Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 18: Qing Jun's Worries

When the ship touched the shore, Zhang Ximin couldn't wait to jump off the boat and hurriedly got into the carriage that had been waiting at the dock. Huang Jinnian and Zhang Wendeng both changed into green shirts and casual clothes, and sat in the carriage. When Zhang Ximin sat down, they couldn't wait to ask, "How's the talk going?"

"This pig herd is too deceiving!" Zhang Ximin said angrily, "Gao Zongting is in sympathy with him, and the rats are compatible!"

Huang Jinnian and Zhang Wendeng saw that Zhang Ximin was so angry, they wanted to tear up Lin Bing and swallow it.

Zhang Wendeng's face turned pale, and his cracked lips twitched; Huang Jinnian was still calm, and asked Zhang Ximin in a low voice, "Will the pig herd not let you step one step?"

"Let's give up. The landed grain price agrees to settle with one tael of silver per shi of japonica rice, but the grain payment needs to be mortgaged by the two Huai salt tax. Regarding the salt tax credit, the pig herdsman insisted that there is no possibility of retreat... ..." Zhang Ximin took a long breath and said the conditions put forward by Lin Fu, but also looked at Huang Jinnian and Zhang Wendeng angrily, "The emperor's eyes are all staring at the Lianghuai salt tax, who dares to move lightly? I don't know what to do, but dare to move Yanyin's mind! How can he have the sincerity to talk about it?"

In addition to Huangzhuang particle silver, Changlu and Lianghuai salt and profit are the main sources of income for the inner government. The Ministry of Household has no control over this piece of silver, and Zhang Xie has no right to intervene - neither Huang Jinnian nor Zhang Wendeng thought of Lin Binding should associate the grain payment with the Lianghuai salt and silver.

Zhang Wendeng subconsciously thought that Lin Bie just wanted to pierce and pierce things.

Huang Jinnian frowned and thought about it, and after a while, he said, "Or Lin Fu wanted to send food directly from Chongzhou, so he wanted to convert the salt and silver to the nearest grain, or maybe he took the opportunity to take Zhang Yan into an army. Tang Haoxin went on hunger strike in Shandong. If he died, Zhang Yan couldn't get rid of it, he couldn't do anything about it... I think I immediately send someone to Weiyang to see Zhang Yan, and things may not turn around."

"It seems that's the only way," Zhang Xi said, swallowing his breath. "First send someone to go to Beijing, and then see if it is necessary to send someone to see Zhang Yan..." He didn't dare to imagine that things would collapse and Lin Fu would What would be the consequences of crushing the grain road immediately? Even if the sage decided to revolt against Chongzhou, but caused the grain shortage in Gyeonggi, the Zhang family could still use it as a scapegoat to quell public anger; it is not ruled out that Lin Fu has contacted Li Zhuo" Zhang Ximin suddenly thought of the possibility of Qing Jun's side": It may not be a good thing for his father to let Li Zhuo participate in this matter.

Zhang Wendeng felt a chill on his back, thinking that Zhang Xie was the prime minister of the state, and he could decide the fate of a county official by turning his hands and covering his palms. , Shewenzhuang counts as one person, Cao Yiqu counts as one person, and although Lin Bie's position is humble, his ambition is really not allowed to be underestimated.


Emperor Gaozong did not stop in Jinhai.

Jizhou's military affairs are busy, and Li Zhuo's health is not very good. He does not worry that these military affairs are all on Li Zhuo's body. The situation in the north of Jin is also changing every day, which makes people afraid to be distracted. The sea side couldn't talk for a while, so he rushed to Jizhou by horse-drawn carriage at dusk, and it was already late at night when he returned to the Jizhou camp.

Li Zhuo has not rested yet, waiting for Gao Zongting to return.

"How's Jin Hai going?"

"It's still tense, Lin Fu is going to drag Zhang Yan in again this time," Gao Zongting felt that the kettle was still warm, poured himself a bowl of hot water to drink, and said, "Lin Fuyi is using salt and silver to convert food money... …”

"The idea of ​​​​moving salt and silver?" Li Zhuo thought for a while before saying, "Zhang Xie and Zhang Yan have to agree to this condition. I'm afraid they have to come up with an idea to fool the emperor."

"Zhang Xie is also a soft bully, and this time he kicked the iron plate," Gao Zongting said, "Lin Fu plans to organize a fleet to transport grain directly north from Chongzhou, and the grain payment is still convenient to settle with salt and silver nearby, saving a few detours. The circle deals with the Ministry of Household..."

"Lin Fu is not optimistic about the situation!" Li Zhuo sighed and said, "If it is just for the convenience of settlement, the salt and iron envoys are likely to get out of control. Lin Fu will not take this risk. It is because they fundamentally no longer trust the payment ability of the Ministry of Households!"

Hearing what Li Zhuo said, Gao Zongting was also thinking about it. He didn't think about it before, but when he thought about it, it meant a long time. He couldn't help but ask Li Zhuo, "If we can't talk about it this time, what will Li Shuai do?"

"Do you think it's my turn to go to Chongzhou? I'm afraid Zhang Xie is worried that I will clear your side," Li Zhuo said with a bitter smile, shaking his head, "Zhang Xie thinks he has seen through everyone, but some people are his own. It's not clear, Lin Fu may change, but not when Tang Haoxin's body is still cold. Lin Fu and Zhang Xie will definitely give in. As for the future... I can't think about the future. Bar."


The entire Jinhai seemed to be in an indescribable silence. Sun Fengyi, Zhou Guangnan and others were both worried and excited.

They all chose to take an extremely difficult road with Lin Fu. Once the talks collapsed, they would flee to Chongzhou with their families and may not have a firm foothold in Chongzhou. Make conditions with the court?

Merchants value profits, and regard it as a matter of course and righteousness. However, when making deals with the imperial court, there are many people who drag their families into bankruptcy because of the settlement. The Yunshe Group followed the horse's lead and held a group to threaten the court to settle the grain payment and take the salt tax mortgage.

In order to fight for this tone, it is worthwhile to flee to Chongzhou with your family and family! Zhou Guangnan secretly made up his mind, and he also knew that once the forces of Gu Lin's family were expelled from Jinhai, the Zhou family would not be able to keep the current family business.

Sun Fengyi and Zhou Guangnan landed on the island, only Sun Shangwang was on the island, and said, "My lord and wife went to see the seabirds on the island. It is said that the birds are the most beautiful at dusk. I am afraid that they will not come back until it is dark, or we will go. Islands?"

"What are we going to join in the fun?" Sun Fengyi said, "Then wait here."

"Your Excellency is quite sure," Zhou Guangnan said with emotion, "There has been no movement in the warehouse for three days, and our hearts are hanging in our throats. Does your Lord have any plans?"

"The next policy?" Sun Shangwang looked at the distant sea, the sun was falling in the west, and the golden waves were sparkling in the azure blue ocean. After a while, he said, "Your Excellency didn't say there was any back-up policy, but Zhang Xie dared to drag it to the side of the Qingjun. No movement is the biggest movement. There is no movement in Jingying. Could it be that they expect Jinhai Cangying to swallow us in one bite? Harbor. Tonight, everyone can secretly step up their vigilance..."

After the sun fell into Wang Dengtai Mountain, Lin Fucai and Gu Junxun took a boat back to Jinwei Island. Seeing that Sun Fengyi and Zhou Guangnan had been waiting here for a long time, he said apologetically, "It's really rude to keep you all waiting..."

"Adults will go to the outlying islands to watch birds with peace of mind, and we will be at ease waiting here," said Sun Fengyi.

"Zhang Yan is a man of yin and forbearance," Lin Fu said. "He will definitely be able to endure the problem of using the salt tax to offset the grain payment. Zhang Yan and Zhang Xie have passed the test. How to fool the emperor is their business. Once they try to Convince the emperor to agree to pay the food with salt and silver, that is, they have no way out! I came to you to talk about things after tomorrow..."

"If Li Bingbu can sit in the north, Yannan may be able to avoid last year's catastrophe, but from the perspective of the political situation, Zhang Xie and his like cannot tolerate Li Bingbu's position in Jizhou, and half of them have expressed their willingness to move to Chongzhou. Most of the people who didn't make a statement are also worried about tomorrow... The Sun family and the Zhou family are going to Chongzhou with the adults. Except for the necessary manpower, those who can leave will leave this time. According to the instructions of the adults, we have been secretly in the past few days. Find someone to dispose of the property, and the news should reach Huang Jinnian and the others."

"Well, these things can't be rushed, and the hurry is also to put some pressure on Zhang Xie and the others..." Lin Fu said.

Donglu broke into the border and invaded the bandits, and a large number of Hejian Mansion were killed, captured or died in fleeing to a foreign land. The entire Hejian Mansion lost almost 300,000 guinea pigs. Lots of Borderlands.

These unowned lands are legally required to be collected as public land, but they are intertwined with the owned lands. After the entire Hejian government’s basic bureaucratic system was completely destroyed, the government temporarily established during the war was unable to take these unowned land. The land is collected as public land, and most of the unowned land is naturally occupied by the large households in the remaining places~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Fu has always had a mentality of being cheaper than others, and since the end of the Yannan war Afterwards, they strongly supported Sun, Zhou and other local clans who were close to the forest clan to seize the unowned land. At that time, only the Jiangdong Zuo Army and the remnants of the Jinzhong Army were stationed in the entire Yannan. The local prestige soared, and after the war, the largest wave of land acquisitions in the history of Hejian Fu was formed.

The Zhou family alone owns 120,000 mu of fertile land on both sides of the Guoshui River, of which 40,000 mu of land was allocated to Lin Fu to resettle the people. After the war, both Sun and Zhou became the nobles of Diguanglianmo and Tianfu counties.

It's just that the Sun, Zhou and other clans have risen too fast and their foundations are too shallow. Sun Fengyi, Zhou Guangnan and others are very clear in their hearts that once they lose Lin Fu's support, or once Lin Fu loses power, Sun, Zhou and other clans will become Zhang Xie and these wolves. dinner on the plate.

When Lin Fu came to Jinhai, Sun Fengyi, Zhou Guangnan and others were anxious. As soon as Lin Fu came to Jinhai, he immediately raised his flag to rebel, and they followed with determination-they had few choices, could they give half of their land to Zhang Xie? , Huang Jinnian, will they spare the other half of the property?

Lin Fu came to Jinhai, in addition to raising the fee to test the court, persuading Sun, Zhou and other clans to dispose of their fields and move to Chongzhou was another main purpose.

Everything was fine in Chongzhou, but the foundation was too late and too urgent. It is very difficult for Lin Fu to reluctantly maintain the current armament at this time, and he has no spare energy to develop others.

Once the Sun, Zhou and other clans successively dispose of their fields in Hejianfu and move them to Chongzhou, a large amount of capital is bound to flow to Chongzhou.

When the world can't see the power of capital, Lin Fu can't see it. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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