Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 102: Horned Changshan Island

(The second one is coming!)

After Qin Zitan and She Feihu joined the reinforcements from Daishan Island, they waited in the middle of the night on Wenqin Island in the west of Daishan, waiting for the southwest wind to blow before arriving at Daheng Island - Jiangdong when the sun was rising from the east. The boatmen of the Zuo Army had already withdrawn from the siege, and the mouth of the northwestern Luwankou of Jinji Mountain was a mess. Several hulls were sunk on the shoal with only charred hulls left. The air was still filled with the smell of kerosene and burning wood.

The camp fort on Cape Island in the port is only left with broken walls. All the stone walls on the southeast side of the camp have collapsed, and the bodies have been cleaned up, but the reefs, broken walls and broken stone walls are full of splashes Dark brown bloodstains.

Due to the severe destruction of the camp, Cape Island had almost no place to stand, and the remaining defenders after the war camped on the south bank.

There was a sea falcon in the shallows between the camp and the south bank. The cabin was scorched, a large hole was exposed in the bow, and only a corner of the battle flags were inserted on the broad side, and the original It looks like it, but there is no sea falcon ship on Daheng Island. This should be a warship sunk by the Jiangdong Zuo Army - there are also several broken masts lying on the beach.

Qin Zitan followed She Feihu to the south bank of the outer port, and then walked to the shoal to land on the headland. At this time, he saw that the situation in the inner port was several times more ruthless and miserable - there were wrecks of the Jiangdong Zuojun warship sunk in the shoal. More are the wreckage of the warship that was burned and sunk by Daheng Island. The water in the inner harbor is full of broken masts, shipboards, battle flags, armor, swords, guns, shields and crossbows. The south bank is filled with wood piles. The simple dock that was built also collapsed in a large area, and it was ruined. At the shoal, there are more than a dozen corpses floating and sinking in the water. In addition to the relatively clear water surface washed out by the upstream stream in the inner harbour, the shoals on both sides of the shoal are full of red bloodstains and large areas of oil, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Can't see how many people died in this battle last night.


At the end of September, Qin Zitan finally went to sea with the luxury flying tiger, leaving Du Cheli to assist Xu Zhong in defending the Hecheng Fortress. He wanted to wait for the situation in eastern Zhejiang to become clear, and then plan for Chongzhou. Great Yoko Island.

Although Su Tingzhan finally defended Daheng Island, but looking at the tragic situation in front of him, it seems that he cannot be called a victory. There are still more than a dozen corpses in the shoal that have not had time to be buried. It can be seen that the armor and clothing are all defenders of Daheng Island. Since the Jiangdong Zuojun can calmly take the bodies of the soldiers who died in the battle when they leave, it shows that the Jiangdong Zuojun has already retreated from the siege. Complete control of the inner port, but failed to capture the fort on the shore.

Su Tingzhan came over, bowed his hands to She Feihu, and said in a hoarse voice, "Second son..." His left arm and right shoulder were wrapped in white cloth, with dark red blood oozing out, his face pale due to blood loss, and all the soldiers beside him He was also wounded many times. In the battle of defending the island, Su Tingzhan and his personal guards, as the master of Daheng Island, went into battle in person, and then the Jiangdong Zuo Army who was in the future was repelled, which shows the intensity of this battle.

"It's the last commander who underestimated the enemy," Su Tingzhan's hoarse voice, recalling the battle that lasted from dusk to the dawn of today, felt blood dripping in his heart. Tell She Feihu and others about the details of the First World War, "The Jiangdong Zuo Army first seized the outer port, put catapults on board, nearly 20 catapults, and stormed the Cape Island Camp Fort together. The bed crossbow on the top of Yujia Island's camp fort was almost useless, and it was completely destroyed, and the warship hidden in the inner port was forced to rush into battle..."

In the battle last night, although the Jiangdong Zuo Army was finally repelled, the warships that stayed on Daheng Island were completely destroyed except for a few sentry ships that did not withdraw into the inner port. Can you have a good face?

Although Qin Zitan didn't know how the Jiangdong Zuo Army managed to place the cumbersome catapult on the deck of the warship to fire stone bullets, but after listening to Su Tingzhan's description, it was not difficult to imagine the tragic battle last night.

The surrounding area of ​​this bay is rocky and rocky, and the terrain is extremely rugged. On the southeast side, there is only a small passage leading to the opposite side of the island. Therefore, when building a fort on the island of Wankou, I did not consider that it would be attacked by catapults.

Although it was built with stones from local materials, the walls of the camp fort were much thinner than regular cities. For example, Chongzhou New City is based on strips of stone, with blue bricks on the outside, and three-heap soil filled with rammed soil layer by layer, up to 30 feet thick. Such a sturdy city wall might collapse if dozens of large catapults were smashed all night long for ten or twenty days, not to mention the stone wall of Cape Island Camp Fort was only three or four feet thick.

In order to limit the entry of enemy ships, the camp fort was built with a height of 40 feet. While increasing the height, it also increased the bomb receiving surface. Above the camp fort, there are only crenelated walls, and there is no war shed to block the arrow stones to attack by projectiles. Once the bed crossbow on the top of the camp fort is smashed and unable to fight back, the camp fort becomes a living target for catapults— —

Once the camp fort blocking the estuary of the inner port cannot function under the suppression of catapults, and even if it persists for less than two hours, the stone wall on the east side of the camp will collapse, and it is not difficult to imagine what the next water battle will be like. tragic situation.

First, Su Tingzhan did not prepare for the water battle at the beginning, and dispatched soldiers to go ashore to defend, and the force of the warships to prepare for the battle was seriously insufficient. The second is that the exit estuary of the inner port is more than 200 steps wide. When seventy or eighty warships rushed to the battle, when the outer port was already occupied by the Jiangdong Zuo army, the advantage of the small and flexible ships could not be exerted at all. The army's large warships cooperated with small and medium-sized warships.

When the defense line of the estuary of the inner port finally broke through, and a large number of warships suppressed the inner side of the inner port and could not move, it gave the Jiangdong Zuo army the opportunity to attack with fire...

"I didn't expect Jiangdong Zuo Army to have such a sharp tactics," Qin Zitan sighed inwardly, and had to admit to the second son of his previous miscalculation. They divided their troops from Hecheng and made Lin Fu mobilize boatmen to attack Daheng Island. At that time, there were still surplus troops left behind in Chongzhou, he frowned and said, "Lin Fu's move is to destroy all the simple ports of our army on the islands of Shengsi, Daishan, and Tushan, and destroy our warships. All of them will be expelled back to the main island of Changguo... The situation in Hecheng is not optimistic, are you concentrating forces to pick up Xu Zhong and Cheli from Hecheng?"

She Feihu’s original intention to leave Jiangning to go to sea was not to compete with his brother for control of the situation in the East China Sea—he couldn’t compete—he wanted to occupy Hecheng, use Hecheng as a stronghold to develop the forces on the northern front, and contain the Jiangdong Zuo Army The expansion force of the two Huaihe Rivers, attacked the salt administration of the two Huaihe Rivers, threatened Huaikou, attacked the grain transport ships from Huaikou to Jiaozhou Bay, and destroyed the Jinhai grain road that the Dayue Dynasty relied on to save their lives at this time.

She Feihu wants to achieve this strategic purpose he envisioned, and the Jiangdong Left Army has a very strong defense capability in Chongzhou. Apart from Yancang, there is almost nothing else in the Huainan Salt District*—at least to form a force in Hecheng. After that, the Shengsi Islands should be used as the backing, and the initial soldiers, supplies, food, grass, and armor should be supplemented from the Shengsi Islands, from the main island of Changguo, and even from Jin'an, which is thousands of miles away.

Although I don't worry about the loss of Hecheng in the short term, last night's battle showed that under the deterrence of the strong sailors of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, let alone the warships crossing the Shengsi Islands and Jiangkou to the north, even if they docked at the Shengsi Islands, it would be very unsafe. matter.

Even if he barely defended Hecheng, it would be a lonely place, a dead place, without the potential to develop power, and at any time there is a danger of being conquered and destroyed by the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

At this time, it is not a wise act to forcefully defend Hecheng. Taking advantage of the Jiangdong Zuo army also needs to rest, it is the top priority to concentrate troops to take out the defenders of Hecheng Fortress.

She Feihu clenched his fists. He knew that Qin Zitan's suggestion was wise. There are defeats and victories in the war, which is nothing. The key is not to lose all the family at once, but to withdraw troops from Hecheng like this, what do you want him to do? willing?

Seeing that She Feihu's lips were bitten and oozing blood, Qin Zitan also knew how difficult it was for him to make such a decision. He gave Su Tingzhan a wink and asked him to show him the battlefield elsewhere. , Leave She Feihu behind and let him calm down and think about it.

Last night, the battle at Bay Harbor was intense, but after the Jiangdong Zuo Army landed on the shore, the offensive was very reluctant. After a few attacks, they gave up in despair. , the wise man does not do it - but thousands of casualties and more than 70 loach boats were destroyed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Anyone will feel heartache if they change it. If you are trapped on Daheng Island, you can't even walk an inch. On the sea, boats are the feet!

Qin Zitan and Su Tingzhan went back to Cape Island on the south bank, and She Feihu was rushing to send someone to find them: "I think, I don't have to give up Hecheng - Hecheng is worry-free for the time being, and the situation in eastern Zhejiang will further develop in the future. Clearly, as far as the long-term situation is concerned, it is impossible for the Zuoer forces of the Jiangdong left army to compete with our army in the sea, and now it is just that a large number of warships of our army cannot escape and go north. What we are worried about is that the city of Hecheng is relatively isolated and hangs in the north. , and was surrounded by Chongzhou, and the sea route from Shengsi to Hecheng had to pass through the Jiangkou where the Jiangdong Left Army was garrisoned, which was inconvenient. However, to truly operate Hecheng as a stronghold on the northern line that is conducive to development and achieve our desired strategic goals, We just need to find another strategic location near Crane City that can be used as a horn, and we can make the situation in the early stage of Crane City live…”

Qin Zitan didn't expect the second son's quarrel to be so deep. He frowned and thought about his thoughts. Su Tingzhan flashed a thought and said, "The second son mentioned this strategic location, but I think of one..."

"Where?" She Feihu asked.

"Changshan Island," Su Tingzhan said, "is almost east of the north of Daheng Island, just east of Hecheng, about 178 miles away from Hecheng, and about 260 from Shengsi Island. There, it is occupied by a force called Donghaihu. There are about five or six hundred people. They live on salt boats. They seem to have colluded with Lianghuai Yanxiao and have always refused to join in. Although Changshan Island has a good terrain, it is The location of Changshan Island is to the east, and it is an isolated island, and it has not taken any effort to collect it..."

She Feihu and Qin Zitan knew about the existence of Changshan Island, but their understanding of the situation was not as detailed as Su Tingzhan's. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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