Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 9: questioning politics

Chapter 9

After King Ning's team arrived in Yangxin, Lin Fuduo led his troops to set off from Chongzhou one day later.

From Chongzhou to Muyang, the post road is nearly 800 miles away. Jiangning Zuo Jun’s boat division travels 90 miles a day. Lin Fu and Liu Zhi arrived in Muyang on the eighth day of the December lunar month. The team of King Ning slowly traveled to Yancheng County in the south of Shandong Province.

The post road from Yangxin to Yancheng is only 700 miles away. Counting the time when Shandong officials met, Lin Fu thought that King Ning would not be able to delay the 12th day to the junction of Jiangdong and Shandong at the latest. Waited ten days.

Even Yue Lengqiu, who has always been cautious and preserved his strength, led the Changhuai Army into the central Henan area and fought more than two times with the refugee army of Chen Hansan and Liu Miaozhen on both sides of the Yingshui River. King Ning went south and crossed the Shandong Peninsula. Twenty-five days off.

During this period, Chen Zhihu was trapped in Datong, fighting against the siege of Donglu's infantry and cavalry for two months, while Jiangxi County soldiers and Yu Wangao's Jian'an Army had thousands of corpses under Shanguan, and She Feixiong captured Quzhou in eastern Zhejiang.

Most of western Zhejiang fell, and the extravagant flying bears approached Xinzhou in Jiangxi, and the southern part of Jiangning Prefecture was also in danger of being attacked. Jiangxi, Liangzhe, and Jiangdong were all helpless, waiting eagerly for King Ning to go to Jiangning to become a vassal.

Lin Fu thought that he had to **** King Ning to Jiangning. He was afraid that he would not be able to return to Chongzhou until a few years later, and he had already turned over King Ning's mother in his stomach.

No matter how disappointed he was with King Ning in his heart, Lin Fu still led Changshan Buying and Liu Zhi north to Yancheng County to welcome him. Chen/Yuanliang was transferred to Shandong as the magistrate of Moring County, and served as the Shandong Xuanfu envoy, the left-hand political advisor, and the educated Qingzhou government affairs. He was Tang Haoxin's right-hand man in Shandong.

The Wangfu Guard Camp and the team escorted by Shandong camped outside the city, and King Ning and his accompanying ministers and servants all lived in the Shancheng Post House.

After Lin Fu arrived in Yancheng, he made Ao Canghai lead the Changshan Foot Camp to wait outside the city. He led Zhao Hu and dozens of guards to meet Chen/Yuanliang first, and then went with Liu Zhi without talking about it in detail. See King Ning in the city.

In front of the Yancheng post house, Lin Fu and Chen/Yuanliang had a closed door. The door official said that King Ning was unwell and could not see the guests, and he did not report it, so he directly blocked Lin Fu and Chen/Yuanliang back.

Liu Zhi, as the permanent attendant in Prince Ning's mansion and the military envoy of the guard camp of the palace, would be officially appointed when he meets King Ning's team here. The officials of Prince Ning's mansion and the guards in the house are all under his control, and no one dares to stop him. He goes in.

It is said that Zhang Yan stayed by King Ning's side, so he should not refuse Lin Fu and Chen/Yuanliang's visit. Liu Zhi couldn't figure out the situation in the post house for a while, and he didn't dare to take Lin Fu and Chen/Yuanliang in without authorization. He bowed his hands apologetically and said, "Maybe the lord is tired from the journey, and it should be fine after a rest today..."

Lin Fu had to pretend to be generous and motioned Liu Zhijin to go to Jinjian. He looked up at the sun that had just fallen in the west, and secretly wanted to delay another day in Yancheng. Seeing Chen/Yuanliang's eyes, he couldn't hide the disappointment. I thought that he would **** King Ning across the border, and he would not even be able to visit Jinjian. Thinking about it, he was full of fire.

"Brother Yuanliang, after Jiangning said goodbye, we haven't seen each other for many years. Let's go to a restaurant and sit down and have a good chat." Lin Fu said.

"Alright." Chen/Yuanliang waved the wide sleeves of his official robe, dismissed the accompanying officials, and brought two entourages by his side. Recalling that when we parted ways in Jiangning last year, Lin Fu led a group of miscellaneous troops composed of Min Yong and refugees to the north. Although he was promoted to the seventh-rank superintendent quickly, he was quite tragic and solemn. Who would have thought that just over a year had passed, and Lin Fu's status was no longer under him? The Jiangning Zuo suffrage government knows the affairs of Chongzhou county and is also the governor of Jinghai, and holds the Jiangdong Zuo army and the Jinghai battalion. Fortunately, those who were in the same camp with each other, because of their deep contact, were able to discover the power of Bai Linfu more and more.

To spend the night in Yancheng, Lin Fu asked Zhao Hu to send someone to inform Ao Canghai to set up camp in the south of the city. He and Chen/Yuanliang found a spacious and bright restaurant on Chengxi Street, walked in and sat down to talk.

King Ning crossed the border, and the small town of Yancheng County was very noisy. Two officials in red robes walked into a restaurant at the same time. The owner of the restaurant was also frightened.

Lin Fu found a table next to the street window, sat down with Chen/Yuanliang, drank and talked, and could see the people's livelihood in Yanxian City. He asked Zhao Hu to sit with him, and the other guards sat at the next table to eat. The owner of the store was not allowed to drive other guests away from the second floor.

"How is Duke Tang's health?" Lin Fu sat down and asked Chen/Yuanliang this question. He was also most concerned about whether Tang Haoxin's body could hold up when he was over seventy-two.

"Alas, King Ning has been dragging on for these days in Shandong, and that's the problem," Chen/Yuanliang sighed, "I was going to write to tell you that Mr. Tang insisted, but Zhang Xitong and Zhang Yan were malicious!"

Zhang Xitong, the head of Prince Ning's mansion, is either someone else or the son of Zhang Xie, known as the Young Master.

The emperor played a good calculus. He thought that as long as Zhang Xie was in Beijing as prime minister, Zhang Xitong served as the chief historian of Prince Ning's mansion, and accompanied him to Jiangning, he would never be able to win over Prince Ning.

Chen/Yuanliang's words made it clear, Lin Fu's heart suddenly became clear, and he asked, "Will Zhang Yanyan conspire with Zhang Xitong?"

"It should mean the above..." Chen/Yuanliang pointed his finger at the ceiling, his heart was bitter, and his face was helpless.

Lin Bie knew that what Chen/Yuanliang said was reasonable, and Zhang Xie wanted to kill Tang Haoxin. Speaking of which, there is absolutely no need to conspire with Zhang Xitong to kill Tang Haoxin, and it is only the emperor who doesn't want Tang Haoxin to live too long.

At the moment, only the current emperor can instruct Zhang Yan.

Lin Fu's hatred grew in his heart, but he didn't know how to vent it.

Chen/Yuanliang pressed his voice and told Lin Fie what had happened in Shandong for the past two weeks in detail: "...First we were asked to run back and forth, and when we arrived at Yangxin, King Ning left without saying a word. They chased until they met in Linzi, and they struggled for two or three days on the way. In Linzi, in the name of asking for politics, Zhang Xitong and Zhang Yan went into battle, dragging Tang Gong without rest for a day and a night, and Tang Gong fell ill the next day. It collapsed. After only three or four hours of rest, Zhang Xitong sent someone to invite him in the name of King Ning. On the third day, Zhang Jinxian couldn't see it, and kicked the wine table on the spot. Tang Gong took the overall situation into consideration and scolded Zhang Jinxian back to Qingzhou on the spot. , who stayed with Linzi for five days abruptly. Du Juefu felt that it was not a problem to drag on, and asked Duke Tang to spit out a mouthful of blood at the banquet, but King Ning insisted on leaving, so they let Duke Tang go back to Qingzhou, but when Duke Tang was night I actually vomited a bowl of blood..." Speaking of which, Chen/Yuanliang wanted to cry but had no tears, aside from personal feelings, Tang Haoxin was also their backbone in Shandong, and no one wanted the backbone to fail. Down.

"Crack!" Lin Bie almost smashed the camphor wood table with a palm, suddenly stood up, and said to Zhao Hu, "Send someone to inform Ao Canghai, let's go back, it's not welcome."

The guard on the table next to him couldn't hear the details, and seeing Lin Fu Huo Ran was furious, he also picked up the knife and stood up, and came to Lin Fu Hu. These guards are all carefully selected people, loyal, strong in body, strong in martial arts, and have been killed for a long time without breaking down. A dozen people stood up suddenly, and the restaurant on the second floor was instantly murderous.

"Please sit down," Chen/Yuanliang said as he pulled Lin Bing's sleeve and pressed his voice, "Gong Tang asked me to come because I was afraid that others would not be able to persuade you. Master Tang originally wanted me after you met King Ning. , I'll tell you the details - I can't see King Ning today, I'm afraid you hear news from others, so I'll tell you first, you can't help but welcome it!"

"What are you waiting for? Am I going to draw a knife and kill Zhang Xitong's little beast? It's not even a **** official!" Lin Bie said angrily.

Lin Fu did not know everything about the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and the thoughts of others, but Tang Haoxin was loyal to the court and had no two hearts. When there was a grain shortage in Gyeonggi, Tang Haoxin, regardless of his identity, went to Jinhai to coordinate with all parties to prepare for the construction of the Jinhai Grain Road, and reluctantly sat in Shandong at a young age and a weak body. The Tianbao rebels were created by Chen Zhongnian repairing the Yellow River embankment, but the entire Ludong area under Tang Haoxin's control was not at all chaotic. com~ They raised money and grain to support the construction of the Dengzhou town army. Which one is not the court's conscientiousness and diligence?

Lin Bie couldn't swallow the breath in his heart!

"You guys go back first..." Chen/Yuanliang instructed Zhao Hu to take the guards downstairs and drive away all the diners on the second floor by the way. It is a big trouble to spread some words out. Walk.

When the people on the second floor were all gone, Chen/Yuanliang said, "I am also resentful. Duke Tang said that the emperor was deceived by rape, and only after listening to the slander, did you want to kill him. Before King Li Ning, the palace secretly sent an envoy to Qingzhou to ask about the policy. This is a top secret, and I didn't know it in Qingzhou. It was only when Linzi and Tang Gong were separated. Wang, ask the secret envoy to send Zhezi back to Beijing, and propose to set up the governor of the four southern counties, I am afraid that the disaster will come from here!"

Gu Wuchen said in Jiangning that Tang Haoxin would resolutely oppose the establishment of King Ning, but he did not expect it to be true. Tang Haoxin wrote to suggest that the governor of the four southern counties is also a loyal minister. If King Ning is not established, there must be someone in the south who has the overall situation - the emperor But at this moment, he suspected that he had a different heart.

Tang Haoxin is seventy-two years old, and he is about to die, what can he do differently? Tang Haoxin is really greedy for power, and he would not hand over his phase to Zhang Xie at first.

Now the emperor and Zhang Xie are going to kill Tang Haoxin, which is more likely to kill Tang Haoxin than to ask the political and poisonous plots.

Lin Bie spent several months with Tang Haoxin in Jinhai and Qingzhou, and he really felt that it was not worth it for him.

Chen/Yuanliang saw that Lin Fu's face was gloomy, and he would have a seizure at any time, and said: "Tang Gong guesses that you are not willing to give in, and you can say that you are not welcome, but before you return to Chongzhou, go to Jimo, and he will wait for you in Jimo. ..." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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