Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 114: sudden engagement

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

On the eve of the beach attack on Daheng Island, the navigator's warship hit the rocks and damaged a lot, and the repairs alone cost more than 6,000 taels of silver;

Because the luxury family regards the Shengsi Islands as a frontier stronghold, they are called pirates, and they are actually elites in the camp. Except for some excellent soldiers and armors, they have been captured very little. , simply cannot make ends meet.

The Jiangdong Left Army's pension for the war dead is five acres each in Ueda and Nakata. Chongzhou has more people and less land, and the price of land has risen sharply in the past two years. Five acres of land and five acres of land are said to be worth 60 taels. Miao Shuo said that he would take 6,000 taels of silver to Jiangdong Zuojun to guard Shengsi Zhu. The island's military resources are not enough to cover hundreds of casualties.

After the She family made their move from eastern Zhejiang, they would definitely fight for Shengsi. At that time, I didn't know how many lives they would have to fill in to keep it, so Miao Shuo was kind enough to report the number of 6,000 taels - Lin Fu stared at Miao Shuo with a dark look in his eyes. Sadly, under the moon, Miao Shuo had a few false beards glued to his chin, and secretly said: Why did the Empress Dowager Liang send such a stingy **** to take care of Yu Dong?

If Miao Shuo didn't come, Lin Fu would stick to Shengsi in order to protect Chongzhou from being harassed. Yudong, which was located behind Shengsi, would not be threatened. When Miao Shuo said this, Lin Fu wondered if he could use Yudong Palace as a house in the future. bait?

Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe also had ugly expressions on their faces, secretly saying that Miao Shuo was too stingy.

As a gesture of affection from the Chen family, Lin Fu gave a generous gift of nearly 30,000 taels of silver when they got married. I didn't mention the money this time. The six fast warships were said to be lent. However, the Jiangdong Zuo Army and the main force of the East China Sea bandits fought fiercely at sea, and the warships were damaged more than this number. Get the warship back? In addition, in the future, the Jiangdong Left Army will send garrison troops to guard the Shengsi Islands, and Chen Huawen should also promise Haiyu to bear the supply of grain, oil and meat, so as to reduce the burden on Chongzhou.

The Jiangdong Left Army had only 3,000 troops in name, but at this time the actual strength of the troops on Daheng Island was more than 5,000, and with the strength of Chongzhou and Changsheng Island, it must have exceeded the scale of 10,000 (mainly the local village soldiers , social soldiers and some private soldiers in the hands of the power tribes have all assembled and used as county soldiers and townsmen, which has increased the number of soldiers, and the supply will naturally be borne by the county. head).

If it is normal, you can lay off troops to reduce expenses. At this time, the situation is critical, lest there be a shortage of troops, where would they dare to lay off more troops? However, maintaining armaments of more than 10,000 people must far exceed the supply capacity of Chongzhou. Chen Huawen, Chen Mingzhe, and others in Haiyu hope that the Jiangdong Zuo Army can stick to the Shengsi Islands, why did they not say anything at all?

In the future, the Jiangdong Zuo Army will station three to five thousand garrison troops on the Shengsi Islands, and sufficient supplies of grain, oil and meat will be used at most three to five thousand taels of silver per month. It is estimated that the situation will ease in three to five months. Yinzi hired this world-renowned elite teacher to guard the door for Hai Yu, which was actually the most cost-effective.

In contrast, Hai Yu couldn't pluck much more hair than Yu Dong, but Miao Shuo only gave 6,000 taels of eloquence, which was not enough to add two main warships to Lin Fu, so he seemed too stingy.

Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe couldn't see it on one side, they stood with folded arms and looked away.

Yuan Jinsheng was quite embarrassed. Miao Shuo was able to trust the Queen Mother to take care of Yu Dong, but the money was very tight.

Lin Fu felt resentment in his heart, but his face remained calm, and said, "Lord Miao said that, then someone Lin is not polite, and I really lack high-quality warships, so I will exchange three ships for Brother Yuan and the others. Master Miao, I want to go back to Yudong..."

The three brigs that came with Miao Shuo and Yuan Jinsheng were covered with iron and covered with iron. The shape of the boats was like a shuttle. From a distance, you could see that they were very good fast warships. Although the shape is not as good as the Jiyun-class thousand-stone warship, it is larger than the ordinary sea loach ship.

Of course Lin Fu wouldn't turn him away, but he also didn't want to keep Yuan Jinsheng and Miao Shuo on Daheng Island. Who knew that they would have nothing to do with the She family? They decided to exchange three broken ships and invite them back to Yudong.

Miao Shuo, Yuan Jinsheng, and the young soldiers behind them all changed slightly when they heard that Lin Fie was about to send them away. Although they didn't want to stay in the dangerous place, but Lin Fu asked Chen Huawen to guard Daheng Island on his behalf, and burned their eyebrows to send them away, so that their face would be saved?

Lin Fu just ignored it, and said with consideration for them: "It's not that Brother Yuan and Mr. Miao are not left on the island—the situation in eastern Zhejiang has collapsed, and Daheng Island is a dangerous place to fight for. Ju Ye... Brother Yuan and Lord Miao have any mistakes in staying on Daheng Island, and I can't explain it in front of Lord Hou."

Lin Fu said that, Miao Shuo and Yuan Jinsheng looked a little better, and scolding in their hearts was another matter, at least they took care of their face. Lin Fu immediately asked Zhao Qingshan to transfer three loach boats that were not too seriously damaged to replace them, and he did not relax his guard when changing defenses.


When the ships were changed, Lin Bie felt that the three brigs were indeed good. They were slightly smaller in size, but they were not inferior to the Jiyun and Jinhai warships. In addition to the watertight compartments, the broadsides were also good. Reinforced, skinned and iron-clad, it is a very high-quality warship.

There is no sign of developing a large-scale navy in Yudong Palace Village, but from the perspective of these three warships, it can be inferred that the soldiers hidden in Yudong Palace Village, regardless of their combat strength, should be extremely good in armor and bows - Lin Bie looked at Yuan Jinsheng and Miao Shuo's three sea loach boats, and secretly said: Empress Dowager Liang conspired with Yongchang Hou and Liang to raise private soldiers in Yudong Palace, this inner court battle is really turbulent and full of dangers. Bloody too!

Although there are guards and pawns everywhere in Huangzhuang, and the anti-theft guards suppress and exploit the villagers, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, I am afraid that they will be ranked behind the ordinary county soldiers. If the guards of Yudong Palace Village were able to protect themselves under the attack of a large group of pirates and even the elite soldiers of the luxury family, it would be impossible not to arouse the vigilance of Emperor Chongguan - Yuan Jinsheng and Miao Shuo are not afraid of the invasion of small groups of pirates Yudong was worried that a large number of pirates would invade and expose the secrets hidden in Yudong's palace.

Lin Fu sent Chen Huawen and Chen Mingzhe's uncle and nephew off the boat, so he ordered the sailing to set off, and made the fleet stick to the north side of Daheng Island to the east. The delay to Yuan Jinsheng and Miao Shuo was already dawn. It was all clear morning light.

"After a night of tossing, adults, let's go back to the cabin to rest..." Zhao Qingshan said.

"You should also pay attention to rest," Lin Fu said. "Cunxiong stayed in Daheng Island to recover from his injuries, and the burden of the first water camp is on your shoulders..."

Just as Zhao Qingshan was about to change the boat to return to his command ship, he heard the whistle of the left-wing warship blowing a long whimper, indicating that a large number of ships were approaching on the north side. At the same time all ignited, the enemy attacked! Big gangs are attacking the enemy!

Lin Fu and Zhao Qingshan hurriedly boarded the stern deck and looked northward. The heavy sails covered the sky and closed the sun. They were afraid that there would be no less than seventy or eighty warships. Looking at the momentum, it is to grab the beach and Dengdong Peninsula.

Lin Fu really wanted to thank Yuan Jinsheng and Miao Shuo for coming over, delaying their time for more than an hour. Otherwise, they would set sail for an hour away, and they would be forty or fifty miles away from Daheng Island at this time.

At that time, when I saw the beacon fire and wolf smoke lit by Daheng Island, it turned the bow of the ship to return to the rescue, and went against the wind. I was afraid that it would be delayed for three or four hours, and the pursuit may not be able to catch up when it fell. Delightful?

"The news flag was raised, and Ge Cunxin was ordered to lead the second water battalion to attack the enemy's line with geese. A battalion will form a formation on the north beach of East Island, in case the pirates will rush to the beach to land on the island!" Lin Fu was in high spirits,

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and the field of vision was relatively limited. It was almost when the main fleet of the East China Sea pirates approached the North Beach of the East Peninsula for eight or nine miles, and the North Cliff Watch Post discovered the enemy's situation. On the other hand, the left-wing warships of the Jiangdong Zuo Army Ship Division were closer to the main fleet of the East China Sea Bandit Northern Line, only four or five miles away.

The Jiangdong Zuojun navy sailed eastward, and the main force of the East China Sea bandits' northern line was heading south. If they didn't notice it, they would just bump into the North Beach of the East Peninsula. It's not bad to meet each other on a narrow road. At this time, Lin Fu did not hesitate to use warships, and personally commanded the main force of the northern front of the East China Sea bandits in the Beitan waters.


When She Feihu heard the police call from the watchtower on the mast, Yuanshen boarded the mast, and when he looked south, he was horrified: In the waters on the north side of Daheng Island, the sailors of the Jiangdong Left Army were spread out horizontally, and they had already set out. The battle is waiting for them to collide.

After defeating more than a thousand soldiers, She Feihu knew that Changshan Island could not be taken away in the short term, and that there was no long-term siege condition, so he retreated to the Southwest Beach for a day and a night, and rushed to board the boat to cross the sea to attack Daheng Island at dusk. Taking advantage of the strong north wind, they rushed to the eastern peninsula of Daheng Island. Using the terrain of Daheng Island, they used elite foot soldiers to contain the main force of Jiangdong's left army on Daheng Island, so that they could not interfere with eastern Zhejiang. 's war.

Traveling all the way, there was no contact with Jiangdong Zuojun's sentry ships, and there was night cover. She Feihu wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out how Lin Bie knew their whereabouts. He made arrangements in advance in the North Beach waters of Daheng Island. For a while, my hands and feet became cold and a little foggy.

She Feihu suffered too many setbacks in Lin Fu, and his ambition was taken away. The brave and brave who became famous as a young man was suppressed in front of Lin Fu. Besides, he became famous for his fighting skills, but he was not as resourceful as Qin Zitan and other advisers.

It was Qin Zitan who was awake. Seeing the situation in front of him, he could probably guess that the battle situation in eastern Zhejiang was set. At this moment, it was just that Lin Fu was in a hurry to settle down around Chongzhou before the main force of his extravagant family could be drawn from eastern Zhejiang. situation.

She Feihu couldn't guess that Quan Ciqing led the main force of Zhejiang troops to give him the collapse of the She family in Longshan, nor did he know that Chen Huawen led the Haiyu Township Battalion to help defend Daheng Island~www.wuxiamtl.com~ so that Lin Fu could The main force was pulled out from Daheng Island, and it was at this moment that he was going to attack Changshan Island.

Although Lin Fu was reluctant to use warships and did not dare to cause great damage to the navy, so that he could not suppress Xiao Taoyuan's naval combat power, he planned to draw out the Chongcheng Infantry Battalion and the county's soldiers and civilians, so that the infantry would be able to survive. Changshan Island rushed to the beach and landed, and together with Qin Chengzu and Ning Zechen of Changshan Island, they attacked the pirates on the island, so as to control the scale of the naval battle and reduce the loss of warships.

She Feihu didn't even know that Lin Fu also obtained nine sturdy warships from Haiyu Xiangying and Yudong Miaoshuo, which restored the naval combat capability of Jiangdong Zuojun to a certain extent.

She Feihu fought for the She family in Dongmin when he was a teenager. His tactical skills were among the top among the people of his time. Even though he couldn't figure out many things, he was frightened by Lin Fu who happened to set up a battle in the Beitan sea area, but he Knowing that it is impossible to take a risk and turn to escape.

The ship formations of the two sides are only four or five miles apart, and the large ship formations of each other occupy a radius of several miles, and the wind direction encourages the two sides to meet. Going forward to grab the beach and land on the island may save more strength.

She Feihu also saw that the boat formation of Jiangdong Zuojun navy captain Chen Yu in the waters of the North Beach was a little thin and easy to penetrate - this is of course, the Jiangdong Zuojun fleet is slowly expanding eastward, as a marching fleet, The north direction is regarded as a flank, so how can it be thick?

The sea battle, which both sides were trying to avoid, suddenly unfolded in the North Beach waters of Daheng Island by coincidence. Neither side had any preparations, but the subtle change was: Lin Bie had to fight a sea battle, but She Feihu was even more prepared. Care about penetrating the blockade of the weak ship formation of the left army boat division in Jiangdong, rushing to the beach to land, save more strength, and wait for the main force of the southern line to come to the rescue. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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