Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 116: defect

(The second update is coming, ask for a red ticket)

The violent vibration of rushing to the beach and landing on the island caused Qin Zitan to wake up from a coma. He was in excruciating pain. He was wet and fell into the water when he got off the boat. The surrounding chaos is extremely chaotic, the shouts of killing are near and far away, and sometimes when the battle formation is about to be penetrated, it can be resisted.

The door panel tilted up, and the guards surrounded him as he climbed the slopes. He could see the bright red morning sun in the east, like a newborn from the sea. On the north beach to the northeast of Jinshanji, the sea water was like blood. Blood stained red - on the North Beach, although the number of soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army was small, less than a thousand people, they had an absolute advantage. If it weren't for Su Tingzhan leading a group of elites to contain them from the flanks, the main force of the northern line who scrambled to land on the island would have to be completely defeated by more than a thousand soldiers and horses of the Jiangdong Left Army.

There was no suspense in the naval battle in the Beitan waters. The Jiangdong Zuo Army navy division formed an encirclement with three ship formations (one was the Haiyu township camp led by Chen Huawen). In addition to rushing to the beach to land the warships stranded on the beach, other warships could not see the possibility of escaping from the encirclement. After the Jiangdong Zuo Army took control of the beachhead, these warships almost became their spoils.

Only at this time did She Feihu completely get rid of the danger of being pursued, and was able to gather the scattered soldiers and organize a counterattack against the Chongcheng Infantry Camp in Beitan, so that more beach-grabbing soldiers could avoid the killing of the Chongcheng Infantry Battalion.

Qin Zitan just woke up and didn't know the situation, but he thought of a key question: How many days can the food brought to the island last?

She Feihu never thought that Jiangdong Zuojun's boat division would intercept at the right time in the Beitan waters. Except for the small amount of rations that the generals carried with them, other supplies were on the boat, and they could not be transported ashore in a hurry.

There is no need to count on the medicine, except for the wounded military attache, whether the wounded ordinary soldier can survive or not depends on his own fate.


Lin Bie stood on the stern deck of the Jinhai, looking at the battlefield at Beitan.

When She Feihu rushes to the beach to land on the island, it has the meaning of abandoning the ship, so it can ignore the terrain and the reef near the shore.

Jiangdong Zuojun could not. Lin Fu saw that the Kou Bing had been able to form a strong counterattack in Beitan, and ordered Zhou Tong to establish a stable position and not to attack lightly.

The overall situation has been decided, and the war of attrition to exchange casualties for casualties is meaningless, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army cannot afford to fight the consumption.

In the follow-up, more troops and chariots, high shields, horses, iron thorns and other items will be sent to the beachhead with the loach boats to pick up the easy place, and the Beitan position will be strengthened - at least in the local battlefield of Daheng Island, Lin. Bound can draw out an absolutely superior force and block the remaining bandits in the dense forest at the foothills of Jinji Mountain.

As long as the She family can't organize a fleet that can suppress the Jinghai camp in the short term, they can't think of picking up these robbers smoothly. Lin Fudao wants to see how many days these 3,000 people can endure in the barren mountains and wild islands. .

Lin Bie was very heartbroken when he saw a large number of pirate boats that hit the reef and damaged due to beach grabbing. These should have been captured by the Jiangdong Zuo Army to strengthen the Jinghai battalion. Towing these boats across the sea to Xisha Island for repairs is very difficult. It was difficult. It seemed that another shipyard would be built on Daheng Island. It was the silver that made people feel distressed. Without thinking about building a defense line on the Shengsi Islands in the future, Lin Fu suspected that this series of fierce battles would be fought down. He is bankrupt.

At this time, Li Huawen, Yuan Jinsheng, Miao Shuo, and Liang Chengyi took two boats to join Lin Fu.

Under the fierce attack of the Jiangdong Zuo army boat division, apart from fleeing for their lives on the beach, the Kou soldiers had no strength to fight back at sea.

"Congratulations to Mr. Lin for his great victory!" Yuan Jinsheng boarded the boat and came to congratulate him. "I have heard that Mr. Lin is good at fighting for a long time, but I only saw it today, and it really lives up to its reputation."

"Kou Bing doesn't want to fight, it's easy to fight," Lin Fu said with a smile, "Even if there is merit, it's all the soldiers who fought hard, how can I live up to my reputation?"

"If Kou Bing confronts Master Lin head-on at sea, Master Lin will only win a little harder, but Kou Bing cannot escape the fate of the entire army's destruction!" Miao Shuo came over with a flat face and smiled, "Although the situation in eastern Zhejiang is bad, Lin The governor of the capital is Jiangdong's needle of the sea, maybe the situation in eastern Zhejiang will have to be taken care of by the governor of Lin Du!"

"Oh!" Lin Fu glanced at Miao Shuo, the implication of what he said was too obvious, but after the fiasco of Chentangyi, the Liang's strength was greatly weakened, and Zheng Guogong Liang Xi and Changxiang Hou Liang Chengchong were forced to surrender their military power. , making Empress Dowager Liang's voice in the inner court very weak. If Empress Dowager Liang recommends herself in front of the emperor, this may not be a good thing...

"There are no less than 3,000 robbers who have retreated to the island, what will Master Lin do?" Li Huawen interjected.

The Li family and Yudong are only separated by the Dongjiang River, but the inner court is deep, and Chen Mingzhe is a disciple of the emperor personally ordered by Emperor Chongguan, so the relationship between the Li family and Yudong is deliberately thin.

"Lord Chen still needs to stay for three days," Lin Fu said, "I want to build a camp in Beitantou, and block the remnants in the dense forest at the foot of Jinji Mountain. The north foot camp needs to be strengthened to prevent the robbers from taking the path to grab the Bei foot camp. , the next step is the water mill time, the wild things in the forest of Jinji Mountain, I don’t know if these people can eat for a few days…”

Chen Huawen also laughed.

The defeat of Longshan made the situation in eastern Zhejiang bad, and the She family almost raised the flag of rebellion over their heads. They abandoned the land and went to sea, and the pressure was all on the southeast coast. Chen Huawen was under a lot of pressure yesterday. Although at this time, the whole situation has not changed much, but seeing that the elites of the East China Sea bandits controlled by the luxury family are somewhat vulnerable in front of Jiangdong Zuojun, he suddenly regained his confidence.

Chen Huawen said with a smile: "Then I will guard the three-day camp for Lord Lin. This is also the credit of the left army in the east of Jiangdong..."

Lin Fu clenched his fists towards Chen Huawen and said, "It's time to work."

Yuan Jinsheng and Miao Shuo, no matter how thick-skinned they might be, might stay for the icing on the cake.

Although there were still more than 3,000 residual bandits, when they rushed ashore, they lost their armor and armor, and had no supplies. It was impossible to shake the Jiangdong Zuo Army's position at Beitantou. There is also Haiyu Township to help. Before the main force of the southern line of the East China Sea or the elite of the luxury family can withdraw and intervene, the situation on Daheng Island is generally like this.

At this time, Miao Shuo regretted being too stingy in the early morning, but he couldn't go back on what he said. Seeing that Lin Fu didn't mean to keep them, they could only go back to Yudong first unhappy.

The naval battle was won easily, and the second water battalion, which was the main force, had almost no casualties. Lin Fu envoy Zhao Qingshan immediately led the first battalion to go north to Changshan Island as originally planned. He, the second water battalion and Zhou Tongbu stayed with Haiyu Township Battalion to deal with the island's remnants.

There are nearly 2,000 prisoners of pirates in this war. The main force of the East China Sea pirates in the northern line is more than 3,000 remnants. There is no major threat to the north. Lin Bie is not afraid that the 2,000 pirates who are trapped in Hecheng can escape to go to heaven. It is enough to have the Cavalry Camp, the Guard Camp, the Women's Camp, the First Post, the Second Post of the Chongcheng Foot Camp, and more than 3,000 villagers to stay in Chongzhou. The defense line will protect Chongzhou on the inside.

The expedient plan was to bring Qin Chengzu and Ning Zechen from Changshan Island, and then go through the difficult situation before considering the reorganization. The Shengsi Islands are in hand, and the fleet of the East China Sea pirates has not yet been able to pass through the Shengsi Islands quietly. The position of Changshan Island in the back has become less important. The Jiangdong Left Army has limited strength and can only use two or three temporarily. Baixiang Yongfang was there to defend.


Ninghai Town is divided into two divisions, the Naval Division and the Buying Division. The Buying is under the command of Meng Yishan, the chief general of Ninghai Town and Ninghai General, and Xiao Taoyuan is the commander of the six navy divisions. In name, Xiao Taoyuan is also under the control of General Ninghai, but the station is not in the same place. At the same time, Xiao Taoyuan didn't pay much attention to Meng Yishan's face.

Since the invasion of the East China Sea bandits, Xiao Baiming and Chen Qianhu were forced to leave the army cottage by Lin Bing. Xiao Taoyuan felt resentment and could do nothing. Similarly, without the pressure of defending Jiangkou, Xiao Taoyuan simply made the entire army retreat in Jiyang to preserve its strength.

Yesterday, when he received the news that Quan Ciqing was killed in Longshan and the situation in eastern Zhejiang was collapsing, Xiao Taoyuan was still promiscuous on the white tender belly of two beautiful concubines, and he suddenly felt that the situation was tense.

Knowing that no matter what this time, the water battalion in Ninghai Town will be on the top, and it is likely to be directly transferred to eastern Zhejiang to fight. He also ordered the mobilization to make the six battalion navy divisions ready to set off, but received a call before nightfall. Yue Lengqiu sent a letter from Jiangning, asking him to go to Jiangning to discuss matters immediately.

Yue Lengqiu's letter is puzzling. The situation in eastern Zhejiang has collapsed, and Jiangdong County cannot take care of itself. The Jiangning Military Department, the Governor of Jianghuai, and the officers of Jiangdong County have come to a conclusion. The order is to call him the leader. Qiu Ba went to Jiangning to join in with him, which made Xiao Taoyuan very puzzled.

Although Jiyang is not far from Jiangning, it will take a day or two to come and go. The situation is so critical, can you afford to delay this time?

Although Yue Lengqiu's letter of command was highly suspicious, Xiao Taoyuan also doubted him. During this period of time, Yue Lengqiu trusted him a lot, gave him money, ships, and added officials and titles, but neither did Xiao Taoyuan. Reason to doubt Yue Lengqiu. Xiao Baiming, Chen Qianhu and the others also suspected fraud, and they inquired in every possible way from the messenger's mouth. It was indeed because the military situation was urgent.

It was also Xiao Tao's life that should not end. His most beloved concubine had a fever at the time. When he left, his condition suddenly worsened, as if he had been hit by a nightmare. Tao Yuan.

Xiao Taoyuan has never been a person who gave up family affairs for state affairs. He wanted to delay his departure overnight without hindering any major events, so he stayed in Jiyang for the night, and when his concubine's condition was relieved, he prepared a carriage to go to Jiangning.

The messenger sent by She Feihu from Changshan Island wanted to bypass the blockade of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and arrived in Jiyang before noon on the 14th. He did not see Xiao Taoyuan, but saw Xiao Baiming and Xiao Taoyuan's eldest son, Xiao Changze.

Xiao Taoyuan stopped Xiao Baiming and others before he was about to leave Danyang and enter Jiangning.

Xiao Tao is far from being stupid. She Feihu and Qin Zitan still speculate that Lin Fu is related to the Chongzhou boy case. He asked about the situation on Changshan Island, and he was sure that the Chongzhou boy fell into Lin Fu's hands—he was not sure yet. Yue Lengqiu asked him to go to Jiangning to ask for a strategy, which is a trap to kill him, but he will never go to Jiangning again at this time~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The situation in eastern Zhejiang has collapsed, which means that the luxury family has a very good chance of competing for the world. Great, Xiao Taoyuan decided to invest in a luxury home without any hesitation! The horse was ordered to rush back to Jiyang to pull the soldiers of the water camp.

"I can't go back to Jiyang!" Xiao Baiming said.

"Why?" Xiao Taoyuan asked, "If you don't pull out the soldiers, everyone will go to eastern Zhejiang to drink the northwest wind?"

"Lin Fu has no last resort. He played the secret game of Changshan Island to fool the East China Sea bandits. He should know that we can understand everything," Xiao Baiming said, "He and Gu Wuchen have no plans at all, let us Ninghai Town Shuiying has all gone to the luxury family?"

"You said it must be Yue Lengqiu who wanted to kill me this time?" Xiao Taoyuan asked.

"Yue Lengqiu didn't dare to protect the commander, so he naturally wanted to kill the commander," Xiao Baiming said. "When the commander left from Jiyang, it should also be the time when the Jiangning Water Camp went down the river. When I came out, I was with the eldest son. Under the guise of the commander-in-chief, he ordered the battalions to disperse to the four counties of Jinhu, Tingshan, Anji, and Jiashan..."

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Taoyuan said.

"We can't pull all the people away, the target is too big and it's easy to be intercepted, so we can only move forward and distract them," Xiao Baiming said, "We will go directly to Anji by land. Passers-by are the Duwei's hard work and can be trusted. After arriving in eastern Zhejiang, with the ability of the Duwei, are you afraid that you won't be able to draw a bigger team?"


The dark whistle reported that Xiao Taoyuan’s motorcade suddenly turned south, and Yang Pu, who had brought two hundred elite riders to Danyang in advance by handling the case, knew that Xiao Taoyuan was alerted to flee, and asked Zhao Qinmin to bring Gu Wuchen’s secret letter to see Danyang. The prefect asked Danyang to send troops to help him, so he directly took the elite chariots and went out of the city to chase. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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