Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 1: Jiangning's wind and moon are boundless

(Part 1, ask for a red ticket, and then code another chapter to sleep)

The cold wind is bleak, as cold as a knife, destroying the dry grass on the moor, yellow leaves and dust swirling, the dark clouds are dense and low, like snow, the sound of horse hooves mixed with the sound of bells and bells, occasionally pedestrians pass by and see Xuanyi Xuan. A's horse team came over, and quickly avoided the roadside to avoid touching the bad head, and felt that the general in front of the horse team wearing green armor was very prestige.

When you see the Fanglou on West Street of Quyang Town, it is less than twenty miles away from Donghua Gate. To the south is Longjiang Lake, where the largest Longjiang Shipyard in the world is located.

Lin Su restrained the horse's reins, looked at the horse team behind him, and said to Zhao Hu, "Take a rest, don't let the horse get tired..." He got off the horse and handed the horse to the guards behind him to take care of him. He went to Quyang Town. Going inside, Zhao Hu hurriedly brought a few people to follow.

The Qu family gave a nest, and the well-placed Hekou Town rose, and Quyang Town gradually declined. But no matter what, Quyang Town, one of the twenty-four towns in Jiangning, cannot possibly lose its vitality in a year or two. Even though there are fewer merchants from other places, Quyang Town is still quite prosperous at this time. In the evening, lanterns painted in red and green are picked out from the street building, giving off a dim light.

Before Lin Bie left Chongzhou, he received a letter from Li Zhuo from Jizhen.

Li Zhuo didn't say much about Jiyan's affairs in the letter, but only said that he still had some troops and horses available. The implication was that there was still Chen Zhihu guarding the north of Shanxi, and Lin Fu didn't need to worry about the war in the north. When Li Zhuo analyzed the civil turmoil in eastern Henan in his letter, he believed that the rogues who entered eastern Sichuan and Qin and Shaanxi would likely move to western Henan in the near future and join forces with the rebels in northeastern Henan and northwestern Shandong, which would cause great harm and would be more expensive than extravagance. The family is based in northern Fujian, and the calamity of disturbing eastern Zhejiang is even more violent - Li Zhuo did not explain the meaning in the letter, but Lin Fu guessed that Li Zhuo's letter meant that he should lead his troops to Zhongzhou to participate in the bandit suppression.

The current signs are that there are large troops assembled in the north of Datong, and the war has a tendency to intensify. There are more than 60,000 soldiers and horses in Datong. Although they are not enough, Chen Zhihu has 20,000 elites in hand, so it is not a big problem to defend Datong. As long as there are no major problems on Datong's road, the Donglu may not dare to bypass Datong and go straight into Jinzhong to loot.

The seven major pirates moved to western Henan and joined forces with the Jinan rebel Ge Ping. Counting the three forces of Chen and Han, they became the nine major pirates, which was indeed a major disaster.

Lin Fu looked up at the gloomy sky. He didn't reply to Li Zhuo when he was in Chongzhou, and he didn't know how to explain his thoughts to Li Zhuo in the letter.

Reply to analyze the situation in eastern Zhejiang, and pretend to ignore what Li Zhuo implied in the letter? Lin Fu secretly thought that maybe he could only persuade himself by "not in his position, not in his political affairs".

A few people from Dongjie came over on horseback. It was Zhang Yubo, Liu Xilin and a few cavalrymen who came over. Lin Fu stood in the middle of the street and waited for him to come over. He asked with a smile, "Will you catch me?"

"Counting the time, I also guessed that you should go to Quyang Town, so come and have a look," Zhang Yubo got off his horse and smiled, "If you can't wait, Quyang Town also has good wine and good food, so you won't go there for nothing."

When the old friend met, he swayed the gloom in his heart for a while, and he was not anxious to ride into the city. Lin Fu, Zhang Yubo and Liu Xilin chose a tea shop on the street to talk about the current situation. After the horses rested their strength, they entered the city and went directly to the Gu Mansion.


Lin Fu walked fast on horseback. He had to rush to Jiangning first to discuss matters. The female family members sailed against the current. The wind was not good, and it would take two or three days to arrive. In any case, Lin Fu was the new uncle who returned home for the first time. , Gu Mansion naturally decorated the lights in advance for his arrival.

Lin Fu first greeted Gu Wuchen and Mrs. Gu in the lobby, and then everyone went to the corner pavilion in the back garden to eat together. There was no one else, just Zhao Qinmin, Yang Pu, Zhang Yubo, Liu Xilin, some of Gu Wuchen's closest trustees, and others. People are not in Jiangning either.

"Although the situation in eastern Zhejiang is urgent, the rebellion of the 300,000 people in the northwest of Shandong has caused a greater shock to the court. Fortunately, Huaikou's line of trust has not been broken, and the court's disposal can be received in time," Gu Wuchen said. The development of the situation was told to Lin Futeng, "The imperial court envoy Yue Lengqiu led the Changhuai army to the north to suppress the bandits, the governor of Jianghuai did not change his power, and also oversaw the bandit affairs in Zhongzhou and Shandong. His plea was just at the right time. At that time, he couldn't find a suitable candidate to take his place, and in southern Henan, only the Changhuai Army can be adjusted..."

Lin Bie had already guessed such a result and didn't say anything.

Gu Wuchen was a little uneasy, and said: "The Changhuai Army has fought a few innocuous victories in Haozhou, but Hong Zekou voluntarily withdrew from Haozhou, Yue Lengqiu can also pretend to be a great deed with a shy face, and even secretly use it. The Changhuai Army is called the Yue Army, and he really thinks that the nearly 40,000 Changhuai elites established by the imperial court are his personal soldiers..."

Lin Bie thought of the Yue family army in another time and space, but he seemed to echo Gu Wuchen's sneer, only defeating a few refugee rebels would prove nothing. However, Lin Fu still didn't believe that when Yue Lengqiu's foundation was not stable, he dared to take the Changhuai army and call himself Yue's army. Most of this was because Gu Wuchen had a deep resentment against Yue Lengqiu.

"The army of Ninghai Town was transferred to Zhejiang, and the commander of Ninghai, Meng Yishan, was appointed as the governor of the two Zhejiang provinces, and Dong Yuan was promoted to be the evangelist of the two Zhejiang provinces and to supervise the military preparations," Gu Wuchen said. …”

Dong Yuan led the ten battalions into Zhejiang, and also had the name of supervising military preparations, so he had the military power to control the admiral and generals as a Xuanfu envoy, but the title of governor was lacking, which was also because of the slightly less qualified qualifications.

Lin Fu didn't want to say anything more about Dong Yuan's question, and asked, "Who will fill up the vacant Weiyang prefect?"

"Shen Rong," Gu Wuchen said, "Dong Yuan and Yue Lengqiu's recommendation letters arrived in Beijing at the same time. This is obviously a deal that has been plotted for a long time..."

Lin Fu then remembered that Li Zhuo did not mention Dong Yuan in the letter to him this time, nor did he even say anything about the critical situation in eastern Zhejiang. On the one hand, he believed that Lin Fu would have a more accurate judgment. Due to disappointment.

Although Dong Yuan came from Li Zhuo's family, Lin Fu had hardly dealt with him.

Just as the Shaowu Town Army could give Yue Lengqiula nearly half of the troops in Jinan, Lin Fu would not think that Dong Yuan came from Li Zhuo's family, so he must be as loyal to the court as Li Zhuo.

In fact, it can be seen from the many things that Dong Yuan did during Weiyang's execution that he was also an ambitious figure. However, Dong Yuan was able to take a step forward and send troops to eastern Zhejiang first, which is also due to his vision and ability.

The situation in eastern Zhejiang is unclear, and the signs of the She family sending troops directly are very obvious. If Gu Wuchen had the guts to go straight to Dongyang Township, bypass Jiangning and go overland to Huzhou, he would not be slower than Dong Yuan. In fact, Gu Wuchen knew better than anyone at that time about the strategic advantage that Jiangdong Zuo Army had achieved in the Shengsi Islands. .

It is a pity that Gu Wuchen made a relatively conservative decision at the time, hoping that Dongyang Township would bravely go down by boat and enter Pingjiang Prefecture into eastern Zhejiang. Even if he suddenly encountered an enemy, there would be Jiangdong Left Army to support him, so that he would not become a lonely army.

There is only one chance, if you miss it, you will never come again. There is nothing to regret.

Whether Dong Yuan can gain a firm foothold in eastern Zhejiang also depends on his ability to restrain the expansion of the luxury family in eastern Zhejiang. Of course, it is also related to whether Yu Wangao can contain the main force of the luxury family in northern Fujian. Judging from the current situation, Dong Yuan may only have one or two months to organize a defense line on the north bank of the Qianjiang River. In addition to the 6,000 Weiyang Army, Dong Yuan also had 5,000 Ning Navy and thousands of remnants available.

"Although there is no recommendation letter, the court knows that Dongyang Fei Tingli can't preside over, so Tingli will be appointed as the prefect of Dongyang." Speaking of this, Gu Wuchen's face softened, and it is not without their benefits, "I will change to Jiangning Military Department. Zuo Shilang, participate in Jiangning garrison military, supervise Jiangning defense affairs, govern Jiangning water camp separately, appoint Yu Xinyuan as Jiangdong inspector..."

"The emperor also tends to move the capital!" Lin Fu sighed slightly.

"..." Gu Wuchen nodded, affirming Lin Bing's guess.

It's not hard to guess.

After Chen Xiyan was defeated, Yu Xinyuan was the leader of the Wu Party. If Jiangdong's personnel were completely controlled by Zhang Xie, Yu Xinyuan would not have the possibility of serving as Jiangdong's left inspector.

If the emperor decides to move the capital to Jiangning, he must win over the local forces as a solid foundation, and naturally he will not allow Zhang Xie and other Chu parties to suppress the Wu party.

Maybe Chen Xinbo, Li Zhuo, Hao Zongcheng and others are behind the scenes.

Gu Wuchen went to split Yu Qian's power, which Song Jia had guessed. Compared with Jiangdong’s left press envoy, Jiangning’s army’s left-waiting department, participating in Jiangning’s garrison military and supervising Jiangning’s defense affairs and administering Jiangning water camp, in this situation, it can be said that the actual power is much greater, but Jiangning water camp is not in Li Zhuo’s hands. After training, Gu Wuchen only has the name of restraint, and he can control some real power of Jiangning Water Camp. It is really hard to say now.

"About your military exploits with Jiangdong's left army, there is a special decree passed to Jiangning, which will be read out when you come over. The bureau chief who came over to deliver the decree is Liu Zhi, and he also knows you, but he left Yue Lengqiu to stay in the Governor's Mansion. It’s not too late for you to pick up the decree tomorrow. It’s not difficult to find out what’s in it,” Gu Wuchen said, “add one rank to the rank, and make Jinhai county subordinate, if you try harder, you won’t be far away. He promoted Xuanfu envoy Si Zuo to participate in politics~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and also knew Chongzhou county affairs and Jinghai governor. In the special order, the Jinghai battalion was also authorized to be separated from the Jiangdong Zuo army, and the remnants of the water battalion in Ninghai Town were incorporated into the ...The imperial court is also very kind to you. It's just that the remnants of the water camp in Ninghai Town have been almost divided, and there are only a dozen worthy warships and some old soldiers who are not wanted for you. However, the rated rations of Ninghai Town Shui Camp will be allocated to Jinghai Camp in full in the future, which can save you 40,000 taels of silver every year, but it is only so much."

"It's really a great grace from the emperor..." Lin Fu was also slightly startled. He didn't expect the court to be so generous to him this time. No one would look at Shiyi money, but Xuanfu envoy Si Zuo participated in politics is a real lack of five-rank duties, and can formally express opinions on county affairs, which is on an equal footing with Chongzhou Xuanfu special envoy Han Zai, who is right in politics. He kicked Wu Meijiu out again, and he also knew the affairs of Chongzhou County. It can be said that he officially held the power over Chongzhou. He separated the Jinghai Sea Camp from the Jiangdong Left Army, and transferred the food and salaries of the original Ninghai Town Water Camp. It is clear to replace the position of Ninghai Town Water Camp in Jiangkou with Jinghai Camp...

However, it is not difficult to understand when you think about it. There is no possibility of recovery of inland waterway transportation in a short period of time. It is not an old strategy to move the capital in haste.

Nowadays, the civil unrest has a tendency to endanger the Huai River. It is even more convenient to abandon the Huaikou for grains and go to the sea from the mouth of the river.

At the northern end of the Jinhai Grain Road, Lin Xuwen guards Jinhai, and at the middle end, Tang Haoxin sits in Qingzhou. The southern end can only rely on Lin Fu to protect the Jianghuaihai Road, and also rely on Lin Fu to contain the east wing of the luxury family and reduce the pressure on the land. There is no benefit at all. how? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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