. Who has seen it with his own eyes?

Sun Zhuang didn't bother with Chen Hansan either. Zhang Gou went to Suyu to see An Shuai. Chen Zhu had to defend Yunti Pass with seven or eighty thousand stones of life-saving food. Except for the six hundred cavalry in his hands, the others were all miscellaneous. Soldiers, to drive the Jiangdong Zuo Army down the Huaihe River, and also rely on Chen Hansan's forces in Shuyang.

Chen Hansan was not a direct descendant of the Hongzepu Refugee Army, and he took the title of Tianbao Zuohu Army himself. Knowing that Liu An'er's subordinates would have some opinions on him, he hid a little unhappiness and strengthened the strength of the river here overnight.

Dark piles were built in front of the boat formation, several ships were scuttled, iron rings were tied together, the flammable sail masts were removed, and mud was smeared on the boat to prevent the Jiangdong Left Army from rushing into the formation and setting the boat on fire. They set up a fort on each side of the boat formation, still feeling that this was not enough, and sent people to find the iron melting furnace to open fire and lock the river chain.

In addition to preventing the Jiangdong Zuo Army from going to Shuyang City from the Shushui River, it is also necessary to drive the Jiangdong Zuo Army down the Huaihe River. The Jiangdong Zuo Army, who had defeated the Donglu Iron Cavalry on four occasions, could not stand firm on the north bank!

There was no sign of Jiangdong Zuo's army landing on the east bank of the Shushui River. After dawn, Sun Zhuang took his 2,000 cavalry on the east bank to the west bank, and there were more than 3,000 troops in the retreat.

Chen Hansan had even more troops. A total of 6,000 troops were drawn from the periphery of Shuyang, all of which were the elite of his headquarters, far from Sun Zhuang's 3,000-step cavalry who was a miscellaneous soldier.


It was so bright that he could see the ground clearly, so Sun Zhuang urged Chen Hansan to join him in sending troops south to push the north bank of the Huaihe River. There was more than 20 miles away. The left army formed a camp in the east of the Shushui River and the north of the Huaishui River.

The Jiangdong Left Army, who landed overnight, was divided into three divisions, two of which were in front, and formed a car camp using shield wagons with short spears.

The two car camps took four hundred steps on Wednesday, and counted them down. Nearly five or six hundred shield cars were used.

In front of each shield chariot, there are more than a dozen short spears stabbed out, making the shield chariot form a chariot that can be rushed and defended.

Among the armored battalions, there are layers upon layers, and each battalion is afraid that there will be no less than a thousand armored soldiers.

Sun Zhuang cursed in his stomach, Jiangdong Zuojun is too strong, five or six hundred chariots only use tens of thousands of short spears, if his son Lang can equip these five or six hundred chariots, one or two thousand Dongluer What is there to fear? But he had to admit that this hedgehog-like shield car camp really gave him a headache.

Apart from the two shield car camps in the front, what gave Sun Zhuang a headache was that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was building a fence camp in the back, which was on the banks of the Huai River.

Most of the camps are built, and most of the camps are temporarily stationed.

Even if the shield car camp is the same as the hedgehog, as long as they have a decisive advantage in military strength, the soldiers dare to fight, and are not afraid of death, a dozen people can carry a large log, and they can also poke a hole in the shield car camp, directly Using cavalry to charge, and life to fill, can also smash the shield chariot camp—even if the chariots are tied together, they are very thin.

The knot camp is prepared for long-term persistence.

Adding horses and thorns to the wooden fence wall, digging trenches outside, and even building rammed earth in the middle of two wooden fence walls can strengthen the fort and make it much more difficult to attack by force.

There are no large forests nearby. I think these wooden fences were prepared in advance when the Jiangdong Zuo Army came over - the front wooden fence wall has been built, only The front is nearly 400 steps long, and the scale of the gate is so large! After it is built, it is no less than a city - Sun Zhuang thought that the Jiangdong Zuo Army was fully prepared!

Seeing the cold light flickering in the grass before the refusal of the horse, Sun Zhuang thought that it should be the iron caltrops, and there were hundreds of cavalry behind the wooden fence wall. Seeing such a large-scale naval battle, there is only such a large space. Take Hong Zepu's Wushao ship, a ship can carry two or three horses for a long distance.

Seeing the Jiangdong Zuo army forming such a formation on the north bank of the Huai River, and the intention of the long-term solidification of the knot gate camp~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Sun Zhuang suddenly felt very difficult, he couldn't help but look at Chen Hansan, and secretly said: How to play this battle ?

Chen Hansan also secretly regretted that after receiving the letter last night, he sent 2,000 cavalry to block the coast, so he didn't need to see such a difficult problem. Shuyang could not be captured or completely sealed, and Yue Lengqiu still had access to the south from Linyi. Now it seems that it is difficult to attack Shuyang without driving the Jiangdong Zuo army down the Huaihe River. Jun, how to eat?

The gate camp was built in half, and the two shield car camps sheltered each other at the front. The gate battalion, but also to guard against the sudden attack of the cavalry of the Jiangdong Left Army behind the gate battalion.

Jiangdong Zuojun is famous for defeating eastern captives with foot soldiers and defeating eastern sea pirates with water.


At this time, Zhang Yubo and Liu Tingzhou, the prefect of Huai'an, crossed Huaihuai to see Lin Fu. When crossing the river, he saw a large group of robbers coming from the direction of Shuyang, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky, fearing that there would be no less than ten thousand people.

Lin Fu's boat was parked in the river, but Lin Fu himself had already gone to the north bank. Zhang Yubo didn't care. He was going to see him on the north bank, but Liu Tingzhou's scalp was numb, his back was cold, and sweat was oozing out under the not-so-hot sun.

The Huaian government's army fought against these robbers who entered the country on the north bank, and they were defeated and lost thousands of troops. Liu Tingzhou knew that this group of people interspersed between Shuyang and Huai'an was definitely the elite of the robbers.

Liu Tingzhou was worried about whether the Jiangdong Zuo Army would be able to stop the attack of the rogues in a hurry on the north bank. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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