Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 118: Shengsi first set

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

It was a cold rain in the early winter, and the raindrops fell from the forest tops. She Feihu was clothed with rain scorpions. After a long time, his armor and clothes were still soaked by the rain. He came over, got in front of the fire, took a stump and sat down, and baked the fire. Dispel the cold from your body.

There was no light in the rainy night, stars and moon. Except for the campfires on and under the mountains, there was no light between heaven and earth. They could see the campfires of the Jiangdong Zuo Army at the foot of the mountain and at the northwestern foot of the mountain, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army could also see through the gaps in the forest. The campfire on their side was only deep and steep, making it impossible for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to come and clear it. Of course, even if they were hiding in the forest, they were powerless to attack the camp of the Jiangdong Left Army.

Qin Zitan sat weakly against the tree stump, with a simple canopy over his head. Occasionally raindrops seeped in and fell into the fire, making a rustling noise and steaming out... Fortunately, the rain was not strong, otherwise this A simple shelter made of planting and arranging trees would not be of much use. Qin Zitan saw She Feihu coming back and saw him with a dejected expression. He knew that it was impossible to break through the blockade of the Jiangdong Zuo Army's Beitan fortress and go to Dongdao.

It has been the seventh day since he was trapped at the east foot of Jinji Mountain. Su Tingzhan had hidden some food in the cave at the east foot of the mountain earlier to avoid danger, but the amount was limited, including the rations that the generals carried afterward. Today, there is not much left. The birds and beasts in the forest were also eaten up.

Although the forests of Jinji Mountain are large and dense, how many wild animals can fill the stomachs of 3,000 people on the isolated island?

The Jiangdong Zuo Army's camp in Beitan became stronger and stronger, and a wooden fence wall was surrounded outside the wooden fence camp wall. There were no chariots, catapults and other combat equipment on the side, and with only three thousand soldiers and armour, the remnants of the robbers were afraid that it would be impossible to capture the Beitan fortress.

The plan to evacuate all three thousand generals from Daheng Island is a delusion. Qin Zitan sees She Feihu frowning and his face is so gloomy that it drips with water, and he knows his unwillingness.

Even if the situation in eastern Zhejiang is stable, how many warships can the eldest son draw to help—the She family lost too many warships on the northern front, especially in the battle for the beach, where 60 or 70 warships all fell to the enemy. One thing is going up and another is going up, and the eldest son will not be able to organize a boat division in eastern Zhejiang that can compete with the Jiangdong Zuo army at sea in a short period of time.

What's Lin Bie's idea? What he thought was to surround and fight for help, hoping that the eldest son would rush to send troops to rescue him, so that he could bring a heavy setback to the She family in the waters south of Shengsi, so as to achieve his reputation as the undefeated commander of Jinghai.

The eldest son knew in his heart that it was impossible to send reinforcements at the risk of overturning the great situation in eastern Zhejiang.

The terrain at the southern foot of Jinji Mountain is complex, and there is no easy place to park boats. The reefs and cliffs are intertwined. The boats coming from Daishan can approach by the dark rainy night. They only take three or five small boats at a time and send one or two thousand catties of grain. Island, pick up 20 or 30 people and leave...

There was little rain in autumn and winter. The rain lasted for three days. It was really lucky and very rare.

Once the rain stops and the night clears and the stars menstruate, the blockade of the Daheng Island by the Jiangdong Zuojun navy will be tightened again. At that time, if you want to leave, you will not be able to leave, and there will be no relief to be sent to the island.


At this time, there was a small sound in the forest, and through the weak light from the campfire, I saw Su Tingzhan walking over with a deep and a shallow foot. The path in the woods was difficult, and he was splashed with mud and dirt, fearing that he might have fallen a few times while sneaking in the woods.

When Su Tingzhan walked into the awning, Qin Zitan saw the face of the middle-aged man in the armor behind him, startled, struggling to kneel down and salute. The middle-aged man held his shoulders and pressed his voice and said, "Zitan doesn't need to be more polite. Feihu and Shejia broke your arm. I should bow to you to make amends."

Qin Zitan choked inexplicably, listening to this sentence, he felt that it was worth breaking the arm for the luxury family.

She Feihu was horrified when he saw his father pretending to be in danger, and was speechless.

"You are wondering why I came here?" She Wenzhuang scolded, "I can't come, how can you be a beast willing to leave?"

"Me," She Feihu was speechless. He didn't think that his father had gone to eastern Zhejiang to preside over the war secretly, and he didn't even think that it was his father who insisted not to send reinforcements to rescue.

"Do you think it's because your eldest brother wants to weaken your power that he refuses to send troops to rescue you? Do you hope that how many Jin'an veterans and how many loyal and luxurious officials and warriors are willing to bow their heads and admit defeat because you were buried on Daheng Island? ?" She Wenzhuang's words pressed down his throat and stabbed She Feihu's heart.

"Most of the three thousand soldiers on this island are Jin'an's children, how can I leave them behind?" She Feihu was full of tears, his heart was filled with extreme grievances, unwillingness and unwillingness were all shown in his eyes.

"I really haven't made any progress at all," Shewenzhuang scolded in a low voice, "Zitan has broken an arm for you, don't you even have the courage to break an arm?" He ignored the second son. She Feihu directly ordered Su Tingzhan, "Let's go tonight, you all leave, those who can escape without being disturbed, and those who can't leave, allow them to surrender their weapons to the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and take them back in the future. It is the She family who owes them, and I will apologize to them in the future... Don't be afraid that you will not be able to talk if you don't return to eastern Zhejiang, and the She family will not treat you badly!"


On the morning of the 21st, seeing the remnants of the bandits descending down the mountain one after another, throwing their soldiers and armor down, Lin Fu knew that She Feihu, Qin Zitan, Su Tingzhan, Cheng Yiqun and others had quietly escaped from Daheng Island under the cover of the rainy night. Apart from surrendering their weapons, what other options could these ordinary Kou soldiers who were abandoned?

"It's really strange," Lin Fu shook his head puzzledly and said, "I didn't expect She Feihu to leave without saying a word. I thought he would leave after hitting his head in front of the Beitan camp. Woolen cloth!"

"What are we going to do with these prisoners?" Zhao Qinmin has been on the island for the third day. The war in Jinan is beyond their reach, so they can only send messengers to Jiangning to inform Yue Lengqiu to adjust the Huai Jundu in time. Huaihe made some preparations, and the rest could only be left to fate, first to stabilize the situation in Chongzhou and the Shengsi line of defense.

The She family abandoned the three thousand robbers as abandoned sons, and the two thousand robbers who were trapped in Hecheng would sooner or later surrender, so that Chongzhou had seven or eight thousand young and strong laborers to drive.

Lin Fu said with a smile: "Chongzhou builds a city, dredging, digging rivers, accumulating fertilizer, and planting fields, etc., all of which require a lot of labor, so I don't worry about not being able to arrange their whereabouts. Jiangdong builds a prison city in Chongzhou, if seven Eight thousand prisoners of war have nowhere to arrange, so the picture has a false name."


The battle on Daheng Island was initially decided, except for a few remaining bandits who still stayed in the mountains and refused to surrender. On the 21st and 22nd, nearly 2,680 bandits surrendered their weapons and surrendered. Lin Fu envoy Fu Qinghe took the lead. Shengsi Islands military affairs, governs Chongcheng Infantry Camp, Fengli Infantry Camp, and Jinghai Second Water Camp.

The Shengsi Islands will be the defense center of the Jiangdong Zuo Army for a long time, and Lin Fu is also doing everything he can to strengthen the Jinghai Second Water Battalion left behind on Daheng Island.

In addition to one Jinhai-class warship, five Jiyun-class warships, and nine double-masted fast galley warships, there are also 18 medium-sized warships such as Loach and Cangshan, and 20 other auxiliary vessels. Two ships, 1,800 soldiers and 1,000 auxiliary soldiers.

The number of warships and troops of the second Jinghai water battalion are enough to reach the third battalion of the town army. Due to the incorporation of a large number of rural warriors in a short period of time, the combat effectiveness will inevitably decline, but it is not the surrounding water villages. The military water camp can be reached.

Chongcheng Infantry Camp and Fengli Infantry Camp were expanded to six outposts, and a total of 2,400 soldiers were stationed on Daheng Island. They were stationed at Shiwan and Beitan.

In addition, Lin Fu also organized Liubaixiang Yong as auxiliary soldiers, and also planned to move some exile prisoners to Daheng Island.

Lin Fu asked Fu Qinghe to overcome all difficulties, not only to further strengthen Qingshiwan Cape Fort, Beilu Camp Fort and Beitan Camp, but also to open up a road connecting Qingshiwan and Beitan at the northern foot of Jinji Mountain in a short period of time. aisle.

The terrain on both sides of Qingshiwan should be remodeled vigorously, as many fields as possible, and the shallow silt areas should be dug deep and widened so that more warships could be parked in the inner harbor. Connected to overcome the defensive defect that the inside line is not easy to move.

In addition to the defense of the Cape Fort, more dark piles, iron chains, catapults, and more docks should be built in the inner port. Construction of the inner dock should also be started immediately, so that the defense of Daheng Island must be made in a short period of time. Form a complete body~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to become an indestructible sea fortress outside Chongzhou.

In addition to the Haiyu Chen family's promise to supply Daheng Island with 5,000 stone grains of rice every month for free, Lin Fu took another 2,000 pairs of high-quality soldiers and armors to exchange with the Haiyu Chen family for the urgently needed materials for the construction of Daheng Island.

In the northern front battle, apart from the two thousand pirates who were trapped in Hecheng, the Jiangdong Left Army annihilated and captured nearly 10,000 pirates. The principle of "annihilation of great creations" was brought into full play, and numerous warships and armour were captured.

Although the Chen family has sufficient financial resources, the township soldiers and armors need to be built by themselves. Haiyu has no foundation in this area, lacks qualified craftsmen, and does not have the skills to cast swordsmen. It is difficult to have elite swordsmen, and armor is even more extraordinary lack.

Two thousand high-quality armors are naturally valuable to Haiyu Township Battalion, but the price Lin Bing has to spend to build Daheng Island into an indestructible sea fortress is not a small amount.

The She family did not pay enough attention to the Shengsi Islands at the beginning. They did not expect that the Jiangdong Zuo Army would rise so strongly on the sea. It was also because the She family was trapped in lack of financial resources that they did not take the time to manage the Daheng Island, which caused this dangerous land to fall into the Jiangdong Zuo. Hand of the army.

The terrain of the West Island is conducive to the construction of a complex and perfect amphibious defense system and an indestructible Great Wall at sea; the terrain of the East Island is long and narrow, low and flat, and there is no danger to defend, but the ground is warm and humid, and it is a rare and excellent island grassland with an area of ​​two or three million acres.

The East Island is full of beautiful grass. As long as the passage connecting Qingshiwan and Beitan is opened, and the Beitan camp is used as the base, it is easy to shepherd hundreds of war horses on the 20,000-30,000-mu grassland on the East Island.

In addition, the beaches around the island are rich in water and grass, and poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese are stocked on the beach, and pigs and sheep are stocked in the forest, which can provide meat for the defenders on the island and relieve the supply pressure of Chongzhou.

On the 23rd, Lin Fu led the Jinghai No. 1 Water Battalion and escorted nearly 3,000 prisoners of war across the sea to Chongzhou. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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