Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 14: Eastbound to sea

In the early morning of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, a huge fleet of five Jinhai-class ships and eight Jiyun-class ships set sail from Guanyintan Dock Port and sailed eastward along the pale yellow and slightly turbid river.

Lin Fu was dressed in a green shirt and dressed as a scholar, standing on the deck overlooking the white river cinnamon far and near.

Seeing Mrs. Gu Junxun walking out of the cabin, Zhao Hu, Sun Wenbing, and Ge Yuan standing on the dock all gave her a respectful salute; Gu Junxun leaned back and returned the salute.

Seeing Mother Xun coming out to breathe, Lin Fu asked, "It's the first time you go to sea, are you still getting used to the wind and waves?"

"Fortunately, it's not as serious as I thought before." Gu Junxun said.

The cold season has not yet passed, and the blue ocean is like a sea. It is the best time to go out to sea, but when you enter the black water ocean, even if there is no wind, the waves are churning. I don’t know if Gu Junxun can stand it. Pull her to his side and watch the magnificent together. Haitian.

Tang Haoxin's death hit Gu Junxun very hard. Lin Fu took her with him on a secret trip to the north, and there was not much danger, so he took her with him, hoping that this long trip to sea would relieve her grief.

Zhao Hu is now the commander of the personal guard battalion. In addition to Zhao Hu leading the 200 soldiers of the personal guard battalion to **** him, he also led 600 elite soldiers from the Jinghai Second Water Battalion, led by Ge Changgen and Ge Yuan, sons of Ge Cunxin. After Sun Wenbing went south with Lin Fu, he was in charge of the affairs of Jiyun Club outside Jiangning. In half a year, he personally ran the Blackwater Ocean route three times. For Lin Fu's northward trip, he selected a group of The most experienced and loyal boatmen and sailors.

The northwest wind was strong, and the sails sailed westward. Shortly after nightfall, I saw Changshan Island floating between the sea and the moon. The bright moon was in the sky, and there was a constellation disk in the vast sea to distinguish the direction. It did not stop at Changshan Island and continued westward... …

When Gu Junxun woke up, he felt that the boat was bumping a lot, but he didn't feel any discomfort. He opened the porthole, and the light came in, and the sky was bright. I don't know how far the fleet sailed at night. When they went out to sea, the sea water was turbid and yellow, but the sea water at this time was as blue as beautiful, and it was truly a black water ocean.

When they first set out to sea, the waves moved with the wind. At this time, the northwesterly wind was blowing, but the sea water continued to flow northward. On the porthole, the rushing northward current made her fascinated.

Lin Fu turned over and woke up, seeing Niang Xun looking out of the porthole in a daze, looking out, there was nothing but the vast ocean currents, she took Niang Xun into her arms and asked, "What's so beautiful?"

"The wind is blowing from the north, but the current is galloping to the north, and it doesn't change all the year round. How can the situation in front of you make sense?" Gu Junxun asked. The first time she went to sea opened her eyes. Answers, doubts, and beauty all piled up in her heart, making her temporarily forget the grief of losing her grandfather.

Lin Fu smiled. The junior high school geography textbooks mentioned the knowledge of warm currents, but people in the world have not even touched the details of these natural phenomena. It is no wonder that everything is attributed to strange forces and chaos.

"We don't know what causes the ocean current to go north all year round, so we need to study it, but we shouldn't attribute everything we can't understand to ghosts and gods." Lin Fu said with a smile.

"Should we continue to go east? Isn't Jinhai in the north?" Gu Junxun watched the bow of the boat cut diagonally with the direction of the current, but he was heading northeast, but heading north along the current.

"It's rare to have free time, so what are you doing in a hurry to go to Jinhai..." Lin Fu said, "If the direction is not bad, you will be able to see the coast of Goryeo tomorrow afternoon."

"Korai?" Gu Junxun stared at Lin Bie's face in surprise, "Is that the country of Koryo that traveled through the mountains and rivers of Liaodong and took two or three months to reach Yanjing?"

"Of course, do you think there are several Goryeo kingdoms in the world?" Lin Fuxiao asked.

For more than 200 years since the founding of the Yue Dynasty, Liaodong has always been a tribute place for Koryo to Yanjing. After the Jingbei Hou Suhu was beheaded, the Liaodong land was taken away from the Donghu people, and Koryo cut off contact with the Central Plains. In the thirteenth or fourteenth year, the world is no stranger to Goryeo.

What the court princes did not know was that after the battle of Chentangyi, the Donghu people could spare their hands and go south to conquer Koryo. From then on, Goryeo became a vassal of Donghu, and became an accomplice of Donglu's iron cavalry to ravage the Central Plains. Last year, when the Donglu invaded the border, there were some Koreans mixed in.

Gu Junxun still didn't believe that Goryeo, which would take two or three months to travel from Liaodong to the sea, could be reached in just over two days and two nights from Chongzhou. His black and white eyes stared at Lin Fu, and asked with a small mouth: " You didn't lie to me?"

"I'll lie to you for a lifetime. I'll fool you and tell you a lie that will be exposed tomorrow?" Lin Fu laughed angrily, knowing that although Xunniang knew poetry and books, she had to have an accurate geographical concept in her mind, It was really embarrassing for her, so I went to the desk barefoot to take out the map and spread it out on the mattress to show her, "To be precise, we will first arrive at the country of Danla in the southeast of Korea. Although Danla is called a country, it is actually just an appointment. There is an island three times the size of Xisha Island. From Jiangkou to Danluo, the sea route is actually only about a thousand miles, which is far less than you think..."

"It's so close?" Gu Junxun was surprised. It's not that she never traveled far. When she went to work with her father, she traveled more than 2,000 miles from Yanjing to Jiangning. The countries of Danluo are actually more than a thousand miles away from Chongzhou. This new understanding of geography has a great impact on her. Although she no longer doubts Lin Bing's words, she is eager to see Danluo Island. A moment came earlier.

Danra is Jeju Island, and it is only a thousand miles away from Chongzhou. As early as hundreds of years ago, there were occasional maritime trade between Danra, Kyushu, Goryeo and Gangdong. However, there are also occasional East China Sea bandits going to areas like Danluo to loot.

Especially since the Shejia infiltrated into the East China Sea, some East China Sea pirates were unwilling to control it, and were unable to compete with the forces supported by the Shejia in the East China Sea, so they crossed the ocean eastward and moved along the coasts of Danluo, Kyushu, and Goryeo.

Danra (Jeju) Island is not large in size and has not many small mouths, but it has been an independent country for a long time. However, in the eighth year of Qingyu, the Korean army invaded Danra and kidnapped the prince of Danra as a hostage. From then on, Danra became Goryeo. 's country.

Although the kingdom of Goryeo is weak, there are one or two million people in Guanglian County, and Lin Fu does not have the energy to deal with it for the time being.

Danluo became a vassal state of Goryeo only for more than 20 years. The Danluo people were full of resentment against Goryeo, especially in the seventh year of Goryeo Yu Chongguan, who broke the kingdom of Donglu as a vassal. Just about to move, intentionally breaking free from the control of the Koreans - Lin Fu is naturally very willing to push them.

After Goryeo accepted Danra as a vassal state, it used Danra as a breeding ground for horses. As early as last autumn, Sun Wenbing exchanged ironware, cotton cloth and sugarcane grain produced in Chongzhou with the Danra people for war horses.

Although Lin Fu did not plan to build a huge cavalry camp, it was very necessary for scouts, communications, and a small number of cavalry troops to be incorporated into the reserve or to cover the flanks during the war.

With Danluo Island as a cheap source of horses, a cotton cloth can be exchanged for a war horse, which is much more cost-effective than the high price of forty or fifty cloths in the north to buy a war horse.

On the other hand, in Danluo Island, which does not produce cotton and uses kudzu as its main source of fabrics, the cotton fabrics that are soft and soft all over the body must be considered high-end fabrics, and the price is naturally not lower than that of Gangdong County, where cotton fabrics have almost become popular.

It's just that the Danluo people raise horses mainly to pay tribute to the Koreans. The pastures in the south of the island keep nearly 3,000 high-quality horses all year round, but before the Danluo people get rid of the control of the Koreans, the number of horses that can be secretly traded is very high. limited.

Although the number of horses in exchange was not many, it was barely enough to supplement the horses lost in the cavalry camp, which was already very rare.


When the sun fell slightly on the 17th, the fleet saw the west coast of Danluo Island, and saw from a distance the towering Sunrise Peak in the center of the island, which was also the highest peak in South Korea. Gu Junxun saw Mount Tai on the way from Yanjing to Jiangning, and felt that Sunrise Peak was not lower than Mount Tai.

Lin Fu and Gu Junxun lived in Danluo for two days as a guest of the Danluo Royal Court as the envoy of Jinghai.

Before leaving, Lin Fu generously presented more than 200 sets of armor, more than 100 mulberry bows, and a Jiyun-class warship to King Danluo, and agreed to send someone to help the Danluo people train a thousand-person army. Equipped with elite weapons in order to fight the revenge of the Koreans after the declaration of independence of Dan Ra.

The condition in exchange is to draw out a small piece of flat land less than four or five hundred acres on the west coast of Danluo Island~www.wuxiamtl.com~ so that the Jinghai Metropolitan Commissioner can build a fortress of dock port here, stationed in two A gathering of warships and a water battalion of 200 troops.

As for staying in a small amount of combat power, Lin Fu's argument is naturally to help the Danluo people fight against the Goryeo people.

Today, Dayue and the Donghu people are fighting fiercely, and the Koryo people are the vassal of the Donghu people. Helping the Danluo people to contain the Koryo people can weaken the power of the Donglu people.

This bend is a little far, and it lacks convincing. Lin Fu also emphasized that the garrison can also fight against the pirate forces fleeing from the East China Sea, and the more important thing is to maintain the trade between Danluo and Jiangdong County.

The Danluo people are not wary of the Dayue Dynasty beyond the vast ocean, and they are eager to get help to fight the Goryeo people. Even if they were hesitant at first, they quickly dispelled their concerns and agreed to give Lin Fu a small piece of land from the west coast.

The Danluo people mainly communicate with Goryeo in the north and Kyushu in the east, and the coastal resources on the west coast are idle there.

It took not a day or two for Lin Fu to set eyes on Danluo Island. Right now, he rowed a small piece of land from the southwestern foot of Sunrise Mountain, which is also across the sea from Changshan Island, on the west coast. Towards the narrow strip of land in the southern plains of Danluo Island.

Although this piece of land is only 400 to 500 acres in size, the base is straight and there is a protective wave promontory outside. Moreover, there is a large stretch of coastline on the south side that can be extended and expanded.

Lin Fu directly named this place as Jeju Port; considering that even if the Koreans discovered the existence of Jeju Sai, the possibility of taking the initiative to attack without saying hello is less likely. The ship is stationed as the main force to operate the place; the expansion of the garrison will also wait for the completion of the dock. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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