Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 7: Accidentally hit the passenger car

As soon as Lin Fu returned to Chongzhou, he learned that the Jin'an rebels had built the East Zhejiang Governor's Mansion in Mingzhou.

Tian Chang is not an outsider. Before the situation in eastern Zhejiang collapsed, he served as the military capital of Mingzhou and the councilor of the two Zhejiang admirals. He was the most reliant right-hand man of the two Zhejiang admiral Quan Ciqing who died in the battle. Chongzhou came to observe the fact that the northern line of the Kou soldiers was real.

Lin Fu had a brief contact with Tian Chang in Chongzhou. Knowing that he was taciturn and cautious, he left a deep impression. He never imagined that Tian Chang would buy off the luxury family in the war in eastern Zhejiang.

After the winter, the night in the mountains became more and more quiet, only the slight noise from the north wind blowing the treetops and the mountain wall came.

Tian Chang's betrayal enabled the She family to be accurately explained from the doubts that Jin'an sent troops to seize the back road of Quan Ciqing Longshan, but why did Tian Chang secretly attach to the She family before the war in eastern Zhejiang?

The lights in the quiet room went out, only the moonlight penetrated through the window gap, making the room dimly lit. Lin Bie sat alone facing the wall, thinking hard.

In addition to military operations in eastern Zhejiang, the first thing She Feixiong did was to suppress the wealthy clan in eastern Zhejiang. This move is for him to use troops in eastern Zhejiang to raise military resources and food, and for the second is to profitably distribute them to bankrupt tenant farmers and miners to recruit them, in order to quickly wash away the stigma of the East China Sea bandits overhead.

The Tian family is the leading clan in Mingzhou. Even if Tian Chang defected to the extravagant family and the whole family, the Tian family's interests in eastern Zhejiang would only be limited.

"I've heard a secret thing before, saying that everything in the Admiral's House is based on the importance of Tianchang, and in just five years, the Tian family's side branch was promoted from the admiral's office secretary to the five-rank senator. I can't help walking around the house. It is rumored that Tian Chang had an affair with his favorite concubine, and Quan Ciqing pretended not to know, but the concubine he favored fell into a well for no reason and died," Song Jia took The candlestick came in, the candlelight shone on her bright and beautiful face, and she smiled sweetly, "Quan Ciqing hates the lack of a beautiful and charming daughter to be married..."

"Hey..." Lin Fu sighed softly, and deliberately didn't understand Song Jia's sarcasm. He couldn't blame Song Jia for not breaking things up when Tian Chang came to Chongzhou. The Song family was forced to follow the She family to raise the flag of rebellion. There was no torment in her heart. She was able to point out the joints after the incident, which was already considered to be in Chongzhou.

In order to subdue Zhedong, the She family also announced some military deployments. In addition, the situation in Zhedong was still in chaos, and it was easy for scouts to appear. It was not difficult for Chongzhou to obtain detailed information on Zhedong.

She Feixiong served as the Admiral of Eastern Zhejiang, claiming to have 100,000 troops. It is natural to brag that the luxury family has 100,000 elites in eastern Zhejiang, but it is possible to recruit mineral tenant farmers and miners to join in, and it is possible to support 50,000 capable soldiers in eastern Zhejiang in a short period of time.

There is no news of the luxury flying tiger, it is estimated that he took Qin Zitan, Cheng Yiqun and others back to Jin'an in a sullen manner.

On the front line of Changguo and Daishan, She Feixiong was still led by Su Tingzhan, and brought Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu, who had defected to the She family, to their control and strengthened the defense of Jinghai Camp.

For the luxury family, the most urgent task is to solve the elites of Yu Wangao in northern Fujian, to capture southern Zhejiang, to unite northern Fujian and southern Zhejiang, and to maintain military pressure on northern Zhejiang and Jiangxi. Come to fight with Jiangdong Zuojun in the East China Sea.

The military deployment of the She family on Daishan Mountain and the main island of Changguo is mainly defensive, and the defense system of the city is reinforced on several large islands in Daishan and Changguo. Camp raids.

Lin Fu was not afraid that the She family would come to seize the Shengsi Islands. Once the She family adopted a strategy of shrinking defenses in Daishan and Changguo Islands, he would have nothing to do about it for the time being.

The overall strength of the Jinghai Camp is not strong, and small-scale harassment is not enough to fight against the boatmen concentrated by the She family in Mingzhou. With a large-scale long-range attack, Shefeixiong can abandon the sea area and focus on the defense of the city and concentrate the boatmen. Warships rushed to guard against the emptiness of Chongzhou.

It is impossible for the Jinghai battalion to follow the style of the East China Sea bandits to attack and kill civilians. When the strength is not enough to take care of the two fronts, Lin Fu can only do his best to consolidate the Shengsi defense line, and focus on the control of the Daishan Islands in the short term. , Chongzhou stepped up time to engage in construction.

Lin Fu asked Song Jia to help him spread out the map, look at the topography of East Fujian, and said to Song Jia: "The Song family sent troops to attack Quanzhou first, and the rebels took Zhangzhou south, and the Song family was also the mainstay. I think Duke Song probably has a substitute for extravagance. The family runs Zhangquan, so you don't want to use troops directly against the Central Plains, right?"

"My father always believed that Dongmin was located in the southeast corner, with cramped land, limited grain fields, reluctantly self-defense, and great insufficiency in planning major affairs. Duke Wenzhuang was known to have different ambitions, so how could he succumb to the narrow land? It’s just an introduction. However, the eight surnames in East Fujian have been friends for a hundred years, and they interact with each other in different ways. Once they are activated, they will lead to the whole body. Sending troops to seize the spring and Zhang, perhaps because of the painstaking effort of not using swords and soldiers. But if the extravagant family is defeated, as far as the court is concerned, how can the Song family escape the crime of the chief?" Song Jia's words were sincere, she put the candlestick on the The table case, through the shaking candle, looked at Lin Bie...

Under the candlelight, Song Jia's face is like a white jade, as beautiful as a peach blossom, and after a long look, it will make it difficult for her to be self-sufficient. The situation in eastern Zhejiang is puzzled. He wants to have a bad relationship with Song Jia, and he is afraid that it will become more chaotic. Lin Fu restrained his mind, turned his eyes to the candlelight, and said, "After King Ning is in Jiangning, the court will most likely be in Jiangning. Add one more person to take charge of the battle on the southern front, and half of the world's authority will be concentrated in Jiangning. It's too early to tell where the world will go. Let's wait and see... It's getting late, I'm going to walk outside for a bit. Let’s breathe, and send the young lady back to rest.”

"Thank you, sir." Song Jia nodded slightly. The women in this world are just playthings of men, and they have no status in the family. The two families of Dongmin luxury family thought her dead long ago. In the eyes of everyone in Chongzhou, she and Lin Fu's favorite Ji have no It's rare that Lin Fu can treat her with courtesy.

For many years, Song Jia had only extravagantly thought that it was just this kind of respect.

Lin Bie didn't know what kind of thanks she was. Did he mean to take her back to her residence by the way?


Clouds covered the moon and the cold wind was blowing in. Although there was not much military pressure in the mountains, Lin Fu still did not forget to patrol the post, in order to encourage the generals not to slack off in war training.

Walking to the southeast foot, I saw a faint light coming from the tomb of Lin Tingxun, and there was a shadow sitting behind the light in the tomb guarding the grass hut. I saw that the graceful figure like a spring willow was the seventh lady with sleeves, and she was wearing the same clothes as when they met during the day. Wearing a green rucksack.

There are too many troubles, and when Candle and Song Jia are alone, Lin Fu has feelings of love. At this time, he can't see Yingxiu alone in the tomb without a maid to accompany her. , with both hands going straight to the plump flesh/hip, trying to scare her...

In this way, I can hold a beautiful woman in my arms, and my hands are full of plump and elastic flesh/buttocks, which is ecstatic to the touch.

The beauty in her arms was stiff for a while, and seemed to be frightened. Ren Lintie's hands were light and thin under him, and Er's body was paralyzed in Lin Bie's body like a bone cramp, but he sighed softly in his mouth: "Sir, it's me..."

Hearing the voice of the sixth lady in the dark, Lin Fu was also taken aback. She didn't expect that the sixth lady Shan Rou came to this tomb alone to cause him to accidentally get into the passenger car, but his hand had already picked up the skirt and put it into his trousers. Feeling the tender butt/flesh, I was startled and wanted to withdraw my hand - but my hand was squeezed through the tight belt, and I suddenly wanted to withdraw it, but my wrist couldn't be pulled out by the belt, Mrs. Liu He sighed in pain.

Lin Bie was afraid of hurting the sixth lady's small waist, so she spread out her hands and felt that her flesh was really smooth and bouncy. Although she no longer rubbed/pinched her hands, it was a good feeling that her palms were touching, and it also made her heart feel not only It did not disappear due to fright, but became more and more surging.

The sixth lady was still forced to cling to Lin Bie's hand, and through the jacket, she could clearly feel the hard thing on Lin Bie's lower body. If you want to be wrong, you will be wrong, secretly saying that the man really does not have a good thing, but he is struggling and hesitating in his heart.

Although she had only been greedy for this pleasure for many days and hoped to secretly give her body to Lin Fu, it was only when things came to an end, and it was really difficult to decide. Besides, she mistakenly thought it was the seventh lady, which also made her feel frustrated and a little repulsive.

Hesitating and struggling, Madam Six said pleadingly, "Liu Li went to help me get the fox fur, and turned around and was about to come..."

Liuli is the maidservant of the sixth lady, and Lin Fu thought that Yingxiu was standing here alone waiting for him to come over~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I didn't expect that the sixth lady just felt that it was cold outside and asked the maid to go back to the room to get the fox fur to keep out the cold. .

With moonlight coming in through the crack of the door, Lin Fu could see the charming and charming little face of the Sixth Madam. He pulled his hand back in embarrassment, watching her blushing tidied up to the messed up dress with a special expression. moving.

Although it was embarrassing, Lin Bie was also thick-skinned, so he didn't run away like a thief. He searched for a scythe, lit the candlestick again, and looked at Mrs. Six's beautiful face, which was more like a thief than him, and asked: " Why are you wearing this shirt, and you have seen Yingxiu in the morning?"

"Xiaoqi has a lot of fabric to pull, so I made more clothes." Shan Rou's face is still tender, her eyes don't know where to go, and her **** groove is hooked with fingers for this bastard. At this time, half of her body is still numb. Yes, the feeling of touching a man is really unforgettable, but why does this guy have the face to stand here and talk like nothing?

"What do I say..." Lin Fu sighed with emotion as if he suddenly realized that the sixth lady and the seventh lady are of the same age, they are different in shape, and they wear the same clothes. It's not that he can't see the difference from behind. He wants to ask the sixth lady why. When I came to the cemetery at night, I thought that I was a widow for many years, and it is not difficult to understand that I could not sleep in the cemetery at night, but the sixth lady could stay in the cemetery alone at night.

Lin Fu couldn't find any words to strike up a conversation for a while. At this time, someone came outside and stood outside the cemetery, daring not to approach, and shouted from a distance, "Mrs. Liu, why did the light suddenly go out? It's scary. I put the fox Qiu Zi brought it here, I think it's better to go back quickly..."

"Don't go out in a hurry, or you won't be able to explain clearly." Shan Rou dared not look up at Lin Fu, and whispered, she blew out the candle, walked out, and spoke with the maid in a calm manner. Went back to my residence. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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