Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 11: way of death

Compared with King Ning's slowness in going south to his vassal, Liang Xi's movement out of Shandong was like a raging fire.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month in the eleventh year of Chongguan, Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou from Jiangning, and the decree of Zheng Guogong Liang Xi to change the title of Lu Guogong had already been announced to the world. Before the imperial decree was sent to the world, Liang Xi, the Duke of Lu, and Liang Chengchong, the Hou of Changxiang, and their sons, had recruited more than 10,000 elite soldiers from Qinyang to attack the Tianbao rebels who had occupied Linqing.

The Tianbao Refugee Army in Linqing had a strength of more than 40,000 people. The defenders relied on the soldiers to fight in the ranks of the city. They were defeated in the first battle, and Liang Xi and his son took advantage of the rout to capture the city. It killed and captured more than 20,000 rebels, and entered Jinan and Pingyuan, which made the rebels in Jinan and Pingyuan panic.

Guan Yunbo and Qinyang general Liang Chengyi led 6,000 elite troops from Qinyang to attack Wenxian County in the north.

After the defeat of Chentangyi, Liang Xi, Liang Chengchong, and Liang Chengyi, who replaced Jingbei Hou Suhu who had guarded Yanbei Liao for nearly ten years, were forced to surrender the power of the border army and return to Qinyang.

The father and son of the Liang family, who have the power of the two emperors to ascend to the throne, except the second son Liang Chengyi, who served as the general of Qinyang, has no more than ten battalions and 6,000 troops. Reclusive, even the Empress Dowager Liang of Wanshou Palace has rarely seen foreign ministers in recent years, which has created an illusion to the world: since Emperor Qingyu, the most favored family of power officials in the dynasty, the Liang family, has been completely lost.

Although the hundred-footed worm is dead and not stiff, let alone the Liang family who can only hibernate? Liang's coming out of the mountain this time is quite a blockbuster for three years.

Tang Haoxin was very accurate when he begged for death: the situation in the north was so rotten, Li Zhuobei was reluctant to defend against the eastern captives, Yue Lengqiu was not enough to quell the chaos of the refugees, and Emperor Chongguan was forced to bow his head to the Longevity Palace... Whether it was the Liang family or the emperor I don’t worry that the Jinhai grain route is completely in the hands of Tang Gu’s family. The southeastern Cao grain Jinhai grain route is transferred to Yanjing, and Shandong connects Yannan and Jiangdong. It is the most core link. Only the Liang family went west to Shandong, joined forces with the Dengzhou boat division, and could barely keep the Jinhai food supply, and forced the King Lining with death, but it was only a transaction between the emperor and the Longevity Palace.

Tang Haoxin went on a hunger strike to die in office and refused to say that he would retire from illness. He died so fiercely, probably the emperor and the Liang family never expected it.

Together with the Duke of Lu, Liang Xi, he went out of the town of Shandong, and at the same time, he issued an edict to the world. There is also a posthumous posthumous title for Tang Haoxin.

In the more than two hundred years since the founding of Dayue, the death of the civil servants has led to the posthumous title of Wen Zhong, but there are only a dozen or so people, all of whom are imperial teachers. In the eyes of the world, Tang Haoxin's death is also a great honor.

Since Tang Haoxin's two sons were not virtuous, and they were awarded the title without official titles, Tang Haoxin's son-in-law Gu Wuchen was promoted as a senior political doctor, and he was promoted to the second grade; his grandson Gu Siyuan was promoted to the court minister, and he was promoted to the sixth grade; his grandson-in-law Lin Fu was promoted. Zhongdafu, from the fourth rank, gave purple robes and goldfish bags. In addition, officials of the Tang and Gu clan, such as Chen/Yuanliang, Zhang Jinxian, and Du Juefu, all received awards.

In the eyes of the world, when Tang Haoxin died, Tang Gu's family was raised to heaven, and he was suspected of borrowing the dead to get promoted.


Gu Siyuan escorted Tang Haoxin to his hometown for burial, and Lin Bie set up a tomb for Tang Haoxin at the southern foot of Zilang Mountain in Chongzhou as a memorial.

Gu Wuchen and his wife were out of the army. Gu Junxun and his brother were both raised by Tang Haoxin. Tang Haoxin's death hit Gu Junxun especially hard.

At first, Lin Fu thought that Tang Haoxin had too much power and conspiracy, but when Tang Haoxin died, he was moved by the unswerving integrity of a scholar like him.

Everyone wants to live, everyone is greedy, and after a thousand years, who will understand?

The special envoy for the reward and announcement came to Chongzhou on the tenth day of the first day, and Lin Fu had to accept the decree. After receiving the decree, he sent a boat to send the special envoy to Jiangning, without any intention of holding back.

After Dongya received the decree, Lin Fu dispatched his retinue, holding the imperial decree of moiré-patterned gold wire in his hand, climbed the mountain alone, locked himself in the tomb guarding hut in front of Tang Haoxin's clothes and meditated, and thought about some things he could not see. Invisible, unthinkable things.

The atmosphere in the mountains was also very depressed. Song Jia saw Lin Fu on the cliff and walked into the tomb guarding cottage for a long time, so she walked over.

There was only one incense table in the tomb guarding hut. Lin Fu sat on the futon and told the world that the imperial decree of the extremely revered moiré gold thread would be thrown by Lin Fu on the brick floor. Song Jia walked over, picked up the imperial decree from the ground, and put the mud Ash dusted off and said softly, "It's always not good for others to see it like this."

Lin Fu took out a futon and asked Song Jia to sit down and accompany him.

Song Jia put a stick of incense in front of the incense table, and regardless of her manners, she sat down with Lin Fu and sighed, "King Lining and appointing the Liang family are all strategies for the imperial court to drink poison to quench thirst. In the eyes of the emperor, or in the eyes of those who do not understand Duke Tang's intentions, Duke Tang is coerced with death..."

"Do you know who I admire the most in this world?" Lin Fu asked.

"Why is it so hard to guess?" Song Jia pulled up her sleeves, revealing her white snowy wrists, "It's not Gu Wuchen, but Li Zhuo and Li's army. Before Li Zhuo entered Jiangning, he was with Li Zhuo. You have met once, and you are so important to you—I have to say that Li Zhuo is better than Duke Wenzhuang in his ability to know people..."

"..." Lin Bie looked at Song Jia in surprise. Few people in the world could see through the tacit understanding between him and Li Zhuo, but she didn't expect her to see through. In addition to the interview at Hekou, Gao Zongting was an important factor for Li Zhuo to take himself so seriously. Before Li Zhuo entered Jiangning, Gao Zongting spent a long time observing the situation near Jiangning for him.

Gao Zongting, who came out of Xianxia County with Dong Yuan, is actually not weaker than the Five Tigers, but he has always been hidden behind the scenes, and he does not seek fame, and his reputation is no better than the Five Tigers.

"..." Song Jia ignored Lin Fu's astonishment and continued, "You were angry with the Xihe Society and led an army into Shandong, and Duke Tang escorted you to walk with you. If things fail, he is a chaotic thief, but you think he is taking power to oppress you. Duke Tang died today for the sake of fame, so he touched Judas. Before Duke Tang died, everything was arranged. Although it was not perfect, it was very important to Gu Wuchen. Leaving only a suicide note, but leaving a blood letter to you, isn't it because you have seen you inside and out? Tang Gong's request to die is his loyalty to the Yuan family's court, leaving a blood letter to you, but not necessarily for your loyalty to Yuan family... ...It can also be said that Duke Tang asked to die for you. If you move lightly, you will fail Duke Tang; Duke Tang doesn't want you to use Jinhai grain road to blackmail the court at this time."

Lin Fu looked at Song Jia and secretly thought that if he led the army from Yancheng back to Chongzhou in a fit of rage, he would actually force himself into a corner where there was no way to retreat, no matter whether he rebelled or not, rebelled or not, All are not ministers, but at this time he does not have the capital to separate Chongzhou to stand on his own.

Lin Fu looked at Song Jia and continued to speak.

Song Jia stretched out her hand and lifted Zuo's messy hair, and said, "In the eyes of the officials, the Jinghai camp is still just a scattered army with good luck, how can it be compared with the court's water camp weapon in Dengzhou? Liang Jiaxi Entering Shandong, and relying on the Dengzhou water camp, they thought that there was no need to worry about you daring to cut off the Jinhai grain route—in fact, if you move, the success or failure is only five or five, and there is no more certainty. The key is you It is also something that everyone in the temple and the palace sees - the Liang family was shocked when they moved, and they didn't disappoint everyone in the temple and the palace, I'm afraid it would be more difficult for the world to understand Tang Gong's death wish. ...You are only twenty-three this year, the fifth grade wears red, and the third grade wears purple. With the prestige of a small official in a county, you are extremely favored, which is rare in two hundred years. If you don't want to be loyal to the court, Qingliu Shi The son will scold you, and the merchants and pawns will look down on you. For the court princes, Gu Wuchen and Lin Xuwen are both easy to figure out, but you are the most difficult to figure out, so you show your favor the most - these are the court princes and the palace. That self-righteous conspiracy!"

"It's not necessarily a good thing for a woman to be too smart." Lin Bie sighed softly.

Song Jia asked, "Are you praising me or cursing me?"

"You keep talking." Lin Fu said.

"Since the court is bound by kindness, what other good strategies do you have besides being loyal?" Song Jia asked, "Of course, since ancient times, loyalty has never been separated from filial piety. What about Gongshou filial piety in March? No matter the southeast, the Central Plains or the Yanbei, the situation will be determined after three months. When Duke Tang died, everyone in Qingzhou will surely unite sincerely, and the Liang family will control the Jiaolai River, unlike the What they expected was easy, three months is too short for them - three months, is it forbearance or cruelty, can't you see clearly?"

Lin Fu sighed slightly. Emperor Chongguan was born and raised in a princely family. Xu learned to intrigue and deceive himself in order to seek imperial power since he was a child, so he used power and skill to serve as imperial ministers. How could he have a real talent for scheming? The adults in the court were like wolves and tigers, but they did not have the insight of the woman in front of them.

Lin Bie supported the mud, stood up, and said, "Playing tricks, I may not be the enemy of the people in the temple and the palace. Can I not play with them? Filial piety is good, the way to advance and retreat is also," he stretched out his hand and pulled Song Jia also got up, patted the mud on her body, knelt down on the futon, kowtowed three times, and said to herself, "Gong Tang treated me kindly, I really should be filial piety in front of your tomb for three months, but time is running out. I can only kowtow to Mr. Tang here. Mr. Tang, you have to be loyal to the court and die for your loyalty, but I have mine. You have your way of begging for death, and I have mine. The way, maybe it will disappoint you, maybe you will be ruined, this is also something that can't be helped..."

Song Jia was also in a dark mood, and secretly said: Lin Fu has probably never said these words to others...

Lin Fu stood up and saw that Zhao Hu was guarding outside the hut for some time, and ordered: "Go down the mountain and announce that from now on, for the next three months, I will be filial to Duke Tang, and I will not see any guests or attend to official business. , All the official letters sent to Chongzhou, Li Shuyi should be detained first, and it will not be too late to open it after three months... You let Uncle Mengde and the others come up the mountain, I have something to tell them. "My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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