Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 109: Defeat Changshan Island

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Changshan Island shines magnificently with the afterglow of the sunset, but She Feihu is not in the mood to enjoy the sunset beauty of Changshan Island.

Qin Zitan had not seen any progress in attacking the South Cliff fortress for a long time, so he was worried again and went through the woods to the North Slope to watch the battle.

Compared with the narrow forest road before, the southwest beach and the dense forest on the north **** just created a four-horse forest road in one day. However, compared to the nearly 3,000 attacking troops and horses assembled on the northern slopes of the forest, the forest road that can only be passed by two ox carts is still too narrow.

The only four catapults left were used up early in the afternoon, and they failed to actually damage the walls of the South Cliff Camp.

Although they successfully knocked down the iron-clad North Gate of Nanya Camp with a rushing vehicle, the island soldiers were unusually fierce, and the elites of the She Feihu faction competed for the North Camp Gate several times, but they were never able to break through.

The attack was repulsed just now. Qin Zitan watched the battle for a while, and saw the attacking Jia soldiers withdrew, then walked to She Feihu and said, "The ship from Daheng Island has come, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army launched a strong attack before dawn. The strength is very strong. Maybe Su Tingzhan gave up the northern foothold in time and retreated to Jinji Mountain, which would better contain the main force of the Jiangdong Left Army, otherwise it would be difficult to persist until now..."

"Maybe Daheng Island has fallen?" She Feihu impatiently grabbed the saber in his hand.

The sky will be dark, and there is still no hope of capturing the Nanya fortress. The deputy in charge of organizing the attack came over to ask for instructions, should we withdraw our troops and leave the forest and besiege the fort again tomorrow?

To the south are the Nanya fortress and the dam lake. The three perimeters are dense forests. The terrain is easy to enter and difficult to exit. It is necessary to prevent the enemy from sending troops and sneak attacks at night. Can leave a battalion of elite alert.

"There is still some time to attack again," She Feihu looked up at the sky and instructed his deputy, "Go up in person and add another team of soldiers. When attacking the north gate, both sides must use ladders to climb the wall..."

Qin Zitan didn't know what to persuade. They had already spent a day on Changshan Island. At this time, the wind was blowing from the northwest, which was not good for the westward crossing. It was impossible to persuade She Feihu to give up fighting for Changshan Island, so he shut up and said nothing. Word.

She Feihu discussed the details of the attack with the generals, and Qin Zitan stood by to observe the topography of the southern cliff of Changshan Island.

She Feihu's location is very abrupt, four hundred paces away from Beiying Gate. Perhaps deep in his heart, he imagined that the island soldiers would go out to attack his central army—She Zitan stood beside She Feihu and could Clearly see the situation in Beiyingkou.

The stone wall outside the camp gate collapsed, revealing the rammed earth wall inside, but the main body of the camp was not damaged. The thick wooden door clad with iron was pulled sideways, the hinge door was broken, and it was useless to have a door. In front of the doorway, there are several flying contradictory vehicles, and the well-armored armored soldiers are strictly arrayed behind. In the dark doorway, there are iron clusters flashing with cold light.

Whether it is combat gear, armor or combat style, it is the set of Jiangdong Zuojun. Although it is judged that there are only five or six hundred island soldiers guarding the base, their bravery and tenacious fighting will are also in the same vein as the Jiangdong Zuo Army, and they are not weaker than the Jinan veterans who can be called the elite of a hundred battles. How many lives and how long it takes patience to finally conquer Nanya and occupy Changshan Island.

Qin Zitan was puzzled and frowned into the word "Chuan". Seeing that the generals had dispersed to organize some larger attacks before nightfall, he walked up to She Feihu and said, "This Changshan Mountain It's not a short time that the island took refuge in Lin Bing!"

"It's only two years since this group of people came to Changshan Island," She Feihu also frowned and asked, "How early do you think they can take refuge in the pig herd?"

"It's a coincidence," Qin Zitan sighed slightly, "It was also two years ago that Young Master Zhao asked Mr. Zhao's group to rob Su Mei..."

"Why do you mention this matter?" She Feihu's face sank, seeing Qin Zitan suddenly revealing his scar, his heart was filled with fire.

Qin Zitan didn't see the displeasure on She Feihu's face, and said to himself, "It's a pity that Du Rong is no longer here, otherwise I would know more things..." He squatted down, grabbed a handful of wet soil under his feet, After twisting it, he spread it out for She Feihu to see, "Master Young Master, look at this field, it should take more than one year to reclaim it. If you look at the dam in the west, it should be this group of people who came to Changshan two years ago. It was built right away when the island was born."

"Except for small ponds in the forest, Changshan Island has no large lakes and stable rivers, so it was abandoned by the bandits. If this group of people wants to establish a foothold on Changshan Island, it is inevitable to build a dam to surround the lake. What is strange? ?" She Feihu asked.

"They are too unhurried, and besides, Lin Bie started his business in Jiangning by running a prison island. If all this is not a coincidence, it can explain some things that were not clear before..." Qin Zitan said.

It is precisely because the soldiers from Changshan Island reclaimed barren forests and planted grains on the island that they had enough space to deploy their troops on the north **** to attack the fortress. unusual.

"What's the matter?" She Feihu asked impatiently.

Before Qin Zitan could answer, the soldiers from Changshan Island suddenly withdrew from the barrier at the gate of the camp. She Feihu stood directly opposite the camp gate, and he could see that there were still many soldiers waiting to come out behind the gate. This abnormality immediately attracted his attention. He picked up his saber and rushed forward, reminding him loudly. The generals: "Changshan soldiers will go out to fight! Another team of bowmen will be deployed to strengthen the left flank, and both flanks should be equipped with large shields, so as to lead them out as much as possible..."

This side is preparing to attack the enemy base before dark, and the elites are already lined up on the north slope. In front of them are the tools used to cover arrows, rush to the door and climb the wall, such as cave house carts, rushing carts, half-cut boats, and cloud ladders. As soon as the order was issued, they swarmed up.

Since this was the last storm before dark, we had to increase the intensity, and the number of people who attacked increased by 40%, reaching a scale of 1,000 people at one time, and the formation was relatively crowded. Unexpectedly, the Changshan Island soldiers chose to fight back at this time, and they had to adjust the formation in a hurry, which would inevitably lead to more confusion.

Qin Zitan picked up a little high ground and stood up. It was not a good thing for the Changshan Island soldiers to attack the frontier at this time. He looked at the wall of the village worriedly, and suddenly thought of a suspicious point. He walked towards She Feihu, shouting as he walked, "Second son, second son, hurry up and defend, don't fight in waves!"

She Feihu of course knew that the soldiers from Changshan Island were going out to counterattack at this time, and wanted to take the opportunity to fight an unpreparedness here, but he held it back for a day and was looking forward to the opportunity of such a large-scale battle. The soldiers of Changshan Island were entangled and dragged out. As long as a certain gap was opened, he could send another team of elites through to grab the camp gate.

Even if it is difficult to effectively block the shooting of the Changshan Island soldiers on the wall of the village and the casualties increase sharply, She Feihu also sees the hope of attacking the Nanya fortress in one go, and plans to lead the elite of his retinue to grab the village gate in person.

Hearing Qin Zitan's soulless rushing and screaming to form a defensive formation here to resist the enemy, She Feihu raised his brows and shouted, "What are you panicking about?"

"Look at the wall of the village," Qin Zitan pointed at the wall of the Nanya village, and said anxiously, "No troops have been drawn down from the wall, and the counterattack is an ambush, an ambush! It's an ambush that has been recharged for a long time— We have been tricked, and Lin Tie is the suspect who travels in Chongzhou!"


Ning Zechen asked the guards in front of him to cover the big shield and put the shield aside slightly. He could clearly see the wrong and shocked faces on the faces of She Feihu and Qin Zitan on the opposite side. He knew that they already understood the plan, and said loudly: " The second son wants to fight, and I will wait for you to come out of the fortress. The terrain in front of the fortress is narrow, and there is not too much bravery. The military **** followed and shouted: "Kou Bing, please retreat, make room, and die!"

She Feihu is not that stupid, but the soldiers of Changshan Island are so loud, and the formation of the front row here will make the following people suspicious that the enemy will take advantage.

On the slopes in the forest, the space is limited, and there is not much room for maneuvering. If you retreat lightly here, the soldiers of Changshan Island will rush towards them with all their strength, which is likely to cause the entire army here to collapse. There wasn't even time to take a breath, let alone drastically adjust the deployment.

Of course, Ning Zechen was also unceremonious. He ordered the attack, and in the blink of an eye, they fought together.

The eight hundred elite soldiers of Fengli Camp hid in Changshan Island for half a month.

To the north of Nanya Camp is a ramp about 100 paces wide. On the right is a rugged woodland with craggy rocks. Only a few people can pass through it at a time. On the left is a lake. Although the terrain of the **** is quite flat, it cannot provide the advantage of the terrain, but on the **** of less than 100 paces, no amount of enemy troops will be able to exert their strength.

As long as you push the bandits to the north and push them to the edge of the dense forest on the north side, so that two or three thousand bandits cannot be spread out, then the enemy formation will collapse.

She Feihu is not the beginning of the battlefield. He expected that even if Lin Bie was hiding in Changshan Island, there would not be too many soldiers in ambush, UU reading www. uukanshu.com He still has 25,600 complete combat power on the north slope. He can't retreat lightly when the ambush is swooping, so he can only attack and attack again, and take down the south cliff camp in one go, which will naturally eliminate the current ambush. crisis.

Although there were nearly 3,000 soldiers and horses on the Southwest Beach outside the forest, it was only too many soldiers and crowded. Of course, She Feihu did not dare to send in more troops, and the weather was getting darker, which was even more unfavorable for them.

She Feihu was unwilling to lose, so Qin Zitan first went out of the forest to contact Cheng Yiqun, stabilize his position, and be careful of sea raiders. , he wants to let Lin Fuxiao'er know that in the face of absolute force, any conspiracy and tricks will not work.

Qin Zitan has no power to tie the chicken, and here is just a fierce battle of life and death. There is no place for him. Surrounded by several guards, he walked to the forest road, and went to Southeast Beach to contact Cheng Yiqun. As soon as I reached the entrance of Lindao, I heard the sound of swordsmen and saw the queen who was not much on duty in Lindao withdraw, and shouted in panic, "There are soldiers in ambush in the forest!"

How could there still be ambushes on the island? She Feihu is not a first-time brother on the battlefield, and Changshan Island is not big, and it doesn't take long to search the whole island. How could Jiangdong Zuojun hide in the woods without realizing it for a day?

Without waiting for Qin Zitan to think about it, many Jian Jiawu soldiers rushed out from the forest face to face. With a flash of cold light, he subconsciously raised his hand to block it, but he didn't feel anything. - If he hadn't dragged a guard behind him in time, he would have split his forehead with the next blow. Qin Zitan subconsciously thought that the soldiers from Changshan Island had a secret passage, and there would never be many soldiers in ambush in the forest. It's just that the severe pain of the severed arm broke his consciousness at this time, and when he completely lost consciousness, he only heard the chaos of the collapse of the back line - defeated. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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