Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 23: March Kanbara

In the eleventh year of Chongguan, in the third month of spring, the emperor ordered Liang Xi to send troops south to pacify the bandits.

Liang Xi said that there was not enough food and grass, so he asked for 50,000 troops for salaries, and wanted to make Qingzhou's water supply to Liang's troops first.

The Chongzhou-Jinhai route sends about 60,000 shi of grain every month. In summer and autumn, the sea is stormy and the ships will rest. At present, the Gyeonggi and the Northern Army still rely heavily on the Qingzhou Jiaolai River for grain transportation.

Even if Qingzhou officials such as Chen/Yuanliang, Zhang Jinxian, and Du Juefu had no grudges against the Liang family, it would never be possible to transport the grain from Qingzhou to the Liang army in northern Shandong.

It was impossible for the imperial court to cut off the life-saving food from Gyeonggi to help the Liang family first. Liang Xi could not be adjusted. Yue Lengqiu had few soldiers in Huaibei, and was unable to stop the civilian army from crossing the Huaihe River.

Cao Yiqu received the decree in Guyuan, and dispatched the general Wei Shiyan to lead more than 20,000 troops to the south and eastward. The action was swift and thunderous. He dispatched troops from the Tianshui in the west of Qin and moved eastward along the Wei River. On the eighth day, they reached Tongguan. Cao Yiqu also moved the line to Chang'an. Supervise the battle. However, the elites of the Western Qin Dynasty entered Tongguan in the east and Cao Yiqu entered Chang'an City. The preparations of Si Liangmo, the envoy of Xuanfu from the prefecture, were insufficient, and they were not enough for the army to go out of Tongguan to the west to suppress the bandits.


In late March, the spring is warm, the grass is full of fragrant grass, and the wildflowers are blooming. There is a winding dirt path at the foot of the Nanshan Mountain to the south of Tongguan.

At the end of the dirt path is a large tomb, and several huts guarding the tomb are listed beside the road. Listening to the sound of horses' hooves coming from a long way, Gu Siyuan, Yang Pu, and Zhao Qinmin walked out of the hut and saw that the leader of more than 100 horsemen was about fifty years old. The nails shone brightly in the sunset light.

"Qin Xihou Cao Yiqu!" Gu Siyuan said in a suppressed voice.

Zhao Qinmin was slightly startled, but he did not expect Cao Yiqu to come to the Tang cemetery.

Gu Siyuan escorted Tang Haoxin's body back to his hometown for burial, and the cemetery was located on the Nanshan Plain of Tongguan.

Gu Wuchen was unable to escape in Jiangning, so Gu Siyuan stayed in Tongguan County to perform filial piety on behalf of his father. Gu Siyuan did not live in Tangjiabao in Nanyuan, but built three simple thatched cottages beside the cemetery.

Gu Siyuan's three-month period of filial piety in Tongguanyuan is about to expire. Whether he is heading south to Hanzhong or east to Yuzhong, bandits are haunted and the journey is uneasy. There was no one available at Tangjiabao in Tongyuan, so Gu Wuchen sent Yang Pu and more than 200 elites to come to meet him, and Zhao Qinmin also came along to see whether Gu Siyuan decided to go back to Qingzhou or Jiangning.

Cao Yiqu got off his horse and left his entourage to stay where he was. He paced over, looked at Gu Siyuan with bright eyes, and asked, "But Gu Shaojun?"

"Gu Siyuan has met the Duke of Qinxi!" Gu Siyuan bowed and saluted.

"Tang Gong and my late father were friends in the Western Qin Dynasty when we were young. I studied calligraphy and literature when I was young, and I also studied under Tang Gong's family. It's just that I am not a talent, and I have high expectations of Tang Gong. I passed through Tongguan today and came here specially to have an incense stick in front of Tang's cemetery. ..." Cao Yiqu said.

Cao Hongfan took advantage of the turmoil in East Fujian and threatened the imperial court during his illness, so that his son Cao Yiqu would take the post of governor general. Because of this, Tang Haoxin cut off his robe with Cao Hongfan, denounced the Cao family as a thief, and had long since cut off his teacher-student friendship with Cao Yiqu.

Gu Siyuan did not stop Cao Yiqu from going to Tang Haoxin's tomb to advance the incense, but when Cao Yiqu passed the incense, he led his entourage to leave, leaving only a trail for the remnant herbs to be trampled on.

"Cao Yiqu received the decree in the middle of March, but 20,000 soldiers stopped their troops at Tongguan. The intention is really intriguing!" Zhao Qinmin looked at the dust that the cavalry team carried away, and was quite emotional.

"The purpose is to wait and see Jinan," Gu Siyuan put his hands behind his back, raised his eyes to the foothills of Nanshan Mountain, and said, "If the two Huaihe Rivers are in chaos, and Liang Xi's troops in Shandong and Eastern Henan are not advancing, the Cao family can seal Tongguan. We should leave Tongguan." In the past three years, Gu Siyuan has experienced many things, and his body is less frizzy when he was about to enter Jiangning, and more calm.

Zhao Qinmin also sighed in his heart: the world will be in chaos, the mountains and rivers will be broken, and those who compete to be the hero of the world, Cao Yiqu's odds of winning are no worse than Shewenzhuang.

Gu Siyuan went back to Tangjiabao that night to pack his simple luggage. The next day, I said goodbye to everyone from my uncle's family, and took a young man from the Tang family, Tang Weizhong. With the support of more than 200 entourages and military soldiers, he did not rush eastward, but walked for three days at the foot of Nanshan Mountain. The terrain of Tongguan was investigated.

Tongguan is located at the junction of Shaanxi, Henan and Jin counties, with Huashan in the south and the Yellow River in the north.

Tongguan is located at the west end of Hangu, close to Tongshui. There is a tributary in the east of Guancheng called Jingou. The upper, lower, east and west sides of the forbidden ditch include Jindouguan, as well as 17 passes such as Tongguan and Mayu, which connect the foot of Nanshan Mountain to the bank of the Yellow River. , Gongwei Tongguan.

"If Cao Yiqu separates from Qinxi, he will use Tongguan as the gateway, and divide his troops out of Wuguan to seize Hanzhong. Qinxi will be in complete shape from now on, and the world will be expected..." Before leaving Tongguan, Gu Siyuan looked at the dangerous city and said with emotion.


The bandit leader Liu Miaozhen led his troops south to Yingshui, and the bandits in the river house on the north bank of the Yellow River gradually calmed down. Even if a small number of bandits harassed them, they could not shake the two hundred elites of Gu Siyuan's retinue.

After three or four months of war, half of the Hezhong Prefecture's counties were destroyed, many officials died, and new officials have not yet arrived. With the war and the continuous severe drought, the roads are full of devastated refugees.

Gu Siyuan selected Jianrui from refugees along the way. When he left Tongguan County, there were only 200 elites. After more than ten days, there were more than 1,000 Jianrui, plus their family members, nearly 2,500 people. Travel between the area controlled by the refugee army and the area controlled by the Liang family.

Gu Siyuan will accompany his family and family members to compile one, and more than a thousand Jianyong will compile another. He also learned the formation method commonly implemented by Lin Fu in Jiangdong Left Army. Incorporated into it, they killed some small bandits along the way, obtained some supplies of soldiers and armor, and also used to train the army.

When they reached the Daming Mansion, the army of more than a thousand refugees fought against the bandits along the way, which was stronger than the army in Qingzhou.

Thinking of Lin Fu and recruiting refugees to go north to King Qin and to Jinan, the Jiangdong Zuo Army dared to fight with the elite sentries of the Donglu outside the city, and marched north to Yannan, creating a great victory in Cangnan, and then entered Jinhai and joined forces with the remnants of the Central Jin Army. , Da Chuang Captive Cavalry - the grass-roots army is so capable of fighting, after all, there are not too many secrets, the key is that a group of qualified grass-roots military attaches are incorporated into the army.

A heroic division, the military attache system from top to bottom is the real solid skeleton.

Gu Jiayi has more than 400 elites, and it was only after the **** battle in Jiyang that Jianrui was selected from the people of Jiyang. More than 200 people were incorporated into the water camp for Yang Shi and became the backbone of the two battalions Jianrui trained in Chongzhou. The remaining 200 people were brought to Yang Pu and handed over to Gu Siyuan.

Entering the territory of the famous Anyang, Gu Siyuan and others heard the news that Jining had been captured by the refugee army.

Jining is southeast of Damingfu, southwest of Tai'an, and north of Xuzhou.

Between Jining and Xuzhou, there are four lakes, Weishan Lake, Dushan Lake, Zhaoyang Lake and Nanyang Lake, which are connected to each other in the north and south. The most important waterway for water transportation. Jining then has the danger of Jianghuai in the south and Heji in the north.

"When Ge Ping led the Tianpao rebels to expel the Liang family from Jinan, 200,000 to 300,000 people passed through Jining, but none of them were able to capture Jining. They wanted to go south to the Huaihe River, and they blocked Yue Lengqiu's army into Xuzhou. Without the ability to capture Linyi, hundreds of thousands of Tianbao rebels were trapped in the eastern hills and ravines of Nansi Lake. Although they occupied Weishan County, they were only fish in dry ruts and beasts trapped in cages. Liu Miaozhen did not go south with Chen Hansan to contain Yue Lengqiu, and responded to the Tianpao rebels going south, but directly sent troops to capture Jining..." Zhao Qinmin put his hand on the desk, looked at the rudimentary map, and pointed to Yingkou in the southwest of Xuzhou. , said, "When we set out from Tongguan, the bandit leader Liu An'er led the army of rogues eastward to Yingkou. If he led the army of robbers to continue eastward, do they want to turn around and encircle Yue Lengqiu in Xuzhou?"

Zhao Qinmin is not good at specific military governance, but his analysis of the strategic situation is not bad.

Gu Siyuan frowned slightly. It was not his turn to care about the general situation of the world. The key thing in front of him was that he would lead the two or three thousand people back to Qingzhou safely and without envy.

Gu Siyuan is no longer the stunner who played Wang Chao and Yuan Jinsheng all over the world. If the Liang family wants to gain a firm foothold in Shandong, it is necessary to expel the forces of Tang Haoxin's legacy from the Lushan area. If Gu Siyuan leads his troops from Liang The possibility of annihilating the Liang family as a rogue is very high if the control area is passed.

He originally planned to go to Qingzhou from Jining, but as long as he arrived in Linyi, he could sit back and relax.

Unexpectedly, Liu Miaozhen, the daughter of Hongze's red jacket, took the lead in Jining and blocked their way to the east. It is also impossible to go south. At this time, from Yingkou to the Huaibei area of ​​Xuzhou, there are probably refugee troops everywhere.

Liu Miaozhen captured Jining, so that the Tianbao rebels of Ge Ping, who had been trapped between Jining, Linyi and Xuzhou, were no longer alone. Yue Lengqiu, who retreated to Xuzhou, was indeed worried about the encirclement.

Cao Yiqu's troops stopped at Tongguan, and the Liang family watched the situation in Jinan, but became a lonely army in the cold autumn of Yuezhou in Xuzhou. The refugee army who came to encircle as many as 400,000 to 500,000 people - the Tianbao rebels under Ge Ping Now, it took less than five months for more than 300,000 civilians to raise troops in a hurry, and even a **** was not enough for a weapon. The threat was really limited, but Liu An'er's refugee army was very different.

Liu An'er was originally a general of the frontier army. After Chen Tangyi was defeated, he led his troops to flee back to Sizhou from the frontier army. After two years of secret operation in Sizhou, he took advantage of the opportunity of the refugees to raise troops in Hongzepu. At the beginning of the army, it robbed the Qin family's fleet, obtained a lot of supplies, and the force quickly expanded to 200,000 people. After a long-term confrontation with the other ministries, they later fell into Haozhou, wiped out the Changhuai army, obtained a large number of armour and supplies, abandoned Haozhou, advanced to Huai, joined forces with other bandits, and fought in Nanyang, Hanzhong and other places~www.wuxiamtl.com ~It has been nearly two years so far.

In the past two years, Liu An'er was not driven away by the officers and soldiers, but because his troops were too numerous to stay in one place for too long, and it would be very difficult to supply food and grass. The 200,000 soldiers and horses under his command did not continue to expand. Although the armor was not complete, there were still soldiers capable of fighting three to five hundred thousand.

Liu An'er led the main force of the refugee army to encircle Xuzhou, and Yue Lengqiu was in great trouble.

Yue Lengqiu and Gu Wuchen are mortal enemies in the temple, but if Yue Lengqiu is encircled in Xuzhou, it will not be their turn to gloat.

Under the nest, how can there be any eggs? This is the truth. No matter how hard the fight is on the temple, if Yue Lengqiu loses in Xuzhou, everyone in Jiangning, Dongyang and Chongzhou will have their lips and teeth cold.

"Lin Fu's period of filial piety is over, and it should be the time for him to lead his army north from Chongzhou." Yang Pu said.

Yue Lengqiu fell into Xuzhou, and the imperial court had only a handful of battle powers between the Jianghuai and the Huaihe River. Zhao Qinmin and Gu Siyuan could not imagine other suitable candidates besides Lin Bie.


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